National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 369] Re: Computer Assisted Instruction with Adult ELL's survey - Please Participate!!

Valley Peters valleypeters at
Mon Jun 26 13:10:31 EDT 2006

I will be very interested in the results of this study as I have just
ordered a mobile learning lab from Apple that will be used to
supplement instruction for our adult ELLs.

I'm glad to hear of this study!

Valley Peters
Director of Adult Services
valleypeters at

Teton Literacy Program provides literacy education and resources to
open doors for individuals and families to achieve their personal,
professional, and academic goals, as contributing members of our

On Jun 23, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Joellen Coryell wrote:

> Title of Study: Implementing Computer-Aided Instructional

> Components with Adult English Language Learners




> For Instructors






> For Directors








> Do you remember what it was like when you and your program first

> implemented a computer-mediated instructional component to your

> adult English language learner curriculum? How did it go? What

> advice could you offer others who are considering that venture

> (adventure!)?




> Hello! We are Dominique Chlup, Assistant Professor and Director of

> the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning

> (TCALL), and Joellen Coryell, Research Fellow for TCALL from Texas

> A&M University. As directors and instructors of online and computer-

> mediated instruction of adult English language learners, you are

> invited to participate in a survey study we are conducting. The

> purpose of the research is to investigate the experiences of adult

> English language learner (ELL) instructors and directors in

> providing first-time computer-aided instruction for their students.

> Hopefully, the findings of this study will help other ELL

> instructors and directors in their future implementations of such

> instruction.




> The survey is comprised of a few open-ended questions that ask you

> to inform us of your demographic information, the proficiency

> levels of students you teach online, your experiences implementing

> or beginning your computer-aided / online ESOL component(s), your

> general experiences with providing this instruction, and any advice

> you can give new online ESOL instructional providers. The

> completion time for the survey is about 30 minutes. The surveys and

> website are password protected, and your data will be accessed only

> by the two of us. Your complete confidentiality is secure, and any

> report of the findings will not reveal specific information that

> could be linked back to you or your specific program. Therefore, we

> hope you will be candid in your responses.




> The research involves completion of online surveys available at:


> For Instructors






> For Directors








> If you choose to volunteer to participate, your completion of the

> survey grants us your consent to use your data as part of our

> research. We will request your email address and office phone

> number in the event that response clarification is considered

> necessary. The analysis of the data collected will be used in

> manuscripts intended for possible publication and use by interested

> ESOL providers. We may also include the data and interpretations in

> conference presentations.




> We offer our sincere gratitude, in advance, for your time, effort,

> and consideration in participating in this research. Please do not

> hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or specific

> clarification (see the below information).




> This research study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review

> Board – Human Subjects in Research, Texas A&M University. For

> research-related problems or questions regarding subjects’ rights,

> I can contact the Institutional Review Board through Ms. Angelina

> M. Raines, Director of Research Compliance, Office of the Vice

> President for Research at (979) 458-4067, araines at






> Sincerely,




> Joellen Coryell


> Research Fellow, Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and

> Learning


> Texas A&M University


> jcoryell at


> 210-313-7693





> Dominique Chlup, Ph.D.


> Director, Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning


> Educational Administration and Human Resource Development


> Texas A&M University


> dchlup at


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