Food and Drug Administration

Pediatric Oncology Subcommittee of the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee

October 17, 2002


General Principles From International Conference on Harmonization Efficacy Topic-11, Dr. Hirschfeld (HTM) (PPt)

Predictive Models of Cancer Xenograft Models of Childhood Solid Tumors, Dr. Houghton (HTM) (PPt)

Applying Pre-Clinical Data to Clinical Studies-1, Dr. Edward Sausville, MD, Ph.D., National Cancer Institute (HTM) (PPt)

What Can We Learn From Pre-Clinical Drug Testing in Childhood Cancer?, Dr, C Reynolds, MD Ph.D. (HTM) (PPt)

Childhood Cancer Survival Trends, Dr. Adamson (HTM) (PPt)

Company Perspective - Key Questions to Address, Dr. Weitman (HTM) (PPt)

A European Perspective, Dr. Bruce Morland, United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group (HTM) (PPt)

Barriers to Oncology Drug Development: A Perspective From the Children's Oncology Group, Dr. Reaman (HTM) (PPt)

Initiating Phase 1 Clinical Trials in Pediatric Oncology, Dr. Barry Anderson, MD PhD, National Cancer Institute (HTM) (PPt)

Timing of the Initiation of Pediatric Clinical Oncology Studies, Dr. Blaney (HTM) (PPt)

Impediments to Early Initiation of Pediatric Studies in a Clinical Oncology Drug Development Program, Dr. Emanuel (HTM) (PPt)

Patient/Family Perspective, Dr. Hoffman, Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation (HTM) (PPt)