National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 443] Learner biography process

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Fri Jul 21 10:28:26 EDT 2006

Has anyone else out there used the kind of learner biography process
that Esther describes as a way to explore past learning experiences?

Valley talked of training tutors to use this approach...has anyone done
a training in this approach?

Esther and all, after the writing, how do you process the past
experiences to connect them to the here-and-now? How does the past guide
the learner's present and future learning experience?


I'm sorry for such a delayed reply to Valley's email but my email set-up
changed and there was a delay in the postings to me. In answer to your
question about "reflection questions" used in the process. THe learner
biography process starts in group format (orally) with discussion about
early learning experiences. THe exchange is quite open ended with
freedom to talk about both formal and informal types of learning
experiences. It then moves into a more formal stage of the process,
which is the writing part. Once the group (inclusive of the learner) has
identified one or more pervasive theme/s the learner can begin to write
his/her story as it relates to theme identified. It is in the writing
that the learner gains both the awareness and distance to see the ways
in which his/her identity as a learner had been shaped by those
experiences. I may or may not have answered your question directly but
you can find more information about this process in "learning from our
live! s" by Pierre Dominice. If you do decide to facilitate this
process, I would love to hear more about your experiences, and I would
be happy to share more with you off-line.
Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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