National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 328] Re: Video as aProfessional Development Tool

David Rosen djrosen at
Thu Jun 8 15:56:44 EDT 2006

Missy, you wrote:

> We are working here in South Dakota to strengthen our teacher training

> and ongoing professional development system. One tool that we have

> looked at is video-taping. Some of us feel this would be an extremely

> useful tool, especially given the distances between our centers and

> the

> travel, time and funding barriers that arise to many other PD options,

> like peer observation.


> We do feel, however, that there would be a great deal of resistance to

> using video taping by many of our teachers.


> Does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome this negative perception

> of using video-taping as a PD tool?


> Thank you.


> Missy Slaathaug

> ESL State Specialist

> South Dakota

> mslaathaug at

Here are six suggestions:

1. Use videotaping in the context of a peer coaching model where two
teachers from the same center (or if there is one, a nearby center)
are paired, and use a structured process to help each other to
improve their teaching.
2. Provide the equipment -- and training on how to use it --
including the technical aspects, free.
3. Provide teachers with paid professional development time to do a
peer-coaching project.
4. Make it clear that this is not part of their performance evaluation.
5. Provide articles (and videotapes?) on the process which they can
look at before they decide whether or not to try it.
6. Let teachers know that you will provide a stipend and travel
expenses for a (selected) pair of teachers who want to present their
peer coaching project at a state, regional or national conference.

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

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