National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 355] Bridges to Opportunity Conference

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Mon Jun 19 10:08:19 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone,

I'm passing this on from Suma Kurien:



Please save the dates of October 27th and 28th 2006 for the upcoming
Bridges to Opportunity conference at LaGuardia Community College in Long
Island City, Queens, New York. Sponsored by the Center for Immigrant
Education and Training and the Center for Teaching and Learning of
LaGuardia Community College, the conference will offer professionals
from around the U.S. an opportunity to come together to:

*strategize how to develop effective systems to support workforce
development for English Language Learners

*share lessons we have learned from our work, and build a knowledge
base that can serve as a resource in this field, and

*identify what works in workforce development for English Language
Learners and make recommendations for next steps.

The conference is partly sponsored by USDOL-ETA High Growth
Initiataives and the keynote speaker, Heide Spruck Wrigley, Ph.D,
renowned in the field. She is president of Literacy Work International,
a small social science research firm, specializing in issues affecting
language minority adults. She is currently key in two national literacy
projects in the United States and in Canada dealing with youth and
adults who are struggling readers. Dr. Wrigley is the primary author of
"The Language of Opportunity: Expanding the Employment Prospects of
Adults with Limited English Skills," a publication of the Center for Law
and Social Policy.

For more information on the Bridges to Opportunity conference, please
visit us online at:


Suma Kurien
Director, Center for Immigrant Education and Training
LaGuardia Community College
kuriens at

Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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