National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 534] 1st FOB Article-of-the-week!

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Tue Oct 17 16:33:28 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone,

In my last message, I described the new FOB Article-of-the-week, and
here is our first one. It is from the very first issue of FOB, Vol. 1A
from 1997, which explored the question: "What is Research?"

Understanding Quantitative Research on Adult Literacy
by Thomas Valentine

This goes back to the basics and describes common purposes of research,
basic underlying concepts, common statistical procedures, and suggests
questions to ask yourself when reading educational research.

If you can, read this and let us know how it may have helped you, or how
you could use this article in your program.


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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