National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 267] New from CAELA: Multilevel Brief and CAELA Currents Newsletter

Miriam Burt miriam at
Wed May 3 12:20:31 EDT 2006

Hello everyone: The following new resources from the Center for Adult
English Language Acquisition may be of interest to readers focus on
basics discussion list members:

Multilevel Brief

Last fall CAELA met with our advisory board, the Technical Work Group
(TWG), to discuss CAELA's work, including topics for our briefs. The
topic "multilevel classes" was high on our to-do list, having been
suggested to us by many practitioners and others in the states we work
with across the country. Our TWG, however, advised us to move beyond
saying what teachers can do in the classroom to engage the interest of
all learners in their classes while helping them achieve their often
diverse educational goals. Our TWG suggested we also talk about what
administrators can do to help ensure the success of these classes-- how
administrators might support teachers in multilevel classes.

The brief, Promoting the Success of Multilevel ESL Classes: What
Teachers and Administrators Can Do, is now completed and online at and in
pdf at

CAELA Currents

Also online is the new issue of our newsletter CAELA Currents at

Articles in this April 2006 publication include information about a new
teacher might use the CAELA Web site for professional development at

Information about the available statistics on the training and education
levels of adult ESL teachers

as well as information about recent publications of interest to the
field such as the joint publication by Senior Service America, Inc and
staff at the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) entitled Engaging
Immigrant Seniors in Community Service and Employment Programs: A Guide
for Providers. The guide provides background information on immigrant
seniors in the United States and gives practical advice for employers
and co-workers working with seniors from linguistically and culturally
diverse backgrounds. More information on this free publication and how
to obtain it is available at

Miriam Burt
Center for Applied Linguistics
4646 40th Street NW
Washington, DC 20016
(202) 362-0700
(202) 363-7204 (fax)
miriam at

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