FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION










                            ADVISORY COMMITTEE


                   NDA21-645, MT 100, (naproxen sodium

                    and metoclopramide hydrochloride)

                  Tablets, Pozen, Inc. for the proposed

                indication of acute treatment of migraine

                      headache with or without aura









                         Thursday, August 4, 2004


                                8:00 a.m.





              Advisors and Consultants Staff Conference Room

                            5630 Fishers Lane

                           Rockville, Maryland





       Karl Kieburtz, M.D., MPH, Acting Chair

       Anuja Patel, MPH, Executive Secretary




       Michael D. Hughes, Ph.D.

       Carol L. Koski, M.D.

       Roger J. Porter, M.D., (Industry Rep, Non-Voting)

       Ralph L. Sacco, M.D., M.S.




       Larry B. Goldstein, M.D.

       Lily K. Jung, M.D., MMM (Acting Consumer Rep)

       Stanley Fahn, M.D.

       Marc E. Lenaerts, M.D.

       K. Michael Welch, M.B., Ch.B., FRCP

       Sheila Weiss-Smith, Ph.D., FISPE

       Mark W. Green, M.D.




       Dilip V. Jeste, M.D.




       Robert Temple, M.D.

       Russell Katz, M.D.

       Eric Bastings, M.D.

       Mary Ross Southworth, Pharm.D.



                             C O N T E N T S




       Call to Order and Opening Remarks:

                 Karl Kieburtz, M.D., MPH                         5

                 Anuja Patel, MPH


       Conflict of Interest Statement:

                 Mary Ann Killian                                 7


       Overview of Issues:

                 Russell Katz, M.D.                              17


                 Sponsor Presentation, Pozen Incorporated


       Introduction and Summary:

                 Marshall E. Reese, Ph.D.                        24


       Overview of Tardive Dyskinesia:

                 A.H.V. (Tony) Schapira, M.D.                    35


       Review of MT100 Efficacy:

                 William James Alexander, M.D., MPH, FACP        61


       Potential Role of MT100 in Migraine Therapy:

       Balancing Benefits and Risks:

                 David B. Matchar, M.D., FACP                    78


       Clinical Considerations on Migraine Treatment:

                 Stephen D. Silberstein, M.D.                    99


                             FDA Presentation


       FDA Risk/Benefit Considerations:

                 Eric Bastings, M.D.                            108


       Overview of Tardive Dyskinesia:

                 Hyder A. Jinnah, M.D., Ph.D.                   127


       Post-marketing Review of Movement Disorders

       and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Associated

       with Metoclopramide:

                 Mary Ross Southworth, Pharm.D.                 138


       Questions from the Committee to the Sponsor

       and to FDA                                               160



                             C O N T E N T S




       Open Public Hearing

                 Cynthia McCormick, M.D.                        217


       Committee Discussion and Response to FDA Questions       225



                          P R O C E E D I N G S


                    Call to Order and Opening Remarks


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Good morning.  This is the


       Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs


       Advisory Committee.  We here to discuss the New


       Drug Application 21-645, proposed trade name of


       MT100 Tablets, from Pozen, Incorporated for the


       proposed indication of acute treatment of migraine


       headache with or without aura.


                 I would just also take the opportunity to


       refer people to the agenda.  Incorporated in the


       agenda are the questions which are posed to this


       committee which will be discussing and voting on


       today.  We won't be discussing or voting on prior


       actions of the FDA including the non-approvable


       letter or any issues about a approvability of the


       product.  That is not our remit or discussion for




                 So I would hope that the presentations are


       focused on what the committee will be discussing


       and deliberating about today.


                 When people speak, please speak into the



       microphone and turn the microphone on.  If you are


       interested in speaking, raise your hand or you can


       turn the microphone on.  Anuja, the Executive


       Secretary, will keep track and will get to people


       who want to speak from the committee.


                 Just to the committee members, the voting


       committee members, please keep in mind that, to


       vote, you need to be here.  So there is no leaving


       of votes.  Hopefully, there is no leaving until the


       meeting is adjourned which is scheduled to be at 5


       o'clock.  Please plan your travels accordingly.


                 In a second, I am going to introduce Mary


       Ann Killian.  There is a new procedure--I think we


       are the inaugural run of it--for disclosure of


       conflicts of interest where Mary Ann Killian reads


       a statement and then each individual member of the


       committee reads their conflict statement.  When


       that is concluded, Mary Ann has some concluding


       remarks and then we will move on with the rest of


       the agenda.


                 The only individual who does report


       conflicts of interest is Dr. Porter as he is the



       industry representative.


                 So Mary Ann Killian, the Program Integrity


       Advisor from the Ethics and Integrity Staff.


                      Conflict of Interest Statement


                 MS. KILLIAN:  Thank you very much.  The


       FDA is convening today's meeting of the Peripheral


       and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee


       under the authority of the Federal Advisory


       Committee Act of 1972.  The advisory committee


       meeting provides transparency into the agency's


       deliberative processes.


                 With the exception of the industry


       representative, all members of the committee are


       special government employees or regular federal


       employees from other agencies and are subject to


       federal conflict-of-interest laws and regulations.


                 Consequently, in the interest of


       transparency and the spirit of disclosure, the


       following information on the status of this


       advisory committee's compliance with federal ethics


       and conflict-of-interest laws covered by but not


       limited to those found at 18 U.S.C. 208 and 21



       U.S.C. 355(n)(4) is being provided to the


       participants in today's meeting and to the public.


                 FDA has determined that members of this


       advisory committee are in compliance with the


       Federal ethics and conflict-of-interest laws


       including but not limited to 18 U.S.C. 208 and 21


       U.S.C. 355 (n)(4).  Under 18 U.S.C. Section 208,


       applicable to all government agencies, and 21


       U.S.C. 355(n)(4), applicable to FDA, Congress has


       authorized FDA to grant waivers to special


       government employees who have limited financial


       conflicts when it is determined that the agency's


       need for a particular individual's services


       outweighs his or her potential financial conflict


       of interest.


                 Members who are special government


       employees at today's meeting, including special


       government employees appointed as temporary voting


       members, have been screened for potential financial


       conflicts of interest of their own as well as those


       imputed to them including those of their employer,


       spouse, minor child related to the discussions of



       today's meeting.  These interested may include


       investments, consulting, expert witness testimony,


       contracts/grants/CRADAs, teaching/speaking/writing,


       patents and royalties, and primary employment.


                 Today's agenda involves a review of New


       Drug Application 21-645, proposed trade MT100


       Tablets, proposed for acute treatment of migraine


       headache with our without aura sponsored by Pozen,


       Inc.  MT100 is a combination of two approved drugs,


       naproxen sodium, manufactured by the  Albemarle


       Corporation, and metoclopramide hydrochloride,


       manufactured by Cosam S.p.A, a member of the CFM


       group.  This is a particular matters meeting during


       which specific matters related to the NDA will be




                 Copies of each acknowledgement and


       consent-to-disclosure statement signed by each


       participant at today's meeting who received a


       conflict-of-interest waiver along with this


       statement will be available for review at the


       registration table during this meeting and will be


       included as part of the official meeting





                 A copy of the written conflict-of-interest


       waiver statements may be obtained by submitting a


       written request to the agency's Freedom of


       Information Office, Room 12A-30, of the Parklawn




                 At this time, each member will be asked to


       state his or her name for the record and announce


       whether his or her participation in this meeting is


       based on a conflict-of-interest waiver.


                 Please state your name and whether you


       have received a waiver from the agency to


       participate in today's meeting.  If you have


       received a waiver, please describe the details of


       the interest or interests for which the waiver has


       been granted.  If the agency has reviewed your


       reported interest and determined that you do not


       require a waiver, please indicate that for the




                 I guess we will start with you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I will be the exemplar.  I


       am Dr. Karl Kieburtz.  I am a neurologist and on



       the faculty of the University of Rochester in


       Rochester, New York.  Based on the agenda for


       today's meeting and the information regarding my


       financial and other interests required to be


       reported to the agency prior to my participation


       today as a committee member, I have not received a


       conflict-of-interest waiver to participate in


       today's meeting.  That means I don't need a waiver.


                 Next is Dr. Porter.


                 DR. PORTER:  Pass.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  If you would just introduce


       yourself for the record.


                 DR. PORTER:  Sure.  I am Roger Porter.  I


       am a neurologist twenty years at the NIH, ten years


       at Wyeth.  I am now a consultant.


                 DR. HUGHES:  I am Michael Hughes.  I am


       Professor of Biostatistics from Harvard University.


       Based on the agenda for today's meeting and the


       information regarding my financial and other


       interests required to be reported to the agency


       prior to my participation today as a committee


       member, I have not received a conflict-of-interest



       waiver to participate in today's meeting.


                 DR. KOSKI:  I am Dr. Carol L. Koski.  I am


       a Professor of Neurology at the University of


       Maryland School of Medicine.  I have received a


       waiver for ownership of stock in two competing


       firms.  The first is valued between $5,001 and


       $25,000.  The second is valued between $25,001 and




                 DR. SACCO:  Hi.  Ralph Sacco.  I am a


       Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology and


       Director of Stroke and Critical Care at Columbia


       University.  I have received a waiver for my


       service as a consultant for a competing firm.  I


       also serve on the Data and Safety Monitoring Board


       for a competing firm and I receive less than


       $10,001 per year from each firm.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  I am Dr. Larry Goldstein.


       I am a Professor of Medicine at Duke University and


       Director of the Duke Center for Cerebrovascular


       Disease.  I have received a waiver for consulting


       for four competing firms and I receive less than


       $10,001 per firm per year from three of the firms



       and between $10,001 and $50,000 per year from the


       fourth firm.  In addition, I serve as a member of


       two advisory boards and two steering committees for


       competing firms and receive less than $10,001 per


       year from each firm.


                 DR. JUNG:  Hi.  My name is Lily Jung.  I


       am a neurologist with the Seattle Neural Science


       Institute and Swedish Medical Center.  I am also a


       Clinical Associate Professor at the University of


       Washington.  I have received a waiver for ownership


       of stock valued from $5,001 to $25,000 in a


       competing firm.


                 DR. FAHN:  Good morning.  I am Dr. Stanley


       Fahn.  I am a Professor of Neurology at Columbia


       University subspecializing in the field of movement


       disorders.  I have received a waiver for serving on


       steering committees for two competing firms.  In


       addition, I also serve as a consultant for two


       competing firms.  I receive less than $10,001 per


       year from each firm.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Good morning.  Marc


       Lenaerts, Assistant Professor, University of



       Oklahoma, Department of Neurology, a headache


       specialist.  I have received a waiver for serving


       on three speakers bureaus.  One is between $10,001


       and $50,000, and two are $10,000 or less.


                 DR. WELCH:  Good morning.  I am Dr.


       Michael Welch.  I am a Professor of Neurology at


       Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and


       Science.  I have received a waiver for serving as a


       consultant for two competing firms and I am also an


       advisory board member for two competing firms and


       serve on the steering committee for a competing


       firm.  I receive less than $10,001 per year for


       each firm.


                 DR. SMITH:  Good morning.  I am Professor


       Sheila Weiss Smith.  I am an Associate Professor at


       the University of Maryland Schools of Pharmacy and


       Medicine.  I have not received a


       conflict-of-interest waiver to participate in


       today's meeting.


                 DR. JESTE:  Good morning.  I am Dr. Dilip


       Jeste.  I am Professor of Psychiatry and


       Neurosciences at the University of California, San



       Diego, and the San Diego V.A. Healthcare System.  I


       have received a waiver for advisory board


       activities for a competing firm for which I receive


       less than $10,001 per year.


                 DR. GREEN:  I am Dr. Mark Green.  I am a


       Clinical Professor of Neurology at Columbia


       University and Director of the Columbia University


       Headache Center.  I have received a waiver from my


       employer's contracts and grants with three


       competing firms.  My employer receives less than


       $100,000 from one, between $100,001 and $300,000


       from a second and more than $300,000 from a third.


                 MS. KILLIAN:  Thank you very much.


       Lastly, Dr. Roger Porter is the Industry


       Representative on the committee today and he will


       be acting on behalf of all related industry.


                 In the event that the discussions involve


       any other products or firms not already on the


       agenda for which an FDA participant may have a


       financial interest, all meeting participants are


       reminded that they are required by 18 U.S.C. 208 to


       exclude themselves from such deliberations and



       announce their exclusion for the record.


                 Finally, in the interest of public


       transparency, with respect to all other


       participants, we ask that they publicly disclose,


       prior to making any remarks, any current or


       previous financial involvement with any firm whose


       products they may wish to comment upon.


                 Thank you very much.  This concludes my




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you everyone for


       doing that.  For an inaugural run, I think that


       went pretty well.


                 I would just like to point to the agenda


       before letting Dr. Katz begin which is, some people


       know, the sponsor will have approximately an hour


       and fifteen minutes, up until the 9:45 break, to


       give their presentation.  We will then break and


       then there is a presentation from the FDA.


                 There will then be the opportunity for the


       committee to ask questions about the content of


       those presentations to the presenters.  Then we


       will break for lunch.  There will be a public



       hearing after that and then a discussion amongst


       the committee members after that.


                 During those discussions, the committee


       members may ask questions of the presenters


       regarding details of their presentation.


       Presenters may not interject or contribute to that


       discussion voluntarily, just so people know the


       rules of the game here.


                 If you have questions that arise during


       presentations, the FDA's presentation slides are


       numbered.  You may want to note them.  You may want


       to note the slides of a presenter so that you can


       refer back to them with reference when you pose a




                 On the FDA side of the table, I would like


       to introduce four people.  It looks like it flows


       from right to left from my sitting.  Dr. Robert


       Temple, Dr. Rusty Katz, Dr. Bastings and Dr.




                 Dr. Katz?


                            Overview of Issues


                 DR. KATZ:  Thanks, Dr. Kieburtz.  I want



       to be very, very brief.  I just have a couple of


       points I want to make but, first, I want to add my


       welcome to the committee.  Thanks for coming.


       Particularly we have several new members.  I would


       like to thank them for agreeing to serve on the




                 I would also like to thank Dr. Kieburtz


       for agreeing to chair the committee.  It can be a


       tough job.  I would also especially like to thank


       our invited guests, of whom we have quite a few,


       who are experts to help us deal with this


       interesting issue.  In particular, I would like to


       thank Dr. Jinnah who has graciously agreed to


       actually be part of the presentations this morning.


       So thanks very much to everybody for coming.


                 As you know, we are here to discuss NDA


       16-145 submitted by Pozen for the use of MT100


       which, as you have heard and which you know, is a


       combination of naproxen and metoclopramide for the


       treatment of acute migraine.


                 Actually, we are asking you today to


       address a type of question that is actually fairly



       unusual for the committee to deal with and that is


       because many of the questions that we are going to


       be asking you to consider are hypothetical in




                 Those of you who have been on the


       committee or have seen previous committee meetings


       know that, in a typical case, when we bring you a


       new drug application, we would ask you whether or


       not the application contains sufficient evidence of


       safety or effectiveness in order to support


       marketing approval.


                 But, today, as Dr. Kieburtz has already


       stated, we are not primarily interested in the


       question of whether or not the sponsor submitted


       substantial evidence of effectiveness for the


       treatment of acute migraine.  We have already


       decided that they have not done so, in particular


       because we are unsure that they have presented


       sufficient evidence of effectiveness for the


       combination, itself, as a treatment for acute




                 But, perhaps, more importantly for today's



       discussion, we have determined that they have not


       demonstrated a contribution of one of the


       components to the overall effect of the drug and


       that component is metoclopramide.  I think we will


       have a lot of discussion about that particular


       question today.


                 You will, though, of course, hear some


       more or less detailed presentations of that


       effectiveness data that we have already ruled on in


       a sense.  You will hear from the company and you


       will hear, to some extent, from us as well, from


       Dr. Bastings.  We would hope that you would


       primarily consider those data in the context of


       helping to inform your answers to the series of


       hypothetical questions that we are going to ask




                 In particular, we would like you to think


       about the previous effectiveness data in the


       context of giving us your advice as to whether or


       not, if the sponsor does perform an additional


       study or additional studies in a particular


       population which you will hear about, whether or



       not the results--if the results of these new


       studies or new study are more or less of the same


       magnitude as what has been seen already, whether or


       not you would think that would justify approval of


       the combination given the potential risks of the




                 Of course, the potential risks of the


       treatment are the underpinnings for the second


       serious of hypothetical questions we want to ask


       you.  Specifically, we are interested to know your


       views about the likelihood of occurrence and,


       perhaps, even estimates of the frequency of


       particular adverse events that we are concerned


       about which, as you know, are tardive dyskinesia,


       primarily, but, in additional, other tardive


       movement disorders and possibly neuroleptic


       malignant syndrome associated with the chronic


       intermittent use of metoclopramide as it would be


       presumably used in the treatment of acute migraine.


                 This series of questions is hypothetical


       because the current data on the risks for these


       adverse events associated with metoclopramide, such



       as they are, don't speak directly to the question


       of what the frequency of--what they might be when


       the drug is given in the regimen that the sponsor


       proposes; namely, chronic intermittent use, as is


       typical for an acute-migraine treatment.


                 As difficult as those questions might be


       to answer, we would like you to go even further and


       venture an opinion about what sort of possible


       dosing recommendations, if any, actually could be


       adopted that might reduce the risks to an


       acceptable level and then ask you to discuss what


       you think that possible result and level of risk


       might be.  So these are all, obviously, questions


       for which we do not have adequate data.


                 That is what makes it difficult.  We know


       these are difficult questions, but partly because


       they are so difficult, and partly because we think


       these questions are very important to try to answer


       from the perspective of public health, given the


       large prevalence of acute migraine in the


       population, that is why we have come to you today.


                 So, again, thank you for coming.  I want



       to thank you in advance for all the hard work that


       you have done already in reading the documents and


       in today's discussion.  So thanks again and I look


       forward to an interesting and productive meeting.




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you, Dr. Katz.


                 Actually, I realize I was a little remiss


       in introducing all of you.  Maybe, as we have all


       had the chance to introduce ourselves around the


       table, Dr. Temple, maybe you could start so that


       everyone knows who you all are.


                 Also, to follow up on Dr. Katz' comments,


       just before you do that, Dr. Temple, these are


       difficult questions and they are unusual questions.


       I hope the committee members feel comfortable


       voicing if they are uncertain about that and I will


       be happy, as chair, to direct back to the FDA


       questions about clarifying as to whether we are


       answering the questions they had in mind and


       getting clarity that we are providing them the


       advice that they are seeking from us because it is


       a little bit unusual.



                 So, if people are a little uncomfortable


       about that, that is how we can do that.  We can ask


       questions of them to be certain we are addressing


       the issues at hand.


                 So, Dr. Temple, please.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Good morning.  I am Bob


       Temple.  I am the Director of ODE I.  That is


       office in which the Division of Neurology Products


       lives.  I have not received a waiver.


                 DR. KATZ:  I am Russ Katz.  I am the


       Director of the Division of Neurology Products.  I,


       too, am not allowed to have a conflict of interest.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  I am Eric Bastings.  I am a


       clinical team leader in the Division of Neurology.


                 DR. SOUTHWORTH:  I am Mary Ross


       Southworth, a safety evaluator in the Office of


       Drug Safety.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Next on the agenda is


       presentations from the sponsor.


                Sponsor Presentation, Pozen, Incorporated


                         Introduction and Summary


                 DR. REESE:  Good morning and thank you.



                 (Slide CC-1-2)


                 Pozen wants to thank the FDA for


       assembling the Peripheral and Central Nervous


       System Drugs Advisory Committee today to review our


       naproxen-metoclopramide combination product called


       MT100 for the acute treatment of migraine with and


       without aura.


                 (Slide CC-3)


                 Let me briefly review an outline of


       Pozen's presentation for this morning.  Following


       my introductory comments, Dr. Schapira, Professor


       and Chair of Neurology at the Royal Free and


       University College Medical School in London and


       Professor of Neurology at Queens Square, will


       present an overview of tardive dyskinesia with


       metoclopramide use.


                 Dr. Alexander, Senior Vice President and


       Chief Medical Officer at Pozen, will briefly review


       the efficacy data for MT100 as contained in our


       NDA.  Dr. Matchar, Professor of Medicine and


       Director of the Center for Clinical Health Policy


       Research at Duke University, will discuss the



       potential role of MT100 in migraine therapy and the


       benefit-to-risk ratio of MT100.


                 Dr. Silberstein, Director of Jefferson


       Headache Center in Philadelphia and the current


       President of the American Headache Society, will


       review clinical considerations in migraine


       treatments.  Then I will close our presentation of


       this morning.


                 (Slide CC-4)


                 A bit of history.  Pozen filed the IND for


       MT100 in 1997 and undertook a preclinical, clinical


       and pharmaceutical development program.  There were


       several discussions in meetings with the FDA over


       the next six years which culminated in the


       submission of the NDA in July, 2003.  Pozen


       believed that the totality of the data in the NDA


       supported approval of the fixed-combination


       product.  However, the FDA did not agree with Pozen


       and issued a not-approvable letter in May, 2004.


                 A critical-path meeting was held in late


       October, 2004 with the Division Director, Dr. Katz,


       and the Office Director, Dr. Temple.  As a result



       of that meeting, the FDA suggested an


       advisory-committee meeting be convened to address


       the potential risk of tardive dyskinesia with MT100


       before we undertook any additional work.


                 (Slide CC-5)


                 That brings us to today's meeting which


       really revolves around one central question; does


       the potential risk of tardive dyskinesia preclude


       the ultimate approval of MT100, whether for all


       patients or for a readily identifiable group of


       patients who receive the maximum benefit.


                 (Slide CC-6)


                 MT100 is a patented pharmaceutical tablet


       formulation which is basically a pill inside a


       pill.  The core consists of the 500 milligrams of


       naproxen sodium that is sprayed with an insulating


       coat followed by a spray coating of 16 milligrams


       of metoclopramide hydrochloride,  which is


       equivalent to 13-and-a-half milligrams of


       metoclopramide base, then followed by a color coat.


                 The tablet is designed to release


       metoclopramide immediately into the stomach to



       alleviate the gastroparesis often associated with


       migraine following the release of the long-acting


       drug, naproxen, after it leaves the stomach.


       Please note that the doses of both components are


       well below the maximum daily doses approved for


       these two products for other indications.


                 (Slide CC-7)


                 In May, 2004, the FDA issued a


       not-approvable letter for MT100 citing both


       efficacy and safety concerns.  The FDA concluded


       that the efficacy data for MT100 provided only


       modest benefit over naproxen at 24 hours and that


       this benefit, coupled with the possible risk of


       metoclopramide-induced tardive dyskinesia, did not


       warrant approval of MT100.


                 The not-approvable letter also stated that


       the data submitted in the NDA did not provide a


       significant benefit for all of the


       migraine-associated symptoms at two  hours versus


       placebo in two well-controlled studies.  The FDA


       did agree that one study was considered to have met


       all the endpoints necessary for approval.



                 Therefore, the FDA felt that the potential


       risk of developing tardive dyskinesia was not


       outweighed by the 4 to 6 percent benefit of the


       MT100 over the active control, naproxen, at 24




                 (Slide CC-8)


                 Now, regarding tardive dyskinesia, the


       not-approvable letter states, "The absence of any


       detected cases among 300 patients is consistent


       with the true rate of TD of about 1 percent, an


       unacceptably high risk in the absence of any


       advantage of the product."


                 The FDA's mathematical calculation of 1


       percent is derived from the upper limit of the 95


       percent confidence interval around zero which we


       believe is based on the 300 subjects in the


       long-term safety study.  Any implication that the


       true rate approaches 1 percent is unfounded based


       on the available scientific data in the literature,


       the spontaneous case reports from the U.S. and the


       U.K., national safety databases and our own


       clinical-trial experience in treating over 3700



       patients with MT100.


                 We feel that the risk of tardive


       dyskinesia is very low and, certainly, much less


       than 1 percent.  While approximately 2700 of these


       patients treated only single attacks, our 12-month


       safety data that we conducted was actually three


       times larger than the FDA had requested.


                 This study exposed over 1000 subjects to


       MT100 for three months, over 600 subjects for 6


       months and over 300 subjects for 12 months treating


       over 23,000 individual migraine attacks and there


       were no reports of tardive dyskinesia in these




                 (Slide CC-9)


                 Now, metoclopramide had been on the market


       for over 20 years when Pozen submitted the NDA and


       there were never any concerns raised by the FDA as


       far as I am aware regarding tardive dyskinesia


       during the development of MT100.  Even though we


       saw no cases of tardive dyskinesia during the


       development program, to be conservative, Pozen


       mimicked the current metoclopramide labeling found



       in Reglan, from the Warnings Section of the


       approved label, regarding any possible risk of


       tardive dyskinesia.


                 The Reglan label states, regarding tardive


       dyskinesia, that both the risk of developing the


       syndrome and the likelihood that it will become


       irreversible are believed to increase with the


       duration of treatment and the total cumulative


       dose.  Less commonly, the syndrome can develop


       after a brief treatment period at low doses.  In


       these cases, the symptoms appear more likely to be




                 I would like to stress, again, that the


       use of MT100 in the migraine population exposes


       patients to both a low dose, 16 milligrams, of


       metoclopramide hydrochloride and to an episodic use


       of about three to six times per month.


                 (Slide CC-10)


                 Based on the available scientific


       evidence, Pozen submits that the risk of tardive


       dyskinesia associated with metoclopramide use is


       very low and should be even lower with the episodic



       use of MT100.  The therapeutic dose of


       metoclopramide hydrochloride, as I said, in MT100


       is only 16 milligrams.  The data from the long-term


       safety study indicates that the expected use of


       MT100 is only about four doses per month.


                 Dr. Schapira will review the spontaneous


       national safety databases from both the U.S. and


       U.K. and the scientific literature.  There have


       been very few cases of tardive dyskinesia reported


       from the chronic use of metoclopramide as a single


       ingredient over the past 40 years and, to our


       knowledge, no cases of tardive dyskinesia have been


       reported with the episodic use of metoclopramide.


                 As I said, there were no cases of tardive


       dyskinesia seen in our clinical-trial program


       either.  Therefore, to the best of our knowledge


       from the literature, the national safety databases


       and experts in the field, the risk of developing


       tardive dyskinesia from the episodic use of MT100


       should be lower than currently approved


       metoclopramide-containing products.  Therefore,


       Pozen feels its potential risk of tardive



       dyskinesia should not preclude the ultimate


       approval of MT100.


                 (Slide CC-11)


                 Since MT100 is a fixed-combination


       product, it must also satisfy the FDA combination


       policy as shown on this slide which simply states


       that, "Two or more drugs may be combined in a


       single form when each component makes a


       contribution to the claimed effects and the dosage


       of each component is such that the combination is


       safe and effective for a significant patient


       population requiring such concurrent therapy as


       defined in the labeling."


                 We believe MT100 satisfies this policy.


                 (Slide CC-12)


                 Dr. Alexander will review the efficacy


       data for MT100 in a few moments, but I would like


       to share a few highlights of what he will show you.


                 There was a significant improvement in the


       primary endpoint of sustained pain response over 24


       hours in five of six studies versus placebo or the


       pseudoplacebo metoclopramide.  One study did not



       achieve significance and the p-value was 0.054.


                 The data from the two component studies


       both demonstrate that each component of


       metoclopramide makes a significant contribution to


       the claimed effects for all patients but an even


       greater effect in a significant patient population


       experiencing migraine attacks without nausea.


                 In addition to the primary 24-hour


       sustained pain endpoint, the FDA requested that we


       evaluate migraine efficacy endpoints at two hours


       versus placebo.  In all six efficacy studies, MT100


       was always significantly better than placebo for


       pain at two hours.  We also showed improvement over


       the associated symptoms of nausea, photophobia and


       phonophobia at two hours.


                 Although these studies were not powered to


       show a difference in these secondary symptoms, in


       most cases, MT100 was numerically, if not


       statistically, superior to placebo.


                 (Slide CC-13)


                 In conclusion, I believe that the


       potential risk of tardive dyskinesia should not



       preclude the ultimate approval of MT100.


                 (Slide CC-14)


                 Next I would like to introduce Dr.


       Schapira, Professor and Chair of Neurology at the


       Royal Free and University College Medical School in


       London and Professor of Neurology at Queens Square,


       who will summarize the available information on


       tardive dyskinesia associated with metoclopramide




                 Thank you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Reese, before you--does


       anybody have just a quick clarification or--okay.


       Thank you.


                      Overview of Tardive Dyskinesia


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Thank you, Dr. Reese, and


       thank you, Dr. Kieburtz, and thank you to the


       committee for the opportunity to come and speak to


       you this morning.


                 I guess I am coming here wearing two hats.


       The first is of a neurologist, a general


       neurologist, in the U.K. who, in outpatient clinic,


       sees a spectrum of neurological disorders, a



       significant proportion of which, of course,


       includes headache and a significant proportion of


       that, in turn, includes migraine.


                 The second hat is that of a neurologist


       with a specific interest in movement disorders.  So


       it is with those two hats, if you wish, that I am


       going to cover some specific areas this morning.


                 (Slide CC-15)


                 The first is to address the issue of why


       use metoclopramide in migraine and the second is


       specifically to address the risk of tardive


       dyskinesias, or TD, with metoclopramide use.  I


       would like to divide my comments on this into three


       areas; the chronic, intermittent and episodic use.


       I will come back each of those in turn.


                 (Slide CC-16)


                 Just to begin with why use metoclopramide


       in migraine.


                 (Slide CC-17)


                 I will cover this only briefly because


       others will also comment on this, but we know that


       it enhances absorption of orally administered



       analgesics.  It is an anti-nauseant and


       anti-emetic.  A meta-analysis indicates that


       parenteral metoclopramide seems to have a specific


       anti-migraine activity on its own.


                 (Slide CC-18)


                 The advantages, if you wish, of


       metoclopramide in migraine have actually been used


       in the U.K. because we have, for 25 years, actually


       had access to three drugs, all of which are


       metoclopramide analgesic combinations.  The first


       is MigraVess.  The second is Paramax, and MigraMax.


       MigraVess was available between 1980 and 1999 and


       was then withdrawn in favor of Migramax because of


       the higher dose of aspirin compound in the latter.


                 All of these three compounds, as I say,


       contain 10 milligrams of metoclopramide per dose


       and the maximum recommended dose in the U.K. is


       three dose per 24 hours, so a 30-milligram-per-day


       dose of metoclopramide.


                 There is no restriction in the U.K. on the


       number of times a patient may take this compound


       per week, per month, et cetera, so long as they do



       not exceed the three-times-per-day, 24-hour, dose.


       I should also point out that, for general use,


       metoclopramide has been available in the U.K. since




                 (Slide CC-19)


                 The use of these metoclopramide-analgesic


       combinations in the U.K. have been found useful.


       In fact, they have now been incorporated into the


       U.K. Guidelines for the management of acute


       migraine.  The first step is a simple analgesic.


       The second step is, then, the


       metoclopramide-analgesic combinations given orally


       or, if necessary, given by suppository.  The third


       step is the use of a triptan.


                 We have found, in clinical practice in the


       U.K., that that middle step, that Step 2, is a very


       useful practical intermediate step between the use


       of simple analgesics and the use of a triptan.


                 (Slide CC-20)


                 Now, I would like to come on specifically


       to address the issues of tardive dyskinesia.  In


       terms of the use, I will focus first on chronic



       use.  This I am going to define, really, as the


       most frequent, most common, use in the U.S.,


       particularly, of Reglan, or metoclopramide, for its


       gastrointestinal uses, and also in the U.K. we have


       an equivalent drug which we call Maxolon, again


       with the same range of uses for gastrointestinal




                 (Slide CC-21)


                 Let me, first of all, though, before


       moving on to the surveillance data, begin with a


       view of tardive dyskinesia.  There are several


       different definitions of tardive dyskinesia, so


       what I have tried to draw out is some of the


       commonalities between them.


                 I think we could say that it is a syndrome


       consisting of potentially irreversible involuntary


       dyskinetic movements which can affect any part of


       the body but which predominantly affect the


       orolingual-buccal region.  It has traditionally


       been associated with chronic, and that is 30 days


       or more, use of a dopamine antagonist, generally


       speaking, at the higher dose ranges of the those





                 But some definitions of TD also include


       daily use for three months, or daily use for one


       month if the patient is 60 years or more, onset


       during use or, alternatively, onset with four to


       eight weeks of cessation.


                 The pathogenesis of tardive dyskinesia is


       not fully understood but it is thought to include


       the development of supersensitivity of the


       dopaminergic system.  The prognosis of TD, once it


       develops, is variable and, again, the precise


       handles on this can vary.  Two studies, for


       instance, quoted in the helpful FDA submission,


       suggest that 33 percent of patients may resolve


       spontaneously in two years and another 29 percent


       over six months.


                 But, certainly, TD can be irreversible and


       can be extremely distressing.


                 (Slide CC-22)


                 I would like to just now move quickly to


       some of the surveillance data that is available on


       TD, the first of which, looking at the association



       between TD and metoclopramide came from


       Scandinavia.  Between 1977 and 1981, there were


       established 11 million doses and they identified 11


       cases of TD.


                 Then the first of two U.K. studies.  The


       first was a retrospective analysis of the Committee


       of Safety of Medicines.  This is a yellow-card


       system whereby medical practitioners will send in a


       yellow card to the CSM when they identify an


       adverse drug reaction.


                 Looking at the years between 1967 and


       1982, so about 15 years, of Maxolon only--so this


       is looking at the use of, if you will, the Reglan


       equivalent in the U.K.--it established 15.9 million


       prescriptions over this 15-year period, so just


       over 1 million per year.  They identified four


       cases of TD.


                 Then there was a prospective study by the


       same author looking at a time point in 1986 over a


       six-month period where they prospectively looked at


       prescriptions, again for Maxolon, the Reglan


       equivalent, not for the metoclopramide-analgesic



       combination.  So, for this Reglan equivalent, they


       identified just over 2-and-a-half thousand


       prescriptions or patients who were given


       prescriptions and found 25 extrapyramidal events


       with 12 dystonias, eight akathisias, five


       drug-induced Parkinsonism but no case of tardive




                 It might be helpful just for me to set in


       context the dosage issues of metoclopramide in the


       form of Reglan or Maxolon and that suggested for




                 (Slide CC-23)


                 Reglan, here, I understand, is used at a


       recommended dose of 10 to 15 milligrams per day, in


       some cases up to 20 milligrams, but the general


       recommendation is for 10 to 15, up to four times a


       day.  So the maximum dose would be 60 milligrams a


       day.  Then the course of the medication varies


       according to the indication it is used for, up to


       eight weeks or up to 12 weeks.


                 If you look at the maximum calculated


       recommended exposure for one course, you come to



       just over 5 grams of metoclopramide.  But, if you


       take a conservative estimate of usage--let's say if


       you half that recommended maximum--you would come


       out with, let's say, 10 milligrams four times a day


       and for eight weeks rather than 12 weeks.


       You come out to about 2.24 grams, so that is 45


       percent of the maximum recommended dose on that




                 Just to put this in context, that


       half-exposure, if you wish, half of the maximum


       recommended exposure, is the equivalent to treat


       166 doses of MT100, 166 migraine attacks, or, if a


       patient were to take MT100 at its maximum


       recommended dose of 6 tablets per month every


       month, they could take 2.3 years of MT100.


                 In fact, the median number of doses per


       year of MT100 in the 302 study was 22, so if you


       translated this into practical MT100 usage, this


       would be the equivalent to seven-and-a-half years


       of Reglan at half its maximum recommended dose or


       15 years of practical use of MT100 at the maximum


       exposure of Reglan in one specific course.



                 So that just sets the sort of dosage


       issues in context.


                 (Slide CC-24)


                 I would like to now come to this very


       helpful review by Shaffer, Dr. Shaffer, who was--he


       and two other colleagues from the FDA and another


       from Duke published a paper looking at the U.S.


       reporting system for the period 1968 to 2003, so


       over 35 years.


                 Now, just for the 10-year period between


       1994 and 2003, they estimated that there were about


       42 million scripts for metoclopramide.  They


       identified in their database 87 cases, 40 of which


       made that predetermined definition of TD.  But I


       will talk about this in a little bit more detail.


                 (Slide CC-25)


                 This is a 35-year review.  Interestingly,


       just when they looked at all the scripts for


       patients who were given metoclopramide, 62 percent


       of those were intended for women and 24 percent,


       almost a quarter, were intended for patients who


       were age 70 or over.  The authors actually didn't



       include the use of migraine in their estimations


       but I understand from the FDA submission that they


       have now calculated that 2 percent of this use was


       for migraine and, no doubt, they will address that


       issue specifically themselves.


                 Now, the predetermined definition of TD


       that these authors used to identify their cases was


       metoclopramide exposure for 30 days or more and


       documented involuntary movements or symptoms.  As I


       say, they identified 87 separate reports but 60 of


       these had involuntary movements and 53 had duration


       of use of 30 days or more.


                 In practice, 40 of the 87 met the


       predetermined criteria of TD.  I note that, in the


       FDA submission, their number is 68 and, again, no


       doubt, they will address that separately.


                 Of those that did develop TD, the mean age


       was 60 with a range of 11 weeks to 95 years, and 65


       percent of the TD patients were women which


       corresponds, actually, quite well with the 62


       percent women that were given the scripts in the


       first place.



                 The mean dose was 33 milligrams per day,


       the duration 753 days although, again, the FDA


       submission, I note, identifies the median as 180


       days.  Six of the patients were on anti-psychotics


       as well as metoclopramide and 22 of them were


       considered to have permanent disability, eight of


       whom needed a visit to the emergency department or


       hospitalization because of their TD.


                 (Slide CC-26)


                 I would like to now move from what I have


       considered in terms of the Reglan or Maxolon type


       usage in the U.K. and the U.S. to the intermittent


       or episodic.  Here I would like to draw my own


       distinction between these.


                 In my understanding, intermittent


       pharmacotherapy is a course of treatment separated


       by a period of treatment followed by another course


       of that same treatment so, over a prolonged period,


       intermittent doses with periods in between without


       the medication.  I contrast that with episodic PRN


       or as in "when required" use such as, for instance,


       as used in acute migraine attacks.  That is what I



       am going to refer to as episodic use.


                 (Slide CC-27)


                 Let me just remind you that, in the U.K.,


       we have, for the last 25 years, had access to these


       metoclopramide-analgesic combinations for the


       treatment, the episodic treatment, of acute


       migraine the dosage of which, in any 24 hours, is


       30 milligrams.  Looking at the equivalent,


       incidently, in MT100, the maximum daily dose is


       13.5 milligrams in terms of the base of


       metoclopramide which is the equivalent in these




                 In the U.K., it is estimated almost


       100,000 patients receive a total of about 8 million


       doses of these combinations per year.  In the


       five-year period 1999 to 2003, there were estimated


       to be a total of 40 million doses.  So these are


       drugs which are used relatively commonly for the


       treatment of acute migraine in the U.K.


                 (Slide CC-28)


                 Now, the ADROIT database is a physician


       database.  It records physician-identified and



       reported adverse events to a central, now


       computerized, database and it records prescriptions


       as well as adverse events, so it is particularly




                 In the period 1964, when metoclopramide


       first became available, to 2005, so about a 40-year


       period, they were able to collect data on


       metoclopramide.  But what is, I think, of


       particular interest this morning is that this


       database is able to discriminate between the


       Maxolon-Reglan type use in the U.K. and the use of


       metoclopramide-analgesic combinations for acute


       migraine.  So the database discriminates between


       those two uses.


                 They found almost 3000 adverse-event


       reports by any route of which 156 were related to


       the acute-migraine metoclopramide-analgesic


       combinations of which 69 were neurological over a


       period from 1980 to 2005 which is when these


       combinations have been available to us.


                 (Slide CC-29)


                 Just to look at little bit more closely at



       these 69 neurological events over that 25-year


       period reported to this database, there were 26


       dystonias or oculogyric crises, eight


       extrapyramidal disorders not specified, three


       dyskinesias which were not classified as TD--they


       were reversible after the patient stopped their


       medication--one of Parkinsonism, one of akathisia


       but no reports of choreiform movements and no


       reports over this 25-year period of tardive




                 (Slide CC-30)


                 There were a collection of other


       neurological events; acute extrapyramidal disorders


       were numbered 14 and this may well include things


       like oculogyric crises, and then a variety of other


       neurological features.  So that totals a number of


       69 none of which were TD.


                 (Slide CC-31)


                 Just to make a comparison between acute


       episodic use of metoclopramide-analgesic


       combinations for acute migraine and the other


       general use of metoclopramide, I have listed there



       the adverse events.  You will see that there have


       been reports, of course, of a variety of


       neurological events including the


       dystonia/oculogyric crises with the more chronic


       type of metoclopramide use, the sort of


       Maxolon-Reglan type use, and 24 cases of tardive


       dyskinesia with the non-migraine use of


       metoclopramide compared to the zero for the


       migraine use.


                 (Slide CC-32)


                 I would just like to very briefly cover


       the MT100 experience; nine phase 3 studies, 3,700


       subjects, over 25,000 doses and a study which took


       just over a 1,000 patients to follow them up over a


       period of up to 12 months.


                 In the MT100 studies, there were two


       patients that experienced acute dystonic reactions


       but no patients that experienced tardive




                 (Slide CC-33)


                 Just looking at the longer-term study,


       1,000 patients recruited, 621 were followed over



       six months, 329 over 12 months, treating 23,000


       migraine attacks.  As I mentioned before, the


       median number of doses per patient over the 12


       months was 22 and the mean number of days between


       each dose was almost 10.


                 (Slide CC-34)


                 So just looking at the--one has to accept


       somewhat limited MT100 data.  We haven't seen any


       cases of TD.  But just looking at the U.K. data


       where we have got data now for over 25 years, and


       there is that period 1999 to 2003 where


       specifically, just for that period, they have


       estimated 40 million doses, we haven't had any


       reports to the ADROIT database of any cases of


       tardive dyskinesia over that period.


                 (Slide CC-35)


                 I would like to summarize.  I think we


       have to accept that the MT100 experience is


       insufficient to exclude a small risk of TD with its


       usage.  But, moving to the larger U.K. experience,


       I think we have had no reports of


       analgesic-metoclopramide combinations causing TD



       and that is use for migraine over 25 years and at a


       very conservative estimate, over 100,000 million




                 This, remember, is using a dosage and a


       frequency for these analgesic-metoclopramide


       combinations in the U.K. which is greater than that


       which is proposed for MT100.


                 (Slide CC-36)


                 The FDA briefing documents raised some


       important topics and I would just like to address


       three of those specifically.  The first is the


       question that they asked, is there sufficient


       evidence that the chronic intermittent


       administration of metoclopramide does not carry the


       same risk of TD as the chronic administration.


                 I can say that the experience from the


       U.K. over the 25 years that we have had them of


       these metoclopramide-analgesic preparations, the


       answer is yes.  Yes; we do have sufficient evidence


       that the chronic intermittent administration of


       metoclopramide does not carry the same risk of TD


       as the chronic administration.



                 (Slide CC-37)


                 So, if the answer is yes, what is the


       maximum number of recommended monthly doses to


       avoid the risk of TD?  Well, the answer to that is


       not known.  But I have to come back to the U.K.


       experience just to mention that, over the 25 years,


       there have been no cases of TD using the


       metoclopramide-analgesic combinations at their


       recommended dose and schedule which exceeds that


       for MT100.


                 (Slide CC-38)


                 Finally, this is an issue which will be


       addressed by other experts specifically and that is


       on medication-overuse headache, but the question is


       posed, do you believe that, based on the existing


       data on medication-overuse headache, there is


       evidence that the proportion of patients prescribed


       MT100 will likely take a number of monthly doses


       higher than that recommended.


                 Well, I can't answer this question


       specifically, of course, but I can only say that if


       this does happen, even if it does happen with this



       type of combination, the U.K. data don't indicate


       that it should lead to TD.


                 Thank you very much.


                 (Slide CC-39)


                 I would like now to pass to Dr. Jim


       Alexander who is Pozen's Chief Medical Officer.  He


       will review the data on the efficacy of MT100 in




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Same thing.  Anyone have a


       point of clarification?


                 DR. SMITH:  Could you go over with me, on


       Slide CC-21, the definition of tardive dyskinesia,


       please--the definition.  My question is, you say


       some definitions include the duration of exposure.


       When do the definitions include that?  In other


       words, is that a common use definition?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  The definitions vary.  As I


       say, some definitions, looking at the case studies


       that have been published on TD and metoclopramide


       have required that the patient has been taking


       metoclopramide continuously for two months, others


       for three months.  Some of the other studies like



       the Shaffer review have said that the patient


       should be taking it for 30 days or more.


                 So there is some variation in how people


       define the requirement of metoclopramide exposure


       before they will associate it with TD.


                 DR. SMITH:  I see.  So, if it doesn't meet


       the duration of use, it would be dyskinesia, not


       TD?  Is that correct?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  I think that would depend


       on the individual study and the interpretation of


       the authors.  For instance, in the Shaffer paper,


       they identified that they would use the definition


       of 30 days or more.  But they also recognized--for


       instance, I think they reported on three juvenile


       cases, two infantile and one adolescent case, that


       developed tardive dyskinesia, I think the two


       infants following an overdose of metoclopramide and


       the adolescent also had some other features.


                 So I think it depends clearly how strictly


       you want to define and whether you will comment on


       other cases that fall outside your definition.


                 DR. SMITH:  Okay.  Thank you.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let's hold on that because


       we will hear more about definitions.  If the


       question is about TD definitions--no?  Go ahead.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Dr. Schapira, in sharing


       your U.K. experience, what is your estimate of the


       prevalence of specifically migrainers either


       overusing metoclopramide-analgesic combinations or


       staying frequently or constantly at the maximum


       recommended dose, because you mention--


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Excuse me.  I am just going


       to stop.  If you have a clarification on what he


       presented, that is one thing.  Additional questions


       about something he didn't talk about, not yet.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Thank you.  I will hold.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Just clarifications of the


       presented material.  Dr. Katz?


                 DR. KATZ:  A couple of questions.  On


       Slide 22, the second Bateman study, just for


       clarification, what the design was.  That was a


       prospective study?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  No; that is a retrospective


       study.  The CSM, yellow-card system.



                 DR. KATZ:  The second one is the


       yellow-card system.  I thought you said it was a


       prospective study.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  No.  I'm sorry.  The second


       Bateman study that you see on the slide there, the


       one published in 1989, that was a prospective




                 DR. KATZ:  Right; I am talking about the


       second study.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  I'm sorry.  I thought you


       said second on the list.


                 DR. KATZ:  Oh; I'm sorry.  The second


       Bateman study, the 1989.  So that is prospective,


       so those patients were followed and their adverse


       events were recorded contemporaneous with their




                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes.


                 DR. KATZ:  It was a true prospective--


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes.


                 DR. KATZ:  Okay.  Thanks.  One other


       question.  Slide 28, which looks at the reports of


       these events over a 40-year period, do you know



       anything about the temporal pattern of those


       reports?  In other words, were there more reports


       earlier on and then reports started to wane over


       time which sort of happens all the time, we think,


       with spontaneous reports?  Do you know anything


       about that?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  No; I can't comment on


       those.  I can only say that the system has been in


       place, of course, for all of that time.  More


       recently, over the past years, it has been


       computerized.  So the ADROIT system is a fairly


       responsive system which is linked to primary-care


       computers throughout the U.K.  But I can't tell you


       about the pattern of those over the years.


                 DR. KATZ:  Just one other, if I can,


       question.  The previous slide, 27, which looks at


       the combination, the actual acute-migraine


       treatments, do we know the actual doses that people


       took?  As you say, the maximum dose, I guess, is 30


       a day.  Do we know?  I don't know.  Maybe we figure


       it out from the numbers, but do we know what people


       actually took?



                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  No; we don't know precisely


       how many they took, only how many were prescribed.


       As I say, it is estimated as an average of 85 per


       person, but that doesn't tell you how many they


       took in an individual dose.  So I don't have the


       data on that.


                 DR. KATZ:  Dr. Fahn?


                 DR. FAHN:  If we can go back to slide 22,


       again, for a clarification, the second Bateman


       study, the 1989 study, zero cases of TD, do you


       know what definition of TD they used to come to


       that number?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  No.  They did not specify


       their definition of TD.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Goldstein?


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  I am not all that familiar


       with your drug-reporting system.  Two questions


       about it.  One is how compulsive is the use of


       this?  In other words, how often do you think you


       are actually getting reports about things that are


       actually happening.


                 The second question related to it is does



       the system allow for validation somehow of these


       reports because, especially with primary-care


       physicians, it is not clear to me how accurate


       these reports may be about particular types of




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  It is a little evaluative.


       It is a good question.  Can we hold on it because I


       am conscious that the sponsor only has a certain


       amount of time to present.  I don't want to


       infringe on that.


                 One last question about the second Bateman


       study that you have already had questions about.


       Was that only new prescriptions?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  I'm sorry; can I just


       clarify.  That was the number of prescriptions that


       were given during that six-month period.  So it


       didn't specify whether that was a renewed


       prescription for that individual or not.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Oh; I see.  Okay.  Thank





                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Thank you.  I will now hand


       over to Dr. Alexander.


                         Review of MT100 Efficacy


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Thank you, Dr. Schapira.


                 Although the potential risk of tardive


       dyskinesia is the primary focus of this meeting,


       when Pozen and the FDA discussed the meeting, we


       agreed that the committee should have the


       opportunity to review data described in the


       efficacy of MT100.


                 (Slide CC-40)


                 My presentation will, therefore, summarize


       the results of studies designed to evaluate the


       efficacy of MT100 using two different trial designs


       which evaluated the acute treatment of single


       migraine attacks.


                 First, I will show the results from the


       phase 3  studies which evaluated MT100 versus


       placebo or metoclopramide as a pseudoplacebo.


       These studies examined the efficacy of MT100 as a


       migraine drug using those endpoints that are


       usually required for the approval of new migraine





                 Secondly, I will review the data from the


       two component controlled trials which I will call


       the factorial studies.  These are the trials that


       compared MT100 to its two individual components.


       Now, as you have heard, the efficacy of naproxen


       sodium as a component of MT100 is really not in


       question.  So my focus in discussing these data


       will be on comparisons between MT100 and naproxen


       sodium which directly address the contribution of


       metoclopramide as a component of MT100.


                 (Slide CC-41)


                 The MT100 phase 3 program was quite


       extensive and almost 6,000 subjects were enrolled


       in six controlled trials treating single migraine


       attacks.  Four studies directly compared MT100 with


       placebo while, in the two factorial studies shown


       below, 301 and 304, metoclopramide was considered a




                 2,355 subjects received single doses of


       MT100.  Did these studies provide evidence that


       MT100 was an effective migraine drug?  Well, Pozen



       believes that the data clearly showed this.


                 (Slide CC-42)


                 This table lists the six studies in the


       left-hand column.  It is arranged to show the 30


       individual different primary and secondary


       endpoints in the five columns to the right.  Study


       306, which is at the top, is the study that was


       accepted by the FDA as demonstrating the efficacy


       of MT100.  The two columns on the far left show the


       key pain endpoints--that is, sustained pain


       response at 24 hours, which was the primary


       endpoint in four studies, and the two-hour pain


       response in the second column was a key secondary


       endpoint in five studies.


                 As shown now on the slide, in 11 of 12


       comparisons, MT100 was significantly superior to


       the comparator for each of these pain endpoints.


       In Study 303, which had an unbalanced randomization


       with a smaller number of placebo recipients, the


       p-value for sustained pain response was 0.054.


                 But in all six studies, the efficacy of


       MT100 over the comparator for the two-hour pain



       response, shown in the second column, was


       significantly superior.  These results provide


       clear and compelling evidence that MT100 provides


       effective two-hour pain relief, the usual


       regulatory endpoint in migraine trials, as well as


       providing sustaining pain responses at 24 hours.


                 I will provide a better definition of


       sustained response in a few minutes.  I want to


       mention the efficacy on the associated symptoms.


       Efficacy for the associated symptoms of nausea,


       photophobia and phonophobia, are also for a


       migraine drug.  But, in contrast to pain, these


       symptoms are not always present in migraine attacks


       and, in fact, none of the Pozen studies were


       powered to detect differences for these endpoints


       but all were specified as secondary endpoints in


       our studies.


                 Nevertheless, significant differences in


       the incidences of these symptoms were seen among a


       number of these studies at two hours after dosing,


       as shown now.  In additional comparisons, shown in


       yellow, the p-values were between 0.05 and 0.1. 



       The p-values, finally, in orange, are above 0.1.


                 As is reviewed in your briefing document,


       by three or four hours after dosing, significant


       benefits on all of these associated symptoms were


       usually present with MT100 treatment.


                 So, to summarize, the totality of the


       evidence from these six studies clearly shows that


       MT100 is an effective acute treatment for migraine.


                 (Slide CC-43)


                 I will now show the comparisons of MT100


       against naproxen sodium.  These comparisons, again,


       reflect the direct assessments of the contribution


       of metoclopramide within MT100 in order to satisfy


       the combination drug rule.


                 The two phase 3 factorial studies were


       each performed at sites in the U.S.  Subjects were


       randomized to treatment with either MT100, naproxen


       sodium 500 milligrams, or metoclopramide 16


       milligrams, the identical doses of these component


       drugs that are contained within MT100.


                 Subjects treated a single migraine attack


       of moderate of severe pain intensity and symptom



       assessments were performed at baseline and hourly


       for 24 hours.  Rescue medication was permitted


       after at least two hours had elapsed after dosing.


                 (Slide CC-44)


                 I would like to take a second and explain


       the pain assessments in these trials, the primary


       endpoint as well as the secondary endpoints.


       Sustained pain response at 24 hours was agreed by


       Pozen and the FDA as the appropriate measure to use


       to assess the efficacy of MT100 versus each of its


       two components.


                 Sustained pain response is a composite


       measure of efficacy and is defined as pain relief


       at two hours--that is, no pain or only mild


       pain--and no relapse or moderate or severe pain and


       no need for the use of rescue medication over the


       next 22 hours after the two-hour assessment.  The


       efficacy of this endpoint is judged by how many


       subjects meet this definition at 24 hours.


                 I would like to stop at this point and


       explain why Pozen and the FDA agreed that the use


       of the two-hour pain response endpoint would not be



       acceptable for the comparison of MT100 with


       naproxen sodium.  This was because both treatment


       are active due to the presence of naproxen in each


       drug and should, in fact, produce very similar pain


       responses at the time point of two hours after




                 Two-hour pain response was a secondary


       endpoint in these studies and was used to evaluate


       MT100 versus metoclopramide as a pseudoplacebo, as


       I have previously shown.


                 In contrast to the sustained pain response


       and two-hour response rates which measure the


       number of subjects responding, at the bottom of the


       slide, you will see three secondary endpoints that


       were also evaluated in these trials.  These are the


       Pain Intensity Difference score, PID, the Sum of


       Pain Intensity Difference scores, SPID, and the


       TOTPAR scores, or Total Pain Relief scores, over




                 These are the measurements of how much


       pain relief is obtained, not of how many subjects


       have a specific pain response at a given time. 



       These are the accepted general endpoints for


       analgesics within the FDA.  They are recognized as


       very sensitive for detecting differences between


       individual active analgesic drugs.


                 But let's first look at the agreed primary


       endpoint and that was sustained pain response from


       these two studies.


                 (Slide CC-45)


                 Shown here are the data from these studies


       with a percent of responders plotted.  First, note


       that the metoclopramide-alone treatment produced


       sustained pain response rates of 19 and 20 percent


       which are similar to what might be expected of a




                 The responses to naproxen sodium alone


       were 9 to 10 percent higher than metoclopramide and


       the rates were actually 28 percent and 30 percent


       in the two trials.  These were significant


       differences over metoclopramide. The sustained


       response rates for MT100 were 6 percent and 4


       percent higher than those for naproxen sodium in


       these two studies.



                 I am sure you have noted that Pozen and


       the FDA arrived at different p-values for these


       comparisons.  But both parties agree that the


       absolute differences are 4 and 6 percent for this


       endpoint.  Are these differences confirmed by other


       analyses?  The secondary endpoints provide support


       for these findings.


                 (Slide CC-46)


                 The mean SPID scores at 24 hours show


       significant differences for MT100 versus naproxen


       sodium in both studies.  So these analyses of a


       secondary endpoint, a valid measure of pain relief,


       support the findings of the sustained endpoint. I


       would also note, and not shown, but the fact that


       the differences were significant in the SPID scores


       at two hours after dosing in both studies.


                 (Slide CC-47)


                 A third dataset, the 24-hour TOTPAR


       scores, is also supportive with mean TOTPAR scores


       at 24 hours for these two studies showing


       significant differences between MT100 and naproxen


       sodium.  So these additional analyses, which were



       secondary, support and confirm the results seen


       with the sustained pain-response endpoint and


       substantiate the contribution of metoclopramide to


       the effect of MT100.


                 But, even if this were not the case, there


       is a subgroup pseudoplacebo that seems to respond


       much better to MT100 than the naproxen sodium.


       Now, the reason that we can discuss this subgroup


       is the following: at the outset of the phase 3


       program, Pozen theorized that metoclopramide might


       contribute not only to better pain relief but might


       also contribute to the relief of nausea that may


       accompany migraine attacks.


                 (Slide CC-48)


                 For this reason, one of the three


       pre-planned analyses that were used in all of the


       phase 3 studies include analyses of pain endpoints


       within two subgroups of migraine attacks--that is,


       those with nausea and those without nausea at the


       time of treatment.


                 (Slide CC-49)


                 These are the results for subjects whose



       migraine attacks were not accompanied by nausea.


       This type of migraine attack made up one-third of


       the attacks treated in Study 304 and one-half of


       the attacks treated in Study 301.  The number of


       subjects in each study is shown with the figure on


       the left being 301, the figure on the right, 304.


                 In these subgroups of attacks, the


       differences between MT100 and naproxen sodium for


       sustained pain responses were essentially doubled


       to 9 and 10 percent.  In this instance, the


       differences were highly significant, with p-values


       less than 0.01 in both studies.  This was seen in


       both studies and, therefore, is not likely to be a


       chance occurrence.


                 Pozen took a further step of providing its


       phase 3 data to Drs. Richard Lipton and Ken


       Kolodner who conducted independent analyses of


       these data and confirmed these findings.  The odds


       ratios and the significant p-values are provided in


       your briefing document in Table 11.


                 (Slide CC-50)


                 As additional confirmation, the mean SPID



       scores in these subjects with attacks without


       nausea also showed significant differences in these


       sensitive measures of pain relief for MT100 versus


       naproxen sodium at 24 hours.  When Pozen met with


       the FDA in late 2004 and the data for this subgroup


       of attacks were presented to the agency, Pozen was


       asked if the same effect was seen for MT100 across


       the phase 3 studies.


                 The answer is definitely yes.  Pozen


       performed a pooled analysis of phase 3 trial data


       and these results were obtained.


                 (Slide CC-51)


                 These studies were conducted in the same


       time period.  They all treated subjects with


       migraine attacks of moderate to severe intensity


       and there were similar entry criteria and


       evaluation criteria.  The comparators included


       placebo, metoclopramide and naproxen sodium.


                 As you can see, there was a significant


       difference only in the treatment with MT100 for the


       comparison of the treatment of attacks with and


       without nausea, again, highly significant.



                 So why would these effects be present?


       The only plausible explanation is the 16 milligrams


       of metoclopramide contained within MT100.


                 (Slide CC-52)


                 Therefore, the unique contribution of


       metoclopramide may be described as counteracting


       the gastric stasis associated with migraine,


       enhancing the rate of absorption of naproxen,


       providing better pain relief in the overall


       treatment population and, finally, enabling maximum


       benefit to be obtained in migraine attacks without




                 (Slide CC-53)


                 So where does this leave the efficacy of


       MT100?  Pozen believes that the data show that


       MT100 is an effective migraine treatment, that


       MT100 provides an absolute 4 to 6 percent


       improvement in sustained pain response over that


       for naproxen sodium, that MT100 provides absolute 9


       to 10 percent improvements in sustained pain


       response over naproxen sodium in migraine attacks


       without nausea.



                 Secondary endpoints, SPID and TOTPAR,


       confirm the superiority of MT100 over naproxen


       sodium.  Finally, the contribution of


       metoclopramide to the primary endpoint of sustained


       pain response is demonstrated in two studies.


                 Thank you for your attention.


                 (Slide CC-54)


                 I would like now to introduce--it is my


       privilege now to introduce Dr. David Matchar,


       Professor of Medicine at Duke University School of


       Medicine.  Dr. Matchar is Director of the Duke


       Center for Clinical Health Policy Research and,


       over the past two decades, he has made significant


       contributions in the field of evidence-based


       decision making in medical care.  In the migraine


       area, he has been a member of the U.S. Headache


       Consortium and was lead author of the group's


       evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of


       migraine, a collaboration among eight professional




                 Dr. Matchar was invited by Pozen to


       provide his perspective on the potential role of



       MT100 in the treatment of migraine and his view on


       the balance of benefits and risks of this




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Just real quickly, any last


       clarifying questions?  Dr. Welch?


                 DR. WELCH:  The nausea versus the


       non-nausea studies.  Was that a prospective nausea


       versus non-nausea?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  The studies were both


       designed to have a preplanned analysis of the


       subgroups of attacks with nausea and without




                 DR. WELCH:  So you didn't look for


       separate populations.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  I'm sorry; I didn't




                 DR. WELCH:  You didn't look for separate


       populations.  It was all in the same study.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Oh; I'm sorry.  It was the


       same study.  It was certainly not randomized


       between nausea and no nausea.


                 DR. WELCH:  Did you look at the time from



       the start of the pain to the onset of the nausea in


       the nausea group?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  No; we didn't.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Temple.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Maybe you will think this is


       too much discussion, but when you separated out the


       nausea people, my assumption always was you thought


       the drug would work better in people that had


       nausea, not less.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  That is exactly right.  I


       mentioned that--I may not have emphasized it enough


       because initially Pozen believed that


       metoclopramide would have an anti-nausea effect in


       migraine.  The thought was, we will look at those


       with nausea and those without nausea.


                 We did that.  As it turns out, if there is


       an anti-nausea effect, it occurs after two hours--


                 DR. TEMPLE:  No; I don't even mean that.


       You have said that the effect on pain is better in


       people with nausea.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  That's correct.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  And you did, as you showed,



       have groups with and without nausea separated for


       analysis.  But what happened was the opposite of


       what you expected.  Maybe that is not a major




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Koski?


                 DR. KOSKI:  I assume that your patients


       within this study had more than one attack of




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  That's not correct.  This


       was a single-attack study.


                 DR. KOSKI:  It was single attack.  Thank




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Goldstein.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  You may also want to defer


       this question for later, but the preparations that


       you used in these comparator studies, you went


       through, or somebody went through, in the beginning


       talking about how the MT100 is put together.  You


       have a core.  Then it is sprayed and sprayed again,


       and then there is another spraying on top of that.


                 In these studies, how is the


       metoclopramide put together?  Was this done with a



       blind core that was then sprayed in the same way so


       that the pharmacokinetics would be the same?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Yes; they were identical


       in visual appearance and the placebo--excuse me;


       the comparators were identical and the


       metoclopramide was around a core, a blank core.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Thank you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Katz, did you have




                 DR. KATZ:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Just to remind the sponsor,


       we will stop in half an hour.  Just if you want to


       think about your presentations, we will be stopping


       at ten of the hour.


             Potential Role of the MT100 in Migraine Therapy


                       Balancing Benefits and Risks


                 DR. MATCHAR:  Good morning.  I think, in


       addition to the introduction that Dr. Alexander


       gave me, I would just like to comment that I am


       also a principal investigator of the three-city


       study of headache management that is funded by the


       Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and that



       is in an effort to link the evidence-based


       guidelines that have been developed to actual


       clinical practice.  So it is in that context that I


       will make my remarks this morning.


                 I guess, also parenthetically, I should


       mention that I am the husband of a migrainer and


       the father of a migrainer so I guess I have both a


       clinical, a research and also a personal interest


       in this topic.


                 (Slide CC-55)


                 My task that I have been asked to fulfil


       today is to talk about the clinical trials and the


       safety studies in a clinical-practice context.  In


       thinking about this, three questions really arose


       in my mind that I felt were particularly salient.


                 The first is is there really a role for a


       new migraine therapy above and beyond what we have


       available.  We have seven triptans that are out


       there, for example.  Do we really need something




                 The second question is, when we look at


       clinical differences in clinical-trial results of 4



       to 6 percent, what, really, does that mean to


       patients.  Is that something really worth pursuing?


       Then the third question is how should we be


       thinking about benefit to risk in the particular


       scenario of an acute migraine treatment.


                 So, in talking about these three


       questions, or in addressing these three questions,


       I am going to follow the following outline which is


       first describing just some context of the clinical


       burden of migraine, efficacy in clinical trials


       focusing on the relationship between the measures


       and the meaning those measures might have in a


       clinical setting, and a little bit about available


       oral treatments including something about adverse


       effects of available treatments, and then, finally,


       talk a little more about this issue of balancing


       benefits and risks and a clinically useful


       conceptual framework that I have, I use, and I find


       useful in thinking about benefit and risk.


                 (Slide CC-56)


                 Not to really belabor the obvious to a


       group of neurologists about headache, headache is



       about pain.  The definition from the International


       Headache Society places pain as key.  It is an


       episodic disorder lasting 4 to 72 hours with two of


       any of the following pain characteristics;


       unilateral location, pulsating quality, moderate or


       severe intensity and worsened by movement.


                 In addition, there are the associated


       symptoms which were described earlier, specifically


       photophobia and phonophobia together or nausea


       and/or vomiting.  So that constitutes a definition.


       But, again, the key element from a clinical


       perspective, and from the diagnostic perspective,


       is pain.


                 (Slide CC-57)


                 It might go without saying that migraine


       is not a homogenous disease.  While pain is nearly


       always present, what is less consistent is the


       presence of associated symptoms.  Here the


       phonophobia or photophobia, the punch line,


       basically, is that most people typically do have


       these symptoms whereas, in the case of nausea, most


       people typically don't have nausea.  So the data



       here is only 38 percent reported nausea or vomiting


       in more than half of attacks and only 32 percent


       reported nausea in all attacks.  So that is just,


       again, the point.  The nausea is not uniformly


       present and that migraine really is a syndrome with


       a variable syndrome cluster presentation.


                 (Slide CC-58)


                 The question I am moving on to now is the


       issue of the unmet need.  I don't know if anyone


       cited the statistic of 25 million people in the


       United States having migraine.  That is based on a


       very high-quality epidemiologic study done by


       Richard Lipton and colleagues.


                 Of those 25 million, 53 percent of these


       individuals describe a disability, significant


       disability, or the need for bed rest.  Now, I think


       this is going to be described a bit later, but


       there needs to be some understanding of the true


       magnitude of a migraine for most migrainers.  These


       are very severe headaches.  They are very


       disabling.  In fact, a day is sliced out of that


       person's life.



                 In addition to there being a lot of


       migrainers and the disability being quite severe,


       patients tend not to be satisfied with their


       treatment.  We will go into that a little bit


       later.  I will mention--I will expand a bit on the


       issue of adverse effects, in particular, but there


       is good evidence that patients are not getting


       effective care in their early visits, that


       physicians are finding it difficult to take the


       medications that are available to them and create a


       mix that is useful to a large majority of patients.


                 One of the issues at the bottom here that


       is cited, and I realize it is not a FDA concern,


       per se, but it certainly is a concern for our


       patients, is that the medications available are


       very expensive and often interfere with patients'


       willingness and ability to take them regularly for


       their severe attacks.


                 (Slide CC-59)


                 What do patients need?  What patients


       need, effectively, is what they want.  What do they


       want?  They want pain relief.  Again, this is from



       a survey done by Dr. Lipton and colleagues.


       Patients surveyed with migraine, they say the most


       desirable outcomes in an acute migraine therapy are


       rapid onset of pain relief, their freedom from pain


       and there is no recurrence of pain.  So it is the


       notion of a sustained response to pain and


       sustained response that goes into the definition of


       what patients are asking for from a migraine




                 (Slide CC-60)


                 Do clinical measures, or do measures used


       in clinical trials, address what patients want?


       Now, the standard measure that is used in clinical


       trials is the ordinal rating system in which pain


       is rated 3, 2, 1, 0 from severe to none.  It is


       important to point out that 3 to 2 is not


       especially valuable for patients but going from 2


       to 1 is something that patients would clearly


       desire and, therefore, the criteria for entry into


       clinical studies would be having severe or moderate


       pain and the criteria for response is going from


       severe or moderate to mild or none.



                 So the measure that is typically used, the


       standard measure that has historically been used,


       is pain response rate.  It is the proportion of


       subjects who achieve mild or pain-free status two


       hours after dose when pain was either moderate or


       severe at baseline and no rescue medications were


       allowed in that period.  But it is a two-hour




                 (Slide CC-61)


                 Let's turn to that other issue about


       sustainability of the response.  Let's start with


       the measure I just mentioned which is a good


       measure.  It is a two-hour pain relief.  It is a


       good start.  Historically, it is what has been used


       as the regulatory endpoint.  Triptans, for example,


       were approved on the basis of the two-hour




                 But a better response takes into account


       this time-course issue that patients care about.


       Sustained pain response at 24 hours includes mild


       or no pain at two hours, so it is what the


       preceding measure includes, but also includes to



       relapse to moderate or severe pain and no use of


       rescue medications.  This means you get relief.


       You continue to have relief.


                 Again, from a clinical perspective, the


       notion that you are not going to have a recurrence


       is extremely important because the possibility of


       having a recurrence is a very ominous concern for


       patients.  If you know that there is a good


       likelihood that this is going to come back again,


       you are not going to be able to experience your day


       in a normal way.


                 This also raises this concern about, well,


       is 5 percent more people having this response


       really worthwhile.  I would suggest, well, if we


       were only talking about 5 percent of people, or 5


       percent of pain, being better, going from 100 to a


       95, or going from 95 to a 90, that would not be


       particularly worthwhile.


                 But what we are talking about is 5 percent


       more people, so we are talking about people, in


       this case, they get relief and they continue to


       have relief.  Again, this is a point of



       differentiation that distinguishes MT100,


       potentially, here.


                 At the bottom, I have here what would be


       considered the best outcome which would be


       sustained pain-free at 24 hours.  I think this


       constitutes our vision for what we would like to


       see in migraine therapy and I think we are moving


       towards that as a more standard measure in future


       clinical trials.


                 (Slide CC-62)


                 Briefly, on the issue of associated


       symptoms, we talked about the three photophobia,


       phonophobia and nausea.  In clinical trials, these


       symptoms tend to be more commonly reported than


       they are in community samples of migrainers.  But,


       again, even in trials, these symptoms are


       associated only with a fraction of the patients.


                 They are recorded as present or absent so


       the all-or-none measure is a relatively crude


       measure of response to treatment.  Again, efficacy


       is assessed at two hours which has a concern from a


       clinical perspective that some of these patients



       who won't have nausea at the outset will start to


       have nausea after and will have nausea two hours,


       but then might have it relieved at three hours


       after their pain is relieved.


                 So I think the point here really is that


       the measures of associated symptoms--it is not that


       associated symptoms aren't important.  They are


       important.  But the measures that tend to be used


       and are standard in clinical trials are relatively


       crude and more so than the measures used for pain.


                 (Slide CC-63)


                 So what do we have currently for migraine


       therapy that is oral and FDA-approved for migraine


       indication?  What is currently available includes,


       on the left side, the over-the-counters, which are


       ibuprofen, which are two products, acetaminophen,


       aspirin-caffeine combination.  That is one side.


                 On the other side, and I would say,


       actually, far on the right side, are, then the


       prescription medications.  There are seven triptans


       currently FDA-approved for migraine and the point


       here is there is a paucity of approved oral drugs. 



       I don't know any clinicians who would say they are


       particularly happy with the variety of medications


       that are available.


                 In light of the fact that most patients


       presenting to a doctor have failed over-the-counter


       medications for at least their worst headaches,


       then there really, truly, is a big gap in what is


       available when a patient presents to you.  In


       effect, the only thing you have available, as a


       migraine-specific therapy in this case, is going to


       be the triptans.


                 I will mention in a moment that that is


       not always a satisfactory solution for patients.


       Unfortunately, what happens clinically, when this


       gap is not filled with another more useful


       medication, physicians are tending to use--continue


       to use--narcotics and barbiturates which are


       undesirable for lots of reasons, three of which are


       that they have not been studied in clinical trials.


       They are not FDA-approved, so that is a concern.


       And they, obviously, have undesirable adverse





                 (Slide CC-64)


                 This clinical impression that there is a


       therapeutic gap is supported by empirical evidence.


       This is a couple of studies in which, they point


       out, in the real world, half of patients will often


       delay treatment with prescribed medications.  They


       will have a prescription in hand and 69 percent of


       them will wait and see if the headache is really a


       migraine.  About half of them will want to take


       their medication only if the attack is severe.


                 This is not the sign of a very healthy


       environment, that people have prescriptions and


       they are not wanting to take them even though they


       are having, in this case, at least moderate to


       severe pain.


                 As a consequence, I would presume, that


       four out of five migrainers have expressed an


       interest, a specific interest, in trying a novel


       product with similar efficacy to what they have in


       hand, the prescription they have in hand, but has


       fewer adverse effects.


                 (Slide CC-65)



                 This then turns us to the issue of


       bothersome adverse effects.  Why don't migrainers


       like what we have available?


                 On the right side, you see the non-triptan


       products which include the over-the-counters I


       mentioned, nonsteroidals, but also include opioids


       and barbiturates.  As one would expect, the side


       effects are sleepiness, nausea, difficulty


       thinking, inability to function, and so on.


                 Not too dissimilar, even, are the triptans


       on the left side.  But one syndrome which is


       particularly bothersome to many of my patients--I


       know it is extremely bothersome to my daughter--is


       this chest-pressure phenomenon.


                 Yes; there are coronary effects of the


       triptan.  Some patients--and, indeed, it is


       contraindicated with patients with coronary-artery


       disease--but, for the vast majority of people who


       are having these chest-pressure syndromes, they


       have no coronary disease.  These are not coronary


       symptoms.  What they are, again, is a bit of


       conjecture, but they are extremely frightening and



       most people who experience them find them


       sufficiently disturbing that, even if you try to


       convince them endlessly that they are not having


       cardiac ischemia, they are frightened and they


       won't want to take the medication.


                 So that is a concern and, as I say, other


       symptoms are sufficiently aversive for patients


       that they will delay their therapy or not take the


       medications prescribed at all.


                 (Slide CC-66)


                 Now let's turn to the issue of balancing


       benefits and risks of acute therapy.  To think


       about this, I would like you to imagine, first of


       all, another scenario entirely.  This other


       scenario entirely is a stroke-preventive




                 A stroke-preventive medication might work


       and it might not work.  How do you know that it


       doesn't work?  For  the most part, you know it


       doesn't work because the patient has a stroke.


       Okay; you lose.  And that is how you know that your


       drug is a failure.



                 Well, we have a very lucky circumstance


       with migraine in that migraine lends itself to


       tailoring.  There are multiple episodic attacks


       over many years.  You get immediate feedback on the


       efficacy of the acute treatment.  Tailoring here,


       then, is specifically aimed at maximizing the


       chance that the therapy will work for a given




                 The idea, basically, is patients don't


       like to take medications that don't work,


       especially if they don't have any other effect that


       you kind of like.  So an opioid you might take even


       if it doesn't really--well, not me, personally, or


       you, personally, but, certainly, some people will


       take them just because they have another effect


       that they like.


                 Consequently, with this tailoring


       occurring, the benefit-to-risk margin actually


       improves over time for each of our individual




                 (Slide CC-67)


                 Recognizing that some people don't like



       words as much as they like pictures, I have here a


       picture that basically raises this concept as the


       filter of clinical experience.  We start out


       basically saying, look, from population studies,


       from clinical trials, we realize that not all


       patients are going to respond.  But we are going to


       try it.  We are going to treat all these patients


       within some set of characteristics.


                 We have some set of characteristics and,


       of course, it wouldn't have been approved if we


       hadn't considered the benefit-to-risk to be


       acceptable.  Now, after some period of time,


       patients decide this works under this condition,


       this doesn't work under this condition, and they


       pick and choose, and what we end up with is


       patients taking medications for which they tend to




                 Consequently, the clinical benefit-to-risk


       ratio improves over time and is ultimately


       maximized.  Again, the point I want to make is that


       patients don't take drugs that don't work for the


       most park.



                 (Slide CC-68)


                 As suggested earlier, from the experience


       in the U.K., as Dr. Schapira mentioned as well as


       using the components in the United States, the


       notion is that MT100 would fill in this gap that is


       currently basically being filled with opioids and


       barbiturates which is a bad scenario.  The notion,


       again, is that, amongst the various options, what


       we allow by making this new drug available is to


       fill in the gap and to offer an opportunity for


       patients to create a mix for themselves that makes


       the most sense for them.


                 Not all patients, certainly, will respond


       to this.  Those who will respond to it will take


       it.  The benefit, again, as I mentioned earlier, or


       the risks, will only accrue to those people who


       achieve benefits.


                 (Slide CC-69)


                 So, in summary, I am going to just cover


       those three questions real quickly.  Is there a


       role for a new migraine drug?  I believe the answer


       is unequivocally yes.  Migraine is a common



       disorder.  Patients have significant unmet needs.


       The available oral medications are very limited


       and, unfortunately, the gap that exists is now


       being filled by undesirable drugs.


                 The second question is what is the meaning


       of the clinical-trial difference, this 4 to 6


       percent everyone is talking about.  Well, not


       quibbling over whether you buy the 4 to 6 percent


       statistical significance or not, what does


       5 percent mean.  Let's just say 5 percent.  5


       percent is not 5 percent of pain.  It is 5 percent


       of people.  That is an important point from a


       clinical perspective.  That is meaningful.


                 Now, the last point, or the last question,


       is what is the meaning of a benefit-to-risk ratio


       in clinical practice.  I just want to mention again


       this concept of tailoring.  Migraine treatment


       lends itself to tailoring.  Patients don't take


       drugs that don't work and thus, in clinical


       practice, we have the lucky circumstance that


       benefit-to-risk ratios can be optimized.


                 Thank you very much.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Any--Dr. Sacco?.


                 DR. SACCO:  Dr. Matchar, just a


       clarification, maybe, on Slide 63 for part of your


       talk.  I assume most of your talk has been


       indicated for acute migraine attacks.  You haven't


       dealt with any of the FDA-approved medications for


       migraine prevention, of which there are some.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  Oh, sure; yes.


                 DR. SACCO:  That would just be a




                 DR. MATCHAR:  Right.  These are oral


       products for acute indication, acute migraine.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Lenaerts?


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Thank you.  I have a


       question regarding Slide 57.  Could you confirm the


       38 percent of patients reporting nausea and then 32


       percent, actually, reporting in all attacks.  I


       have some other information that says up to 90


       percent of people have nausea occurring.  So


       migrainers have up to 90 percent.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  Right.  The point that I am


       making here has to do with the patterns, the



       typical patterns, for patients, not the average for


       all migraines.  So having nausea is a typical


       pattern in a minority of patients.  Actually, Dr.


       Silberstein did one of these studies and he might


       be able to clarify that later.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  I have a similar question.  If


       you look at your Slide 62, you said nausea


       incidence is 40 to 70 percent.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  Right; and this is in


       clinical trials.  So the population you are going


       to see in clinical trials is going to be different.


       So this says, basically, as a patient enters into


       these trials, the presence of nausea is going to be


       more likely than it was going to be when you are


       asking the question, what is the typical pattern or


       cluster of symptoms among migrainers.  So, yes;


       patients who are in trials will typically have the


       symptoms more commonly.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  I am going to turn to Dr.





                 (Slide CC-70)


                 Dr. Silberstein is actually a colleague


       working on one of the clinical trials that I


       mentioned earlier and he is the Director of the


       Jefferson Headache Center and the Department of


       Neurology and is the President of the American


       Headache Society.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  We see your number of


       slides in the book, but just so you are--


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  I have cut them.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Perfect.  Thank you.


               Clinical Considerations on Migraine Therapy


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  I want to thank


       everybody for having us here today.  Looking at the


       time, I have tried to cut and I will try to talk


       reasonably quickly.


                 (Slide CC-71)


                 I am going to talk a little bit about the


       rationale for the use of metoclopramide.  I am


       going to briefly talk about attacks without nausea.


       I am going to spend most of my time talking about


       medication-overuse headache of which I have a



       particular interest and then summarize a possible


       benefit of MT100.


                 (Slide CC-72)


                 We learned about metoclopramide and


       migraine many years ago from, actually, our


       colleagues in London.  Marshall Wilkenson and Nat


       Blau who run the City of London Migraine Clinic


       made it part of their everyday treatment and it got


       introduced, like many things do, on the basis of




                 Many of us continue to use it in the


       absence of trials until you saw the evidence today.


       It is used to prevent nausea.  It enhances the


       absorption of nonsteroidals.  Many headache experts


       continue to use metoclopramide for those reasons.


                 (Slide CC-74)


                 I think you have seen the evidence to show


       that MT100 is more effective than placebo.  One can


       argue about the statistics, but you see in the


       evidence that MT100 is more effective than naproxen


       sodium and clearly more effective than





                 (Slide CC-76)


                 One of issues is its 4 to 6 percent


       response, clinically significant.  I think, in


       part, it depends on how seriously you view migraine


       as a disorder.  If you had a patient who has had


       cancer of the brain and you had a survival rate of


       10 percent and you went to 14 percent, nobody would


       argue that that is clinically significant.  So take


       into context what migraine is to the sufferer and


       take into context that migraine is often considered


       not a serious disorder.


                 One of the ways of looking at it is to


       look at all attacks and look at the absolute and


       relative differences.  If the 4 to 6 percent really


       means in patients getting 14 to 20 percent relative


       increase, and if you look at the subset of attacks


       without nausea, you are assuming that the data is


       correct because the subset analysis was not the


       primary endpoint, you are talking about a third




                 This, to me, is clinically significant.


                 (Slide CC-78)



                 I would like to spend a little bit of time


       talking about the concept of medication-overuse


       headache, for that was one of the questions.  What


       is it?  First, many patients have chronic daily


       headache which, by definition, means nothing more


       than headaches occurring more than 15 days a month.


                 In the clinic, it is the most common cause


       of chronic daily headache.  I was fortunate enough


       to be the head of the International Headache


       Society Classification Committee on Chronic Daily


       Headache.  The criteria we came up with were the


       following:  headache has to be there more often


       than not greater than or equal to 15 days per


       month; regular overuse for more than three months


       of acute medication; the headache is actually


       developed or worsened coexistent with overuse;


       lastly, you stop the overuse medication and the


       headache reverts to its previous form.


                 (Slide CC-79)


                 The next issue is how much medicine.


       First, triptans, ergots, opioids or


       butalbital-containing analgesics taken on a regular



       basis ten or more days per month.  What we don't


       mean is ten days in a row.  We mean ten days


       divided up.  Two, other analgesics 15 or more days


       a month for a total exposure of 15 or more days a


       month.  That is the definition of


       medication-overuse headache.


                 (Slide CC-80)


                 The next issue is which are the drugs that


       are most likely to produce medication-overuse


       headache.  The first caveat is there are absolutely


       no placebo-controlled, well-designed clinical


       trials of medication-overuse headache in the world,


       yet.  High probability based on a series of


       anecdotes, opioids or narcotics, ergotamine and


       butalbital-containing compounds.


                 Chris Diener from Germany said the best


       thing he ever did was get butalbital-containing


       compounds removed from the market in Germany.  That


       is his legacy.


                 Caffeine is associated with


       medication-overuse headache.  Lower probability;


       aspirin, acetaminophen, and triptans.  Unlikely and



       controversial, other non-steroidals, DHE or


       neuroleptics are even associated with


       medication-overuse headache.


                 (Slide CC-81)


                 In summary, MT100 in migraine therapy.  I


       think it could be a primary therapy when simple


       analgesics fail.  By the time patients come to the


       physician, they have failed simple analgesics and,


       as Dr. Matchar showed, there is an area in between.


       Triptans can't be used, don't work or are overused.


                 The reason for this is, we believe, that


       nonsteroidals and neuroleptics, metoclopramide, in


       particular, are unlikely to produce


       medication-overuse headache.  It is common among


       clinicians who are interested in headache--we use


       this class of drugs to prevent medication-overuse


       headache or to treat medication-overuse headache.


       Lastly, we believe it can fill the gap between


       simple analgesics and triptans that is now being


       filled by opioids and by butalbital-containing




                 (Slide CC-82)



                 I think it is important to realize the


       World Health Organization has said that migraine is


       one of the four most disabling disorders know to


       mankind and that a patient with a severe migraine


       attack has the same degree of disability as


       somebody who has quadriparesis, dementia or acute




                 Thank you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 Any clarification questions?  Dr. Temple?


                 DR. TEMPLE:  One of your slides, and a


       number of people have shown the same one, was the


       attractiveness of oral metoclopramide in migraine.


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  Correct.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Counteracting gastric stasis.


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  Correct.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Treating or preventing


       nausea, enhancing absorption of NSAIDs and a lot of


       people use it.


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  Right.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  I guess what are you saying


       about those things?  Are you saying that is part of



       the evidence?  Or what?


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  What I am saying is the


       following.  Until these trials were done, we were


       doing this on anecdote.  Physicians continue to do


       a number of things in the absence of evidence-based


       medicine.  I think what you have seen today is


       evidence-based medicine.  I think the questions are


       going to be, there are a lot of patterns of


       behavior.  The pattern of behavior in the United


       States today for taking care of most migraine


       attacks is to either give a narcotic or opioid or


       butalbutal-containing in the absence of scientific




                 What I am suggesting is this is an


       alternative and I think it is the job of this panel


       to see whether it is a good or a bad alternative.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Okay.  But you are not


       suggesting any of those reasons are the reasons or


       true or--


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  I am suggesting that


       this is the anecdotal lure and the basis of why


       this compound has been commonly used in the past in



       the absence of good scientific evidence.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Okay.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 We will break now for fifteen minutes.  I


       will just remind the committee members that our


       discussions only happen in public.  During the


       break, you are not to discuss with other committee


       members or, in fact, anybody, the presentations or


       your views on things.  The point of having a public


       meeting is our discussions are public.  So, just


       avoid that in the interim and we will start at




                 Thank you.




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Why don't we get started.


       Dr. Bastings will be our first presenter, the


       clinical team leader.  We will have, just to


       clarify the agenda, about an hour-and-15-minute


       presentation from FDA including an invited speaker.


       Then we will have time to question, for the


       committee to question, both the sponsor and the





                 Some of the questions I kind of suppressed


       earlier about interpretation, context, and so


       forth, that is our opportunity to do that.


                 So, Dr. Bastings, please.


                            FDA Presentations


                     FDA Risk/Benefit Considerations


                 DR. BASTINGS:  Thank you.  Good morning.


                 (Slide 1)


                 I will now present you some FDA


       risk/benefit considerations for MT100.


                 (Slide 2)


                 As you know, MT100 is a combination of


       naproxen sodium 500 milligrams and metoclopramide


       hydrochloride 16 milligrams.  The proposed


       indication is the acute treatment of a migraine


       headache with or without aura.


                 The division issued a not-approvable


       action in May, 2004 mostly because the review team


       determined that the contribution of both active


       drug components to the claimed effects of the


       product had not been established.


                 (Slide 3)



                 According to the FDA Combination Policy,


       two or more drugs may be combined in a single


       dosage form when each component makes a


       contribution to claimed effects and the dosage of


       each component is such that the combination is safe


       and effective for a significant patient population


       regarding such concurrent therapy.


                 (Slide 4)


                 To address the Combination Policy


       requirements, Pozen conducted two factorial studies


       of similar design.  These were Study 301 and 304.


       In both studies, patients were randomized to MT100,


       naproxen or metoclopramide.  The primary endpoint


       was sustained pain response.


                 (Slide 5)


                 Sustained pain response is defined as a


       moderate or severe headache at baseline with mild


       or no headache at two hours and no relapse and no


       use of rescue medication between two and 24 hours.


                 (Slide 6)


                 This slide shows you the key result of the


       two factorial studies.  For Study 301, the



       sustained response rate for MT100 was 35.6 percent


       as compared to 29.8 percent for naproxen.  So the


       contribution of metoclopramide was 5.8 percent and


       this was not a statistically significant difference


       according to the prespecified analysis plan.


                 For Study 304, which was a much larger


       study, the sustained response rate for MT100 was


       31.8 percent as compared to 27.9 percent for


       naproxen.  So the contribution of metoclopramide


       was 3.9 percent and this was not a statistically


       significant difference according to the


       prespecified analysis plan.


                 (Slide 7)


                 This slide shows you the two-hour


       endpoints in the factorial studies.  I must stress


       that Pozen was not required to show a contribution


       of metoclopramide on these endpoints.  However,


       these are highly relevant endpoints in migraine


       studies.  These are the ones typically used to


       approve migraine drugs.  Since the primary endpoint


       did not show a significant contribution of


       metoclopramide, it is useful to examine these



       typical endpoints.


                 What you can see on this slide is that, in


       both studies, there was no significant difference


       between MT100 and naproxen for the two-hour pain


       response, the incidence of nausea at two hours, the


       incidence of photophobia at two hours and the


       incidence of phonophobia at two hours.


                 (Slide 8)


                 As you know, sustained pain response is a


       composite endpoint.  To better understand the


       changes seen with that endpoint, it is useful to


       look at the individual components which are the


       two-hour pain response and the use of relapse or


       rescue medication.


                 So, in Study 301, you can see that the


       two-hour response for MT100 was 48.1 percent as


       compared to 46.6 percent with naproxen.  So the


       contribution of metoclopramide at two hours at 1.5


       percent.  This was not statistically significant.


                 The use of rescue medication or the


       relapse of the headache after a response at two


       hours was seen in 12.6 percent of MT100 patients



       versus 16.8 percent of naproxen patients.  So the


       contribution of metoclopramide there was 4.2


       percent and this adds up to 5.8 percent of


       difference in the sustained response rate.


                 (Slide 9)


                 In Study 304, you can see a contribution


       of metoclopramide for the two-hour pain response of


       3.1 percent and you see that the difference in the


       relapse or rescue-medication use is less than 1


       percent.  This adds up to 3.9 percent of difference


       in the sustained response rate.


                 (Slide 10)


                 Finally, this slide shows the sustained


       responses for the associated symptoms.  Sustained


       responses here are defined in a similar manner as


       for sustained pain response.  For example,


       sustained nausea-free means no nausea at two hours


       with no relapse of nausea between two and 24 hours


       and not use of rescue medication.


                 What you can see is that, in both studies,


       there was no significant difference between MT100


       and naproxen for sustained nausea-free, sustained



       photophobia-free, and sustained phonophobia-free.


                 (Slide 11)


                 Pozen met with the division in October,


       2004, and, at that time, they presented these


       subgroup analyses which suggested a contribution of


       metoclopramide in patients with no nausea at


       baseline.  At that time, the division considered to


       accept the prospective replication of these


       findings to fulfill the Combination Policy


       requirements but we assured Pozen that we would


       need to bring this to an advisory meeting because


       this is an unusual patient population and we need


       to make sure the benefits in that population


       outweigh the risk related to metoclopramide.


                 (Slide 12)


                 I will briefly show you these subgroup


       analyses that Pozen made.  You already know that,


       for the combined patient population, there was no


       significant difference between MT100 and naproxen


       for sustained pain response and for the two-hour


       pain response.


                 If you look at the patients who did not



       have nausea at baseline, you see about 10 percent


       difference between MT100 and naproxen with a low


       p-value.  But, if you look at the two-hour pain


       response, there was no significant difference


       between MT100 and naproxen even in that subgroup.


                 For patients who had nausea at baseline,


       you can see that there was less than 1 percent


       difference between MT100 and naproxen for sustained


       pain response.  For the two-hour pain response, the


       rate was actually numerically higher for naproxen


       but the difference was not statistically


       significant with MT100.


                 (Slide 13)


                 Similar findings for Study 304.  You know


       that, for the combined patient populations, there


       was no significant difference for sustained pain


       response and two-hour pain response.  For patients


       with no nausea at baseline, again, there is about a


       10 percent difference between MT100 and naproxen.


       For the two-hour pain response, there is no


       significant difference between MT100 and naproxen


       for that subgroup.



                 For patients with nausea at baseline,


       there was about a 1 percent difference between


       MT100 and naproxen for sustained pain response and


       the two-hour pain response.  These differences were


       not statistically significant.


                 (Slide 14)


                 I would like to give you some thoughts on


       an indication limited to patients with no nausea at


       baseline.  In a survey of 500 self-reported


       migrainers, nausea occurred in more than 90 percent


       of these patients and nearly one-third of these


       experienced nausea during every attack.


                 Less than 10 percent of patients


       consistently had migraine with no nausea at


       baseline which is the indication for which MT100


       which is being considered today. In line with that


       survey, there was a 45 to 69 percent incidence of


       nausea at baseline in the MT100 phase e studies.


                 (Slide 15)


                 Migraine patients, in the majority of


       them, may have some attacks with nausea and other


       attacks without or nausea may develop during the



       attack.  Patients would, therefore, need two


       different treatments based on the presence or


       absence of nausea or they would treat their attacks


       with nausea with a combination product containing


       metoclopramide which has no established


       contribution for efficacy for the type of attack.


       Yet, they would be exposed to the risk of




                 (Slide 16)


                 As you know, our main safety concern is


       tardive dyskinesia.  Tardive was originally


       intended to emphasize a late appearance during


       neuroleptic treatment.  However, there have been a


       number of reports that TD may appear early during


       the neuroleptic treatment and there seems to be no


       fundamental distinction between cases appearing


       early and those appearing late.


                 (Slide 17)


                 In addition, there have been a number of


       TD variants described and these include tardive


       dystonia, tardive akathisia, tardive myoclonus,


       tardive tics, tardive tremor, and it is very much



       unclear how well these different variants have been


       captured in the post-marketing reporting systems.


                 (Slide 18)


                 TD is a well-known side effect of


       metoclopramide.  Its exact incidence remains


       unclear.  There was no case reported in the MT100


       database but the database was too small to detect


       rare events such as TD.


                 (Slide 19)


                 The current metoclopramide labeling


       includes a warning which I am going to read to you.


       "Tardive dyskinesia may develop in patients treated


       with metoclopramide.  Although the prevalence of


       the syndrome appears to be highest among the


       elderly, especially elderly women, it is impossible


       to predict which patients are likely to develop the


       syndrome.  Both the risk of developing the syndrome


       and the likelihood that it will become reversible


       are believed to increase with the duration of


       treatment and the total cumulative dose.  Less


       commonly, the syndrome can develop after relatively


       brief treatment periods at low doses.  In these



       cases, symptoms appear more likely to be




                 (Slide 20)


                 Because of these safety concerns, the FDA


       limited the indication of oral metoclopramide for


       short-term therapy for gastroesophageal reflux for


       up to 12 weeks and only when conservative treatment


       fails for the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis


       for up to eight weeks.  The recommended dose is 5


       to 15 milligrams up to four times a day.


                 (Slide 21)


                 As I mentioned earlier, there have been a


       number of cases reported in the literature of the


       relatively short durations of treatment, sometimes


       as short as one or two weeks.  We also asked our


       colleagues from the Office of Drug Safety to look


       for cases of movement disorders associated to


       metoclopramide in the AERS database and you will


       hear a presentation with much more detail on that


       topic later in the morning.


                 In that analysis, the first quartile of


       duration of treatment for the cases of TD was 19.5





                 (Slide 22)


                 This slide show you a breakdown of the


       treatment duration.  You can see that there are


       quite a few cases with duration of treatment less


       than the 90-day definition which has been used in


       some of the earlier studies.


                 (Slide 23)


                 We also asked our colleagues from ODS to


       look at the patterns of use of metoclopramide.


       Metoclopramide is mostly used for GI indications.


       Migraine use, up to now, is quite limited.  It is


       less than 2 percent.  13 percent of patients


       appeared to have received prescriptions for more


       than 90 days and 7 percent of patients for more


       than 180 days, so exceeding the labeling




                 Over a three-year period, cumulative


       therapy was longer than 90 days for almost 20


       percent of patients and greater than 180 days for


       over 10 percent of patients, again exceeding the





                 (Slide 24)


                 What about the risk of TD associated with


       chronic intermittent use of metoclopramide as has


       been proposed in this NDA.  This is very difficult


       to evaluate for a variety of reasons which include


       that there is no current indication for chronic


       intermittent use in the United States and that


       there is no specific capture of chronic


       intermittent use in the AERS database.


                 Some animal data suggests that the


       intermittent use of neuroleptics may be no safer,


       or even riskier, than continuous use in an animal


       model of TD.  In the psychiatric population, the


       number of interruptions in chronic treatment--so


       this is slightly different from chronic


       intermittent but this may be suggestive--the number


       of interruptions was the second factor after age in


       predicting the occurrence of TD.


                 (Slide 25)


                 Another concern that we have is the


       overuse of acute migraine drugs.


       Medication-overuse headache was recently introduced



       in the IHS classification.  There is a subcategory


       of analgesic-overuse headache.  According to


       experts, there is substantial evidence that all


       drugs used for the treatment of migraine may cause


       medication-overuse headache and the prevalence of


       medication-overuse headache in the general


       population is around 1 percent.


                 The IHS also said that the overuse of


       symptomatic migraine drugs is the most common cause


       of chronic daily headache.  We are not that much


       worried that MT100 could cause chronic daily


       headache.  We are just worried that there could be


       a similar abuse of the drug as has been seen with


       the other approved or non-approved migraine drugs.


                 (Slide 26)


                 So we have the following questions for the


       advisory committee.  The first one; in a recent


       submission to the NDA, Pozen estimated an annual


       incidence of TD of up to 0.038 percent for


       metoclopramide at a daily dose of 30 to 40


       milligrams per day for 72 days per year which


       corresponds to up to 380 cases of TD per million



       patients per year.


                 Do you think that this is a reasonable


       estimate?  If MT100 were to carry the same risk,


       would such a risk level be acceptable if the only


       contribution of metoclopramide is a 5 to 10 percent


       improvement on sustained headache relief with no


       effect onto our endpoints?  Is any risk of TD


       acceptable for a migraine population?


                 (Slide 27)


                 Question 1; is there sufficient evidence


       that the chronic intermittent administration of


       metoclopramide does not carry a risk of TD?  Is it


       possible to define a maximum recommended number of


       monthly doses of MT100 to avoid the risk of tardive




                 (Slide 28)


                 Question 3; do you believe that, based on


       the existing data on medication-overuse headache,


       there is evidence that a proportion of patients


       prescribed MT100 will likely take a number of


       monthly doses higher than recommended?


                 (Slide 29)



                 Question 4; all currently approved acute


       treatments of migraine are indicated without


       restriction regarding the presence of absence of


       nausea at baseline.  Given that patients may have


       nausea at some attacks and no nausea at others,


       does an indication limited to the subpopulation of


       migraine patients with no nausea at baseline


       represent a clinically meaningful and acceptable




                 (Slide 30)


                 The last question; if Pozen shows


       prospectively in a new clinical study in migraine


       patients with no nausea at baseline a significant


       contribution of metoclopramide on sustained


       headache pain relief of 5 to 10 percent with no


       contribution at two hours and no contribution on


       relapse rates or rescue-medication use in the two


       to 24 hour period, would the demonstrated benefit


       outweigh the risk related to TD?  If not, what


       additional data or desired primary outcome, or


       desired effect on sustained relief, could provide


       evidence of safety and efficacy?



                 (Slide 31)


                 Finally, I would like to thank the


       following FDA colleagues who have contributed to


       this presentation .      Thank you for your attention.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.  Same deal.  If


       there are some clarifying questions.  Let me just


       point out some things about the questions which Dr.


       Bastings has presented.  After the public hearing


       this afternoon, that will be the time we have to


       spend a great deal of time discussing these.


                 We can clarify points of these questions


       at that time rather than at this time because it


       will be immediate to our discussion.


                 I would just add at this point my approach


       to this, or our approach to this, should be that


       there are some assumptions made in here.  We are


       not debating whether those assumptions are good


       ones or bad ones.  The question to us is, if that


       was assumed, how would you think.  This is what Dr.


       Katz referred to earlier in terms of this being


       somewhat hypothetical.


                 I think we could spend a lot of time



       arguing about whether the assumptions are good ones


       or not.  I don't think that is the meat of the


       matter here.  If one assumed those things, then how


       would you make decisions about that.  I just want


       to put that out there.


                 There are some questions that are asked of


       us about estimates and whether those are


       reasonable.  But, again, much of the clarification


       on the questions, I think it would be better to do


       at the time we discuss the questions individually


       unless you have a burning question about those.


       Certainly, they are open to questions about the


       rest of Dr. Bastings' presentation.


                 Dr. Green.


                 DR. GREEN:  I have a regulatory question


       about the Combination Policy.  It has to do with


       the contribution of each drug and what is


       acceptable.  Is one drug increasing the


       bioavailability of another?  How would that be




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Katz or Dr. Bastings?


                 DR. KATZ:  I think the contribution, as



       defined in the reg--it is ill-defined in the reg.


       It just says "some contribution."  So it could be


       in any one of a number of clinical areas, safety,


       efficacy.  But, in and of itself, increasing the


       bioavailability probably wouldn't be particularly


       helpful unless that resulted in some sort of


       clinical advantage; faster onset, or more sustained


       onset, or fewer side effects.


                 So, in and of itself, increasing the


       bioavailability in a typical case, at least off the


       top of my head, wouldn't be, necessarily,


       considered useful.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  But you can imagine cases,


       and there have been cases, where inhibiting


       metabolism might lead to  a more sustained and less


       variable blood level.  In some sense, what does


       carba dopa do?  So there could be cases.  But, as


       Russ says, you would have to weigh the disadvantage


       of adding another therapy and, if the alternative


       is just tasking 20 percent more, you would probably


       find that not worth it.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  Why don't we go on. 



       Our next speaker is Dr. Jinnah from Johns Hopkins




                      Overview of Tardive Dyskinesia


                 DR. JINNAH:  Good morning.




                 Thanks for the invitation to come and


       speak here.  I have been asked to give a brief


       summary of the clinical condition of tardive




                 Normally, my presentation on this topic


       would be about an hour, but I am going to limit my


       comments to ten minutes and, in so doing, I am only


       going to be able to touch on the highlights.  I am


       going to skip a lot of details but I can certainly


       answer questions later if necessary.




                 So, with that, let me just proceed to


       review this topic.  The term "dyskinesia" refers to


       any abnormal movement and the term "tardive" refers


       to late or delayed.  What I would like to do is


       first address the nature of the abnormal movements


       and then go on to describe when it occurs.





                 The movements vary quite a bit depending


       on different patients.  By far the most common


       abnormal tardive syndrome is the so-called


       buccolingomasticatory syndrome, which is a bit of a


       mouthful, but it basically refers to abnormal


       movements of the face and tongue.  I will show you


       an example of this on videotape in just a second.


                 Less common tardive movement disorder


       syndromes include the ones listed there including


       tardive dystonia, which refers to mainly twisting


       and bending movements, tardive chorea, which


       resembles dancing, tardive tourettism which


       resembles Tourette syndrome, tardive tremor or


       myoclonus which, simply put, are shakes and jerks.


                 In addition to this group of broader


       movement disorders, there are some tardive


       syndromes that are not necessarily classified as


       abnormal movements but, rather, psychological or


       psychiatric manifestations.  These include


       akathisia, which is a sense of severe restlessness


       that prevents people from sitting still.  It



       includes unusual tardive pain syndromes which have


       an unusual anatomical distribution that include the


       oral or perineal regions, and, finally, respiratory


       irregularities referred to as tardive respiratory




                 Now, most clinicians will recognize the


       most common form here and that is the top one, the


       face-and-tongue syndrome.  But the less common


       forms are far less well appreciated.




                 Let me show you an example of two of


       these, first the most common one.  This is a


       videotape of a man who has two problems.  I hope it


       is not too small to see.  If you can see his mouth,


       it is in constant motion, jaw, lips and tongue.  He


       came complaining that he had trouble talking, he


       had trouble eating and he was biting his tongue.


                 You can also see his hand.  One of his


       hands is shaking.  He has a tremor that resembles


       Parkinson's disease.  This man got his condition


       after two years of metoclopramide use.  He was,


       unfortunately, unaware that he was only supposed to



       be taking the medication for three months and his


       doctor was unaware that metoclopramide was on the


       list of medications that can cause a tardive


       syndrome like this.




                 Let me show you a second example of the


       tardive dystonia.  You can see this man's problem


       is much more severe and, perhaps, more disabling.


       This is an example of dystonia or the


       bending-and-twisting syndrome.  You can see that he


       has great difficulty standing up straight because


       of extreme arching of his back and backward bending


       of his head and neck.


                 Here you will see a closer view of the


       nature of this problem.  He is like this more than


       80 percent of his waking hours, standing or seated.


       He gets relief only if he lies down.  He can only


       temporarily bring his head to the midline position


       voluntarily and then it just goes back and it is


       too much effort to keep straight.


                 This man got his condition from the use of


       a classic neuroleptic agent which is a more common



       source of this problem.




                 So what exactly causes these syndromes?


       It is widely recognized that they are most commonly


       caused by the neuroleptics.  These are the


       dopamine-receptor-blocking agents that Dr. Schapira


       alluded to in the initial presentation.


       Essentially all classes of neuroleptics will cause


       this syndrome although some are less likely to


       cause it than others.


                 These are widely recognized but what is


       less well recognized is a much longer list of


       agents that also have the potential to cause these


       syndromes.  On this list include anti-emetics such


       as metoclopramide and prochlorperazine.  Other


       medications used in psychiatry such as


       anti-depressants and several others of which I have


       provided a partial list here.




                 So when do these problems actually arise?


       They are referred to as tardive syndromes because


       they usually require chronic administration of the



       offending drugs.  They occur with a wide range of


       prevalence according to different studies from less


       than 5 percent to more than 50 percent with an


       overall average being somewhere in the 20 percent


       range of chronically treated patients.


                 These numbers here were not derived


       specifically from metoclopramide use but rather


       from all neuroleptics and other drugs capable of


       causing tardive syndromes.  The incidence is


       estimated to be about 5 percent per year during


       chronic daily treatment.  The treatment duration is


       somewhat arguable and varies from report to report


       and definition to definition.  The most


       conservative one is that treatment requires at


       least three months of constant therapy.


                 But, as noted before, there are lots of


       cases out there who have developed tardive


       syndromes with much shorter durations of action,


       sometimes just a few days.  We can then ask whether


       or not these disorders should be classified as


       tardive syndromes or not, but that is generally not


       done in most of the epidemiological reports or



       collecting databases.


                 There are some known risk factors of


       developing this condition.  They include older age,


       female gender and several other less


       well-understood phenomena such as duration of


       treatment, the total cumulative dose of treatment,


       prior brain injury or other organic problems,


       diabetes, mood disorders and others.




                 How are these treated once they arise?  In


       general, these recommendations come from psychiatry


       where this problem is most prevalent.  They refer


       to all neuroleptics, not specifically to


       metoclopramide.  Generally speaking, the


       recommendation is to attempt to discontinue the


       offending agent if possible.


                 If it is not possible, or if


       discontinuation does not cause resolution of the


       syndrome, as it often does not, there are several


       other things that are often tried, but there is


       very little evidence supporting a beneficial effect


       of any of these.  Individual patients may respond



       somewhat to one or another of the items on this


       list, but, by no means, can these be considered


       reliable treatments.


                 Instead, at least in the psychiatry


       literature, the belief for the use of neuroleptics


       and related offending medications that can cause


       tardive syndromes is that prevention should be one


       of the key aspects of treatment.


                 To prevent the disorder, the general


       guidelines are that the neuroleptics should not be


       used unless there are no other alternatives.  When


       they are used, they should be used at the lowest


       dose possible.  Some even recommend intermittent


       withdrawal of the neuroleptic to make sure that


       ongoing therapy is still needed.  Since this


       disorder is quite difficult to treat, prevention is


       really quite an important element.


                 I believe that is all I have here and if


       there are any questions, I could take them.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  One question.  Did you imply


       that antidepressants and antibiotics cause tardive





                 DR. JINNAH:  Causation is difficult to


       establish.  If you look in the literature, you will


       find many cases of tardive dyskinesia reported that


       are due to a whole variety of different


       medications.  The frequency of some of these other


       medications--for example, antidepressants or


       antibiotics, or I should say the frequency of the


       reports, is quite low.  We could argue whether or


       not the patients who were presented in those


       reports really were tardive dyskinesia or not.


                 I am not passing judgement on the


       diagnosis of those.  But I think it is generally


       well-accepted that tardive dyskinesia does not just


       come from neuroleptic medications and that was my




                 DR. JUNG:  Can you clarify what mood


       disorders are associated with the development of


       tardive dyskinesia?


                 DR. JINNAH:  There appears to be a slight


       epidemiological risk associated with affective and


       schizo-affective disorders as opposed to, for



       example, schizophrenia.


                 DR. JUNG:  So that includes just general


       depression which is very prevalent in the




                 DR. JINNAH:  It does.


                 DR. JUNG:  Thank you.


                 DR. SMITH:  When a case comes up where


       isn't chronic exposure to a drug, is that typically


       categorized, then, as a dyskinesia as opposed to a


       tardive dyskinesia?


                 DR. JINNAH:  It is a very good question.


       I think different experts would answer you


       differently here.  Some people use a very strict


       criteria that it has to be at least 30 days or you


       call it something else, dyskinesia and acute


       abnormal syndrome.  Some people are a little bit


       less strict in their criteria and say, well, if it


       looks and behaves like tardive dyskinesia, then,


       perhaps, one week exposure is sufficient. But these


       are not generally agreed-upon timetables.


                 DR. JUNG:  You didn't talk about this on


       your slides, but could you discuss a little bit



       about the kindling phenomenon with intermittent


       use, or is this an appropriate time?


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Can we hold that one for


       the general question session.


                 Dr. Sacco?


                 DR. SACCO:  On Slide 3, I think it is


       Slide 3 of yours, can you clarify what you mean


       by--it is actually blurred on my




                 DR. JINNAH:  Restlessness is exactly what


       that sounds like.  These patients report that they


       can't sit still.  When you watch them, they often


       rock in their chair.  They stand up.  They pace


       around.  They just can't sit still and they


       describe a severe inner sense of restlessness.


                 DR. SACCO:  Thank you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Just a point of


       clarification, a follow up on Dr. Jeste's comment.


       Linking exposure to a phenomenon or establishing


       causation is a long road.  There are various


       degrees of that road being established for various


       agents in tardive dyskinesia.



                 But, if I understood you properly, would


       you say that it is generally accepted that


       metoclopramide, as an agent, can cause tardive




                 DR. JINNAH:  I believe most would agree


       with that.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thanks.


                 Our next speaker is Mary Ross Southworth.


                    Post-Marketing Review of Movement


                    Disorders and Neuroleptic Syndrome


                      Associated with Metoclopramide


                 DR. SOUTHWORTH:  Good morning.


                 (Slides 1 and 2)


                 As we have heard this morning, MT100 is a


       combination of metoclopramide and naproxen that is


       being evaluated for the treatment of acute


       migraine.  The proposed dosing is an a chronic but


       intermittent matter based on episodes of migraine.


       The proposed dosing of the drug recommends no more


       than six tablets be used per month and more than


       one tablet used per single migraine episode.


                 We were interested in looking at this



       chronic intermittent dosing, whether we could look


       in our adverse-event database to see whether we


       could elucidate the risks associated with this kind


       of dosing.


                 (Slide 3)


                 I think we are pretty clear on the fact


       that metoclopramide is well known to cause movement


       disorders.  In fact, the program labeling is


       specific on several movement disorders including


       extrapyramidal symptoms, Parkinsonian symptoms,


       tardive dyskinesia and neuroleptic malignant


       syndrome.  The labeling for metoclopramide


       recommends a daily dose of 5 to 20 milligrams QID


       with a duration of therapy not exceeded 12 weeks.


                 (Slide 4)


                 This slide shows number of prescriptions


       dispensed for metoclopramide over about the last


       ten years.  You can see that it exceeds 7 million


       in the year 2004.  This jump in number of


       prescriptions dispensed in 2000 coincides with the


       withdrawal of cisipride from the market.


                 You have to keep in mind that the numbers



       represented here are prescriptions dispensed, not


       patients.  Also keep in mind that, although this


       usage data slide only extends for ten years, my


       adverse-event review will extend farther than that.


                 (Slide 5)


                 When developing our case series for


       metoclopramide-associated movement disorders and


       neuroleptic malignant syndrome, we wanted to focus


       on several points.  First, could we ascertain what


       the reversibility of the reaction was, whether it


       be treatment with another pharmacologic agent or


       withdrawal of the offending drug.


                 We also were very interested in


       associating the dose and duration reported in the


       adverse-event reports, themselves, to the proposed


       dosing for MT100 which, as you have heard, is in a


       chronic intermittent manner.  We also wanted to


       focus on any associated risk factors that were


       apparent in the cases such as concomitant drugs or


       concomitant disease states that the patients might




                 (Slide 6)



                 So the purpose of our review is to


       characterize the cases of some specific adverse


       events that were reported in the adverse-event


       reporting system, or the AERS database, that were


       associated with metoclopramide.


                 (Slide 7)


                 The AERS database is a computerized


       database which contains reports of adverse events


       for all U.S. marketed drugs.  It contains over 3


       million adverse-event reports.  The reporting in it


       is largely spontaneous meaning that healthcare


       providers are not compelled to report adverse


       events.  However, sponsors, when they become aware


       of adverse events through a variety of sources, are


       required by regulations to report those to the




                 Consequently, the source of the reports,


       for the most part, come from sponsors.  However,


       there are a good number that come from healthcare


       providers or lay people like consumers, patients,


       patient's families or lawyers.


                 (Slide 8)



                 The left side of the screen shows the


       adverse events that were specifically searched for


       in our database.  They included neuroleptic


       malignant syndrome, acute dystonia, akathisia,


       Parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia.  For each of


       these adverse events, we looked at the total number


       of case reports with specific focus given to daily


       dose of metoclopramide, the duration of treatment,


       any risk factors that might be present and the


       reversibility of the reaction.


                 (Slide 9)


                 In order to do this, we ran a search of


       the database using each of the movement disorders


       and NMS as a search term plus metoclopramide.  We


       classified the cases into movement-disorder


       categories based on the diagnosis in the case,


       itself.  I think it is pretty clear that there is


       substantial overlap between some of the reporting


       of the different movement disorders and, in order


       to keep clarity, we just used the diagnosis that


       was used of the case thinking we could capture the


       most number of cases that way.



                 Some points to remember when reviewing our


       case series were there could be what could be


       considered case misclassification because some


       cases might have reported a movement disorder after


       several doses of drug but may have caused the


       tardive dyskinesia where it could have possibly


       been called an acute dystonia.  But we used the


       diagnosis made in the case.


                 Another thing to remember is that the way


       cases are reported in AERS, we frequently know


       dose, duration or frequency of the dose given but


       we very rarely know whether the dose was given


       continuously or intermittently.


                 Obviously, because these are labeled


       adverse reactions, there is going to be


       under-reporting of adverse events and also because


       the drug has been on the market for a long time, we


       are not going to get a maximum number of reports of


       adverse events.


                 The quality of the reports varied, as you


       might expect.  There are several data points that


       seem to be more inconsistent and some of those



       included status of recovery.  Some cases may not


       have reported whether the patient recovered or not,


       and also time to that recovery.


                 (Slide 10)


                 This slide shows the number of reports we


       retrieved for each of the adverse events we


       searched for.  There were 37 cases of NMS, 203


       cases of acute dystonia, 57 cases of akathisia, 35


       cases of Parkinson's and 68 of tardive dyskinesia.


                 (Slide 11)


                 Using those reports, we developed our case


       series which I will present to you.  The case


       series is going to include demographics of the


       patients and clinical characteristics including any


       information we have on recovery.  I am also going


       to spend some time talking about cases that


       reported continuing symptoms at the time of


       reporting.  I will present some representative


       cases and then focus a little bit on cases


       associated with short-term metoclopramide therapy.


                 (Slide 12)


                 The first adverse event that will be



       presented is neuroleptic malignant syndrome.  We


       had 37 unique cases.  The age represented was a


       mean of 49.  The range of daily dose ranged from


       7.5 to 80 milligrams with a mean of 33, mostly I.V.


       dosing represented here and mostly G.I.-related


       indications which will be very common in the next


       few slides.  The range of duration of therapy was


       from 1 to 196 days with a median of three days.


                 (Slide 13)


                 In these 37 cases, concomitant medications


       that were associated with the development of NMS or


       NMS-like symptoms was reported in 20 and they


       included anti-depressants, anti-emetics and




                 One thing to remember is that not all


       cases reported whether there were concomitant


       medications or not, so I have just provided


       information on the cases that have.


                 Drug therapy was used to treat the adverse


       event in 18 cases and it largely consisted of what


       would be considered standard of care for


       neuroleptic malignant syndrome.  The symptoms were



       reported or resolved in 11 of the cases.  The


       symptom was reported as continuing in one of the


       NMS cases but the symptom that was reported as


       continuing was more of a dystonic jaw clenching.


       In this series, eight patients died.


                 (Slide 14)


                 To look a little bit closer to the


       patients that died, in those eight patients, the


       daily dose of metoclopramide ranged from 10 to 40


       milligrams with a mean of 32, kind of a mix of oral


       and I.V. dosing used, and the duration of therapy


       was short and ranged from two days to 15 days.


                 (Slide 15)


                 The first movement disorder, in our view,


       is acute dystonia.  There were 203 unique cases.


       Acute dystonia was reported in a younger population


       with a mean age of 32.  The range of daily dose was


       0.6 to 800 milligrams with a mean of 71 milligrams.


       Largely oral dosing reported here.  The range of


       therapy from one dose to over 2000 days but a short


       median duration of therapy of two days.


                 Again, you see mostly G.I. symptoms being



       treated here although there were a sizeable number


       who were getting pre-treatment for chemotherapy


       with metoclopramide.


                 (Slide 16)


                 For these 203 acute dystonia cases, there


       were 64 cases which reported concomitant


       medications that were associated with movement


       disorders, mostly anti-depressants and


       anti-emetics.  Drug therapy was used to treat the


       adverse event in 115 cases.  For these acute


       dystonia cases, 115 cases reported the symptoms as


       improved or resolved.  But symptoms were reported


       as continuing in 12 cases.


                 (Slide 17)


                 In those 12 cases which reported


       continuing symptoms, the daily dose ranged from 10


       to 40 milligrams with a mean of 25, mostly oral


       dosing, and duration of therapy ranged from one day


       to over 2000 days with a median of 2.5 days.


                 (Slide 18)


                 We have 57 unique cases of akathisia.  The


       mean age seen in this case series was 45.  The



       daily dose ranged from 5 to 200 milligrams with a


       mean of 42, mostly oral dosing again.  Duration of


       therapy ranged from one over 2500 days with a


       median duration of 17 days.  Again, mostly G.I.




                 (Slide 19)


                 For these 57 cases akathisia, concomitant


       medications associated with movement disorders was


       reported in 23.  Drug therapy was used to treat


       akathisia in 29 cases.  Symptoms were reported as


       improved or resolved in 31 cases but symptoms were


       reported as continuing in nine cases.


                 (Slide 20)


                 In the nine cases that reported continuing


       symptoms, the daily dose ranged from 8.6 to 40


       milligrams with a mean of 25 milligrams, mostly


       oral dosing.  Duration of therapy ranged from 17 to


       over 2500 days with a median duration of 119 days.


                 (Slide 21)


                 We reviewed 35 unique cases of


       Parkinson's.  This was in an older population with


       a mean age of 60.  Daily dose ranged from 10 to 80



       milligrams with a mean dose of 36 milligrams per


       day, mostly oral dosing.  The duration of therapy


       ranged from one to over 1400 days with a median of


       60 days.


                 (Slide 22)


                 In these 35 cases of Parkinson's, there


       were 13 cases which reported concomitant


       medications that were associated with movement


       disorders.  Drug therapy was used to treat the


       adverse event in 18 cases.


                 Symptoms were reported as improved or


       resolved in 15 of the cases but symptoms were


       reported as continuing in eight cases.


                 (Slide 23)


                 In those eight cases that reported


       continuing symptoms of Parkinson's, the daily dose


       ranged from 20 to 40 milligrams with a mean of 32,


       mostly oral dosing, and the duration of therapy


       ranged from one day to 203 days with a median


       duration of 81.


                 (Slide 24)


                 There were 67 cases of tardive dyskinesia.



       The mean age was 57.  The daily dose ranged from 5


       to 80 milligrams with a mean of 35, mostly oral


       dosing again.  Duration of therapy ranged from one


       to over 4700 days with a median of 180 days, again


       G.I. indications for the metoclopramide.


                 (Slide 25)


                 25 cases reported that the patient was


       taking concomitant medications associated with


       movement disorders and drug therapy was used to


       treat the adverse event in 19 cases.  In 12 of


       these cases, symptoms were reported as improved or


       resolved.  In 20 cases, symptoms were reported as




                 (Slide 26)


                 In those 20 cases with continuing


       symptoms, the daily dose ranged from 5 to 80


       milligrams with a mean of 53, mostly oral dosing


       and a duration of therapy from one to over 4700


       days with a median of 165 days.


                 (Slide 27)


                 After we developed our case series, we


       wanted to look at a more focused group of these



       cases to see if we could approximate the dosing


       seen in the MT100.  So we looked at two further


       subgroups of our case series.  One, we looked at


       characteristics of cases that specifically reported


       symptoms as continuing at the time of reporting.


       Then we also looked at cases with the diagnosis of


       tardive dyskinesia that were related to short-term


       metoclopramide therapy.


                 (Slide 28)


                 There were 50 cases out of 400, over 400,


       that reported continuing symptoms.  They were


       represented by eight Parkinson's, 20 tardives, nine


       akathisias, 12 acute dystonias and one NMS which


       was actually likely a dystonic reaction.  A little


       over half of the cases with continuing symptoms


       reported a duration of therapy of greater than 30




                 (Slide 29)


                 So 15 cases in our series reported


       continuing symptoms with a duration of therapy of


       less than 31 days.  Eight of those cases reported


       continuing symptoms with a duration of therapy of



       less than three days, what we would call very short


       durations of therapy.  That included one


       Parkinsonism case, two tardive cases, four acute


       dystonias and one NMS.  Most of those eight cases


       occurred after at least three doses of




                 (Slide 30)


                 I have a few representative cases to


       describe to you.  The first one is a 49-year-old


       female who received two doses of metoclopramide, 20


       milligrams orally, over two days for treatment of


       gastric reflux.  Concomitant therapy included


       cimetidine.  On Day 2 of therapy, she developed


       dystonic reactions consisting of torticollis and


       trismus.  Her dystonic reaction was reversed by


       diphenhydramine.  However, she subsequently


       complained of left-sided weakness and temporary


       loosing of the teeth.


                 (Slide 31)


                 The second case is a 34-year-old female


       with nausea who received metoclopramide, 10


       milligrams, orally three times a day for three



       doses and experienced difficulty breathing,


       extremity shaking, head and neck jerking back.  She


       went to the E.D. where she was treated with


       benztropine, after which she started to relax.


                 However, symptoms still occurred.  She was


       subsequently treated with lorazepam and paroxetine


       which did not completely relieve the symptoms.  She


       was seen in the E.C. and by neurologists several


       times for reactions milder than the first reaction.


       Approximately three months later, she still suffers


       from head pain, dizziness, tingling, pressure,


       fatigue, agitation, involuntary shaking, muscle


       spasm and neck pain among other symptoms.


                 (Slide 32)


                 The third case, a 27-year-old male


       received three doses of metoclopramide, 10


       milligrams orally, over two days for diabetic


       gastroparesis.  He experienced a dystonic reaction


       with psychotic tendencies, agitation and agitation


       with suicidal tendencies on the second day of




                 He was treated in the E.D. with



       diphenhydramine and lorazepam.  Once discharged, he


       continued to have symptoms of inability to


       concentrate, slowed mental processing, difficulty


       focusing, eye strain, vertigo, loss of equilibrium,


       fatigue, dizziness and hallucinations.


                 (Slide 33)


                 The second subgroup analysis of our case


       series that we did looked at specific cases with


       the diagnosis of tardive dyskinesia that were


       associated with short-term therapy of


       metoclopramide of less than 30 days.  What we were


       trying to look at here was trying to approximate


       what kind of dosing regimen would be seen with


       chronic overusers of migraine therapy because there


       is a certain population of migrainers who might use


       this drug prophylactically in a manner similar to


       other migraine therapies.


                 We chose tardive dyskinesia as our adverse


       event because the diagnosis of tardive dyskinesia


       infers a long-term or permanent adverse event.  We


       also noted that about 25 percent of our cases had a


       duration of therapy of less than 30 days.



                 (Slide 35)


                 You have seen this slide before, but you


       can see that this is the distribution of our cases


       based on the duration of therapy of metoclopramide.


       The large number are reported with durations of


       therapy of less than 90 days, but there is a


       significant number with durations of therapy of


       less than 30.  Actually, there are 15 such cases of


       tardive dyskinesia with a duration of therapy of


       less than 31 days.


                 Of these 15 cases, the status of recovery


       was not reported in nine of them.  Symptoms were


       reported as resolved in one case but continuing


       symptoms were reported in five of these cases.


       Some of the characteristics of these cases include


       two out of the five cases reported symptoms as


       continuing but improved.  Two out of the five cases


       reported I.V. dosing and four out of five cases


       reported daily doses of 40 milligrams.


                 The important thing to remember is, again,


       we are not really able to discern, because of the


       AERS data, whether this was chronic intermittent



       use of metoclopramide or chronic continuous use of


       metoclopramide in these cases.


                 (Slide 36)


                 In fact, we found no cases in AERS that


       specifically linked intermittent use of


       metoclopramide with any movement disorders.  There


       are maybe several reasons for this.  First, and


       probably most likely, is that AERS--the way data is


       reported in AERS does not make the distinction


       about intermittent dosing so it just wasn't clearly


       described in the report.


                 It could be that intermittent dosing is


       not commonly used or the adverse events seen with


       intermittent dose are not commonly reported or that


       there may be few movement-disorder-related adverse


       events with intermittent dosing.


                 (Slide 37)


                 So, in conclusion, most of the reports


       that we saw with continuing symptoms of the adverse


       event involved long-term therapy of greater than 30


       days with the caveat, again, that we didn't know


       whether it was intermittent or continuous therapy.



                 There were eight cases which reported


       continuing symptoms with very short-term therapy.


       There were five cases of tardive dyskinesia that


       were associated with therapy of less than 30 days.


       Concomitant medications associated with movement


       disorders were frequently present in the cases and


       there were two out of eight deaths from neuroleptic


       malignancy syndrome that occurred after less than


       three days of therapy.


                 (Slide 38)


                 That's it.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 Questions or clarifications for our last




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  In these cases of acute


       dystonia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome, some


       of the patients have some concomitant therapy as


       shown, in these cases, the side effects occur after


       metoclopramide therapy.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  Right; they were temporarily


       associated with metoclopramide.  Yes.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Porter.


                 DR. PORTER:  Metoclopramide is not widely


       used in the U.S.  You didn't spend a lot of time on


       the primary diagnosis.  I presume that you found no


       migraine-related movement disorders in this search.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  There were very, very few


       cases that reported adverse events related to


       migraine.  As you saw from the indications, they


       were mostly G.I.-related indications.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Welch.


                 DR. WELCH:  Were there any different


       characteristics of the patients who had the T.D.


       after the short-term as opposed to the long-term?


       It is almost like a biphasic population response




                 DR. MATCHAR:  No; it was a very


       heterogeneous population.  There were different


       presentations, different durations of therapy, so I


       am not really sure whether you could say those that


       experienced it earlier had similar characteristics


       than those that presented after 90 days of therapy.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Katz.



                 DR. KATZ:  Just one point of clarification


       which I think is true.  Maybe you said it and I


       missed it, but, obviously, we focused on the


       patients with continuing symptoms, at least in


       part.  As a general matter, I think, for these


       reports, and correct me if I am wrong, what we


       don't have which would be nice to have in terms of


       information about those cases is sort of the


       latency between the onset of the event, the


       movement disorder, and the time of the report.


                 So it could be that an event happened on


       Day 1 and the report is made on Day 2, in which


       case, it might be continuing.  But if the report


       had been made on Day 47, after the drug had been


       discontinued, for example, it might be that they


       were discontinued.  So I think, as a general


       matter, we don't know this duration of continuation


       of symptoms because we don't know the link between


       when the event happened or stopped and the time of


       the reporting.


                 There were a few cases, I think, where we


       do have that but I think, in many cases, we don't.



                 DR. MATCHAR:  Right.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Hughes.


                 DR. HUGHES:  You mentioned under-reporting


       in the AERS database, a well-known problem.  But


       when you have an adverse event which is labeled,


       what sort of characterizes the types of adverse


       events that might then be reported?  We are looking


       at a very peculiar set here.


                 DR. MATCHAR:  Probably.  There were a lot


       of reports from lawyers.  I mean, that is one.


       Looking at other case series that I have done, it


       seemed like there were a lot of reports from


       lawyers.  But we looked at, actually, quarters of


       years, the reports, and there really didn't seem to


       be any change, like an increase in reporting after


       cisipride came off.  It seemed to be fairly steady


       so I am not sure that I could say that there was


       one specific thing.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Good.  Thank you.


           Questions from the Committee to the Sponsor and FDA


                 Now, we have time to ask questions of the


       presenters without me suppressing you about them to



       be about clarifications.  We have about an hour to


       do that.  I suggest we start principally with


       questions to the sponsor and immediately with those


       individuals who I suppressed.


                 I recall stopping Dr. Goldstein when you


       were asking Dr. Schapira a question about the U.K.


       reporting database, I believe, and Dr. Lenaerts, I


       stopped you in the middle of a question, too, but I


       can't remember the context.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  It was in the same context.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Goldstein, would


       you--and you can draw anyone from the sponsor or


       from the FDA if you would like to them to repeat or


       present material again.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  I guess what I was


       actually asking for was clarification about the


       validity and accuracy and reporting rates in the


       U.K. system, especially now as contrasted to the


       last presentation we had from data here in the


       United States which is a similar sort of reporting


       system, but the numbers seem to be quite different.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Thank you.  The U.K.



       reporting system to the Committee of the Safety of


       Medicines, the so-called yellow-card system, is a


       system by which physicians send in to the CSM


       documentation of an adverse event.  So it is


       physician-led.  It is not spontaneous in terms of


       including patients.  But it is spontaneous in the


       sense that physicians have to send in the yellow




                 Those that do send in yellow cards often


       get a response back from the CSM asking for further


       clarification if all the relevant information is


       not included in the original yellow form that they


       have submitted.


                 As for a proportion of reporting to all


       potential cases, of course, I can't comment on


       that.  I don't know the data.  Obviously, that is


       not possible to obtain.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  The second part of that


       question--it was sort of a two-parter--was, in


       terms of validating the conditions that are being


       reported, we have this clear problem with


       categorizing a lot of these movement disorders. 



       There is this point of definition about how much


       exposure is enough exposure to be categorized as a


       given type of condition.  Are these validated in


       any way, or is it just based on individual




                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  It is predominantly based


       on physician reporting.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  It sounds analogous to what


       we heard from Dr. Southworth.  Dr. Bastings.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  I have a comment regarding


       the U.K. reporting system.  We have a fair idea of


       the incidence of acute dystonic reactions with


       metoclopramide.  In the Pozen study, it was 0.05


       percent.  I find it surprising to see that only 26


       cases were reported with migraine product, if you


       consider the exposure, to have so few cases and it


       suggests that there was a vast under-reporting of


       these adverse reactions.


                 Do you have any comment on that?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  This, remember, was the


       number of reported cases with migraine preparations


       as opposed to those with all metoclopramide



       preparations.  Do you have the slide number from


       which that is taken?


                 DR. BASTINGS:  Yes; it is Slide 31, CC-31.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Just looking at all


       metoclopramide preparations, that is to say the


       non-migraine ones, there were 478 of those.  I


       don't know how that compares to the U.S. data.


                 DR. SOUTHWORTH:  There were 203 unique


       dystonia cases.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  In the U.S. data.


                 DR. SOUTHWORTH:  Over about the early


       '80's to present.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  So this is actually twice


       the number here in the U.K.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Over a longer period.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Over a period of 64 to 45.


       So this is 40 years and the U.S. data was over 35


       years, I think.  Is that right?


                 DR. SOUTHWORTH:  The earliest reports we


       have are from the early '80's.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  So about 25 years.


                 DR. KATZ:  I think the point is that we



       have a good--an estimate, anyway, from the Pozen


       control trials of a particular adverse event


       associated with the acute use of the product.  It


       is 0.05 percent or maybe it is 0.1 percent,


       depending--we have seen those numbers vary.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes.


                 DR. KATZ:  But, when you look at, for


       example, over the 40-year period in the U.K., and


       if you look at dystonia with episodic use of the


       combination products, which are the migraine


       products, there are 26 reports.  So I don't know


       what the percentage of use that is, but it is


       probably less than 0.1 percent.


                 I think that is the point from the


       controlled trials, which are the best way to get an


       estimate of these events, you see some finite risk.


       It is relatively low but finite that the reporting


       rate seems to be, perhaps, orders of magnitudes


       less than that, the point being that


       under-reporting may be a sizeable--there may be


       sizeable under-reporting for these events which are


       known to be associated with these treatments.



                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes; I agree entirely.  It


       was just the comparison between the U.S. and the


       U.K. reporting system.  It seems that there isn't a


       difference between them here.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Hughes, did you have a




                 DR. HUGHES:  A related question.  I think


       you mentioned there were no cases of tardive


       dyskinesia amongst the combination users.  I think


       you mentioned something like 100 million doses had


       been prescribed.  That was an estimate.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  That was an estimate.


                 DR. HUGHES:  But 24 cases amongst those on


       chronic use.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes.


                 DR. HUGHES:  Do you have an idea of how


       many doses have been prescribed for chronic use?  I


       am trying to get some sense of--


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Right.  Of course, I am


       going to have to speculate on this, but the


       proportion of use of metoclopramide in the U.K. for


       migraine as a precaution for all of its other uses



       is about 20 to 25 percent of metoclopramide


       prescriptions are for migraine, approximately.  So


       I suppose that one could extrapolate from that.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Temple.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Just a comment on reporting


       rates and spontaneous reporting systems.  We spend


       endless hours and months agonizing about this.  It


       is very clear the rates are different for different


       kinds of reactions.  There is something called the


       Weber curve that was derived mostly from British


       data that says reports of any given reaction


       decline after the first three years because people


       all know about it.  It is in the label.


                 You can easily imagine that people


       wouldn't report very much of something like a


       dystonic reaction which everybody knows about.  You


       would hope that they would be more likely to report


       TD because it is not as clear that everybody knows


       about it.  But there is just no way to know these


       things and it is a constant source of difficulty.


                 The other thing that is going on, in the


       United States, in the '80s, there were maybe 20,000



       reports to us a year.  You probably have the


       number.  We are now up over 400,000 a year.  So we


       have a belief that reporting of all things is going


       up.  It is very impossible to reach conclusions


       that are valid, however.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jung.


                 DR. JUNG:  I will pass.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Fahn.


                 DR. FAHN:  Regarding Slide 31 and then 22,


       where there is no tardive dyskinesia being


       reported, Slide 22, the Bateman second article


       there, the Bateman 1989, the second of the Bateman


       articles, fortunately, and I must congratulate the


       sponsor because we do have the reprints of these


       articles so I was looking at that because that came


       as a big surprise where there were zero TD cases.


                 But, actually, what this survey was is


       that they wrote to the physicians who prescribed


       the drug Maxolon for migraine--I assume it is all


       for migraine--and got the responses back.  But they


       grouped the responses.  They didn't list tardive


       dyskinesia as one of the responses.  They just said



       dystonia-dyskinesias and they grouped all that


       together.  So they are listed here in your table as


       12 dystonias.  But a lot of them--and some of these


       are older people.  It is very likely that a lot of


       these were persistent dyskinesias and not just


       acute dystonic reactions or something that this


       table may imply.


                 So I just wanted to say that, looking at


       this, you can't really clearly say how many--there


       was no zero TD cases.  So that was one comment.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes; they classified


       patients as dystonia-dyskinesia which, if you look


       back at the first Bateman paper here, they also


       used that classification and separated out from


       tardive dyskinesia.  So, in the first paper they


       did, they did clearly separate dystonia-dyskinesia


       and tardive dyskinesia.  In the dystonia-dyskinesia


       they noted that--I think the dyskinesia resolved


       and made the comment--and this is with respect to


       their paper in 1985--that this was more likely an


       acute type reaction.


                 DR. FAHN:  But the other thing on this



       table, too, in the second Bateman article, they


       have 46 other events.  So, perhaps, within that,


       there might be TD.  That is what I am saying.  From


       this paper, you can't really say there was no TD


       because they specifically failed to talk about TD.


       That is the problem.


                 If I can also make a comment at this time.


       The definitions of TD, that is another thing that


       can confuse people.  If you are going to use the


       definition of TD that you have to be on the drug


       for 30 days or more or three months, as some


       definitions have used, I am not sure any


       neurologist used that kind of definition.  We


       tended to look at tardive dyskinesia as persistent




                 The name tardive was given because it


       wasn't seen until later on after the neuroleptic


       drugs had been on the market for a while.  That is


       when tardive came on.  But, with more experience


       with this, recognizing what the syndromes are, we


       sort of consider, now, tardive dyskinesia really


       should have been properly named persistent



       dyskinesia, meaning that it lasts longer than 30




                 It doesn't matter how long they have been


       on it for.  They can be on it for one day and still


       have persistent dyskinesia.  To us, that is what we


       now refer to as tardive dyskinesia.  So we don't


       give up the name tardive dyskinesia.  We use the


       definition differently than what was stated here.


       I just wanted to make sure the concern I would


       have, as a neurologist, who treats tardive


       dyskinesia as meaning persistent dyskinesia, that


       these can be irreversible.


                 When I heard the comment about how


       devastating migraine is, and I agree it can


       be--severe pains can be very bad for people,


       devastating, but so can severe akathisia including


       tardive akathisia, I consider that equally as bad.


       If you ever induce this for a drug you might not


       have needed, then that is a concern for us that we


       have to face.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I am going to follow your


       comment and pursue questions with a couple of



       people.  Neurologists fall into camps of movement


       disorders and stroke and headache.  I think, just


       to set tone, I think everyone would agree that


       migraine is a serious and disabling disorder that


       needs good treatments.  I don't think anyone is


       debating that.  And there are unmet therapeutic




                 I think everyone also admits, but might


       not be so familiar with, that tardive syndromes,


       tardive dyskinesia and other tardive syndromes, are


       also very disabling, much less common than


       migraine.  The issue before us is how to balance


       those issues.  Neither is more important or less


       important than the other.  They are both very


       important clinical issues.  I don't think anyone is


       doubting that.  So I don't want to have that sort


       of be on the table, that we are undervaluing one or


       the other.


                 Dr. Lenaerts.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Thank you.  In the U.K.


       experience, could Dr. Schapira possibly--I don't


       know if it is hypothetical or known



       information--the comment on the use of


       metoclopramide specifically in migrainers and,


       namely, the frequency of use as that may factor in


       the relatively low reports of adverse events in


       migrainers as compared to the U.S. experience.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Thank you.  Well, as I


       mentioned, the combination of metoclopramide and


       analgesics is the second step in the


       U.K.-recommended guidelines for the management of


       acute migraine.  The estimate of prescriptions of


       combinations, of the two combinations currently


       marketed, is approximately 200,000 per annum.  It


       is estimated that about 95,000 patients are taking


       these products each year.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  How does that do--in terms


       of frequency of use per patient because that would


       be really the relevant issue there.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Of course, that is


       undoubtedly going to vary from one patient to


       another depending upon the severity of response,


       frequency of attacks, et cetera.  The sort of


       bottom-line figure, if you like, that we have is 85



       doses per annum.  But, between that, there is going


       to be a substantial range.


                 For instance, one has patients who will


       take two doses at the onset of an attack and have a


       good effect from that.  Another proportion of


       patients will need to take two doses separated by


       four hours.


                 But what I don't have is the data to tell


       you what proportion take just one dose at the


       beginning, two doses, et cetera.  I don't have the


       data and don't think it is available to tell me how


       many migraine attacks they are treating per year.


       I can only give you that bottom line of about 85


       per person per annum.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Welch?


                 DR. WELCH:  Do you have any comment on any


       difference in prevalence of medication overuse


       between Britain and the United States?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  I think I should pass that


       to one of my U.S. migraine experts because I think


       they will probably know more about that in terms of


       the prevalence of medication overuse.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  If you haven't spoken


       before, just please introduce yourself for the




                 DR. SAPER:  My name is Joel Saper.  I am a


       neurologist specializing in headache and Director


       of the Michigan Head Pain and Neurological


       Institute in Ann Arbor.  Dr. Welch, could you--I


       got part of that question.  I didn't hear the whole




                 DR. WELCH:  What is the prevalence of


       medication overuse in the U.K. and what is the


       prevalence of medication overuse in the United




                 DR. SAPER:  I am not sure that I can


       answer the question with specific statistics.  I


       think Dr. Silberstein showed a slide, was it 1 to 2


       percent, Steve, on the medication overuse in the


       United States?


                 DR. SILBERSTEIN:  The data is


       extraordinarily limited.  The two studies I know


       of, population-based studies, in medication overuse


       headache, Ann Scher's study done in this region. 



       What Ann and Richard Lipton showed is about 4


       percent of the population have chronic daily


       headache.  In the clinic, it is estimated that most


       of the patients we see with daily headache overuse


       medication, what Ann and Richard estimated in the


       population is about 30 percent.


                 I don't know of any good estimates in


       Great Britain.  I do know that, in other parts of


       the world where the problem has been studied, all


       worldwide estimates of chronic daily headache are


       about 4 percent and half are migraine, and of those


       patients, about 30 to 40 percent in


       population-based studies.


                 Anecdotal experience from Peter Goadsby in


       National Hospital in Queens Square suggests that is


       clinic-based population is about the same as here.


                 Mike, do you know of any population-based


       estimates?  Anyone?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  No.  So, in other words, we


       don't know whether the medication overuse is less


       in the United Kingdom than here and we are being


       given data on the adverse events in Britain.



                 DR. SAPER:  If I may just finish the point


       I wished to make when I asked Dr. Silberstein for a


       clarification, I do know this.  In our system, in


       the United States, medication overuse is a


       significant problem of the referral base that is


       referred to us, perhaps 60 to 70 percent of


       referrals to a tertiary quadrinary will have that




                 In the U.K., I do not know for other than


       opioids.  In opioids, which is the dominant overuse


       in this country, in my referral base, which is very


       large.  In the U.K., opioid use is much more


       limited.  So, to the extent that we can compare


       opioid overuse in the United States to that in the


       U.K., there would be much more overuse in the


       United States, but specifically targeting the




                 DR. WELCH:  Do you think that speaks to


       the difference in physician practice in the United


       Kingdom--in other words, major primary-care control


       of the prescriptions in the United Kingdom as


       opposed to the United States?



                 DR. SAPER:  There is, I think, a


       difference in prescribing habits, Dr. Welch.  I


       think, in the United States, opioids, particularly


       in the last ten years, are being much more


       aggressively prescribed for non-cancer pain than


       they were prescribed ten or fifteen years ago.


                 In the U.K., from my understanding and


       talking to colleagues, the opioids are restricted


       much more so for non-cancer pain.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Hughes, you had a




                 DR. HUGHES:  Sort of two related


       questions.  Going back to the Reglan warning label


       and the comment in that label about risk of TD


       being increased after relatively brief treatment


       periods at low doses, is there data available that


       is underpinning that particular comment?


                 DR. BASTINGS:  We don't know what that was


       based on.  We did not write that label.  It is a


       different division and we don't have that




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I am not sure it is



       data-driven but, even in the comments you saw in


       the Pozen briefing booklet, I believe, amongst


       movement-disorder neurologists, there is the


       impression that even one dose of exposure can


       possibly cause tardive syndromes.


                 To answer your question, I am not familiar


       with data to address the question but the label may


       have incorporated clinical acumen or anecdote as


       part of the label.


                 DR. HUGHES:  I guess the related question


       was the open-label safety study that you have


       conducted, I was wondering if there were


       eligibility restrictions or the


       treatment-management approach within that study was


       conservative to try and avoid risk of movement




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Thank you.  This study we


       call 302 enrolled 1,006 subjects.  They were


       enrolled on the basis of having a history of


       migraine.  But there were no restrictions on


       previous presence of movement disorders or any


       persistent neurologist deficits.  We had not, at



       the time of that study being initiated, anticipated


       that this would be an issue in the development and


       so there were no particular requirements.


                 DR. HUGHES:  And there weren't any


       particular requirements in terms of management of




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Well, no.  This was 54


       centers, I believe, headache centers in the U.S.,


       generally, and patients were instructed to take one


       dose of MT100--this was open label--one dose for


       the treatment of moderate to severe headache.


       There was no second use of MT100 as rescue


       medication, for example.


                 It was a safety study.  Subjects were


       asked to record adverse events after taking doses


       within 24 hours and then, when they came back to


       clinic, at 3-month intervals.


                 DR. HUGHES:  But these patients were


       taking it on a chronic intermittent basis.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Well, I would call it--I


       would like to make the distinction that we are


       talking about episodic or PRN use because chronic



       intermittent could also include the psychiatric use


       of neuroleptics in the treatment of schizophrenia,


       for example.


                 One thing I would point out is that the


       episodic three-times-a-month use is probably very


       different than chronic intermittent


       time-on/time-off of a neuroleptic used in the


       treatment of psychiatric conditions.  These were


       PRN intermittent.  As Dr. Schapira has shown, the


       average number of doses per month was 4 and the


       median number of doses that each subject took over


       the 12-month period was 22.


                 DR. HUGHES:  So would you characterize the


       study as mimicking what might occur in clinical




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Yes; exactly.  It was a


       clinical-practice type study, a real-world study,


       just looking at the adverse-event collection over


       the time enrolled.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Katz, you had a




                 DR. KATZ:  No; he answered my question.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  Do you have a theory why


       metoclopramide would work better in people without




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Thank you, Dr. Jeste.  We


       believe, and we have phase 1 data to show, that the


       addition of metoclopramide to naproxen sodium will


       enhance the absorption of naproxen through


       accelerating the--well, it brings the T-max closer


       to the time of dose.  We have phase 1 studies


       showing that the T-max for naproxen is decreased by


       about 30 minutes, on average.


                 That is Slide 25.


                 (Slide EB--25)


                 Just to illustrate this point further, is


       that, in the phase 1 studies, when we gave naproxen


       sodium 500 milligrams without metoclopramide, the


       T-max was 72 minutes.  We added, first, 8


       milligrams of metoclopramide and the T-max dropped


       to 57.  With 16 milligrams, which is the dose in


       MT100, the T-max was 44.  So I think I am answering


       your question about why it speeds the absorption



       because it empties the stomach.  Naproxen is only


       absorbed in small bowel as are all the other




                 DR. JESTE:  So you think it would work


       differently in people without versus with nausea?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  I have no data for sure.


       The theory, just to answer that, is that when


       nausea is present, there is probably more gastric


       stasis, and 16 milligrams of metoclopramide cannot


       overcome the gastric stasis present.


                 There also may be--there is a theory that


       dopamine has effects in migraine and maybe the


       dopamine has an effect to increase nausea.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Sacco is next.


                 DR. SACCO:  I had a question regarding


       adverse experiences for someone from the company to


       maybe comment.  Looking at the FDA briefing


       document, in the clinical review section, FDA


       Clinical Review, there is an overview that puts


       together all the adverse experiences.  I would like


       someone to just comment for me, as a stroke


       neurologist, not a movement-disorder neurologist,



       how best to be sure that the increased frequencies


       of restlessness and feeling jittery that are noted


       with MT100 and MT100 two tablets versus some of the


       other groups wouldn't be possibly forme fruste or


       partial TD-related symptoms.


                 This is on Page 103 of 128 in the FDA




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Your document may not be


       entirely the same as theirs.  But I am not sure.  I


       believe they would know the table.


                 DR. KATZ:  Could you just repeat which


       page, which document.


                 DR. SACCO:  The document I have, which is


       under a section called FDA Clinical Review, it is


       Page 103 of 128 in the section, I guess, document


       dated--Table 64.  I have a table number.  I guess


       my question just is, again, getting back to that


       original slide where I asked the clarification,


       akathisia, restlessness, is possibly a form of


       tardive dyskinesia.  Being, again, a stroke


       neurologist, I am just trying to understand and be


       sure that the restlessness and feeling jittery



       issues that are listed in that table that are


       increased--I see 13 in the MT100 group and then,


       actually, 12 or 4 percent in the MT100 two tablets


       group, and I see feeling jittery, 13 and 4, also




                 I am just trying to get a better handle,


       maybe, from the company what some of those adverse


       experiences were all about.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Thank you, Dr. Sacco.  I


       am looking at Table 64, that the data across all


       the treatment--each treatment arm.  I would point


       out that, if you look at restlessness with MT100,


       there were 2400 subjects who were exposed to a


       single dose.  There were 13 cases of restlessness


       there, less than 1 percent.


                 That was the same percentage relative to


       the restlessness in naproxen sodium,


       metoclopramide, sumatriptan and placebo.  All were


       less than 1 percent.  You have pointed out that


       there is a 4 percent incidence of restlessness with


       the two-tablet dose of MT100.  There were 313


       subjects who received the two-tablet dose.



                 Pozen has not, did not, submit the NDA


       asking for approval of a two-tablet dose of MT100.


       So, therefore, the 4 percent higher rate of


       restlessness may not be relevant to our discussions




                 But I would want to say that these were


       acute events that were seen and they did resolve.


       The question of restlessness with the use of MT100


       could, perhaps, be looked at in the 302 database


       just to put this in perspective.


                 Let me have, please, Slide No. 19.


                 (Slide SA-19)


                 This is the study, the large study,


       repeat-dose study, that we have spoken about.  I


       just think it might be beneficial to the committee


       to see that the most common event in these 1,006


       subjects was somnolence, dizziness, 7 percent.


       Restlessness, overall, was 2 percent.  Again, these


       are 23,000 single doses of MT100 being treated,


       being used by these 1,006 patients.


                 Anxiety is 4 percent and nervousness, 1


       percent.  Fatigue is a little more common. 



       Perhaps, that would help put this in context.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thanks.  Actually, Dr.


       Temple and Katz, but we are keeping a list.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  I am still curious about the


       theory of why the people with no nausea might


       benefit.  You might even think that, if they have


       delayed absorption, they would benefit more--you


       might.  I guess I couldn't understand what the


       theoretical basis for expecting a benefit on the


       sustained response and not on the acute response


       would be.  If you shortened T-max, it would seem


       more likely to do the opposite, I would have




                 That is a question to the people who put


       forth the theory, not to the committee.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  I'm sorry.  I thought you


       were posing that to committee.  I think the


       question would be what happens when migraine is


       effectively treated by an analgesic agent.  We


       don't know the effective plasma dose of naproxen


       that will start the process of analgesia.  I don't


       think we know that.



                 So we, in theory, if we can bring the time


       of obtaining whatever that is closer to dosing and


       start the process of analgesia and the effect on


       neurovascular leakage or whatever it is that is


       causing the migraine pain, then we can effect,


       perhaps, a smaller two-hour improvement.  But that


       improvement then goes on after two hours to 24, and


       we see less relapse.  We see less need for


       remedication and the pain response, as measured by


       sustained pain response, may be there.


                 That is just a theory.  But, certainly,


       the quicker you treat the pain, perhaps the better


       it will be at 24 hours.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Plausible.  But it doesn't


       treat it quicker.  I mean, that is what the results




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Remember I showed the SPID


       data.  SPID data is used in the analgesic division


       as the most sensitive tool we have to measure the


       duration, the onset, the amount of pain relief.


       And we showed, in both studies, that, by two hours,


       MT100 was statistically significantly better than



       naproxen sodium using SPID scores.


                 So I would just say we have data that


       makes it effective.  Let's have Slide 83.


                 (Slide EB-83)


                 Just to answer this.  The SPID scores in


       Study 301.  The pink line at the top is MT100.  The


       blue line is naproxen sodium.  The green line is


       metoclopramide.  At one hour, MT100 is


       significantly better than metoclopramide.  At


       one-and-a-half hours, naproxen sodium is better


       than metoclopramide.  At two hours, MT100 is


       significantly better than naproxen sodium, p-value




                 The same thing was seen in 304.  The next


       slide would be, I think, 84.


                 (Slide EB-84)


                 Importantly, in 304, this effect was seen


       and one-and-a-half hours.  By, by one-and-a-half


       hours after dosing, you have separation of these


       two treatments.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Welch.


                 DR. WELCH:  I would like to pursue the



       same issues that Dr. Temple is discussing.  There


       may be other explanations other than just simply


       absorption from the gut.  When you look at the PET


       studies or MR studies, you find that basal ganglia


       and a whole network of systems are activated during


       an acute migraine attack.  It could be that it is


       interfering with that at some stage or other.


                 But I would really like you to address the


       issue of the time from the onset of the migraine


       attack to treatment as another possible


       explanation.  Nausea is very variable.  Sometimes


       it comes on in the middle of the attack and often


       is associated with the severity of the pain or


       severity of the attack.


                 Could it be, can you reassure us, in


       making this differentiation of a 10 percent


       difference between nausea and non-nausea and you


       don't have a population that treated itself at a


       different time, and if, for example, the group


       without nausea treated themselves earlier than the


       group with nausea, then you might expect a


       differential benefit because you are interfering



       earlier with the cascade of events involved in the


       migraine attack.  So there is another possible


       explanation that may have nothing whatsoever to do


       with absorption from the gut.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me just, to clarify,


       your  question is is there evidence regarding the


       time that has passed between the onset of headache


       and the self taking of the medication in those who


       report nausea versus those who don't as a possible


       potential explanation.


                 DR. WELCH:  Correct.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Could you address that


       specifically?  Do you have that?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  First of all, Dr. Welch, I


       don't have data to answer your question.  We did


       not measure the time from onset to treatment in


       these studies.  I think you are referring to early


       treatment modalities and perhaps treating when the


       pain is mild or moderate before nausea may develop


       in a subject.  We just don't have data to support




                 DR. WELCH:  It is not necessarily mild. 



       It is the duration--it is the time when you treat


       it first.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.  Dr. Jung.


                 DR. JUNG:  Can we go back to Table 19.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  That is the overall safety


       data from 302?


                 DR. JUNG:  Can you tell me what the


       difference is between restlessness, anxiety and


       nervousness?  Was there a specific way of


       differentiating for the patients or for the


       providers who submitted the reports?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  No; there wasn't.  These


       were characterization of the adverse-event reports


       by the investigators who recorded the data in the


       case-report form.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Are those WHO-ART coded?


       Are these verbatim?  Does anybody know?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  They do get coded through


       the WHO-ART system, or CoStart system--I'm sorry;


       the MedDRA  system.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So these are MedDRA roll-up





                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So that means that these


       are terms, the text was coded into these terms.  To


       be sure, you would have--this is not the actual


       verbatim; correct?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Well, it may be.  I would


       have to look--


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  It may or may not be.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  I would have to look at


       the MedDRA Coding Guidelines to see if these are


       verbatim.  But there are some terms that, as you


       say, do get coded to something else.


                 DR. JUNG:  Does that mean that there is


       clarity between the difference between anxiety,


       nervousness--there isn't?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  No.


                 DR. JUNG:  So if you take restlessness,


       anxiety and nervousness and added all that up in


       terms of adverse events, wouldn't that be pretty


       close to the primary 108 that was reported


       somnolence?  If you have restlessness, anxiety and


       nervousness, that is 50, 60--



                 DR. ALEXANDER:  It is a percent.  If you


       look at the bottom of that column, 78 percent of


       these subjects who were treated for up to a year,


       at some time or another, reported some adverse


       event.  I don't think it is uncommon to have 78


       percent of the subjects reporting something over


       the course of a 12-month study.


                 DR. JUNG:  I had a second question.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Please, go ahead.


                 DR. JUNG:  Not related to the slide.


       Going back to Dr. Fahn's comments earlier about the


       significance of movement disorders on quality of


       life, do we have--this is for the FDA staff--do we


       have any data that looks at the incidence of other


       adverse effects associated with other treatments


       for migraines, so, for example, cardiovascular side


       effects, G.I. side effects, just for comparison?


                 DR. KATZ:  The rates of things like chest


       discomfort and stuff can be read in the labeling


       for all these drugs.  They are not inconsiderable.


       There is a fair rate in those things.  But I don't


       think we have them on the top of our head at the



       moment.  Anybody with a Blackberry can probably


       find it.


                 DR. JUNG:  I guess my point was that, if


       we are trying to decide whether or not this drug is


       worthwhile, it would be reasonable to compare that.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Porter?


                 DR. PORTER:  Back to Dr. Schapira.  On


       your combinations on metoclopramide and analgesics


       marketed in the U.K. and the 95,000 patients per


       year that receive these doses which are twice that


       of the MT dose, the question arises which is in a


       similar vein to what other people have asked.  On


       the dystonia oculogyric crisis, for example, or


       extrapyramidal disorders not specified, what is the


       possibility that a substantial number of those, or


       even some of those, could be tardive dyskinesias


       and not just properly classified.  That would make


       a big difference, I think, in our interpretation of


       this rather impressive database if we thought that


       that was possible.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  The identification of


       dystonia or oculogyric crisis is a phenomenon



       associated with the acute, generally speaking,


       exposure to a neuroleptic specifically, in this


       context, metoclopramide.  Therefore, they are, I


       believe, more easily distinguished in terms of an


       acute dystonic episode from tardive dyskinesia.


                 Also, acute oculogyric crises or acute


       dystonia, upon exposure, which may, for instance,


       occur with the first dose ever of metoclopramide,


       resolves spontaneously and I think can be more


       easily, or relatively easily, distinguished from


       tardive dyskinesia which, generally speaking,


       involves a different type of movement.


                 Stan has already--I'm sorry; Dr. Fahn has


       already alluded to the issue of persistent


       dyskinesias as opposed to tardive dyskinesias.  I


       would make a distinction between those persistent,


       brackets, tardive, brackets, dyskinesias and the


       sort of acute oculogyric, acute dystonic, reactions


       that we see with metoclopramide.


                 DR. PORTER:  So you don't think that these


       dystonia extrapyramidal disorders dyskinesia were


       persistent in the same way that tardive dyskinesia



       might be persistent.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Well, I can only speculate,


       of course, because I don't have the original case


       reports in front of me.  But, as these have come


       from medical practitioners, I would hope that at


       least the great majority of them, the vast majority


       of them, would relate specifically to an acute


       dystonic reaction.  Otherwise, they would have


       been, I would hope, classified as something else.


                 DR. PORTER:  They had at least the option


       to check a box that was tardive dyskinesia?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  They wouldn't, I believe,


       have a box to check.  They would have a space to


       include what they thought.


                 DR. PORTER:  Okay.  Thank you very much.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Can I have four more people


       I have no my list.  Those are Drs. Goldstein,


       Jeste, Sacco and Katz and I have a couple of


       questions.  So if we get through those, then we can


       do more.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  First, just a few


       questions for clarification just for me, I guess. 



       The data that you showed very quickly about the


       difference in time in rate of onset, I guess, for


       the three treatments that were just shown, the


       statistics for that.  I know there is this whole


       debate about what is the right statistics to use


       but, in that particular graph, you were showing


       repeated measures over time.  I was wanting to know


       whether those were just uncorrected pairwise


       statistical comparisons or whether that was


       analysis of variance with repeated measures and


       then post hoc tests.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Dr. Goldstein, are you


       speaking of the SPID scores?


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Yes.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Could we have the SPID


       score methodology?  Just come on over, Susan.


       Susan Spruill is the Senior Director of


       Biostatistics at Pozen.


                 DR. SPRUILL:  The answer to your question


       is that it was an analysis of variance for each


       time point and it was not corrected for multiple


       time points.



                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  So it wasn't corrected.


       Okay.  The second question is, again, just a


       general question about the trials that were done.


       You guys must have measured or recorded concomitant


       medications.  Many patients with migraine are also


       on prophylactic therapy as well as this rescue


       therapy.  This is basically a rescue therapy.


                 Were there differences in what types of


       other medications these patients were on?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  There were exclusion


       criteria if patients had changed their prophylactic


       medication within several weeks to a month of


       enrollment.  We did not exclude patients that were


       on prophylactic medications or anti-depressants,


       anything that was used for the routine medical


       treatment.  There was no stratification of the


       randomization by use of prophylactic medications.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Thanks.  The third


       technical question is, again, related to this whole


       issue of absorption.  The preparation that you are


       looking at here has the naproxen that is sort of


       like buried inside this sort of shell.  Is there a



       difference in the bioavailability of the naproxen


       alone in that preparation?  You said you used that


       in the controls also in the studies.  Is there a


       difference in bioavailability of that compared to


       the usual preparation of naproxen if you would get


       it within that particular formulation?


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  I am really not qualified


       to answer that with data.  My impression is that


       there is no difference.


                 DR. PORTER:  The point, I guess, is that


       what you are hypothesizing is that the


       metoclopramide is improving the absorption of the


       naproxen in this particular preparation because


       that is the comparison you have.  But you don't


       know that, if you didn't have it in this particular


       preparation, that there would or would not be a




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  No; we used the same


       blinded study medication that was naproxen in the


       core with a placebo around it in these studies that


       were conducted.  So I would answer to say that it


       seems that we have controlled for everything except



       the metoclopramide component.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me just restate it.  I


       think your question is, in the naproxen alone, how


       does that compare to a standard naproxen




                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Exactly.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Does the formulation here


       somehow delay the naproxen so that the


       metoclopramide then just speeds it back to normal?


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  That is exactly right.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Let me clarify.  These two


       are bioequivalent as far as the naproxen component.


       I was not familiar with the study.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  If people with nausea respond


       differently to metoclopramide, that people without


       nausea have greater therapeutic benefit, it is also


       possible that they may have differential response


       in terms of side effects.  They might have more


       side effects or less side effects than people with




                 Do you have any evidence for that?



                 DR. ALEXANDER:  That is one of the things


       that we looked at very quickly after seeing this


       efficacy difference was to see if there was any


       apparent difference in adverse events.  There are


       none.  Again, these were prespecified analysis for


       the endpoint subgroups so we went back and looked


       at the adverse events.  There is no difference


       between the two subgroups as far as adverse events.


                 DR. SACCO:  It is a question for, I think,


       Dr. Schapira maybe to comment on.  We heard from


       Dr. Matchar about this unmet need, about the number


       of people suffering with migraine, the disability,


       and how this drug could, perhaps, be an unmet need.


                 One of your slides talks about the fact


       that this is available in the U.K. and some of your


       numbers have been 95,000 patients possibly treated.


       I guess what I am trying to get an understanding of


       is in the U.K., using the U.K. as an example, the


       sponsor provided in their document, Appendix 3,


       which talks about prescription use in migraine




                 If anything, at least from my



       interpretation of this table, the migraine


       anti-emetic combinations, of which the main one is


       this kind of drug out there, is dropping kind of


       precipitously from November, 1999, about 112,000 to


       79,000 in November of 2003.


                 When you look at the overall proportion of


       migraine sufferers again estimated in these tables,


       it is a little lower and dropping, so, just again,


       a feel for, if we use the U.K. as an experience


       where this drug was available, we recognize the


       unmet needs that perhaps are possible in the U.S.,


       can you comment on why this seems to be dropping


       off as a migraine type of drug.


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Yes.  I think that the


       guidelines that have incorporated the use of these


       combinations into the acute treatment of migraine


       is in response to a need to rationalize the acute


       treatment of migraine.


                 First of all, I think many patients with


       migraine never even go to a doctor.  They just


       treat a headache, themselves.  Those that do go to


       a doctor, I think are recommended to begin an



       analgesic just to see if they have tried that and,


       if they have and have not responded, then there is


       a pressure, if you like, from the guidelines, the


       Headache Society in the U.K., et cetera, to try and


       build the patient's future management on an


       appropriate logical step which is, if you like,


       tailored to the patient because I think a


       significant proportion of patients are being taken


       from simple analgesic to triptan without this step


       in between.


                 I think, to some extent, this is a


       response to the introduction and marketing of


       triptans in the U.K.  What we have tried to do is


       to actually insert this intermediate step between


       those two.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Which one of you two--you


       had your hand up before, or would you like Dr.




                 DR. KATZ:  Eric has, I think, an


       interesting question but I just have a few maybe


       sort of random thoughts.  The side-effect profile


       or incidences that were shown for Study 302, that



       is open-label data.  It is hard, really, to


       understand exactly what those numbers mean.  There


       is no concurrent control group.


                 I don't know.  I didn't really understand


       Dr. Alexander's answer when he said, well, you add


       them all up, you get 78 percent of people reported


       some sort of an adverse event, therefore, it is not




                 I think Dr. Jung's point is a very good


       one.  We are well familiar with the distinction


       between lumpers and splitters when adverse events


       are recorded and reported.  Of course, it is hard


       to do know what to make of the specific point here


       about adding up all these things because we have no


       idea, really, what those terms represent, which is


       a point, I think, that has been made.


                 But, certainly, of course, it is possible


       that the restlessness, anxiety, nervousness,


       sleeplessness, whatever these things are, it is


       possible that they are all akathisia or some


       extrapyramidal symptom.  It is hard to know, but I


       think the point is a very good one that,



       generically, these sorts of events are notoriously


       poorly reported, not in this application


       specifically, but across applications, and poorly


       translated from verbatim reports to MedDRA or




                 So that is something to watch out for.  It


       is true individually they are less than what--but,


       even if you look individually, they are all less


       than 1 percent more or less across all the groups.


       But, 0.9 percent is different, perhaps, then 0.2


       percent.  But if you just list them all as less


       than 1 percent, they all look the same.


                 So that is just something to keep in mind.


       Again, it is hard to know what to make of it


       specifically in this case.


                 The only other thing I want to say is


       there has been a lot of discussion about the


       rationale of why it should be true that it works in


       people who don't have nausea at baseline.  Anything


       is going to be somebody's interesting theory.  It


       is impossible to really know what the rationale


       would be.



                 It would be nice to know what the


       rationale was to sort of have a real solid


       well-accepted rationale in hand because I do think,


       as Dr. Temple said, that this was probably an


       unexpected finding.  It was probably expected to


       work better in people who had nausea at baseline.


       There is going to be a retrospective explanation,


       but we are mostly concerned about whether or not it


       is a real effect and, as one of our questions asks,


       whether or not it is an appropriate, well-defined




                 So just sort of generically, I think we


       are probably less concerned with the rationale for


       it than is it real and is it a population that we


       can reliably identify so that we can write




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Why isn't as important as




                 Dr. Bastings.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  It is a question to Dr.


       Schapira regarding these combinations available in


       U.K.  Is there any evidence from controlled studies



       that metoclopramide provides any contribution to


       efficacy for these preparations?


                 DR. SCHAPIRA:  Thank you.  I have not


       actually looked at and don't have access to the


       original data on Paramax or MigraMax.  But I think


       that Dr. Alexander may have in order to answer your




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Your question is whether


       or not there is data that this combination would be


       effective in migraine.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me restate the question


       and make sure I understand it.  The question of the


       addition of metoclopramide to the other analgesic


       like what we have been going around about today, in


       a factorial kind of design, what is the evidence of


       the additional benefit of metoclopramide to the


       underlying analgesic.


                 Did I understand your question correctly,


       Dr. Bastings?


                 DR. BASTINGS:  Yes.


                 DR. ALEXANDER:  There are limited studies.



       One study I will show is twenty years old.  That is


       this slide here.


                 (Slide EB12)


                 It is a study by Tfelt-Hansen looking at


       the preparation Migravess which Dr. Schapira noted


       was aspirin plus metoclopramide.  This was a


       factorial study looking at Migravess, aspirin and


       metoclopramide, versus aspirin alone versus




                 You can see that this is a modest


       improvement of only 2 percent for a two-hour pain


       response rate in that study.  A good small number


       of subjects, basically 118 subjects, treating three


       migraine attacks.


                 There have been a number of comparative


       studies between these combinations and even with


       triptans that have shown generally equivalent


       results in the treatment of migraine.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 DR. SMITH:  I want a little clarification


       on the estimated risk of the TD with the


       intermittent use because Dr. Bastings mentioned, in



       his talk, that there was an estimate of 380 cases


       per million persons per year and then, in the FDA


       review, there was an estimate quoted from the NDA


       of 20 per million.


                 I am wondering what is the estimate that


       the company has and what is the basis for their




                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Thank you for that


       question because it needs clarification.  Back in


       2004, when Pozen was preparing for the meeting with


       the FDA, the type A meeting, the critical-path


       meeting that you heard about, we were looking at


       the figure of 1 percent as the figure that was


       given to us in the not-approvable letter as being


       the upper limit of possibility.  But is still a


       figure of 1 percent.


                 That certainly is significant when you


       consider tardive dyskinesia.  So we undertook to


       try to estimate how much lower the risk might


       actually be.  We looked at spontaneously reported


       cases in the databases available.  You have seen


       the 87 cases or the 40 cases from the Shaffer





                 We also looked at estimates of


       prescriptions or usage over a year's period of time


       and applied a multiplier for the spontaneous


       reported rate of, say, 1 percent.  If only 1


       percent of all incident cases are reported, what


       would the risk be?  It is a conservative estimate.


                 In that way, we calculated the risk could


       be as high as 0.002 percent or something like that,


       just to make the distinction that it is much less


       than 1 percent.  That has gotten carried over into


       this discussion today and I just want to point out


       that it is based on estimates or assumptions.  The


       better data are the actual-use data that Dr.


       Schapira has shown with the use of metoclopramide,


       we think, in migraine in a large population in the




                 DR. SMITH:  Let me just make sure I


       understand.  You are basing the estimates, these


       lower estimates, on reporting rates to


       adverse-events reporting systems in the U.K. and


       U.S.?  Is that correct?



                 DR. ALEXANDER:  Let me just specifically


       address the 0.038 percent risk that Dr. Bastings


       more recently used in this.  That is based on an


       estimate of a risk that was the most conservative


       that we could come up with based on the data.


                 DR. SMITH:  Okay.  Thank you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I think we will talk about


       that some more, too, when we address the specific


       questions.  I want to ask one question and then we


       are going to have to close, and this might go to


       Dr. Jinnah, if he is still here, or, if you don't


       know the answer.


                 I believe Dr. Jung brought this up in


       part.  In stimulant-induced sterotopy or models of


       tardive dyskinesia, are there animal models, and


       this was alluded to in at least one presentation,


       as to whether single or a few doses, or


       intermittent doses, could induce tardive


       dyskinesias in animal models as opposed to chronic


       use.  Can you speak to this?


                 DR. JINNAH:  I can.  I am familiar with


       that literature.  It is going to be difficult to



       translate that literature which is mostly derived


       from rodents to humans because the types of drugs


       and the temporal course of drug delivery in rodents


       to create these movements that are labeled as


       analogous to TD are quite different.


                 So whether or not we should be even


       calling it TD is at question.  So I am not sure


       that answering the question is going to help.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Could you answer it anyway?


                 DR. JINNAH:  Sure.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Here is my question.  I


       understand there are animal models.  And I


       understand that animal models don't represent the


       human disease.  But I think it would be useful to


       know whether or not tardive dyskinesia--or those


       movements have been induced with intermittent or


       few exposures are they are required to have chronic


       exposures for them to develop in models.


                 It doesn't necessarily, therefore, mean


       that the human experience follows that.


                 DR. JINNAH:  Correct.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me put it a different



       way.  My understanding is those models indicate


       that intermittent or few exposures can induce those


       changes and reduce the threshold for


       stimulant-induced stereotopies.  Am I wrong?


                 DR. JINNAH:  No.  That's correct.  Either


       chronic or intermittent administration, as few as


       just one or two doses of the drugs, can induce


       these movements that are called tardive dyskinesia.


       I should temper that statement with the observation


       that Reserpine is one of those drugs and Reserpine


       does not cause tardive dyskinesia in humans, to my




                 So what the movements are, I think, is


       still really a key part of that answer.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So the specificity and the


       meaning of these models is unclear.


                 DR. JINNAH:  I think that is true.  But,


       perhaps, Dr. Jeste can comment on the issue of


       using neuroleptics intermittently in psychiatry


       because there is some data showing that drug


       holidays of neuroleptics and intermittent use of


       neuroleptics in human patients does, in fact,



       increase the risk of tardive dyskinesia.


                 But, again, it is not PRN or intermittent


       use as we have been talking about.  It is more


       chronic for weeks, months, maybe years with a


       holiday and then chronic again.  So it is a little


       bit different but the same idea.


                 DR. JESTE:  That actually applies to


       people with schizophrenia or other psychiatric


       disorders when you do long-term treatment.  People


       who get the treatment intermittently seem to be a


       high risk of developing tardive dyskinesia.  The


       theory is that has something to do with kindling,


       that if you administer something continuously,


       there is development of tolerance where it is


       intermediate.  Intermittent administration may lead


       to kindling and increase the risk of TD.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 We are going to stop the discussion period


       at this point.  Just to reiterate, to the point of


       being boring, not to continue any discussions of


       the presentations not in the public forum.


                 We will start with the Open Public Hearing



       next.  All registered Open Public Hearing speakers,


       please register at the Registration Desk.  1


       o'clock is when we will start again.


                 Let me just thank all the participants


       from the sponsor, from the FDA and from the


       committee for bearing with the way we ran things.


                 We are adjourned until 1:00.


                 (Whereupon, at 12:00 p.m., the proceedings


       were recessed to be resumed at 1:00 p.m.)



                A F T E R N O O N   P R O C E E D I N G S


                                                        (1:00 p.m.)


                           Open Public Hearing


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  The first part of the


       afternoon is the Open Public Hearing.  I have a


       statement to read here.


                 Both the Food and Drug Administration and


       the public believe in a transparent process for


       information gathering and decision making.  To


       insure such transparency at the Open Public Hearing


       session of the Advisory Committee meeting, FDA


       believes that it is important to understand the


       context of an individual's presentation.  For this


       reason, FDA encourages you, the Open Public Hearing


       speaker, at the beginning of your written or oral


       statement, to advise the committee of any financial


       relationship that you may have with the sponsor,


       its products and, if known, its direct competitors.


                 For example, this financial information


       may include a company's or group's payment of your


       travel, lodging or other expenses in connection


       with your attendance at the meeting.  Likewise, FDA



       encourages you at the beginning of your statement


       to advise the committee if you do not have any such


       financial relationships.


                 If you choose not to address this issue of


       financial relationships at the beginning of your


       statement, it will not preclude you from speaking.


                 So far, we only have one registered


       speaker for the Open Public Hearing and that is Dr.


       Cynthia McCormick who can come on up to the podium


       and address the committee.


                 DR. McCORMICK:  Thank you.  Good


       afternoon, Dr. Kieburtz and members of the PCNS


       Advisory Committee, Dr. Katz, Dr. Temple.


                 First let me start with the disclosures


       and also thank you for giving me the opportunity


       today to address the committee as a member of the


       public, which is a new experience for me, and to


       share with you my thoughts as you proceed into the


       deliberations for today.


                 So, in terms of disclosure, since leaving


       the FDA, I have worked as an independent consultant


       to regulated industry including upwards of probably



       close to 70 companies by now, many of which are in


       the area of pain therapeutics including a few


       companies developing drugs targeted to treat


       migraine.  Among these, I have served as a


       consultant to Pozen.


                 Today, however, I am speaking on my own


       behalf and my comments are not driven by my


       industry consultation but rather by own personal


       experience.  The division has heard these, I think,


       in some manner but probably not in this context.


                 By introduction, I am a neurologist and a


       former federal employee, 17 years a federal


       employee, most of which was spent at the FDA,


       initially as a reviewer in the Division of


       Neuropharmacologic Drug Products, and the remainder


       as the Division Director in Anesthetic Critical


       Care and Addiction Drug Products where I had the


       responsibility, among other things, for therapies


       to treat various painful conditions.


                 As such, I have been in the position of


       approving drugs before.  I know that it is not


       always straightforward and there is a great deal to



       consider.  I also know that there is a fair amount


       of discretion in making these decisions and that,


       perhaps, makes the decision-making even more




                 I think I have to say that both approval


       decisions and not-approval decisions can have


       important consequences for patients.  I believe in


       the FDA process.  I believe in the mission of the


       FDA and I have enormous confidence in the FDA.


       With all of its oversight systems of checks and


       balances, high ethical standards, it does, really,


       a remarkable job in protecting the public health,


       both in not approving drugs that are not effective


       and safe and also in approving drugs that are.  The


       job isn't without its struggles.  The recent public


       criticisms that FDA has had to endure which, in my


       opinion, are unwarranted, make it even more




                 But I am speaking to you today not as a


       former regulator but as a chronic migraine patient.


       I know what drugs are available, both for


       prophylaxis and for PRN treatment of acute migraine



       attacks and I have tried most of them.  I know the


       side effects of the medications and I have been


       able to make informed decisions because the FDA


       process works and because product labeling is


       usually fair and very complete regarding the risks


       of medications.


                 So, two and a half years ago, while I was


       serving as FDA's Director of Anesthetic Drug


       Products, I suffered a serious, potentially


       life-threatening, adverse event from an approved


       migraine drug which I took on the day before an


       advisory committee meeting, much like this one,


       although the topic was prescription drug abuse and


       oxycoton which probably explains the headache.


                 I found myself in the intensive-care unit


       and I have permanent sequelae from the event.  But


       the thing is that it left me with no realistic


       treatment options for migraine and I, as many


       others, consider this a disorder that can be very


       incapacitating at times.


                 So consider for a minute what is currently


       approved for the treatment of migraine.  Most of



       the approved products are associated with vascular


       risk, as you might expect, including significant


       cardiovascular risk.  These include the ergot


       alkaloids, the triptans and, up until spring of


       this year, one of the selective cox-2 inhibitors no


       longer on the market.


                 So, for patients who have suffered a


       myocardial infarction, or who have cardiovascular


       risks, these medications really aren't an option.


       So what is left?  Not very much.  I think we heard,


       when we saw the slide with three things on it this


       morning, well, eliminate one column.  So,


       over-the-counter and off-label medications.  Those


       are my choices right now.  So, for people who have


       no options, any therapeutic gain is significant.


                 So, when you consider how to deal with


       what is an acceptable risk in this population,


       consider the following: the existing medications


       have risks that are not trivial.  Patients who


       suffer from migraines tend to know a lot about


       their medications and truthful labeling is


       absolutely critical and something they expect from



       the FDA and something the FDA expects from


       themselves, as well.  Without it, they can't make


       informed choices about their treatment.


                 To put into perspective the kind of risks


       that some patients are willing to take with


       migraine to get relief, take a minute to consider


       how bad the disorder can be.  It took me several


       years after the first triptan approval before I was


       willing to take one.


                 I listened to the adverse-event profile


       unfold during the NDA review because I was in the


       division that reviewed that drug.  So when I


       finally took one, I did it with my eyes wide open,


       with absolute full knowledge and understanding that


       there was a cardiovascular risk and what that risk


       might be.  And I was willing to take that risk,


       obviously, and I did.


                 But my headaches were so debilitating at


       that time, and so incapacitating and really


       impaired my ability to work, that I was willing to


       take that risk.  So that is how bad it can be.


                 Here we are with an armamentarium that



       includes three, now, actually, two classes of drugs


       that are off-limits for a segment of the population


       like me, and few options.  Right now, you are


       discussing a drug that has a different kind of side


       effect.  It has been implicated with the potential


       for having a risk of tardive dyskinesia with


       chronic administration.


                 I am a neurologist.  I know what tardive


       dyskinesia is.  I have seen it.  It is a bad


       condition.  It can be very debilitating.  So the


       question is is that worse than an MI?  I don't


       know.  That is what I am asking myself.  I think


       each patient has to make that decision themselves


       as to what risks are worse than others and what


       they are willing to take.


                 It might be, if there were some benefit


       that I could gain from that drug.  But I can


       absolutely guarantee that, if I didn't get any


       benefit from the drug on the first administration,


       I wouldn't be taking it more than once.  That is


       one thing that I think we heard this morning


       about--that is pretty characteristic of people with



       migraine.  We self-select our medications.  You are


       not very likely to accumulate a cadre of patients


       who are continually deriving no benefit and only


       risk.  So that is something to put into the




                 My message to the committee and to Dr.


       Katz is the following: please keep an open mind.


       Migraine can be incapacitating.  For a segment of


       the population, the drugs that are currently


       approved don't exist.  While it would be ideal to


       have criteria that would give us the perfect drug,


       patients like me don't expect perfection and would


       be very happy with any therapeutic effect so long


       as the labeling truthfully reflects the risks as


       well as they can be known.


                 Thank you.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thank you.


                 Is there anyone else who would like to


       address the committee during the Open Public


       Hearing?  Not hearing any, thanking Dr. McCormick


       for her statement, we will close the Open Public


       Hearing phase of this meeting.



            Committee Discussion and Response to FDA Questions


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  We will now, as a group,


       deliberate the questions that were posed.


       Committee members, just so you are familiar, I


       believe, just from my seating chart, that Dr.


       Porter is the only non-voting member.


                 So, on the five questions, we have to


       individually vote our opinion about the questions


       posed.  Some of them are multipart so it is going


       to be a little difficult.  We can discuss the


       question and then we need to come to an answer.  At


       the time you give your answer, or your vote, you


       can get some clarification as to why you are voting


       that way.


                 This will be a chance for the agency to


       get a clarification of how we are thinking.


                 Here is the first question.  Take it as a


       given that this has been estimated as an annual


       incidence--that is, the number of new cases of


       tardive dyskinesia--at this dose for use of up to


       six doses per month, so up to 72 doses per year,


       380 cases, new cases, of tardive dyskinesia per



       million patients per year.


                 Do you think this is a reasonable


       estimate?  Dr. Fahn.


                 DR. FAHN:  I would like to start.  I did


       some calculations on the margins of the slides that


       were handed out.  The risk for developing--the


       incidence for developing tardive dyskinesia has


       been calculated by John Kane and his colleagues at


       Long Island Jewish who has studying the


       epidemiological of tardive dyskinesia for decades.


                 He calculated the risk to be about 5


       percent per year, so a person would take--now,


       these were neuroleptics, but these were


       dopamine-receptor blocking agents which, of course,


       metoclopramide is also.  The calculation was that 5


       percent per year, that if you took it for four


       years, then you would have a 20 percent risk of


       getting tardive dyskinesia and so forth.


                 Multiply 5 percent per year times 72 days


       divided by 360 days, I come up with a 1 percent


       risk, not 0.38 percent risk.  Now, granted that the


       drugs that were used in the psychiatric population



       are daily doses continuously, so that might have


       been the risk for 72 days in a continuum.  What


       would happen if it was discontinuous?  I think this


       is the big unknown.  I don't think anybody, as we


       heard all day so far--that no one really knows what


       these intermittent or periodic risks are and it may


       be less.


                 The intermittency, when you stop--for


       psychiatric patients, of course, and then restart


       it, the risk seems to go up.  But, giving it for


       migraine is one thing.  So I think this a level


       that is probably too low.  I think it, at least


       from these calculations, is going to be probably


       closer to the 1 percent risk.


                 If you want me to address the second part


       of that question, I would be glad to do that.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let's just stick with this.


       I mean, we can have a little bit of general


       discussion about whether we think it is reasonable


       or not, and then we are going to have to just each


       vote about that question.


                 Dr. Jeste, did you--



                 DR. JESTE:  Actually, unrelated in a way,


       but one general point I want to make.  Since the


       morning, there has been a lot of discussion of how


       do we define tardive dyskinesia.  I would argue


       that there is, actually, a standard definition in


       the DSM IV for tardive dyskinesia.  By definition,


       as Dr. Jinnah said, that is later occurring.  The


       word "tardive" means late occurring.


                 So, if it occurs in less than a month, it


       should not be tardive dyskinesia.  That doesn't


       mean it cannot be persistent.  So we need to


       separate out tardive dyskinesia from persistent


       dyskinesia.  Acute dyskinesia can be persistent but


       we should not call it tardive dyskinesia.  I think


       it is somewhat of an oxymoron to say tardive


       dyskinesia that develops after one day of


       treatment, of any drug, for that matter.


                 The DSM IV definition is minimum 90 days


       except for older people where it is 30 days or


       more.  One can use different definitions for


       possible different types but, again, in terms of


       standard nomenclature, I think we should stick to



       that definition.  That would be my recommendation.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Porter.


                 DR. PORTER:  Yes.  An epileptologist


       should never tackle a movement-disorders expert in


       his own field, but, Stan, I think that you have


       gone way too high.


                 I think that, if it were really 1 percent


       for this particular drug in migraine, we would be


       seeing 95 patients every year showing up in the


       U.K. yellow-card system.  While I think maybe the


       U.K. yellow-card system is flawed, I think that it


       is not nearly that flawed, especially when the dose


       given in the U.K. is more than twice the dose as


       proposed for the tablet here in the U.S.


                 So I think it is--actually, I think that


       the company's estimate is high and I think your


       estimate is very high.


                 DR. SMITH:  I want to comment, because my


       area is pharmacoepidemiology, and I feel that these


       databases are kind of being maligned and misused.


       I want to really make sure that that is understood,


       that the use of reports and divided the number of



       cases is, first of all, not what these databases


       are meant for.  It is a gross misuse of them and it


       is a very dangerous misuse, particularly in this


       case.  If anything, it is probably the lowest


       ballpark estimate of what the risk might be and it


       is not even a good estimate at that.


                 One of the things we are pretty much, I


       think, in agreement on without even voting is that


       it is not a simple disease to diagnose, that there


       is variation in what makes a diagnosis of TD, that


       part of the diagnosis criteria does include, in


       some places, the length of therapy which would


       preclude people from reporting something it if


       was--as TD, if it was after just one or two uses,


       so we don't even know.  So the reporting rate for


       that would be substantially lower than what we




                 The drug has been on the market a long


       time.  It is labeled for this so it is not


       unexpected.  So estimating the reporting rate is


       just--it is just a guess.  It is like throwing an


       arrow.  We don't know if it is 1 percent or



       10 percent or 1 millionth of a percent.  It is a


       gross unknown and I think this is something we


       really have to think about whether or not these


       numbers are based on anything that is reasonable.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  When we consider the risk


       of tardive dyskinesia or other movement disorders,


       would it be appropriate, so that is a question to


       anybody, or a comment, to consider the relative


       risk of migrainers where, on the one hand, we have


       probably a relatively younger population.  But, on


       the other hand, we have significantly more women


       with a 3-to-2 ratio of women to men, and also the


       fact that the coadministration of tricyclic


       anti-depressants and the SSRIs which we have seen


       can give its own risk is particularly common in


       that population of patients.


                 If I take the numbers that you showed, on


       67 cases of TD, 14 also took anti-depressants which


       between 20 and 25 percent.  Is it appropriate to


       consider the special population that migrainers


       represent in that context?


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Sure.  I think we should.



                 Dr. Green.


                 DR. GREEN:  I think that dopamine


       hypersensitivity is right at the heart of migraine


       pathophysiology and, therefore, it is not clear to


       me that any data we get from the general population


       rather than the migraine population is relevant to


       this question.


                 I don't know if that impacts negatively,


       positively, or not at all.  But this is a condition


       of dopamine hypersensitivity.  But also the other


       comment is I agree with several comments that there


       is a huge need for a medication that is effective


       in the treatment of migraine that is not


       vasoactive, a desperate need for that.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Hughes.


                 DR. HUGHES:  I try to explore the issue of


       the safety study that the company had done this


       morning.  I think--you know, you have got 300


       subjects followed for a year and 1,000 followed for


       a few months.  I think it would be hard to conceive


       of the idea that the true rate would be 1 percent


       or more, given that they didn't really see any



       events or they saw zero events according to the


       definition that they were using.


                 So I would hazard a guess that it is


       somewhat below 1 percent.  But how much below, who




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  One last comment.


                 DR. JESTE:  I really think it is fair to


       say we do not know the risk and we will not know


       the risk unless and until we do a longitudinal


       prospective study in which rigorous measures are


       used to find out whether the patient has TD and one


       has to use a scale like involuntary movements


       scale, use some fixed criteria.


                 There are a number of confounds in


       deciding the incidence of tardive dyskinesia.  For


       example, the drugs that produce TD are also the


       drugs that are suppress it.  So, if we increase the


       dose, you may not see TD.


                 It also depends on what other medications


       the patients are taking.  If they happen to be on


       dopaminergic drugs, for example, that might


       precipitate TD.  If you look at the history of the



       neuroleptics in psychiatry, it is worth remembering


       that it took more than 25 years before the field


       accepted that there was such a thing as tardive




                 People argued that it was a symptom of


       schizophrenia for many years.  The only time that


       the incidence became clear is when a number of


       people did longitudinal prospective studies using


       that.  So I really don't think anybody can make a


       claim for any kind of--whether it is lower or


       higher, it doesn't matter.  We just don't know the


       risk at this stage.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  So we are going to


       vote now.  I am going to go around the table, which


       is, this is the proposed estimate, 0.038 percent,


       as an annual incidence.  Do you think it is a


       reasonable estimate.  We don't have a definition of


       reasonable, but let me operationalize that.  If we


       are proposing 0.04, there is some range around that


       from 0.01 to--an order of magnitude around that.


                 But you have a sense of where the estimate


       is.  Go ahead.  Dr. Green?  It is either yes, no or



       abstain.  But you can make a comment.


                 DR. GREEN:  The answer is no.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  I don't think, really, there


       are any data to say this is a reasonable estimate


       at this stage.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So the answer is no.


                 DR. JESTE:  The answer is no.


                 DR. SMITH:  No.


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.


                 DR. FAHN:  No.


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No.


                 DR. SACCO:  No.


                 DR. KOSKI:  No.


                 DR. HUGHES:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I will say yes because I


       think we don't know but, from the evidence, we have


       some reasonable bounds, as Dr. Hughes alluded to,


       that we certainly don't think it is 1.0 or higher.


       It is somewhere under that.  We don't have enough



       evidence to conclude it is zero, but what is in the


       reasonable range of between zero and 1.0 and I


       think this is reasonable.


                 Dr. Temple.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Could I ask whether the


       people who said no think it might be lower, higher


       or just can't say.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I am going to do a show of


       hands.  How many people think you just really can't


       say.  There is not enough evidence to say, and that


       is why you voted not.    (Show of hands.)


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  That is seven.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  I interpret that as meaning


       they think it could actually be higher.  Would that




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Just don't know.  Dr. Fahn,


       do you think it is higher?


                 DR. FAHN:   I think it is higher.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Lenaerts does too.


       Three people think-- does anybody think it is lower


       than this estimate?


                 (No response.)



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  Is that helpful to




                 DR. TEMPLE:  Yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I am just going to reverse


       the order a little bit here in the next set of


       questions because I think one moots the other.  So


       let's just go to the third question here.  Is any


       risk of tardive dyskinesia acceptable for a


       migraine population?  If we conclude that there is


       none, the middle question, is not--so, just


       logically, I would like to go with that question.


       I know Anuja is going to be mad at me for going out


       of order.


                 Any discussion about that?


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  It is a takeoff on one of


       Dr. Matchar's slides, actually, where he said 79


       percent of sufferers showed an interest in trying a


       novel product with similar efficacy but fewer


       adverse events than existing migraine medications.


                 The point is that this is obviously


       another imponderable.  We heard testimony that some


       people might take that risk, whatever that risk



       could be defined.  But it is possible, through


       decision analysis, to get some bounds for what the


       people might--what patients might be able, or


       willing, to accept as a risk for having a permanent


       or even a transient sequela.


                 So, right now, we are just--we are making


       this up as we go along.  But there is a way to


       actually get data to be able to address that point.


       What I would encourage would be to try to formally


       get that type of data.  The studies are not that


       difficult to do.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Koski.


                 DR. KOSKI:  No; not right now.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Fahn.


                 DR. FAHN:  I think the risk of getting


       tardive dyskinesia on the first dose is extremely,


       extremely, rare and even the second dose and so


       forth until you start taking multiple doses.  So,


       when Dr. McCormick made her presentation about


       migraine sufferers would not continue a drug if it


       wasn't working, that shed a new light on me.  I


       mean, that is an experience--they are not going to



       keep on taking this drug.


                 Therefore, I think the risk, then, is not


       for the people who it doesn't help continuing to


       take it.  The risk, then, becomes those in which


       the drug helps and then the drug, as they continue


       to take it, the risk keeps going up every time they


       take it.


                 But, because a drug is beneficial to those


       patients, then I think the risk is probably worth


       it for those people.  Therefore, even a 1 percent


       risk in a year, if it helps the patient, that may


       be something the patient has to decide and they


       know what that risk is and would take it.


                 So, therefore, I think the answer to this


       is yes.  Risk is acceptable for the migraine


       population at least that gets a response to the




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Welch.


                 DR. WELCH:  My answer to this would be yes


       as well.  It depends on the migraine population and


       the way the drug is used.  For migraine patients


       with severe disability that haven't responded to



       anything else, or there are contraindications to


       using such a medication, then this would be a risk


       worth taking.  So my vote would be yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Green.  You don't have


       to say about your vote yet.  We are just doing


       general discussion.  But you can if you would like.


                 DR. GREEN:  Again, in this special


       population where vasoactive migraine therapies are


       not an option, it is wonderful--it would be very


       useful to all of us to have additional options.  I


       would disagree, however, with the comment that


       migrainers don't overuse, or wouldn't be likely to


       overuse, something that is ineffective.  In fact,


       it has been my impression that migrainers are less


       likely to overuse something that is fully effective


       and less likely to overuse something that is


       completely ineffective and the things in the middle


       which give partial relief are the things which put


       people at risk for redosing.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Temple.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Because you skipped to the


       third question, there is no context here about the



       magnitude of the benefit from the thing that puts


       you at risk.  This drug is going to work on people.


       It is obvious.  Naproxen works in migraine just


       like ibuprofen and aspirin work in migraine.  So


       there isn't any question it is going to work.


                 The question that was flagged there is how


       much is it worth to you to get the added benefit of


       the metoclopramide.  That should be kept in mind, I


       think, even in this part, though.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I think it is pretty


       obvious we are going to get to the third question


       because it doesn't look like there is consensus.


                 Dr. Koski.


                 DR. KOSKI:  I really would like to second


       that.  In the sense that patients, because of the


       fact that they can get a response from naproxen,


       are going to get something, or at least a


       significant portion of patients will get something


       in response to the drug.


                 The question is is there something


       additional that is taking place with the


       metoclopramide addition.  Because of that reason, I



       sort of disagree with Dr. McCormick.  I think that


       this would not be a one-time event, that this would


       be something that people might continue to take.


                 Certainly patients I have seen, some of


       them, quite frankly, think if one tablet works


       okay, maybe they should take two and then,


       occasionally, maybe I have something--maybe it is


       coming on and I am always told to take something


       just as soon as I possibly can.  I will take


       another one then.


                 So I think there is a great deal of


       potential for that type of abuse.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me just clarify the


       question, here, too, which is not a


       product-specific question.  Is any risk of tardive


       dyskinesia acceptable for a migraine population?


       It is a question that is independent of benefit.


       That is why I went there first.  But it is a very


       abstract question, as I read it.  But maybe I am


       reading it wrong.


                 Dr. Jung.


                 DR. JUNG:  Speaking as the consumer



       representative, my concern is that there would be


       adequate patient education information about what


       actually tardive dyskinesia is, given the fact


       that, in this room of neurologists, we can't seem


       to agree how you actually make a diagnosis.  How do


       you anticipate that, in your office, you are going


       to be able to explain to a patient or be able to


       show a video, for example, such as was shown


       earlier, of what a significant risk is.


                 I think most people can understand the


       risk of what a heart attack or a stroke is.  But to


       describe tardive dyskinesia and have the worst-case


       scenario be apparent is not clear to me, that we


       can actually do that in the clinical setting.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Thanks.


                 Dr. Welch, did you have a comment?


                 DR. WELCH:  No; I was going to address--


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  Dr. Sacco.


                 DR. SACCO:  I think we have other data


       from other patient populations that obviously have


       accepted the risk of medical metoclopramide for


       GERD.  So I think it depends on probably the amount



       of risk.  Any risk is really tricky if it is 0.0001


       and the benefit.  So it is a risk/benefit ratio


       but, in my mind, the fact that other patient


       populations with pain somewhere else, including


       gastroesophageal reflux, have accepted the risk of


       the medicine that is out there, then any risk may


       be acceptable.  But it depends on the amount.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Smith.


                 DR. SMITH:  I want to agree that just to


       say is there risk without thinking about the


       benefit, it just can't be separated unless you are


       talking about cure and a one in a million risk.


       Then maybe the answer could be yes.  But I agree


       that you have to think about what is the added


       benefit when you know you are going to add this


       risk beyond what is already out there.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Maybe I misread this third


       question.  Maybe it is meant to be contextualized


       on the second question and not stand alone.  Is


       that true?


                 DR. KATZ:  No; I think you read it


       correctly.  We wanted to find out if it is just



       drug independent.  But, of course, obviously, the


       amount of risk you are willing to tolerate will


       depend on what you think the benefit is.  That is


       obviously critical.  But we just wanted to sort of


       get a baseline because, as you say, it moots the


       rest of it if everybody thinks no risk is


       acceptable, no level of risk.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So let's vote the question


       because I think we know the answer to this.  Is any


       risk of tardive dyskinesia acceptable for the


       migraine population?  We will go this way this time


       to mix it up.  I say yes.


                 DR. HUGHES:  Yes.


                 DR. KOSKI:  Yes.


                 DR. SACCO:  Yes.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Yes, with just the


       additional comment that, again, there is a way to


       get the information so that we are not


       guesstimating.  We can get this.


                 DR. JUNG:  With some hesitation, yes.


                 DR. FAHN:  Yes.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Yes, too, but for the same



       remark.  It depends on the efficacy.  It is hard to


       take out of context.


                 DR. WELCH:  Yes.


                 DR. SMITH:  A qualified yes.


                 DR. JESTE:  Yes.


                 DR. GREEN:   Yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Back to Question 2 which is


       a little more complex.  I think what we are to do


       here is to assume that the risk of MT100 is 0.04


       percent, let's say.


                 DR. KATZ:  That is what the question asks.


       But it turns out most people don't think that that


       is a reasonable risk.  Some people think it is


       higher--or a reasonable estimate of the risk.  So I


       am not sure we want to sort of pin our risk/benefit


       consideration on some risk estimate that nobody




                 Maybe the best thing to do is just sort


       of--I mean, everybody has probably got their own


       personal view of what they think the risk is.  You


       can't tell.  I think maybe we should try to talk


       about what sort of a--let's assume the benefit part



       of this question, the 5 to 10 percent contribution


       of the metoclopramide and then sort of talk about


       what sort of risk you think would be acceptable.


                 That is really more or less the question,


       and whether or not we think we are at the point yet


       where we think that that is the risk.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.


                 DR. KATZ:  In other words, I don't want to


       link it to a number which everybody has already


       decided doesn't mean anything.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  The way that we were


       discussing the last question it got posed


       around--several people volunteered it depends on


       how much benefit you are seeing.  So let's turn it


       around and say, in the factorial designs, leaving


       aside the question of statistical significance, the


       proportion of individuals as reported as the


       percentage of individuals who had sustained pain


       relief at 24 hours differed in the MT100 group


       versus the naproxen group by between 3--let's say


       between 4 and 6 percent.


                 So between 4 and 6 percent additional



       subjects had sustained pain-free response.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  It is not pain-free.  It is


       just sustained pain response.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I mean sustained pain


       response.  Thank you for the clarification.  We are


       assuming that is true, that is the true effect, for


       the purposes of this hypothetical discussion.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  You also need to take into


       consideration that there would be no benefit at two


       hours, which is--


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So that is the


       parenthetical statement below which is, if you


       looked at the comparison of MT100 to naproxen at


       the two-hour pain response, those differences were


       not statistically significant.  They were


       numerically different but they were not


       statistically--Dr. Bastings' presentation showed


       that in that, in the one study, quite a number of


       people had a lower relapse rate and that added up


       to the total difference between the groups.


                 In the second study he presented, the


       majority of it was actually in the two-hour



       response and there wasn't that much difference in


       the relapse rate.  But the numeric difference, even


       at two hours, was 3.1, I think, if I remember




                 So the comparisons at two-hour pain


       response are not statistically significant.  So,


       overall, the effect is 4 to 6 percent but the


       two-hour comparison of pain response is not


       significantly different.


                 Have I framed the question correctly?  We


       are changing on the fly here.


                 DR. KATZ:  In our hands, the way we have


       analyzed it, the studies which we believe were what


       the protocol said, the contribution of


       metoclopramide for a sustained response, which was


       the primary outcome, is not statistically


       significant overall.  It only seems to be nominally


       significant when you look at the non-nausea


       baseline subgroup which is partly where this 5 to


       10 percent comes from.


                 There is a 10 percent contribution of


       metoclopramide in the non-nausea at baseline



       subgroup which, again, is normally significant in


       two studies.  We don't think that that is true


       replication but, in the overall group, we don't


       think that the contribution, even for sustained


       response, is statistically significant


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I wasn't suggesting that


       you did.


                 DR. KATZ:  Okay.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Everyone has got this


       definition here.  So the question is what amount of


       risk would be reasonable for that amount of


       clinical benefit.  So we are not saying is that


       risk reasonable.  We are saying what is reasonable


       with that amount of benefit, if you can follow the


       hypothetical situation.


                 DR. SACCO:  I just want to be sure.  It


       sounds like, in the hypothetical situation, we are


       giving the compound more benefit than what is seen,


       5 to 10 percent, the way this question is phrased,


       and I understand where you  may be getting with


       not-nausea is to--and possibly an exaggeration of


       the benefit.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.


                 DR. SACCO:  If we take what we got, which


       was 4 to 6 overall, this question is not phrased as


       just in those without nausea.  So you are giving it


       the benefit--


                 DR. KATZ:  No; right.  It is not.  But the


       range, 5 to 10 percent, includes--so the estimate


       that was in the overall population and the maximum


       difference that you saw in the no nausea.  We could


       talk about whether or not a study ought to be done


       to replicate the no-nausea subgroup of whether


       another study or studies should be done in the


       overall, but we just want to know, is there some


       well-defined population in whom the


       contribution--to be determined what that is--if the


       contribution of metoclopramide is in this range, as


       a ballpark, because that is where the estimates


       have sort of fallen out.  Are the risks, whatever


       they are, acceptable?


                 So I think of this range.  We could figure


       out which population we think that range applies to


       down the road.



                 DR. TEMPLE:  Our assumption is that there


       is not going to be a bright line between 5 and 10


       percent.  They are both fairly modest.  One is more


       modest than the other, but that is a reasonable


       ballpark to think about.  If there is a bright line


       that you have, say so.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Welch and then Dr.




                 DR. WELCH:  Well, let's try and instill


       some practical clinical reality into the question.


       Surely what the question is saying is if there is a


       small subpopulation, and it would be small at this


       level of 10 percent improvement, that responds to


       metoclopramide plus naproxen that doesn't respond


       to naproxen and that that can be significantly


       proven, and if you have answered yes to the risk of


       tardive dyskinesia acceptable for a migraine


       population, the answer would have to be yes for the


       second part because you have said that you will use


       this drug, or certainly you would use


       metoclopramide, in a particular population that has


       benefit that can't take anything else.



                 So the issue here is, have you really


       proven that metoclopramide plus naproxen is, in


       fact, statistically significantly different in a


       subpopulation.  I would suggest that it has not


       been proven that 5 to 10 improvement is in the


       nausea versus no-nausea, and we are going to talk


       about that later.  But, to me, that is not a stable


       measure as yet.


                 But, if it was, there is one in ten


       patients who responds to naproxen plus


       metoclopramide that wouldn't respond to naproxen,


       then you would use naproxen because there is


       nothing else yes, the answer would have to be yes.


                 DR. FAHN:  That is the point I was


       essentially going to make and that is what I was


       going to ask the FDA, if this drug were available


       on the market, if it was restricted to those who


       were, on naproxen alone, failed and then they still


       had that 5 to 10 percent chance of getting better


       with this combination, then I think the answer is




                 If it is just going to be open and anybody



       can take the drug without even trying naproxen


       alone first, then the risk for tardive dyskinesia


       is too great for me.  So I assume there will be


       some kind of restriction that they have to be


       tested first with naproxen alone because,


       otherwise, I think the risk would be too great.


       But if it is restricted that way, then I say, this


       is a worthwhile risk.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me just refocus things


       again.  By pursuing this hypothetical question, we


       are not agreeing that there is a benefit of MT100


       over naproxen.  We are just saying hypothetically,


       if it were so.  We are not agreeing that we think


       that that has been shown.  So I just want to make


       that one statement.


                 Two is I don't think we can assume that we


       know how the restrictions are going to be.  That is


       not how this conversation, I don't think--


                 DR. FAHN:  I think the point is if more


       people will be exposed to this, then more people


       are going to get tardive dyskinesia.  But if the


       exposure is limited to those people in which this



       drug may be the only thing left, then it is a


       reasonable risk.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Porter.


                 DR. PORTER:  I completely agree.  If you


       look at the history of cancer chemotherapy of these


       kinds of incremental improvements are what have


       made a lot of cancers much less a threat than they


       used to be.  I think that we would have to take


       these little bites when we can get them.


                 I agree fully with the thesis that this is


       a drug that, A, has to be proven.  I am not sure


       about this business about whether or not the nausea


       is or is not related to its efficacy.  I agree with


       that.  Certainly, there will be some labeling, I


       hope, that would be relatively strong relative to


       the risk we have been talking about.


                 But I think to reject the drug when it


       might help some people who have gone through a


       parade of migraine drugs would be unfair to them.


                 DR. JESTE:  I am not a migraine researcher


       but, based on my experience with psychiatric


       patients, just a couple of points here.  The one is



       that the risk of tardive dyskinesia varies from one


       patient group to another.  Clearly, elderly


       patients, the risk is 30 percent incidence  with


       conventional neuroleptics compared to 5 percent in


       younger adults.  So something like that will have


       to be taken into account.


                 Secondly, all tardive dyskinesia is the


       same.  It can be pretty mild which is not a


       problem, or it can be pretty serious when it does


       become a problem.  So it depends, really, on what


       kind of tardive dyskinesia and what population.  So


       those will need to be taken into account in


       whatever final decision is made.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Bastings.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  I would also like people to


       comment, if possible, on the fact that there would


       be no effect on two hours but yet there would be an


       effect demonstrated in a sustained endpoint.  The


       sustained endpoint is a measure which includes


       two-hour pain response.  There is a possibility to


       have a significant effect on sustained response


       without actually having an effect on the two-hour



       pain response which is a particularity.


                 I would like to have some idea, in that


       context, if that is an acceptable outcome measure.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Again, just to interject a


       little clinical thought that, let's say, if you


       were a patient and you were having a migraine and


       you took this and in two hours you weren't having


       any benefit.  Chances are you might, then, take


       something else.  You might just take naproxen


       alone, for example, or some other nonsteroidal


       alone.  So the question I would have, as these


       trials go on, from a practical standpoint, would be


       is that kind of additional dosing factored in to


       the 24-hour improvement because, if you factor that


       in as well, then the clinical benefit might even be


       less or, in that subpopulation of people who don't


       respond to that second added drug, the benefit


       might even be greater.


                 It is hard to know without that


       information.  They may have it but I don't know--we


       didn't see the data that way.  But that, I think,


       would address the question that you are asking



       here.  Nothing at two hours; then is there


       sustained relief.  I think you have to see what


       else was done at that two-hour standpoint to know




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  That would be a relapse if


       you had to take anything.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Yes.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  In these studies, as


       conducted, and acknowledging that SPID and TOTPAR


       might give you slightly different impressions, but


       nobody would know the difference between this drug


       and naproxen as near as we can tell at two hours.


       So I think the question being raised, and it is


       part of it, is when you think of somebody with a


       terrible migraine that won't go away, you think of


       the early response mostly.


                 Mostly that is just naive and we should


       have been thinking about the sustained response all


       the time.  But part of the question is is this


       modest effect on that endpoint and not on the


       two-hour endpoint worth a certain amount of risk of


       TD.  We are not saying no, but we want to gain some



       impressions of what you think.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  This is a very tricky


       question and we are modifying it en route.  But the


       trickiness of the question lies in how big the


       benefit is and the fact that the benefit accrues on


       a synthetic measure, one that incorporates both


       immediate response and relapse into a single


       measure when you have benefit on that but no


       benefit on the immediate measure, if I am--


                 DR. KATZ:  That is right with regard to


       the contribution of the metoclopramide.  It is


       obviously complicated because you could construct


       maybe a better 24-hour sustained-response in which


       you say--right now it is just you are considered a


       responder if you responded at two and throughout


       the next 22 hours.  But, at two, the drug might not


       be better than placebo so you wouldn't win on the


       typical thing.


                 But you could construct a


       sustained-response outcome which says you have to


       beat placebo at two hours and--it is a two-part


       outcome--and you have to win on the next 22 hours



       as well.  So you could do that.  But it is


       complicated because it is possible that the drug,


       itself, MT100 could win on that particular outcome


       but the metoclopramide doesn't contribute to that


       particular outcome.  So you have to see what would


       happen if you did that.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  There is no doubt that the


       whole drug has an effect at two hours.  Nobody is


       doubting that.  It is all about the contribution of


       the metoclopramide.


                 DR. KATZ:  Right.  So the question is do


       you think the metoclopramide has to contribute for


       the two-hour point as well as the sustained portion


       of it or is it okay if the drug overall wins at two


       hours on this new sustained but the metoclopramide


       only contributes to a part of it.


                 DR. WELCH:  Again, I don't believe that it


       has been established yet that there is an efficacy


       so it is an assumption.  So now you are talking


       about what kind of efficacy measures you would like


       to see.  I would like to see a two-hour pain-free


       sustained.  I think that is the rigorous measure



       and I think that, to show a difference between


       MT100 and naproxen, pain free at two hours.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Bastings.


                 DR. BASTINGS:  I would like also to point


       out that this does not even include the issue of


       the effect on relapse or use of rescue medication


       such as in the factorial studies of the NDA, there


       was no significant difference for relapse or use or


       rescue medication either.  It is just the combined


       effect which gives you an effect.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So if you split the


       combination thing of immediate response and relapse


       rate, neither of the individual components was


       significant.  But when you combined them, that was


       the only measure in which you achieved




                 We are going to vote this question.  What


       question are we voting?  Let's vote this question


       which is, if MT100 were to carry the same risk,


       would such a risk be acceptable if the only


       contribution of the metoclopramide is a 5 to 10


       percent improvement on the sustained headache



       relief with no improvement on the two-hour




                 DR. WELCH:  Can you just qualify this


       question a little bit because the question is in


       the question.  If you put with no effect on a


       two-hour endpoint, I would have to say no.  But if


       you really said that there is a 5 to 10 percent


       improvement on sustained headache relief as defined


       by two hours pain-free and then no relapse, then


       the answer would have to be yes.


                 DR. PORTER:  5 percent to 10 percent of




                 DR. WELCH:  Yes; 5 percent to 10 percent


       of patients.  It is not 5 to 10 percent--which is


       critical here because it is extra patients who can


       respond who would not have responded as opposed to


       5 or 10 percent more pain relief.  It is very




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let me just clarify.  The


       question is what the question is, not as you


       modified.  I know that it not the question you want


       to answer.  But this is the question.



                 So, Dr. Green.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Just one thing.  But it is


       all about the contribution of metoclopramide.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Right.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Nobody doubts that the whole


       drug works in two hours.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  It is the contribution of


       metoclopramide, 5 to 10 percent, on the sustained


       measure with no effect on the two-hour measure


       which is not pain-free.   It is just pain relief.


                 DR. GREEN:  Okay.  Then I would say no.


                 DR. JESTE:  No.


                 DR. SMITH:  No.


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.  But I would like to


       make a comment, if I may, afterwards.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Go ahead.  Comment now,




                 DR. LENAERTS:  Of course, I just want to


       clarify that, but we are really not talking about


       taking people who have not responded to naproxen


       alone because that would be--it gave the



       impression, sometimes, in the discussion as if we


       were heading that way.


                 The other thing is even though the outcome


       of how they do at two hours and how they do between


       two and 24 are both important.  But, as far as my


       experience and my reading on the subject, it is


       clear that the weight of the two-hour response is


       much more significant than that of the two to


       24-hour period.


                 DR. FAHN:  I got a little confused now in


       the discussions.  I thought that this was the added


       benefit of having metoclopramide on top of


       naproxen, you get another 5 to 10 percent of


       patients getting better with less headache.  So, on


       that basis, I think that is yes.


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No, not as this question


       was written.


                 DR. SACCO:  I am still confused about the


       question.  But I am going to say yes because I am,


       first of all, reading it that if MT100 were to


       carry the same risk, and I am reading that risk of



       TD as being 0.038 percent--am I correct in my




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Yes.


                 DR. SACCO:  Which is, I think, lower




                 DR. KATZ:  The way I would think of it, or


       the way I think we would want you to think about


       it, is assume, again, the benefit portion of this


       is true, the 5 to 10 percent, not at two hours but


       on sustained--assume all that is true.  But we have


       already determined that nobody believes 0.038.  So


       why would we want to link it in a risk/benefit sort


       of consideration.


                 I would say whatever you think the risk is


       now.  Do you think the risk--


                 DR. SACCO:  See, that's--it is a


       risk/benefit question.


                 DR. KATZ:  It is.  But these are the data


       we have.  So we have to make a decision based on


       these data.  You might decide, well, since we don't


       know what the risk is, I can't say yes to this, or,


       since I believe that the risk is pretty low,



       whatever I personally think it is, it would be


       worth that risk.  You have to make an individual


       decision based on what you believe the risk data




                 They are what they are.  We can't do


       anything about that.


                 DR. SACCO:  Because I was looking at these


       questions as true hypotheticals and reading them


       very literally, it sounds like, then--my answer to


       this is conditional on what I believe the risk of


       TD is.


                 DR. KATZ:  Absolutely.  I think is how you


       have to answer it.


                 DR. SACCO:  So then I revise my answer and


       I would say no.


                 DR. KATZ:  Let me just say I think


       everybody should address the question that way and


       if the previous no's were assuming 0.038, maybe we


       need to--


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  We will go back.  Dr.




                 DR. KOSKI:  I think specifically, since



       one of the things that I was concerned about had to


       do with something that Lily actually mentioned and


       that is if you split up all of these extrapyramidal


       disorders, you know, whether they come on rapidly,


       as long as they are persistent, I think they need


       to be grouped together because that is going to


       have some impact on the patient.  So my response


       would be no.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Hughes.


                 DR. HUGHES:  I would respond yes,


       particularly if it was at the upper end of the


       range, towards 10 percent.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  My vote is no.


                 Still no?


                 DR. GREEN:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Still no?


                 DR. JESTE:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Still no?


                 DR. SMITH:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Still no?


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Still no?



                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Yes still?


                 DR. FAHN:  Yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Still no?


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No, again with there being


       no effect at the two-hour endpoint because the


       reason for that was that I think those patients


       would take another rescue medicine where we have


       heard that there is, then, probably no benefit.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Did you get the information


       you wanted from the discussion and the voting?


                 DR. TEMPLE:  What I hear is that, assuming


       that benefit as described, not much or nothing at


       two hours and something at 24 and longer, and in


       light of what you will each individually think the


       risk of TD or persistent dyskinesia might be, you


       are saying no.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I believe that is what you




                 DR. WELCH:  The reason being is that if


       you don't have a difference at two hours, then you



       can't prove that it is a metoclopramide effect and,


       therefore, you shouldn't be putting the patient at




                 DR. TEMPLE:  Why can't you attribute the


       overall benefit at 24 hours to the metoclopramide?


       That is the only difference between the two groups.


                 DR. WELCH:  There may be other factors in


       between which you can't stratify for.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  Okay.  But presume it is a


       properly randomized trial and everybody is treated


       exactly the same way in all other respects, the


       usual concerns one would always have, I guess we


       thought if they could actually win in a persuasive


       way, you would have to attribute it to the


       metoclopramide and the main question was how


       valuable is that in light of a certain amount of




                 But I guess we thought that if they did


       the study properly in one, you would attribute the


       difference between metoclopramide-naproxen and


       naproxen to the metoclopramide.  But I think we


       understood what people were saying.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  To summarize.  The


       vote on Question 1 was one yes and 11 no's with no


       abstentions.  Question 2 is two yeses and 10 no's


       with no abstentions.  It was all yeses on the third


       part of Question 1.


                 I think that is the hard part.  We'll see.


       We are going to go on to Question 2; Is there


       sufficient evidence that the chronic intermittent


       administration of metoclopramide does not carry a


       risk of tardive dyskinesia.  If we don't have any


       discussion, we can just vote it.  So we are just


       going to vote it because I don't see anybody who


       wanted to discuss it.


                 Is there sufficient evidence that chronic


       intermittent administration of metoclopramide does


       not carry a risk of tardive dyskinesia?  I note no.


                 DR. HUGHES:  No.


                 DR. KOSKI:  No.


                 DR. SACCO:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No.


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. FAHN:  No.



                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. SMITH:  No.


                 DR. JESTE:  No.


                 DR. GREEN:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  That is unanimous.  There


       is a subpart question.  Is it possible to define a


       maximum recommended number of monthly doses of


       MT100 to avoid the risk of tardive dyskinesia?  Is


       there discussion on this, or is there preparation


       to vote?  Looks like we ready to vote. Dr. Green,


       we will start at your end.


                 DR. JESTE:  It is possible to define the


       risk but not on the basis of the data that are


       already there since one can do a longitudinal


       prospective study and then define that.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  So the answer for


       now is--


                 DR. BASTINGS:  We mean on the basis of


       existing data.


                 DR. GREEN:  No.


                 DR. JESTE:  No.



                 DR. SMITH:  No.


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.


                 DR. FAHN:  No.


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No.


                 DR. SACCO:  No.


                 DR. KOSKI:  No.


                 DR. HUGHES:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I also vote no.  That was


       unanimous no's on the two parts of Question 2.


       See, that was easier.


                 Question 3; do you believe that, based on


       the existing data on medication-overuse headache,


       there is evidence that a proportion of patients


       prescribed MT100 will likely take a number of


       monthly doses higher than the recommended amount?


                 Discussion on that question?


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  The question again, the


       first phrase there, is the existing data on


       medication-overuse headache.  I think the data on


       medication-overuse headache is different than we



       might think for patients who take more than they


       are supposed to take because it may not lead to


       medication-overuse headache.


                 I think, again, we can answer the question


       the way it is written, but I want to find out


       exactly what they had in mind because, if the


       question is, do you think there is a proportion of


       patients likely to take more than the recommended


       dose, that is a different question than the first




                 DR. KATZ:  We were just trying to link it


       to previous evidence of overuse of other migraine


       treatments.  But yes; we are interested to know


       whether or not you think people are going to take


       more than they are supposed to.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Right.  And not so much


       linked to the character or anything about what


       causes medication overuse headache, just the


       question of--is that clear?


                 DR. LENAERTS:  It would be better stated


       maybe, on medication-overuse in headache.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  That is the intent



       of the question.  Discussion on that question?  Is


       it my turn to start?


                 Is there evidence that a proportion of


       patients are likely to take a number higher than


       recommended?  Yes.


                 DR. HUGHES:  Yes.


                 DR. KOSKI:  Yes.


                 DR. SACCO:  Yes


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Yes.


                 DR. JUNG:  Yes.


                 DR. FAHN:  Yes.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Yes.


                 DR. WELCH:  Yes.


                 DR. SMITH:  Yes.


                 DR. JESTE:  Yes.


                 DR. GREEN:  Yes.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Very good.  Thank you.  So


       it is unanimous that it is likely that they will


       take more than the number recommended.


                 So we are changing focus here entirely no.


       This one is a little bit trickier question.  All


       currently approved acute treatments of migraine are



       indicated without restriction regarding the


       presence or absence of nausea at baseline.


                 Given that patients may have nausea at


       some attacks and no nausea at others, given that,


       does an indication limited to the subpopulation of


       migraine patients with no nausea at baseline


       represent a clinically meaningful and acceptable




                 Discussion on that?  Dr. Green.


                 DR. GREEN:  Well, given the fact that it


       is so counter-intuitive, I really believe that both


       doctors and patients will erroneously give the


       wrong advice.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Koski.


                 DR. KOSKI:  I think that patients do


       intermittently have nausea at various times


       throughout the course of their headache.  I think,


       because they are given a drug, they wouldn't


       exclusively use it in terms of the periods when


       they didn't have any nausea.  So just even


       accepting the data as it is, I think there is a


       problem with the way a patient would use it.



                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Porter.


                 DR. PORTER:  I agree.  I think that this


       drug will be used in patients with or without


       nausea if it is marketed.


                 DR. WELCH:  Nausea is such a variable.  As


       we have heard, this drug will be used in people


       with or without nausea without question.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Further discussion?  Dr.


       Green, how do you vote on the question; is it a


       clinically meaningful and acceptable indication.


                 DR. GREEN:  No.


                 DR. JESTE:  I am not a migraine researcher


       so I think I should just abstain from answering


       that question.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Fair enough.


                 DR. SMITH:  I would do the same.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Abstain.


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.


                 DR. FAHN:  No.


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No.



                 DR. SACCO:  No.


                 DR. KOSKI:  No.


                 DR. HUGHES:  I abstain as well.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  No.


                 So three abstentions, nine no's as to


       whether this is a clinically meaningful and


       acceptable indication.  Any questions from your end


       of the table?  Okay.


                 The fifth question; In a new clinical


       study, if the sponsor shows prospectively in a new


       clinical study in migraine patients with no nausea


       at baseline a significant contribution of


       metoclopramide on sustained headache relief of 5 to


       10 percent--this harkens back to Question 1--5 to


       10 percent of patients, a proportion of


       people--again, this is a proportion of the enrolled


       subjects who have this response which is sustained


       headache pain relief, so that is 5 to 10 percent of


       the patients, no benefit at the two-hour pain


       research, no contribution of metoclopramide at a


       two-hour pain response, no contribution of


       metoclopramide on the relapse rate or



       rescue-medication use in the two- to 24-hour


       period--so, again, this is a 5 to 10 percent


       benefit on the synthetic measure but not a


       significant impact on either of the elements that


       make up the synthetic measure--would the


       demonstrated benefit outweigh the risks related to


       tardive dyskinesia?


                 This is, again, those effects in a group


       that was enrolled with no nausea at baseline; would


       this have demonstrated a benefit outweighing the


       risks related to tardive dyskinesia.


                 Discussion of this?  Dr. Sacco.


                 DR. SACCO:  Again, I think the only thing


       I would add here, we have a significant


       contribution.  When it says no contribution in the


       second and third bullet there, I am assuming we are


       saying no significant contribution, but, again,


       there may be a trend in those two, that when you


       add them up, you have a significant contribution.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I would say that is an


       appropriate clarification.  Again, I think that we


       should clarify that the risk of tardive dyskinesia



       is whatever in your heart you think that is since


       we don't have evidence in that regard--heart, mind.


       I am not trying to be flip about it.  It is what


       your own best estimation is.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Clarification.  It seems


       that this question is a compound of all the other


       questions.  So we have answered, for each of these


       components, in one way.  I don't see what question


       we are answering that is different than what we


       have already answered.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  But we are going to


       answer it because that is our job.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Okay.


                 DR. KATZ:  We will just see if you are


       being consistent when you answer this one.


                 DR. FAHN:  It is a different question.


                 DR. KATZ:  It is a test.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  I just want to know, are


       you trying to get--I want to answer the question


       that you are asking.


                 DR. KATZ:  No, no; it puts everything


       together.  Then, of course, the thing we haven't



       talked about is the very last thing.  But, no; you


       are right.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Fahn.


                 DR. FAHN:  I read this question as


       different from the first question, Question No. 1,


       is that here we are saying on contribution of


       metoclopramide on relapse rate or rescue medication


       used in that two- to 24-hour period which wasn't in


       the previous question.  So this is now saying, in


       the long run, you are still going to have to take


       rescue medicine just as often, and so forth.  So,


       to me, that changes the equation quite differently.


       It adds another element which the FDA wants us to


       answer and I think this now adds that other element


       we have to look at and think about.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  There was not a


       specification before about the no significant


       contribution on the relapse rate.


                 Dr. Porter.


                 DR. PORTER:  My problem with this question


       is that it assumes that this no nausea at baseline


       is, in fact, something that we really believe the



       company has shown.  In my understanding, this is


       pretty much a post hoc analysis.  We are not


       absolutely sure that they can reproduce this.


                 I think that, to ask this question assumes


       that they are going to look for this small


       subpopulation which, in fact, might be a mistake


       because, if they are wrong on that, then their drug


       might be good for migraine as whole.  I think that


       we ought to ask the question of ourselves as well,


       do we think that this is a subpopulation that


       company should consider as a population that they


       want to chase because it is a high-risk event.  It


       cuts down the total number of patients available,


       et cetera.


                 I am not sure that we are there yet.


                 DR. KATZ:  This question just sort of took


       as a given that if this was a real reliably


       identifiable or appropriate subgroup and they


       were--and the first part says, and they were to


       prospectively show it again, would all of these


       things apply.


                 I think you have already said that you



       don't think that the no nausea at baseline is an


       appropriate subgroup in which to develop the drug.


       I think that is more or less how I interpreted the


       last vote, or whichever one it was.


                 So I think this question does, more or


       less, incorporate several of the questions you have


       already voted on and it would seem as if the answer


       to this question would be obvious.  I suppose we


       could ask, if this is what you saw in the entire


       population; in other words, they did a study both


       with and without--you know, the typical population,


       as they have already done, and basically saw the


       same results that they have already seen twice,


       would it be acceptable.


                 But I think you have already answered that


       question as well.  I think you have answered that


       they have to show something in two hours.  Anyway,


       I actually think it has already been answered, but


       if you want to vote on it, you can.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Temple, did you want to


       say something?


                 DR. TEMPLE:   Not to get into too much of



       study design things, if the company wanted to do


       further studies to document and say and an effect


       at two hours and really thought that the no-nausea


       population was the right place, they could still do


       a study in the mixed population, make the primary


       endpoint the effect of the no-nausea population and


       get data on the other.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Absolutely agree.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  That is all for later.


                 DR. WELCH:  I guess it depends on what the


       5 to 10 percent is.  If it is used here as what do


       you think would be a clinically persuasive


       difference, independent of what the data has been


       on nausea, that is a different question that really


       addresses the second question about additional




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Just staying on the first


       question, I think this is a pretty straightforward


       one to vote which I think the comments to date, we


       know what the answer is going to be.  It is


       essentially a contribution with a new feature about


       specifying a nonsignificant contribution of the



       relapse period.


                 Is it my turn to start first?  Would the


       demonstrated benefit outweigh the risks related to


       tardive dyskinesia.  I would vote no.


                 DR. HUGHES:  I vote no.


                 DR. KOSKI:  No.


                 DR. SACCO:  No.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  No.


                 DR. JUNG:  No.


                 DR. FAHN:  No.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  No.


                 DR. WELCH:  No.


                 DR. SMITH:  No.


                 DR. JESTE:  No.


                 DR. GREEN:  No.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So unanimous on the no.


                 If not, I guess our response was presaged


       by considering if we said no, if we vote no to that


       first question, what additional data, or desired


       primary outcome measure, or desired effect on


       sustained relief, could provide evidence of safety


       and efficacy?



                 What I understand here is we can go back


       up to these bullet points--and now is an


       opportunity for us, although I am thinking we are


       not going to take three hours of opportunity to do


       this, to flesh out some of the things we have been


       alluding to regarding whether two hours is


       important.  I think we can comment here even about


       the nausea or not.


                 So I think a question which has already


       been posed by Dr. Katz and Dr. Bastings is whether


       we would like to see a benefit of the two-hour


       response.  Dr. Welch also mentioned a pain-free and


       a sustained pain-free response.  Maybe we can have


       some discussion on this point.


                 Do you want to comment at all, Dr. Welch,


       not to pick on you.


                 DR. WELCH:  I think that having said that


       we accept that this combination of medication could


       be used for certain patients, that it behooves us


       to ask for the most rigorous endpoints in any


       clinical trial that we can.  The most rigorous is a


       two-hour pain-free sustained over 24 hours.



                 What patients really want is to be


       pain-free as early as possible.  That is really


       what the patient ideal is.  So, for that reason, I


       would ask for that particular data given that we do


       accept that, with this risk in a limited


       population, that this could go ahead.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Katz and Dr. Porter.


                 DR. KATZ:  I just have a question because,


       obviously, we have not adopted as required for the


       approval of the typical, if there is a typical,


       acute migraine treatment, the pain-free at two


       hours.  We have had mild or no pain.  I just want


       to sort of flesh this out a little bit more.  Do


       you think it should be pain free at two hours


       specifically because of the potential risk or do


       you think that is sort of a generic requirement?


                 DR. WELCH:  I think it is ideal endpoint


       that the community know us for, the headache


       community, the IHS regulations or guidelines.  That


       is the first thing.  But I think it is the most


       rigorous endpoint that you can get and I think,


       because of the risk, that we deserve to see the



       most rigorous endpoint tested, if that answers your




                 DR. KATZ:  Yes; it does.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Green.


                 DR. GREEN:  I, like Dr. Welch, was


       surprised that endpoint, the primary endpoint, to


       the study wasn't two-hour pain something, anyway,


       that certainly we would like to see trials going


       forward with the primary endpoint being, hopefully,


       two-hour pain free because, among other things,


       that probably even predicts recurrence rates and


       certainly, when we talked about drug overuse, if


       someone is pain free, they are very unlikely to




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So the two-hour time point


       is an important one as assessment of efficacy.


                 DR. GREEN:  Right.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Of those, the pain-free


       response is perhaps, even more informative than the


       pain response?


                 DR. GREEN:  Actually, there is another


       one.  There is migraine-free which is pain-free,



       photophobia-free,  phonophobia-free,


       nausea-vomiting free, which is even a tougher one.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  You can escalate the


       characteristics of what the two-hour endpoint is


       but that is an important time point at which to


       demonstrate the marginal benefit of--I don't mean


       marginal, small, but the additional benefit of


       metoclopramide over naproxen.


                 DR. GREEN:  Definitely.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Fahn.


                 DR. FAHN:  There are three conditions in


       this area and one of them that we have been talking


       about is the two-hour one.  But I would say if any


       two of these would be sufficient in my mind that


       metoclopramide was superior to naproxen alone; that


       is, even if the two-hour wasn't any more superior


       pain-free than naproxen alone but they got better


       at the end of the day and they didn't have any


       relapses and they felt better, that would be--those


       two would be fine with me.


                 So that is what I would look at.  One


       alone is probably not sufficient for the risk but



       two out of the three would be sufficient for the


       risk in my book.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So either--I am just trying


       to think.


                 DR. FAHN:  The relapse rate was one of the


       risks.  The two-hour time point is another one of


       the outcomes.  The sustained headache relief.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I don't think you could get


       the components without getting the composite, but I


       get your point.  Two out of the three rather than


       just one out of the three which is the circumstance




                 DR. SMITH:  A little off the endpoint


       question, but I would like to see that combination


       be better than a higher-dose naproxen is one


       question because you could increase the dosage and


       potentially have the same type of effect for


       naproxen alone.  The other thing is how would it


       work among people that failed naproxen alone would


       be another interesting question because, again, you


       are talking about a very unique risk and so there


       probably would be a drug that would not be a



       first-line so how does it work in people that fail.


       Would you see that same response?


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So one is an issue of


       comparators, not just to the naproxen dose


       intrinsic in MT100 but to a higher dose as a




                 DR. SMITH:  Exactly.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  The other question is one


       of selection criteria in terms of people who




                 DR. WELCH:  A specific trial in naproxen


       failures.  It has been done for triptan failures.


       Then you might just ease up a little bit on the


       rigor of your endpoint.


                 DR. TEMPLE:  To do that trial right, you


       have to randomize those people who, by history or


       failures, back to this product again and naproxen.


       So you are enriching it for naproxen failures.


       That design can work if the effect is decent,




                 DR. PORTER:  I think you have to have a


       little flexibility for the company.  I think our



       very rigid two hour must be pain-free might be a


       hurdle too high.  I would urge you to think about a


       little flexibility even though you want to set the


       standard high for a drug that is not as safe as




                 DR. WELCH:  But the company doesn't want


       to be set a lower standard if the standard for the


       whole headache specialty becomes that rigorous.


                 DR. PORTER:  How many drugs do you have


       that meet that standard?


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Let's just not get into a--


                 DR. PORTER:  Okay.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Please.  Dr. Goldstein, you


       had a comment?


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Yes.  The other point,


       this compound question that I think still needs to


       be considered is is the addition of the rescue


       medication--the question is, if you are taking care


       of a patient again, that you want them to be able


       to take a drug and have relief, be able to get back


       with their work and not be having to take


       additional drugs.  If they require additional



       drugs, I think that needs to be factored into the




                 The second point is, as you design a


       trial, what the appropriate comparator group is.  I


       guess the question that you have from the


       regulatory standpoint is the only question that you


       are really looking at, is whether the


       metoclopramide component adds to the naproxen but


       now how the combination would compare with other


       approved agents.


                 DR. KATZ:  That's the first question,


       absolutely, is the combination policy of both


       components making a contribution.  The question of


       whether or not the actual product, how that


       compares to other products, is usually not one that


       we consider from a regulatory point of view except


       when you are worried that the product might be more


       dangerous than everything else that is out there.


                 There have been extraordinarily rare


       occasions when you actually have to show that your


       product actually beats something else out there in


       order to get approved because it is so dangerous. 



       So, yes; in some sense, we always think about that


       in the back of our minds but we almost never


       require it because it just doesn't--the


       circumstances don't support it.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Sacco.


                 DR. SACCO:  I just wanted to go back to


       the endpoint question again.  I am just trying to


       understand why the migraine community is basically


       saying that outcome for clinical trials regarding


       migraine drugs should be changed.  From my


       understanding and what I have learned today and


       what I am reading is that pain research, none,


       pain-free, or mild pain has always been the




                 Is it because we are hearing the risk of


       this drug or do you think, in general, for every


       migraine drug to come, the new endpoints should be


       pain-free.  If so, I am just trying to understand


       why, because I am okay with none or mild pain, but


       I am continuing to hear you want it changed to be




                 Am I not reading that right?



                 DR. WELCH:  The issue is how do you define


       mild.  What is mild?  It is very subjective.  So


       the most rigorous one would be pain-free.  The


       outcome from here on in, I believe, by the


       community would be to use that.


                 There are other endpoints that you could


       choose, but I would be afraid, addressing the issue


       for the company is, if someone else came up with


       another drug with a more rigorous endpoint and they


       were given a more flexible one,  that they wouldn't


       compete well with it.


                 But I think if you certainly do a trial


       against naproxen, itself, in naproxen failures, you


       could let up on your endpoint, again qualifying the




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Hughes, you had a




                 DR. HUGHES:  I guess the main comment I


       have is I would like to see the other side of the


       equation and get a bit more formal information


       about the risk of TD in this population.  I would


       hate to see an efficacy trial with whatever



       endpoint, or similar endpoints, as has been done


       with a 5 percent difference and still have


       considerable uncertainty about the risks of TD in


       this population.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So addressing the issue of


       what additional data, you would like more safety




                 DR. HUGHES:  Formally obtained; yes.


                 DR. JESTE:  I think there is an


       opportunity to look at safety in a broad


       perspective, not just tardive dyskinesia but also


       the various extrapyramidal symptoms, Parkinsonism,


       microdystonia, akathisia.  This should be done.


       There are number of examples in which this has been


       done using standardized rating scales for each of


       these on a regular basis and continuing that for


       six months to a year at the very least because


       really one cannot--100 patients keep on the drug


       for one month is not the same as 100 patient


       months.  You really need patients to be treated for


       one year before you can say anything about the


       incidence of tardive dyskinesia let alone its





                 So what I would strongly recommend in


       terms of suggested studies would be longer-term


       follow-up studies, standardized rating scales for


       Parkinsonianism, akathisia, dystonia and tardive




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Katz and then Dr.




                 DR. KATZ:  Maybe a little discussion on


       this point would be worthwhile because these sort


       of long-term large safety studies have been done


       when you are trying to sort of cap the risk or


       say--you might think about, well, I think 0.1


       percent risk might be acceptable given this sort of


       benefit on an appropriate outcome, so you would


       have to figure out how many people that would be.


                 You may talk about thousands of patients


       followed for a year.  I am just wondering whether


       or not people, again, postulating this sort of an


       effect on an appropriate outcome, whether or not


       people think that that would be something that


       would be necessary, even if they were to show



       effectiveness at this level.


                 DR. JESTE:  My feeling is that if we did


       not suspect tardive dyskinesia with this drug, then


       I don't think one would ask for longer-term


       studies.  But here there are grounds to think that


       the drug would be associated with some risk of


       tardive dyskinesia which we don't know.  It could


       be minimal.  But, still, there is clearly some




                 I think that it behooves on us, then, to


       have at least some long-term data because some


       patients will, indeed, be using the drug.  And the


       findings may turn out, may show that, actually, the


       risk is very low, in which case it will be helpful.


       I do think that long-term studies will be warranted


       in a case like this.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Lenaerts.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  Would the number needed to


       treat shed light into this and, in that case, is my


       assumption right if we have, say, in 304 study,


       rounded out 32 percent versus 28 percent, would it


       be a number needed to treat of eight?  Would that



       be correct?  Would that be useful to look into




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I am not sure that that is


       the right number.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  That wouldn't apply?


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  For number needed to treat.


       But, anyway.  I am not sure.


                 DR. LENAERTS:  I am just throwing in the




                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  Dr. Porter, you had


       a question?


                 DR. PORTER:  Just a comment and that is if


       the risk is, in fact, relatively low in this 0.038


       percent category, if you can have any kind of power


       at all to measure this, it is going to take


       thousands and thousands of patients, as you already


       mentioned, unless you are lucky, or unlucky, and


       you happen to stumble over one early.  But you


       could do 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 patients and still not


       see it and it could still be there.


                 DR. KATZ:  Right; you could decide up


       front what sort of a risk you would be willing to



       live with.  In other words, not greater than 0.1




                 DR. PORTER:  What kind of power you




                 DR. KATZ:  Right; and then you just figure


       out how many people.  But, yes; we would have to


       know what people thought would be an acceptable


       risk and then you work backwards and you figure out


       how many people you need to follow.  But, yes; it


       could be, depending on what sort of a risk would be


       acceptable, it would be thousands of people.  Sure.


                 I am trying to figure out whether that is


       something you think we ought to do and pick a risk


       to cap it at, or--


                 DR. WELCH:  That would be extraordinarily


       difficult and extraordinarily expensive in the


       migraine population.  I think the real issue, that


       what we are dealing with here, is that if MT100


       comes to acceptance and general prescription, that


       all of us know that, in a population of migraine


       patients, or chronic-headache patients, whatever


       that makes up, that they will be taking this drug



       on a chronic basis, a long-term basis.  It is very


       difficult to actually reproduce, at any clinical


       trial, an interaction of someone who has the


       pathogenic factors of a chronic headache, perhaps


       with dopamine hypersensitivity and the interaction


       of using the drug.


                 So it is an almost impossible thing to do,


       I would think.  But the issue is, given that we


       know that there will be a subgroup of patients who


       will take this medication inappropriately, that we


       really must be sure that it is effective for a


       subgroup of patients who really need it.


                 Answering the very eloquent appeal for


       pain relief in migraine, which is very real because


       migraine patients will, even if some of them know


       that they are at major risk for vascular insult,


       will take a triptan and take that risk.  We do know


       that you can use metoclopramide and Naprosyn


       separately.  In fact, before the triptans, I am old


       enough here to be a pre-triptan-era prescriber, it


       was not uncommon for me to combine these two


       medications in patients that didn't respond to



       Naprosyn alone.


                 So the real reason why we must ask for


       extreme rigor, I think, with this particular drug


       is knowing that there will be a population that may


       overuse this drug with the risk of tardive


       dyskinesia.  But to reproduce that in any clinical


       trial, I would think it is just impossible.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I would ask questions in a


       slightly different direction because we have not,


       in this discussion, gone this way.  Just say we


       don't get more evidence about safety, that we are


       unable to better estimate with precision then


       something that we think is between 0.038 and 1.0.


       Say we can't figure that out.  Is there a magnitude


       of benefit that is greater than this number here,


       since we voted no to this, that would make people,


       in that situation of relative ignorance, change


       that to a yes.


                 So, if there was a 20 percent--the


       difference between the naproxen and MT100 group was


       20 percent--would that be enough to overwhelm


       whatever the concerns are about the safety.  I



       think that is another question that we are being


       asked about.  Or would, no matter what the


       magnitude of the benefit, those safety concerns


       would be persistent.


                 I don't see any clear thoughts on that




                 DR. FAHN:  I would just go back to what we


       talked about before that I feel to be absolutely


       safe, patients would have to show they don't


       respond at all to naproxen alone but now would


       respond to the combination drug if there is a


       combination drug on the market.


                 As Michael just said, that before there


       was a combination drug, you could still prescribe


       metoclopramide if you think it is going to be


       added.  You try naproxen alone and if it didn't


       work, okay, we are going to try the two together.


       You will see.  Then, if it doesn't work, then you


       drop it.  If it does work, then there is a certain


       risk that you tell the patient there is going to be


       and you can take this combination if you are


       willing to accept that risk.



                 I think that is the kind of question I


       would like to see directed if we were going to look


       for--in other words, it has to has some restriction


       on a combination drug that you wouldn't have to


       have if they were prescribed separately


       because--normally, when they are prescribed


       separately, it is an extra step.


                 Too many doctors will say, well, just take


       this combination.  It gives you both the advantages


       of naproxen alone plus the metoclopramide.  I think


       that makes the risk too dangerous.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  So, to paraphrase, the


       approach,  rather than answering by a bigger


       benefit or quantifying the risk, is modifying the


       path to which you get to that drug.


                 DR. FAHN:  I think that is extremely


       important how you give that path because there


       shouldn't be--if you are going to take any risk,


       you ought to make sure that risk is worth taking


       and, therefore, that you are getting benefit that


       you wouldn't have had otherwise.


                 For that particular person, if they fall



       within that 5 or 10 percent, 20 percent, or


       whatever number you want to give a category, why,


       for that person, they are getting a great benefit


       and they are willing to take that risk.  I think


       that is okay.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Are you getting answers?


       Is this discussion germane to the--


                 DR. KATZ:  Yes.  There are a number of


       ideas that we will have to think about but I think


       they are all relevant.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Okay.  This is not a voting


       question because it is, what additional data would


       you like.  So it is not a yes or no.  We can't give


       a yes or no here.  Would someone like to make


       additional comments?  I see two.  Dr. Jeste.


                 DR. JESTE:  Going back to safety, I am not


       suggesting that we need to have huge studies to


       find out the incidence of tardive dyskinesia.  I


       think one can use that normal involuntary movement


       scale as outcome for the safety purposes as major.


       So what you are looking at is really percent


       increase in the M score.  Say, the mean score,



       let's say, goes up from 0.5 to 1.5.  Those patients


       will still not meet the criteria for tardive


       dyskinesia because you need a minimum score of 2,


       minimum at least 1.  So that can be done in a few


       hundred patients.  So it is really not the number


       of patients that is critical.  It is the length of


       the study that will be important.  That can be done


       in as many patients as are needed for just looking


       at outcome.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  Dr. Goldstein.


                 DR. GOLDSTEIN:  Again, just from a


       clinical standpoint, I think the real question is


       whether the patient taking X medicine as opposed to


       Y is going to get on with their life later, be able


       to get back to their life sooner rather than later.


                 If you just improve pain but they are


       still debilitated because of the concomitant


       symptoms, you haven't really done much.  So, as a


       composite measure, I think it would be good to have


       some measure of migraine-related disability, and I


       know such scales exist, to be considered as one of


       the endpoints.



                 That is what we are really trying to do


       here.  The other thing to consider in terms of some


       of these trade-off issues--I said it before, but,


       in terms of additional data, that data can be


       obtained so we are not sort of guessing these


       things.  We can get finite data to support what


       risk people with migraine would be willing to take


       of having these sequelae to be pain-free or without


       disability at whatever given high proportion.


                 So, again, I think that those data would


       be very helpful to inform both the company's


       decisions as to how to go and for the FDA as well.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  To summarize Question 5, on


       the first part of it, we voted no uniformly on the


       way it was categorized and then discussed ways


       where data might be helpful in addressing the


       question.  One is more safety data.  Two is the


       two-hour endpoint seems to be important as to


       whether that needs to be something beyond the


       traditional pain response is something that is


       debated and, also, we talked about ways in which


       subjects or patients might access the medication



       through specific failure of other interventions


       prior to exposure to this intervention.


                 I am going to briefly summarize our


       discussion.  Unfortunately, your chair has failed


       my two-hour response to my migraine intervention so


       my thinking is a little cloudy.  So you will have


       to bear with me.  In addition to Dr. McCormick,


       there are other people who have trouble responding


       to their migraine medications.


                 We concluded that the current estimate of


       tardive dyskinesia following exposure to


       metoclopramide, particularly in this setting, is


       not a reasonable estimate.  We talked some more


       about how we might get some better estimates of




                 Both in the initial question and the


       second question, that the amount of benefit


       demonstrated so far, without saying whether that is


       significant or not, is not sufficient given the


       perceived risk in the absence of concrete data, the


       perceived risk given the absence of benefit at


       two-hour endpoints.



                 We don't think that there is enough


       evidence that there is no risk of tardive


       dyskinesia with chronic intermittent administration


       nor can we identify a dose that would be below the


       risk, a number of doses that would confer no risk.


       We think it is likely that, no matter how the drug


       is labeled and approved, that people will take it


       more than whatever the recommended dosage is if


       there is a limitation on the number of dosages, and


       did not have support for the idea of individuals


       with nausea at baseline being an identifiable group


       of a clinically meaningful and acceptable


       indication for the treatment of migraine.


                 I think that summarizes our discussion.


                 DR. PORTER:  Could I just add one comment.


       I think there is an uncertainty about whether or


       not the nausea or no-nausea populations have been


       demonstrated here.  The company should not mislead


       itself by a subgroup analysis post hoc that


       necessarily takes them down the wrong path.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  I think, then, unless there


       are some comments from Dr. Katz.



                 DR. KATZ:  No.  I just want to thank


       everybody.  I think it is particularly difficult to


       discuss these matters and come up with decisions


       and advice based on so little data, at least on


       parts of this.  So I really appreciate it.


                 Also, I just learned that Anuja, this is


       her last meeting with the committee.  So I want to


       thank her publicly for all her work.  And good luck


       in the future.  We are sorry to see you go.


                 DR. KIEBURTZ:  You keep your secrets well,


       like everyone else here at this agency.  Thanks to


       the committee members for coming, for staying on


       point, to the sponsor for their presentations and


       their responsiveness to our questions.


                 We will adjourn the meeting now.


                 (Whereupon, at 2:40 p.m., the meeting was




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