National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 570] Re: Focus on Basics information

Susan Reid sreid at
Thu Nov 30 13:49:04 EST 2006

Hello Barbara
Here in New Zealand I have always looked forward to the new issue of Focus on Basics. Even though the contexts might be slightly different from our own there was much to share and ponder about the stories and voices that populated Focus on Basics.
I have always forwarded on Focus on Basics through Workbase's electronic monthly newsletter and through the New Zealand Literacy portal.
I have used the articles in both internal and external professional development and for my own reflection
Thank you so much for all your hard work and the time that contributors and editors gave to this important endeavour

It is indeed a sad time for the sector not just in the US but internationally

Kind regards Susan Reid
Workbase the New Zealand Centre for Workforce Literacy Development <>


From: focusonbasics-bounces at on behalf of Barbara Garner
Sent: Thu 30/11/2006 6:01 a.m.
To: focusonbasics at
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 564] Focus on Basics information

After ten years of research and development, the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) project is coming to an end. NCSALL's dissemination efforts will end in March 2007. The Web site ( will remain available for free downloading of NCSALL materials.

Due to our limited budget, we have discontinued the production of Focus on Basic:
&#61607; Volume 8, Issue B, "Learners' Experiences" was the last issue published in print.
Subscribers: Your subscription(s) of "Focus on Basics" ends with this issue and we will issue a refund for undelivered issue(s). You will receive an email from Caye Caplan that will explain how to file for a refund.
&#61607; Volume 8, Issue C, "Self-Study, Health, GED to Postsecondary, Disseminating Research" is the last issue of Focus on Basics. It is the only issue to be "internet only". It is posted on NCSALL's Web site only at
&#61607; All issues of "Focus on Basics" will continue to be available on the NCSALL website at

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout the years. We hope that you find "Focus on Basics" useful and will continue to use it as a staff development tool and for program design guidance. If you have any questions about the refund process, please contact Caye Caplan at ccaplan at

Barb Garner
Editor, "Focus on Basics"

National Institute for Literacy
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