National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 402] Re: individualized workbook approach

e s e.b.shupe at
Tue Jul 11 10:47:14 EDT 2006

I think the issue that is being raised is part of parcel of what adult learners bring to learning experiences from their early K-12 experiences. Sometimes it can be helpful to talk about alternative ways of learning in the classroom as adults. This isn't a quick and easy remedy reply but I wanted to raise the question of how we can as adult educators help learners explore alternative ways of learning in the classroom. Pierre Dominice has explored the process of "learner biographies" with much success with graduate students. THis is a process of exploring learner experiences in learning situations both in classroom and out and some critical themes that have been forumulated as a result of these experiences. I think this journey back to "roots of learning" can help learners identify ways in which they have been both successful/unsuccessful in learning. What are some thoughts on this type of process for basic literacy/ESOL students?


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