National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 453] Re: student stories and memorias

Dianna Baycich dbaycich at
Sat Jul 29 17:55:47 EDT 2006

Hi Beth,
I would be happy to share the rubric we use to evaluate the _Beginnings_
submissions. We use a likert scale from 1 to 5 with 5 being the best. The
questions on the rubric are:
1. How clear is the content (message) of the writing?
2. Is the organization/structure of the writing acceptable?
3. How creative or original is the piece of writing? Does it interest the
4. Are mechanical errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, and
capitalization) prevalent in the piece of writing? That is, do they get in
the way of the writing's meaning?
5. Overall, how would you rate this piece of writing?
We also leave room for comments.
If you have more questions let me know either on or off list.
Dianna B.
dbaycich at

-----Original Message-----
From: focusonbasics-bounces at [mailto:focusonbasics-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Beth Hennessey
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 2:43 PM
To: The Focus on Basics Discussion List
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 452] Re: student stories and memorias

Hi, Dianna,

Your response came right on time for me, as I will be
working in a new literacy program starting this fall.
I am wondering, would it be possible for you to share
the rubric that you use to evaluate the pieces
submitted by the student authors? I think the staff
and students at my center would be very receptive to
this kind of endeavor.
Thank you.

--- Dianna Baycich <dbaycich at> wrote:

> Sorry - a bit late on my response to this thread.

> For the past nine years we

> have published student authors in a book titled

> _Beginnings_. Students in

> adult literacy programs send us their writing, a

> group of teachers and

> students rate these pieces of writing using a

> rubric, the pieces that score

> high enough are published in _Beginnings_. In the

> spring we have a

> conference/celebration for the published student

> authors where they listen

> to authors (we've had Brandon Marie Miller and

> Angela Johnson), eat a lavish

> lunch, receive tons of recognition, and have the

> chance to read their piece

> to the other authors and their guests. This is

> definitely a "wow" project

> for all involved. The _Beginnigs_ books are also on

> line at



> Dianna Baycich

> Ohio Literacy Resource Center

> Research 1 - 1100 Summit Street,

> P.O. Box 5190

> Kent State University

> Kent, OH 44242-0001

> 330.672.7841 330.672.4841 (fax)


> "So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray/Go throw your

> TV set away/And in its

> place you can install/A lovely bookshelf on the

> wall."

> - Roald Dahl



> >


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