National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 410] Re: individualized workbook approach

Katrina Hinson Khinson at
Tue Jul 11 19:12:55 EDT 2006

Below is an excellent website that focuses on the differences between
Pedagogy and Andragogy. The first is "teacher" centered the latter is
"Student" centered - in short. I recommend you read the article on the
website. Knowles is a good reference as well for andragogic learning
and the reasoning behind it. If you "google" Knowles, and Andragogy,
you'll probably pull up his research models.


Katrina Hinson

>>> Woods <woodsnh at> 7/11/2006 2:26 pm >>>

OK. You got me. What is the difference between pedagogy and andragogy?
was trained in K-12, but somehow ended up with a adults who are my
students. I don't think I ever heard the term andragogy in my training,

nor in my practice.
Tom Woods
Community High School of Vermont

khinson71 at wrote:

Sometimes, the adult education instructor has no background and little
knowledge or understanding of the differences between pedagogy and
andragogy when it comes to the adult classroom;

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