National Institute for Literacy

Re: [FocusOnBasics 215]  FOB Evaluation

Barbara Garner b.garner4 at
Tue Apr 11 21:52:39 EDT 2006

One of the themes that is emerging in this discussion is how professional development providers serve as a conduit, introducing teachers to the publication and to particular articles.

If you're a teacher, how did you find out about "Focus on Basics"?
If you're a professional development provider, does your experience bear this out: do you introduce teacher to FOB?

And if we are able to find additional funding and continue publishing beyond 8C, where should we put our dissemination energy? Into reaching professional development providers, assuming they will introduce teachers to FOB? Or should we focus marketing efforts on teachers? Thoughts?

Barb Garner
From: "Colletti, Cyndy" <CColletti at ILSOS.NET>
Date: Tue Apr 11 16:17:24 CDT 2006
To: The Focus on Basics Discussion List <focusonbasics at>
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 215] FOB Evaluation

FOB has always intrigued me because it's on top of the challenges that teachers and tutors face in classrooms across the country. Once we were discussing the reasons that students go on or do not go on to other educational pursuits. Soon I saw that the next issue of FOB would cover "Transitions." This field is widely diverse and often isolated from each other and from a sense of itself as a field. FOB is a unifying force as it presents the latest research and relates that research right to the instructional setting. In my job as a state level coordinator, I publicize each and every issue so that practitioners can use the information presented in the articles. When I survey practitioners about what they need, I always hear, "Something I can use tomorrow." Well, FOB has always provided just that.

Cyndy Colletti
National Institute for Literacy
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