National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] More questions

SandyF61 at SandyF61 at
Tue Feb 21 18:35:19 EST 2006

I am struggling a little in this discussion with the practicality of some of
the suggestions. I teach total beginners. Most are refugees with little to no
experience in school. I have always done needs based curriculum and found
it effective. We keep our students for a pretty short time as they need to
get jobs.
I see the point of more work on phonemic recognition. We certainly do some
but our main focus is on practical vocabulary and related issues (how to find
a job, see a doctor, talk to your child's teacher). I've also had great
success with things like Jazz Chants.
But when I use more *rule based* curriculum, their eyes glaze over. I use
Clear Speech for pronunciation but minimize the rule content. Even books like
Pronuncation Pairs don't work as well for them.
So the question is how to integrate these phonemic skills in such a way that
is effective and not a turn off?

Sandy Fox
Columbia, MO
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