U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Press Releases
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Senator Stevens' Statement on DOT's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Foreign Investment in U.S. Air Carriers
Washington, D.C. -- Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) today issued the following statement in response to rumors that he intends to attach a provision concerning the Department of Transportation's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on foreign investment in U.S. air carriers to the Fiscal Year 2006 Defense Appropriations bill:

"Secretaries Rice and Mineta are to be congratulated for their work on a new aviation agreement with Europe. I support Open Skies but, like others in Congress, want to be sure that we don't sacrifice too much to achieve it. Right now I am devoting my energies to Defense Appropriations and Reconciliation, and I intend to engage DOT and the State Department on the agreement early next year. I have no plans to address it before then."

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December 2005 Press Releases  « November | January »   « 2004 | 2006 » 
22nd -  Senate Approves Resolution Honoring Flight Deck Officer Program Participants
21st -  Senate Approves the Securing Cockpits Against Lasers Act
21st -  Senate Approves NASA Authorization Conference Report
21st -  Senate Approves FCC Nominees
21st -  Senate Approves Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Act Title in Budget Reconciliation Conference Report
21st -  Senate Approves Maritime Administration Enhancement Act
19th -  House-Senate Conference Committee Approves Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Act Title in Budget Reconciliation Bill
17th -  Senate Approves NTSB and FTC Nominees
17th -  Senate Approves The Coast Guard Hurricane Relief Act
16th -  current Press Release
16th -  Senate Approves Bill to Enhance Coral Reef Conservation
15th -  Commerce Committee Approves the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 2005
15th -  Senate Commerce Committee Approves U.S. SAFE WEB Act
13th -  FCC Nominees Michael Copps and Deborah Taylor Tate Await Action by the Full Senate