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BSE Related Statements
 Statement of Samples Taken from the Three Animals Depopulated in the Second Mabton, WA Facility

(Feb. 5, 2004) Samples taken from the three animals depopulated in the second Mabton, WA facility have tested negative. Samples taken from the Mabton index herd, the herds in Mattawa, Connell, Boardman, Quincy, Tenino, Moxee, Othello, and Burley have tested negative for BSE. To date, there have been a total of 255 samples taken; all samples have tested negative for BSE.

 Statement of Foreign Animal and Poultry Disease Advisory Committee

(Feb. 4, 2004) The International Review Subcommittee of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Foreign Animal and Poultry Diseases presented the results of their review of USDA's BSE response to the full Committee.

 Statement of 15 Animals of Interest That Were Euthanized and Sampled from the Moxee, WA Facility

(Feb. 3, 2004) Fifteen animals of interest were euthanized and sampled from the Moxee, WA facility. In addition to this facility, USDA has previously conducted selective depopulation activities at these facilities.

 Statement of 3 Animals of Interest That Were Euthanized and Sampled from the Second Mabton, WA Facility

(Feb. 2, 2004) Three animals of interest were euthanized and sampled from the second Mabton, WA facility. The facility has been released from quarantine. In addition to this facility, USDA has previously conducted selective depopulation activities at these facilities.

 Statement of 15 Animals of Interest That Were Euthanized and Sampled from the Moxee, WA Facility

(Jan. 28, 2004) Fifteen animals of interest were euthanized and sampled from the Moxee, WA facility. In addition to this facility, USDA has previously conducted selective depopulation activities at these facilities.

 Statement of 18 Animals of Interest That Were Euthanized and Sampled from the Quincy, WA Facility

(Jan. 27, 2004) Eighteen animals of interest were euthanized and sampled from the Quincy, WA, facility. Four animals of interest were euthanized and sampled at the Tenino, WA, facility. In addition to these two facilities, USDA has previously conducted selective depopulation activities at these facilities.

 Statement of Guidelines on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) issued by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)

(Jan. 26, 2004) Guidelines on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) issued by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the international animal heath standard setting organization, state that animals born on a premises within one year (before or after) of a BSE-affected animal can be considered of significant interest to the country reporting the BSE detection. to the 26 cattle already located, an additional animal has been located at a facility in Moxee, Washington. The State has placed a hold on the facility. In total, 27 of the 81 cattle that came from Canada have been located.

 Statement of USDA's Investigation Into the 81 Cattle That Came from Canada

(Jan. 23, 2004) USDA's investigation into the 81 cattle that came from Canada continues. In addition to the 26 cattle already located, an additional animal has been located at a facility in Moxee, Washington. The State has placed a hold on the facility. In total, 27 of the 81 cattle that came from Canada have been located.

 Statement of USDA's Investigation Into the 81 Cattle That Came from Canada

(Jan. 22, 2004) USDA's investigation into the 81 cattle that came from Canada continues. In total, 23 of the 81 cattle that came from Canada have been located.

 Statement of USDA Personnel Locating Animal Part of Group of 17 Heifers

(Jan. 21, 2004) USDA personnel have located another animal that is part of a group of 17 heifers originally dispersed from the Canadian source herd in August 2001. The animal was found at a Boardman, Oregon, facility.

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