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Identify Service Technical Reference

Oracle Service Public Methods
Identify Version 3.0
Release Date: 10/31/2007

General Description

Purpose: To return EPA OW program system records NHD feature attributes at a particular NHD reach location. The data are returned as two PL/SQL tables using the Oracle OUT parameter.

Process: This package has a public procedure, REPORT, which is executed to begin the identify service call. Depending on the options selected (see below for input parameters), any selected information at the reach location (reach and measure for linear reaches) will be returned as OUT parameters to the calling application. If any parameters are invalid, the service will return an error code indicating the parameter in error. This parameter check includes a reach code validation check against the current RAD NHD reach features. If there are no data at the reach location for a particular program, no data records for that program will be returned. If no selected programs have data at the reach location, an empty return set will be created. For NHD data, if selected to be returned, NHD data will always be returned.

Note: Only information for an event record at the reach location selected will be returned. i.e., additional records for each ENTITY_ID may exist in the RAD event tables; however, only an event record at the reach location will be returned.

Report Procedure

Description This is the main entry-level procedure utilized to execute the identify service.
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Domain Description
p_reach_type VARCHAR2 {linear, area} Type of reach code
p_reach_code VARCHAR2 Exists in RCH_CODE column in DRAIN_RCH_OS or AREARCH_OS layers Reach code: 17 characters;
1-8 - sub basin code
9-14 - unique number within sub basin
p_reach_measure NUMBER 0 - 200 inclusive Reach measure: required for linear reach type, not used for area reach type
p_ps Chararr (array of VARCHAR2) Domain values stored in RAD_NHD. RAD_EVTPRG_LUT.PROGRAM
In addition to these program values, NHD is an additional domain value
Array of program system abbreviations. Each program system listed will be checked for an event on the reach indicated.
Output Parameters
Parameter Type Domain Description
p_event_data L_array (array of records of linear event table structure) event table data from the RAD Returns data in the form of a linear event table. For point events, T_MEAS is null. For area events, F_MEAS and T_MEAS are null.
p_nhd_data Nhd_array Selected columns from the DRAIN_RCH_SDE layer or the AREARCH_SDE layer Returns selected NHD data.
Data Sources Reach Address Database
Process Notes Point events are selected within 10 measure units of the linear measure entered along the same reach
Usage Notes/Limitations Some water programs do not have complete data for all parts of the country.
See the Event Status Table for more information.

Display Report

Description This procedure makes call to the REPORT procedure and receives two pl/sql table. Then process pl/sql tables to display the data on the web. All calling applications will mimic the same logic.
Input Parameters
Parameter Type Domain Description
p_reach_type VARCHAR2 {linear, area} Type of reach code
p_reach_code VARCHAR2 Exists in RCH_CODE column in DRAIN_RCH_OS or AREARCH_OS layers Reach code: 17 characters;
1-8 - sub basin code
9-14 - unique number within sub basin
p_reach_measure NUMBER 0.000 - 200.000 inclusive Reach measure: required for linear reach type, not used for area reach type
p_ps Chararr (array of VARCHAR2) Domain values stored in RAD_NHD. RAD_EVTPRG_LUT.PROGRAM
In addition to these program values, NHD is an additional domain value
Array of program system abbreviations. Each program system listed will be checked for an event on the reach indicated.
Output Parameters None
Data Sources Reach Address Database
Process Notes Point events are selected within 10 measure units of the linear measure entered along the same reach
Usage Notes/Limitations Some water programs do not have complete data for all parts of the country.
See the Event Status Table for more information.

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