National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 251] Re: teacher education and change

Virginia Tardaewether tarv at
Mon Apr 17 18:29:01 EDT 2006

Designing workshops that have dual purposes might be a good strategy for
effective staff development. My example is WATER on THE WEB. This
training worked for both my part time jobs. It gave me worksites for my
watershed education needs and live sites that I used weekly with my GED

-----Original Message-----
From: focusonbasics-bounces at
[mailto:focusonbasics-bounces at] On Behalf Of Katrina Hinson
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 2:18 PM
To: Janet_Isserlis at; The Focus on Basics Discussion List
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 250] Re: teacher education and change

I think the biggest support that is missing is adequate funding. I
recently attended an event in my state and was fortunate to be an
instructor among several other administrators as well as other
instructors. In our down time, I had the chance to talk with the two
administrators. They were talking about how they'd love to send their
teachers to what we ourselves were attending. I asked why they didn't.
They said they didn't have the funds and they didn't have the means by
and large to provide professional development on any regular basis. I
thought that was sad and I counted myself blessed that the school I work
for does budget for professional development. I was also disappoited
that professional development isn't/wasn't considered something that
should be necessary in EVERY budget. Unfortunately the way community
college budgets are done sometimes means there is great disparity across
the state and therefore great disparity in the opportunities available.

I agree that there is probably more that goes into the professional
development question and the differences between the NCSALL findings and
the FOB findings. I'm just not sure where we'd even begin to get people
to appreciate and understand the great need there really is for
providing professional development on a larger, consistent scale.

Katrina Hinson

>>> Janet_Isserlis at 04/14/06 9:27 AM >>>

Katrina and all

I think motivation is likely an important factor, but we also need to be
mindful of systemic support for educators. What supports are/aren't
available to people who are working more than one part-time job? What
the cultures of professional development in their various workplaces?
from the intrinsic motivation to learn more, what messages to program
administrators, colleagues and funders convey to teachers about the
value of
professional development?

I was really fortunate to have had an opportunity to begin my MA work
I'd been teaching for 9 years (through a program that funded the courses
that we only paid for books). It was a part-time masters program, over
and a half years, designed for full-time teachers. I was already
to be working full time; the degree program required a lot of work, but
a lot of money. While grateful endlessly for the program - I was ready
dig in and learn, and had the questions to ask that I might not have had
my first year of teaching - I still think that we can't only ascribe
participation in PD to personal motivation. We also need to be
proactive in
working to build opportunities for practitioners across the board - new,
continuing, veteran practitioners - or we risk what I've heard Barb
as "good programs getting gooder." It's great to build capacity in
programs - but it's also great to make capacity building available
the board.

IF it is the case that personal motivation is the determining factor,
we've all the more work to do to build a greater collective culture of
learning and respect for learning throughout the field.

Janet Isserlis


> I think motivation is probably the driving force. I think the

individual has

> to be willing to learn or be open to new ideas. I also think

complacency is a

> bad thing and something people slide into sometimes unknowingly...they


> comfortable with the way they've done something and think they don't

have to

> change it or even fear the change and tensions usually associated with



> Personally, I've waited for a while before pursuing an advanced

degree and if

> all goes well I'll be starting my Masters in the fall. I've been

teaching in

> Adult Ed for 10 years though. I think sometimes, that there is a

feeling that

> having an advanced degree means you've "arrived" at some pre


> destination...or that you're now an expert able to impart knowledge


> perhaps not gain it. I'm not really sure. I've encounted that behavior

in the

> workplace and I think that's what's put me off for so long about going

back to

> school. I don't ever want to feel I have nothing else to learn or gain

via any

> form of education. I definitely feel that professional development is

> essential to staying effective in the classroom. I actually believe

> professional development is essential in ANY workplace.


> I think I'd wonder how the NCSALL arrived at their conclusion compared

to how

> FOB arrived at theirs. Was the pool of respondants the same in size

as well

> as was the pool of respondants the same in terms of degrees etc.


> Ultimately, I think it comes down to the individual person's drive and


> to grow professionally and personally.


> Regards

> Katrina Hinson

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