National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 199] Re: Beginning reading materials for adults

robinschwarz1 at robinschwarz1 at
Mon Mar 20 22:11:53 EST 2006

Check out the ART-- Adult Reading Toolkit -- produced by Minnesota
LDA-- I think the website is not, google it--This
is another extremely well designed book from LDA Minnesota that is for
tutors who do not know a lot about reading and are teaching low level
learners (though the book contains information about higher level
learners too) It includes a lot of the teaching materials needed, plus
research-based lesson plans etc. A terrific tool--but NOT for
beginning ESOL , in case any one is wondering! Robin Schwarz

-----Original Message-----
From: Wanda Nelson <wandanelson3 at>
To: focusonbasics at
Sent: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 18:25:49 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [FocusOnBasics 196] Beginning reading materials for adults

Is there a resource for adult beginning reading material and lesson
plans on-line?


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