National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 431] Re: pedagogy/andragogy

Lauren E Ellington/FS/VCU leellington at
Fri Jul 14 16:13:06 EDT 2006

I found an interesting paragraph in an article that I am reading on
andragogy and pedagogy. The whole article may be found at: but
the text of the paragraph I liked is below.

"Mohring (1989) took issue with both andragogy and pedagogy. She contended
that the terms andragogy (implying the education of adults) and pedagogy
(meaning the education of children) are etymologically inaccurate.
Although pedagogy is derived from paid, meaning "child," from antiquity it
has also stood for education in general-without reference to learners'
ages. Andragogy is derived from aner, meaning adult male and not adult of
either sex, therefore excluding women. In view of efforts to purge English
of sexist words, she proposed the use of a new term, teliagogy. Based on
the Greek teleios, meaning "adult," it would include both sexes. "

Lauren Ellington
Online Training Specialist,
Learning Disabilities Specialist, and
Writer of Update and Update on LD
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center
Virginia Commonwealth University
817 W. Franklin Street, Room 221 | P.O. Box 842037
Richmond, VA 23284-2037
Phone: 1-800-237-0178 or 804-828-6158
Fax: 804-828-7539
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