National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] a lament

Woods woodsnh at
Sun Feb 26 00:51:31 EST 2006

Missy Slaathaug wrote:

>we could label students FTP - Failure to Progress - when that was

>indicated. That way they didn't have to keep coming and thus taking the

>place of someone who could learn and progress.


It is very important to have some kind of system to prioritize so you
can deliver what resources you have to where they will do the most good.
We go by age and graduation status because state law makes school
mandatory for those under 22 y.o. without a diploma while they are
incarcerated. Older inmates and HS grads may have to go on a waiting
list. I really hate to turn anyone away, especially if they want to come
voluntarily. We seldom have to, but even for those who do have to wait,
transfers to and from our facility are so high that the wait to get in
is not a long one. While this is fortunate from the standpoint of those
who may have to wait to get in a class, it poses an altogether different
set of problems when trying to plan instruction for a group of students
who were in your class yesterday, but may not be with you today.
Tom Woods

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