National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] Thanks to Robin and all!

Ann Barncard annb at
Thu Feb 23 10:54:14 EST 2006

Thanks for your efforts, too, Julie. I look forward to having the
compilation of links, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: focusonbasics-bounces at
[mailto:focusonbasics-bounces at] On Behalf Of Julie McKinney
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:35 PM
To: focusonbasics at
Subject: [FocusOnBasics] Thanks to Robin and all!

Hi All,

Thank you all so much for your input during this past week's discussion
of struggling ESOL learners. And HUGE thanks to Robin for sharing her
experience and knowledge with us all. I especially appreciated the
specific, practical advice she was able to give that stemmed from years
of study and research, and the geniune sense of caring for the learners
that so clearly guides her attitude and methods of teaching.

We can all still continue this discussion, but we gratefully say goodbye
to Robin with thanks for answering our questions and concerns so fully.
I will go through the postings and compile all the specific links, book
titles, workbooks, etc. that were recommended as resources and have them
for you next week.

Thanks again,


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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