National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 401] Re: individualized workbook approach

Hal Beder hbeder at
Tue Jul 11 10:39:53 EDT 2006

I think that the most effective way to shift is by adopting Equipped
for the Future (EFF). Here is the link:

At 02:25 PM 7/10/2006, you wrote:

>I have to agree with Jane here. Workbooks seem to give students

>comfort, but skills gained by their use alone are marginal at best. In

>my experience, students who most want the workbook are the ones most

>likely to succeed best with other modalities of study. For some reason

>the workbook=student work in their minds. Has anyone found a way to

>shift this paradigm?



>-----Original Message-----

>From: focusonbasics-bounces at

>[mailto:focusonbasics-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jane Meyer

>Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:08 AM

>To: The Focus on Basics Discussion List

>Subject: [FocusOnBasics 381] individualized workbook approach


>Julie asked "Are there other classroom norms besides "sticking to

>business" that are important?"


>I was surprised when I read Hal's study on engaging learners that most

>of the classes in the study used an individualized workbook approach. I


>have never found this approach to be very engaging. I wonder what the

>students are engaged with. Are they engaged in learning or getting

>through the workbook pages? Do they struggle to make sure they

>understand the concepts or just plow through to get done? When

>correcting their answers using the key in the back of the book do they

>think about where they went wrong and be sure they understand or do they


>just change their answer to the correct one? I have seen students take


>a workbook home over the weekend and do the whole workbook and believe

>that they now have moved up a grade level in reading. I think there are

>much more engaging approaches than the individualized workbook approach.


>Jane Meyer

>Canton City schools ABLE


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