National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 314] Re: Discussion: video as a prof. devlpmt tool.

e s e.b.shupe at
Wed Jun 7 08:38:55 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone,
Unfortunately I've never had the experience of being taped while
teaching, but I have watched videos of other teachers in the
process and the experience has been enlightening. It directed my
attention to my own ideological beliefs about teaching and
learning. What were my expectations of learners and how did those
expectations connect with larger issues that impact teachers such
as time constraints, and program goals(to mention only a few).
I think videotaping classes does give teachers
an opportunity to have a more critical look at
the impact of their teaching on learners, and similarly would give learners
an opportunity to speak on behalf of their own learning experience which is
further reflection for teachers. As part of the requirements for a english language teaching certificate program at the new school I will be required to videotape three of the classes I will be teaching this coming fall. I'll keep you posted.
Esther Shupe


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