Food and Drug Administration

Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee

January 8, 2003


Evaluating the Safety of Antimicrobial New Animal Drugs with Regard to Their Microbiological Effects on Bacteria of Human Health Concern

Discussion Points, Dr. Linda Tollefson, DVM, MPH, FDA (HTM) (PPT)

Qualitative Antimicrobial Resistance Risk Assessment - Example of Miracin™, Dr. Mary Bartholomew, PhD, FDA (HTM) (PPT)

Ranking of Antimicrobial Drugs Relative to Their Use in Animals, Dr. Richard Carnevale, VMD, Animal Health Institute (HTM) (PPT)

Relating Food Animal and Human Antimicrobial Use, Dr. Mike Apley, DVM, PhD, Iowa State University (HTM) (PPT)

Ranking of Antimicrobial Drugs According to Importance in Human Medicine, Dr. John Pweres, MD, FDA (HTM) (PPT)

Points of Discussion (HTM) (PPT)

Open Public Hearing

Toward More Rational Risk Analysis: Improving the Ranking Process in #152, Tony Cox, Cox Associates (HTM) (PPT)