National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 470] New from CAELA: brief on transitions

Miriam Burt miriam at
Fri Sep 8 14:07:35 EDT 2006

Hello, everyone,

The latest brief from CAELA, Supporting Adult English Language Learners'
Transitions to Postsecondary Education, by Julie Mathews-Aydinli, is now
availabe on line at
<> .

Adult immigrants studying English in the United States have diverse
educational backgrounds. Some have earned graduate degrees, while others
have had little or no access to education. Their goals and expectations
for future education and employment are also diverse.

This CAELA brief focuses on transitions from adult ESL programs
postsecondary education. For a discussion of classroom-level (e.g., how
to develop vocabulary needed for academic classes, types of reading to
do in class, etc.) and programmatic (e.g., orientation needed,
suggestions for how the adult ESL programs can collaborate with the
associated postsecondary institutions, etc.) approaches that can further
such transitions, read the brief at
<> .

Coming this fall: briefs on content standards for the adult English
language classroom and integrating instruction, content standards, and
assessment in the adult ESL classroom.


Miriam Burt
Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA)

Center for Applied Linguistics
4646 40th Street NW
Washington, DC 20016
(202) 362-0700
(202) 363-7204 (fax)
miriam at

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