National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 325] Re: Video as aProfessional Development Tool

Missy Slaathaug mslaathaug at
Thu Jun 8 14:18:43 EDT 2006


We are working here in South Dakota to strengthen our teacher training
and ongoing professional development system. One tool that we have
looked at is video-taping. Some of us feel this would be an extremely
useful tool, especially given the distances between our centers and the
travel, time and funding barriers that arise to many other PD options,
like peer observation.

We do feel, however, that there would be a great deal of resistance to
using video taping by many of our teachers.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome this negative perception
of using video-taping as a PD tool?

Thank you.

Missy Slaathaug
ESL State Specialist
South Dakota
mslaathaug at

-----Original Message-----
From: focusonbasics-bounces at
[mailto:focusonbasics-bounces at] On Behalf Of Julie McKinney
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 8:13 AM
To: focusonbasics at
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 306] Discussion starts today: Video as
aProfessional Development Tool

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our discussion with author Jessica Tomkins about her recent
FOB article:

Video as a Professional Development Tool

Please write in with any impressions, comments or questions you have
about the article! See below for some discussion questions.




Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever seen a video of yourself teaching? If so, what was your
impression? Did it affect your teaching? How?


> 2. What do you think you might gain from seeing yourself and your

students on video?


> 3. How might your students benefit from you reviewing such a video?


> 4. Have you ever used video as a professional development tool in your

program? If so, how did your group review and process the video in order
to share thoughts, give feedback and get the maximum benefit? How did
teachers receive this?


> 5. After reading this article, what unanswered questions stay with


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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