National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 332] Thanks to Jessica and everyone!

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Sat Jun 10 09:49:56 EDT 2006

Jessica, and everyone who contributed to this discussion,

Thank you! It was enriching to hear the idea of using video as a
professional development tool examined as closely and thoughtfully as
you have all done.

You have documented a variety of benefits for teachers, both experienced
and new, and learners that can come from watching videos. You also
shared many suggestions, including:

- focus on the students and their behavior, both in filming and
- have students also review the videos and comment
- don't be videotaped too many times
- use videos for students to evaluate themselves
- describe rather than judge when viewing videos
- use as a way to connect part-time teachers
- use in study circles
- use for peer coaching
- develop and use a video database for our field

There is too much to summarize here, but I encourage you to look back at
the discussion to recall the points that resonate with you, and
hopefully some of you can further discuss this method of professional
development within your programs. You can find the discussion on the
Literacy Tent ALE Wiki at the following link:

By the way, you can find many other useful resources and discussions on
this Wiki! The home page is at:

Again Everyone, thanks for a great discussion! (And rest up--another one
starts on Monday!)

All the Best,


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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