National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] Fwd: writing and handwriting for low literate/non-literat...

DonMcCabe at DonMcCabe at
Wed Feb 22 08:59:43 EST 2006

In a message dated 2/21/2006 9:27:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
cgrimaldi at writes:
Hello all,
I'm not sure if my questions fall under the writing or the visual
problems categories or both, but here it is:

In my years of teaching to low-level ESOL adults, I have had many
students who I would call "weak writers" for lack of a better term,
often, these students have dropped out of school early, like 5th-8th
grades, but these are not non-literate students. They usually require
much more time to write and copy from the board, and many students have
the problem of copying incorrectly. We don't have any way of screening
for disabilities right now in our programs. My assumption was that
many students just were "out of practice", having spent many years out
of school both in their own countries and in the US, and essentially
their writing muscles are out of shape. Is this possible or should I
always suspect LD?

Don McCabe's answer: Your assumption is probably right. There always is
the problem of a slight loss of automaticity in making the connection between
the mind and the muscles from lack of activity. I know my automatic
handwriting has suffered a decline because 99% of all my writing is done on the

Don McCabe, Research Director
AVKO Educational Research Foundation
_www.spelling.org_ (

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