U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Senate Approves Legislation to Implement the U.S.-Russian Polar Bear Treaty
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate today unanimously approved S. 2013, the United States-Russia Polar Bear Conservation and Management Implementation Act. This bill, which implements the provisions of a bilateral treaty between the United States and Russia on the Conservation and Management of the Alaska-Chukotka Polar Bear Population (“Polar Bear Agreement”), was introduced by Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and is cosponsored by Committee Co-Chairman Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska).
S. 2013 will amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act by adding provisions to implement and enforce the Polar Bear Agreement.  It prohibits the possession, import, export, transport, sale, receipt, acquisition, or purchase of any polar bear (or any part or product thereof) that is taken in violation of the Treaty, and provides for enforcement of violations.  It also establishes a process by which one representative of the United States government and one representative of the Native people of Alaska will be appointed to serve on the bi-national U.S. and Russian Polar Bear Commission established by the Polar Bear Agreement.  This Commission will determine annual take limits and the adoption of other measures to restrict the taking of polar bears for subsistence purposes.   The Commission will also identify polar bear habitats and “develop recommendations for habitat conservation measures.”  
Upon passage, the Senate adopted an amendment which made adjustments to the authorization language contained in the bill as approved by the Senate Commerce Committee in November of 2005. The amendment authorizes $1 million for the Secretary of the Interior, $150,000 for the Polar Bear Commission, and $150,000 for the Alaskan Cooperative Management Program to oversee conservation management and subsistence harvests in Alaska . These amounts are authorized annually for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.

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June 2006 Press Releases  « May | July »   « 2005 | 2007 » 
28th -  Committee Approves Communications Reform Bill
27th -  Congress Sends Coast Guard Reauthorization Bill to President
26th -  Chairman Stevens' Opening Statement at the Communications Reform Bill Markup
23rd -  Chairman Stevens Commends Secretary Mineta for His Impact on Transportation Sector
22nd -  Chairman Stevens Applauds Committee Members for Bipartisan Leadership on Interoperability Funding
19th -  Chairman Stevens Highlights Bipartisan Approach in Passing Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
19th -  Senate Approves Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
7th -  Chairman Stevens Addresses NCTA Key Contacts Breakfast
6th -  current Press Release
5th -  NOAA Honors Stevens with 2006 Special Recognition Award
1st -  Senate Surface Transportation Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Freight Railroad Service, Capacity
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