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Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs

"Working toward economic, social, legal and political equality for Hispanics in Idaho"

An Equal Opportunity Employer


Education Summit

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Governor C.L. "BUTCH" OTTER
C.L. "Butch" Otter,

The Great Seal of the State of Idaho

Message from the Governor

The Hispanic community provides a rich and diverse texture to our communities and way of life in Idaho. As our state’s largest ethnic group, Hispanics also are critically important to our continued success as a state.

Throughout our history, every corner of our state and every sector of our economy has benefited from the culture. Imagination and work ethic of Hispanic Idahoans who share a love for the place we call home. They are Idaho’s entrepreneurs, professionals, public servants, educators, community leaders and - most of all our good neighbors and friends.

The Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs provides a great forum in which to address the changing needs of an important segment of our population. The commission offers a crucial perspective on the issues and opportunities facing Hispanic Idahoans. Its responsive, data-driven recommendations are an invaluable asset for Idaho policy makers.

Members of the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs have my deep gratitude and profound respect for their work, and for the service they provide. This report reflects their personal commitment to helping Idaho Hispanics lead productive lives of civic virtue.

As Always - Idaho, “Esto Perpetua”
The Governor's Signature
C.L. “Butch” Otter

Mission Statement:

The Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs is a non-partisan state agency. Providing services to the Hispanic Community and serving as a liaison between the community and government entities. Working toward economic, educational, and social equality, the Commission identifies and monitors programs and legislation, and researches problems and issues facing Idaho's Hispanic community. The Commission identifies solutions and provides recommendations to the governor, legislature, and other organizations concerning issues facing the State's Hispanic population.

Vision Statement:

To be seen as a state agency that is a catalyst in providing focus, leadership and advocacy leading to self-reliance for Idaho's Hispanic population.

Operating Philosophy:

The Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs believes in teamwork, open communication, and professionalism in serving the Hispanic population.

To contact us:

5460 W. Franklin Road, Suite B
Boise, ID 83705
(208) 334-3776
(208) 334-3778 Fax

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