National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 368] Re: Welcome to discussion of Learner Engagement!

Hal Beder hbeder at
Mon Jun 26 12:10:02 EDT 2006

Hello everyone. I think Julie's questions are excellent for
beginning the discussion and I am ready to begin. You can learn a
bit more about me by clicking here:{F72274D9-ABAB-4190-8D3C-5333B284B4E5}~ciid~fac_1018.asp

At 10:08 AM 6/26/2006, you wrote:

>Hi Everyone,


>I want to welcome our guest this week, Hal Beder, who will join us to

>discuss his

>recent FOB article: "Shaping and Sustaining Learner Engagement in

>Individualized Group Instruction Classrooms".


>You can find the article at this link:



>Hal is a professor at Rutgers University and has studied adult literacy

>for more than 30 years. He is the project director for NCSALL at Rutgers

>and for the National Labsite for Adult Literacy Education. We are very

>pleased to have him with us.


>I am going to open up the discussion with a few questions for you:


>How many of you teach individualized group instruction?


>How do you find that the three factors discussed in the article

>(instructional system, teachers' roles, and classroom norms) affect your



>What other factors affect your learners' engagement?


>I look forward to hearing from you!






>Julie McKinney

>Discussion List Moderator

>World Education/NCSALL

>jmckinney at



>National Institute for Literacy

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