National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 337] learners on learning to read

Alisa Belzer belzera at
Tue Jun 13 21:26:24 EDT 2006

Hello Everyone:

I'm very curious to know your reactions to this work. As I was doing the
research I found the learners words to be very compelling, heartfelt, well
articulated, and interesting. However, when I went to analyze the data, I
wondered if their perceptions really shed light on the big questions of the
day regarding teaching developing adult readers to read better. I asked
myself whether they gave me information that was new. I guess two things
really emerged for me. One, that it was important to them that they be
taught some technical skills and be given lots of opportunities to read
interesting materials over extended periods of time (it seems like we have
a tendency to emphasize one or the other depending on our own beliefs, but
balance seems to be the key), and two, that they focused the discussion
differently than teachers or researchers might do Their focus makes clear
that the starting place for success is within them. It's not clear to me
if teachers can create those conditions for learners or if they have to
find a way to do it themselves.

Anyway, I'll be interested to know how this all strikes you.


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