Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)


Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee


March 7 and 8, 2006


Holiday Inn Gaithersburg, The Ballrooms

Two Montgomery Village Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland


-- Slides presented at Hearing --


The committee will discuss Tysabri (Natalizumab) biologic license application 125104/15; Biogen Idec Inc. for an indication in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis to reduce the frequency of clinical exacerbations. The committee will discuss the risks (including  progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)) associated with Tysabri administration, the efficacy of Tysabri in the treatment of multiple sclerosis relapses and/or disability, the possible return of Tysabri to the marketplace, and proposed risk management plan(s) for Tysabri. 



March 7, 2006


                Call to Order and Introductions                                     Karl Kieburtz, M.D., M.P.H.

Chair, Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee (PCNS)       


Conflict of Interest Statement                                         Sohail Mosaddegh, RPh.,  Pharm.D.

Acting Executive Secretary, PCNS



            Opening Remarks and Overview of Issues                      Russell Katz, M.D.

Director, Division of Neurology Products (DNP), FDA


            Sponsor Presentations                                                 Biogen Idec Inc.


PPT      Introduction                                                                 Burt Adelman, M.D.

Executive Vice President, Development

Biogen Idec Inc.


PPT      Efficacy Data                                                                Alfred Sandrock, M.D., Ph.D.

Vice President, Neurology

Biogen Idec Inc.


PPT      Safety Data                                                                    Michael Panzara, M.D., M.P.H

Vice President, Neurology

Biogen Idec Inc.


PPT      Risk-Management Plan                                                  Carmen Bozic, M.D.

Vice President, Drug Safety and Risk Management

Biogen Idec Inc.


PPT      Clinical Perspective                                                        Richard A. Rudick, M.D.           

                                                                                    Director, The Mellen Center

Chairman, Division of Clinical Research

Cleveland Clinic Foundation      



            FDA Presentation                                                        FDA


PPT      Background, Efficacy and PML                                      Susan McDermott, M.D.

Clinical Reviewer, DNP, FDA


PPT      Safety                                                                            Alice Hughes, M.D.

Clinical Safety Reviewer, DNP, FDA


PPT      Risk Minimization Action Plan                                        Diane Wysowski, Ph.D.

Reviewer, Office of Drug Safety, FDA



Open Public Hearing


PPT      Alex MacDonald


PDF     Lauren Roberts (Written Statement Submitted with Video, Video Testimony Available at Dockets Per Request)


            Karen Fuquay (Video Testimony available at Dockets Per Request)


PPT      Frank Burroughs (Abigail Alliance)





March 8, 2006


Call to Order and Introductions                                     Karl Kieburtz, M.D., M.P.H.

Chair, Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee (PCNS)       


Conflict of Interest Statement                                         Sohail Mosaddegh, RPh.,  Pharm.D.

Acting Executive Secretary, PCNS



PPT     Opening Remarks and Overview of Issues                      Russell Katz, M.D.

Director, Division of Neurology Products (DNP), FDA



PPT      Questions