National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 260] Re: Promoting awareness of NCSALL and FOB

Katrina Hinson khinson at
Mon Apr 24 20:42:29 EDT 2006

These are all great ideas. I'm working on a resource matrix for instructors where I work. I am definitely going to include information like this for them. I'm trying to encourage other instructors to invest even a small amount of time reading information related to adult education practices.


>>> Janet_Isserlis at 04/21/06 10:04 AM >>>

one more small, but maybe significant step if many of us can do it:

I have links to a number of specific FOB pieces on my website, and almost
always include them as resources when I facilitate workshops. Another way
to infuse, disseminate and otherwise make people aware of -- and help them
towards using - the resource.

Janet Isselris

> From: Julie McKinney <julie_mcKinney at>

> Reply-To: The Focus on Basics Discussion List <focusonbasics at>

> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:01:28 -0400

> To: <focusonbasics at>

> Subject: [FocusOnBasics 256] Promoting awareness of NCSALL and FOB


> Holly and all,


> Thanks so much for thinking about ways to promote NCSALL and FOB. As you

> can imagine, we are very interested in doing whatever we can to attract

> funding and keep FOB going. We would love to talk about ways to promote

> at TESOL, and other places. I will also be at COABE next week--too late

> for anything formal, but I'd be happy to work on some informal

> promotion.


> Barb has been on vacation this week and will be back on Monday. Perhaps

> next week we can continue this conversation and collectively come up

> with some ideas. We appreciate all your support so much!


> All the best,


> Julie


> Julie McKinney

> Discussion List Moderator

> World Education/NCSALL

> jmckinney at


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