FAS Online logo Index of MAP Program Notices
MAP08002 2008 General Pay Scale January 22, 2008
  Use this pay scale to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors, and consultants.  The maximum daily gross salary is $475.36 per day.
MAP08001 One Year Extension of Graduation Period for Program Year 2007 December 27, 2007
  FAS has determined that certain approved international trade show activities in foreign countries may be exempt from the graduation requirement.
MAP07005 Reimbursable Domestic Trade Shows - Program Years 2007 and 2008 December 28, 2007
  A list of approved domestic trade shows eligible for MAP reimbursement.
MAP07004 Waiver of U.S. Origin Labeling Requirements for MAP Brand Participants July 5, 2007
  MAP brand program participants granted temporary exemption from the U.S. origin labeling requirement.
MAP07003 One Year Extension of Graduation Period for Program Years 2003/2004, 2004/2005, and 2005/2006 June 19, 2007
  FAS has determined that certain approved international trade show activities in foreign countries may be exempt from the graduation requirement.
MAP07002 OMB Circular A-133 Audits March 1, 2007
  All program participants are required to provide copies of completed A-133 Audits.
MAP07001 2007 General Pay Scale January 12, 2007
  Use this pay scale to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $463.76 per day.
MAP06003 Waiver of U.S. Origin labeling Requirements for MAP Brand Participants June 09, 2006
  MAP brand program participants granted temporary exemption from the U.S. origin labeling requirement.
MAP06002 Reimbursement of Travel Costs in the U.S. January 31, 2006
  MAP and FMD program participants are authorized to seek reimbursement of travel and per diem expenses of ONE home office employee, state department of agriculture employee OR participant board member to accompany foreign trade missions and technical teams while traveling in the United States.
MAP06001 2006 General Pay Scale January 20, 2006
Use this pay scale to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $456 per day.
MAP05007 MAP Advance Payments August 16, 2005
  This notice is to clarify the rule governing advance payments to MAP participants for generic promotion activities (7 CFR 1485.18(b)).
MAP05005 Program Regulations and Policies Regarding Contracting and Conflict of Interest May 16, 2005
  MAP participants and FMD cooperators that enter into third-party contracts are reminded of the following regulations and policies that govern such contracts.
MAP05004 Collection and Retention of Cancelled Checks May 12, 2005
  Financial institutions have adopted policies of not returning cancelled checks to account holders.  Program participants need not seek to acquire and retain program related cancelled checks as proof of payment.  See program notice for further details.
MAP05003 Waiver of U.S. Origin Labeling Requirements for MAP Brand Participants March 9, 2005
  U.S. companies participating in the MAP brand program are granted a temporary exemption from the U.S. origin labeling requirement for activities conducted in specific countries.
MAP05002 2005 General Pay Scale  
  Use this pay scale to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $446.64 per day.
MAP05001 Expenditures Associated with Coupon or Other Price Discounts February 4, 2005
  CCC will not reimburse any cost of coupon redemptions or price discounts.
  Notice of Funds Availability: Inviting Applications for the Market Access Program (2005/2006 Program; Federal Register) January 13, 2005
  Deadline was March 14, 2005.  
  FAS Response to OMB Circular A-133 October 25, 2004
  FAS postpones the effect date of the notice issued July 14, 2004.
  OMB Circular A-133 July 14, 2004
  Organizations who expend $500,000 or more of Federal funds in a year need to comply with OMB Circular A-133.
MAP04003 Waiver Of U.S. Origin Label April 26, 2004
  U.S. companies participating in the MAP brand program are granted a temporary exemption from the U.S. origin of labeling requirements for activities conducted in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Syria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
MAP04002 Brand Company Graduates February 24, 2004
  A list of brand companies who have graduated in program year 2001and a list of potential brand company graduates in program year 2002.  The list is not for public distribution.  A Please contact the Marketing Operations Staff for further information.
MAP04001 2004 General Schedule Pay Scale March 8, 2004
  Use this pay scale to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $435.76 per day.
MAP03006 Reimbursement of Telephone Calls and Internet Expenses November 18, 2003
  FAS clarifies the eligibility of telephone call made and internet expenses incurred while on travel.
MAP03005 Extension of Graduation Period for Foreign Trade Shows May 27, 2003
  FAS has determined that certain approved international trade show activities in foreign countries may be exempt from the graduation requirement.
MAP03004 Reimbursement of Travel Costs for Eligible Trade Missions May 27, 2003
  Reimbursement of travel and per diem expenses for brand companies participating in foreign trade missions must meet the conditions listed in MAP 03-004 program notice.
MAP03002 2003 General Schedule Pay Scale January 8, 2003
  Use this pay scale to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $424.24 per day.
MAP03001 Brand Company Graduates January 7, 2003
  A list of Brand Companies graduates and potential graduates from the MAP program  The list is not for public distribution.  A Please contact the Marketing Operations Staff for further information. 
MAP02004 Electronic Ticketing for Airline Travel ("E-Tickets") November 19, 2002
  Guidance concerning the reimbursement of electronic ticketing ("E-Tickets") for airline travel.
MAP02003 Compensation and Allowances September 26, 2002
  This notice is to clarify the provisions found in 7 CFR 1484.54(b)(11) and 7 CFR 1485.16(c)(1) concerning the reimbursement of compensation and allowances under the Foreign Market Development Cooperator (Cooperator) Program and the Market Access Program (MAP), respectively.
MAP02002 Contribution Report Website March 5, 2002
  Announcement of the on-line end-of-year contribution report website.
MAP02001 2002 General Schedule Pay Scale January 14, 2002
  Use this schedule to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $411.52 per day.
MAP01004 U.S. Pavilions at International Trade Shows September 10, 2001
  CCC funds will only be used to reimburse eligible trade show expenses for FMD Cooperators and MAP participants or companies located within a U.S. pavilion.
MAP01003 Reimbursable Internet Costs July 17, 2001
  FAS may reimburse up to 100 percent of specified Internet costs.
MAP01002 World Trade Atlas April 20, 2001
  FAS authorizes reimbursement up to 50 percent of the cost to access the World Trade Atlas information.
MAP00009 2001 General Schedule Pay Scale December 19, 2000
  This schedule should be used to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $397.20 per day.
MAP00008 Duplicate Activity Codes August 14, 2000
  Criteria for Duplicate Activity Codes.
MAP00007 Activity Status Report July 7, 2000
  The monthly Activity Status Report is now available online.
MAP00006 Brand Company Graduates May 1, 2000
  A list of graduated Brand Companies and potential graduates from the MAP program in a given country.
MAP00005 Market Development Activities in Iran, Libya, Sudan and Cuba April 6, 2000
  Policy and procedures for proposing market development activities in Iran, Libya, Sudan, and Cuba.
MAP00004 Program Advance Procedures March 20, 2000
  Requirements for requesting program advances
MAP00003 Use of Discounted Airline Tickets February 25, 2000
  CCC will reimburse the costs of discounted airline tickets
MAP00002 Changes To Federal Travel Regulations February 1, 2000
  Program notice lists changes in per diem rates for OCONUS and new mileage rates for POA.
MAP00001 End-Of-Year Contribution Format January 11, 2000
  This notice serves as a reminder of the new MAP Contribution format.
MAP99011 2000 General Schedule Pay Scale December 23, 1999
  This schedule should be used to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $386.80 per day.
MAP99010 Year 2000 Shutdown of FAS' Server November 3, 1999
  MAP reimbursement claims will be affected by FAS' shutdown of the LAN server for Y2K testing. To accommodate MAP participants whose 1998 reimbursement period ends December 31, 1999, FAS will extend the reimbursement due date to January 3, 2000.
MAP99009 Personal Phone Calls by Travelers September 3, 1999
  Communicates FAS's policy concerning reimbursement for authorized telephone calls while in a travel status.
MAP99008 Brand Company Size Certification August 5, 1999
  Brand company size certification procedure and sample brand company size certification form
MAP99007 Regional Activities August 3, 1999
  New procedures for requesting reimbursement for regional activities
MAP99006 MAP Advance Format August 3, 1999
  New procedures for requesting advances
MAP99005 Brand Company Graduates Sept. 9, 1999
  MOS has identified twenty-six (26) companies that have graduated from the MAP in a particular country and forty (40) companies that have expended funds for four years and have one year of eligibility remaining in 1998.
MAP99004 Automated Clearing House (ACH) Form April 6, 1999
  Implementation of ACH payment for MAP reimbursement claims and instructions for completing enrollment form SF-3881.
MAP99003 Brand Participant Trade Show Travel March 1, 1999
  Policy regarding who is qualified as a representative for brand participants.
MAP99002 List of Restricted Countries February 8, 1999
  This list of countries that MAP & FMD funded activities should not be executed.
MAP99001 Activity Status Report January 28, 1999
  MOS is working with FAS computer programming staff to revise the Activity Status report.
MAP98020 1999 General Schedule Pay Scale December 15, 1998
  This schedule should be used to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $372.56 per day.
MAP98019 Documentation Required to Support Reimbursement Claims Involving Credit Memos December 11, 1998
  A list of documents that are required to be kept on file for 5 years by MAP participants and individual companies when using credit memos for documentation to support reimbursement claims.
MAP98018 End-of-Year Contribution Report November 16, 1998
  Simplified MAP contribution report format for the 1998 program year.
MAP98017 Use of Wireless Phones November 4, 1998
  FAS will reimburse the cost of wireless phone airtime devoted to program activities.
MAP98016 Electronic Payment of Reimbursement Claims September 18, 1998
  The Debt Collection Act of 1996 requires all Federal payments to be made by electronic fund transfer (EFT). Included with the program notice are the procedures for applying EFT.
MAP98015 Electronic Submittal of Expense Claims September 15, 1998
  FAS encourages Trade Organizations to sign up for the electronic submittal of Expense Claims. A internet expense claim handbook is attached.
MAP98013 Procedures for Travel by Non-FAS USDA Travelers September 18, 1998
  Listed are the procedures non-FAS USDA travelers should follow to request reimbursement of travel expenses.
MAP98012 Use of Discounted Airlines Tickets September 1, 1998
  FAS will only reimburse cooperators/participants for the amount shown on the passenger receipt.
MAP98011 Brand Company Activities August 3, 1998
  Reallocation of brand promotion funds to a specific country and brand company.
MAP98010 Insurance Coverage for Capital Goods July 30, 1998
  All Participants are required to insure all capital goods.
MAP98009 Revised Market Access Program Regulations August 3, 1998
  Attached is the revised MAP regulations that includes the corrections to page 11.
MAP98009 Market Access Program Regulations July 22, 1998
  Attached is the Final Rule that incorporates all amendments to the Market Access Program.
MAP98008 1998 MAP Handbook for Reimbursement July 13, 1998
  Attached is a handbook which will guide you through submitting claims on paper or electronically.
MAP98007 Size Certification Statement for Brand Companies July 10, 1998
  All small-size U.S. companies must certify in writing that they meet SBA size standards. Sample certification statement is attached.
MAP98006 Submission of End-of-Year Contribution Report Mar 27,1998
  All EOY reports must be submitted directly to MOS with a copy to the appropriate commodity division.
MAP98005 End-of-Year Contribution Report Mar 20,1998
  Program participants with overdue EOY contribution reports must submit their reports to MOS by March 27, 1998, otherwise all payments for reimbursement claims will be suspended.
MAP98004 OMB Circular A-133 Feb 12, 1998
. FAS continues to operate under the legal opinion of the Office of the General Counsel that OMB Circular A-133 is not applicable to the MAP and FMD Programs
MAP98003 Refund Checks Feb 12, 1998
  All refund checks must be accompanied by adequate documentation to ensure proper crediting to program activities and accounts. Make the check payable to the Commodity Credit Corporation. Attach a reimbursement claim which includes the appropriate activity number, commodity aggregate, country or region code, cost category and the amount to be credited (shown as a negative dollar value). Claim should be assigned the next sequential number in the Participant's program. A separate claim must be submitted for each year included in the refund.
MAP98002 1998 General Schedule Pay Scale Jan 22, 1998
  This schedule should be used to calculate allowable pay rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The maximum daily gross salary is $361.44 per day.
MAP98001 Program Notice New Numbering System Jan 21, 1998
  New numbering system identifies program, program year and sequence of notice.
MAP97028 Size Certification of Companies Participating in Brand Promotions Dec 24, 1997
  Beginning with the 1998 program, only cooperatives and small-sized U.S. companies, as defined by the SBA regulations (13 CFR part 121) are eligible for reimbursements under branded promotions.
MAP97027 E-mail Addresses Dec 17, 1997
  Marketing Operations Staff is creating an e-mail and fax distribution list and needs current numbers from participants.
MAP011 Listing of Restricted Countries Dec 17, 1997
  Restricted countries include: Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, N. Korea, & Sudan.
MAP97026 Reimbursement Claims of Less Than $10,000 Oct 8, 1997
  Reminder that regulations provide that CCC will not reimburse claims for less than $10,000 unless it is the final claim of the activity.
MAP97025 Changes in Travel Regulations Jun 26, 1997
  The Federal Travel Regulations were amended, effective Dec 27, 1996, changing the way meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) are calculated, per diem for less than 12 hours, and increased the ceiling for actual subsistence to 300 % of max per diem in special circumstances.
MAP97024 E-Mail of facsimile Submission of APAR's and MPAR's Jun 27, 1997
  FAS will accept Activity Plan Amendment Requests (APAR) and Marketing Plan Amendment Requests (MPAR) via e-mail or facsimile to the appropriate Commodity Division and Attaché/Counselor(s) provided they adhere to the required format and contain the necessary information.
MAP97023 China, Hong Kong, Zaire Jun 19, 1997
  How participants and cooperators should report FMD and MAP activity information for Hong Kong, China and the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire.
MAP97022 Trip Report Format Jun 18, 1997
  A simplified and uniform format for MAP and FMD trip reports.
MAP97021 Civil Rights Self Certification Evaluation Checklist May 22, 1997
  Each cooperator and participant is also required to complete a civil rights self-certification evaluation checklist which serves as a guide to ensure that you and your staff are aware of the program's nondiscrimination requirements.
MAP97020 Origin Identification May 16, 1997
  Clarification of acceptable origin identifications in the MAP Branded Program
MAP97019 Elimination of Cost Categories for Brand Activities May 2, 1997
  FAS will no longer require MAP participants to breakout brand company budgets into 3 cost categories - promotional, trade shows, or advertising.
MAP97018 Updated Instructions for Annual Submission of P.L. 480 and Export Credit Apr 24, 1997
  Requesting FY 1998 recommendations for GSM-102, GSM-103 and the Supplier Credit Guarantee Program (SCGP); and FY 1998 and FY 1999 P.L. 480 programming recommendations.
MAP97017 Reimbursable Internet Costs Mar 27, 1997
  FAS will authorize reimbursement of up to 50 percent of the costs of developing, updating, and servicing non-branded websites under certain conditions.
MAP97016 Guidelines for Sales and Trade Relations Expenses Mar 27, 1997
  The American Embassy representational spending guidelines as a basis for auditing STRE claims. These written guidelines should be available from the Administrative Counselor in the American Embassy.
MAP97015 Cooperator and Participant Overseas Travel Feb 27, 1997
  Failure to provide advance notification of travel to the Attaché/Counselor in the destination country may result in disallowance of expenses related to the travel. Future reports of failure to notify FAS posts of planned travel will be reported to the Compliance Review Staff to ensure disallowance of related travel claims.
MAP97014 1997 General Schedule Pay Scale Jan 23, 1997
  This schedule should be used to calculate allowable rates for employees, contractors and consultants. The current maximum daily rate is $354.00.
MAP97013 End of Year Reports Jan 14, 1997
  Regulations require each program participant to submit End-Of-Year (EOY) contribution reports no later than January 31 following the end of the marketing plan year. FAS will suspend payment of expenses for any program participant for which EOY contribution reports have not been received in the Marketing Operations Staff by the required date.
MAP97012 MAP Reimbursement Materials Jan 27, 1997
  Lotus spreadsheet will no longer be provided as part of the reimbursement notification package. The USAM generated participant report should now be used to reconcile budget information.
MAP97011 Generic versus Brand Promotions Jan 16, 1997
  MAP funds may only be spent on the generic aspects of a campaign. Any item that references a single company or brand would be considered a brand promotion.
MAP97010 Assignment of Program Specialists Nov 15, 1996
  Each program specialist in MOS is now assigned to specific participants to handle all fiscal details relating to agreements, approval letters, amendments, reimbursements, advances, refunds, signature cards, etc. Attached is a listing of participants by program specialist. Any questions about fiscal matters should be directed accordingly.
MAP97009 Procedures for Travel by Non-FAS USDA Travelers Jun 20, 1996
  Submit for prior approval the necessary information regarding participation of USDA personnel in approved activities.
MAP97008 Reimbursement Rules for Expenditures May 13,1995
  Clarification relating to the timing and eligibility of expenses for reimbursement.
MAP97007 Streamlining Administration of the FMD and MAP Feb 26, 1996
  Highlights of some of the administrative changes implemented to reduce paperwork and eliminate restrictive policies: all plan approval letters are now signed by the Division Director; Division Directors have the authority to make decisions concerning shifts in country budget ceilings changes; all MPAR's and APAR's are signed by the Division Director; no longer a 10-day waiting period for comments or approval of amendments.
MAP97006 Contracting Standards and Procedures Mar 13, 1996
  Participants must adhere to the requirements set forth in 7 CFR 1485.23(c). At a minimum, For contracts valued at $25,000 or more per annum, participants should obtain at least 3 competitive bids and rebid all contracts at least every 3 years. For contracts valued at less than $25,000 per annum, participants should ensure that the costs constitute an economical and effective use of MAP resources. FAS encourages participants to extend this policy to third party contracts.
MAP97004 Brand Company Expenses in the United States Sep 22, 1995
  Brand companies are allowed to use MAP funds for GENERIC promotion activities only, CCC will reimburse, in whole or in part, expenditures associated with trade shows, seminars and educational training conducted in the United States (Reference 1485.16(c)(25) of the final rule).
MAP97003 Listing of Restricted Countries Dec 17, 1997
  The list of restricted countries includes; Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, N. Korea, & Sudan.
MAP97002 Promotional Items in the MAP Program May 30, 1995
  FAS will reimburse up to $1.00 per promotional item provided the following conditions are met: 1) the items are described in detail with a per unit cost in an approved activity plan or amendment and 2) distribution of the promotional item is not contingent upon the consumer, or other target audience, purchasing a good or service to receive the promotional item.
MAP97001 Electronic Fund Transfer System May 30, 1995
  Participants are strongly encouraged to use the USDA Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) system which automatically credits FAS and CCC payments directly to your financial institution in lieu of mailing a check. The Participant must notify the Marketing Operations Staff in writing that they plan to use EFT. Provide your nine digit bank ABA number (routing number); participant's bank account number; and the name of the bank with telephone number.


Last modified: Tuesday, November 04, 2003