National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 206] Discussion Starts Today: FOB Evaluation Results

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Sun Apr 9 23:50:20 EDT 2006

Hi All and Welcome to Barb Garner,

Today we start a discussion of the results of the FOB Evaluation. Barb
Garner, editor of FOB, will join us to discuss the findings of this
survey of 292 FOB readers.

You can read the Evauation Report at:

See below for some discussion questions to think about.


1. How do you use FOB in your professional life?

2. Have you ever used FOB for professional development? How?

3. Did the findings of this report change or add to your concept of FOB,
or your thoughts on how your program can use it?

4. Were any of the findings surprising to you in any way?

5. Reportedly, 72% of respondents interact with colleagues about what
they read in FOB. In what ways do you do this, and how does it affect
your work?

6. The report indicates that FOB "helps to create professionals; it
provides practitioners with the sense that they are not working in
isolation." How important is this to you and others in your program?

7. According to written comments from the survey, readers want more
online discussions, workshops and study circles to reflect and share
what they read in FOB. How can this discussion list
help to meet this need better?

Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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