National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 340] Re: reading outside of class

e s e.b.shupe at
Wed Jun 14 08:59:29 EDT 2006

I concur with Ujwala that learners are eager and motivated to read if what they are reading is connected to their lives in a meaningful way. (And we as instructors learn quickly that learners get to define what is meaningful).

On another note, I have been working with John for the past two years. He graduated from a high school in New Jersey in 1972 through the special education department. When we met, John could not read. Not at any level. He lacked the concept of phoneme awareness, so we needed to start from the beginning. What was striking to me about John was the way he perceived himself as a learner. He felt he couldn't do anything related to reading on his own. As a way to uncover some "hidden" patterns at work for him we decided to write his "learner biography". The story was incredible, very emotional. Year after year in school his experience would be the same. Because of his quiet nature, he would very often be ignored by teachers who were clearly overwhelmed by the needier students in the class. Unfortunately the same pattern persisted at home. He was one of nine children in his family. He rarely came home with his books and almost never was given homework. He said he never got the help he needed at home,, so he never did his homework. The teachers relented and stopped giving him take home work. Two important themes emerged from this writing. THe first was the need for John to create the space and time to ask questions and express concerns regarding his learning. The second was for John to have more independence in his work at home. Sort of an equilibrium if you will, between asking for help and learning strategies to work on your own. These two discoveries have enabled John to be more active in his own learning. We are still a long way from the goals he has set for himself, but reflecting on his past experiences as a learner has allowed him to see more clearly alternative ways to approach learning as an adult.


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