National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 452] Re: student stories and memorias

Beth Hennessey beth_hennessey at
Fri Jul 28 14:42:30 EDT 2006

Hi, Dianna,

Your response came right on time for me, as I will be
working in a new literacy program starting this fall.
I am wondering, would it be possible for you to share
the rubric that you use to evaluate the pieces
submitted by the student authors? I think the staff
and students at my center would be very receptive to
this kind of endeavor.
Thank you.

--- Dianna Baycich <dbaycich at> wrote:

> Sorry - a bit late on my response to this thread.

> For the past nine years we

> have published student authors in a book titled

> _Beginnings_. Students in

> adult literacy programs send us their writing, a

> group of teachers and

> students rate these pieces of writing using a

> rubric, the pieces that score

> high enough are published in _Beginnings_. In the

> spring we have a

> conference/celebration for the published student

> authors where they listen

> to authors (we've had Brandon Marie Miller and

> Angela Johnson), eat a lavish

> lunch, receive tons of recognition, and have the

> chance to read their piece

> to the other authors and their guests. This is

> definitely a "wow" project

> for all involved. The _Beginnigs_ books are also on

> line at



> Dianna Baycich

> Ohio Literacy Resource Center

> Research 1 - 1100 Summit Street,

> P.O. Box 5190

> Kent State University

> Kent, OH 44242-0001

> 330.672.7841 330.672.4841 (fax)


> "So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray/Go throw your

> TV set away/And in its

> place you can install/A lovely bookshelf on the

> wall."

> - Roald Dahl



> >


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