National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 474] The Adult Literacy Education (ALE) Wiki - A Community of Practice for us all

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Mon Sep 18 11:50:02 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone,

I am passing on this information about the ALE Wiki for those of you who
have not yet checked it out. Please read the message below from David
Rosen, organizer of the Wiki, and take a look at the Wiki!

All the best,


The Adult Literacy Education Wiki (now with over 750 pages and nearly
700 registered users) is becoming a very useful resource for teachers
and other practitioners in adult literacy education. It includes 30
topics linking research, professional wisdom, and practice. It
offers easy-to-read archived discussions that were held on this and
other discussion lists, links to research and other resources,
questions (and sometimes answers) from teachers and other
practitioners and researchers, a comprehensive adult literacy
glossary, and more. It's free, and it's designed for you. Best of
all, it's not only a set of informative web pages. It's a community
of practice. You -- and your colleagues -- can easily add to and
improve it. It's a wiki!

To check out the ALE wiki, go to:

You will see that some ALE topics need to be nurtured, and to grow.
They need a Topic Leader. Perhaps you would be the right person to
be a Topic Leader. To see a list of topics and leaders, go to

If you are interested in being a (volunteer) Topic Leader for an
existing topic, or if you would like to help develop a new topic, e-
mail me and tell me about yourself and your interest.

David J. Rosen
ALE Wiki Organizer and Wikiteer
djrosen at

Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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