FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION













                         JOINT SESSION WITH THE




                           ADVISORY COMMITTEE



                                VOLUME I













                       Wednesday, March 23, 2004


                               8:00 a.m.









                       Hilton Washington DC North

                           620 Perry Parkway

                         Gaithersburg, Maryland



                        P A R T I C I P A N T S


      Alastair Wood, M.D., Chair


      Shalini Jain, PA-C, Executive Secretary


      Committee Members:


      Michael C. Alfano, DMD, Ph.D., Industry


      Terrence F. Blaschke, M.D.

      Ernest B. Clyburn, M.D.

      Frank F. Davidoff, M.D.

      Jack E. Fincham, Ph.D.

      Sonia Patten, Ph.D.., Consumer Representative

      Wayne R. Snodgrass, M.D., Ph.D.

      Robert E. Taylor, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.P

      Mary E. Tinetti, M.D.


      Special Government Employee (Voting):


      Michele L. Pearson, M.D.


      Government Employee Consultants (Voting):


      John S. Bradley, M.D.

      John M. Boyce, M.D.

      Ralph B. D'Agostino, Ph.D.

      Thomas R. Fleming, Ph.D.

      Elaine L. Larson, R.N., Ph.D.

      James E. Leggett, Jr., M.D.

      Jan E. Patterson, M.D.


      FDA Participants:


      Tia Frazier, R.N., M.S.

      Charles Ganley, M.D.

      Michelle Jackson, Ph.D.

      Susan Johnson, Pharm.D., Ph.D.

      John Powers, M.D.

      Curtis Rosebraugh, M.D.

      Debbie Lumpkins, Team Leader



                            C O N T E N T S


      Call to Order and Introductions

         Alastair Wood, M.D., Chair                              4


      Conflict of Interest Statement, Shalini Jain, PA-C

         Acting Executive Secretary                              8


      Issue Overview, Susan Johnson, Pharm.D., Ph.D.            10


      Regulatory History of Healthcare Antiseptic Drug

         Products, Tia Frazier, R.N., M.S.                      21


      Testing of Healthcare Antiseptic Drug Products,

         Michelle Jackson, Ph.D.                                31


      Microbiological Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical

         Trials of Infectious Diseases, John Powers, M.D.       54


      Antiseptic and Infection Control Practice,

         John Boyce, M.D., Yale School of Medicine             106


      Prevention of Surgical Site Infections,

         Michelle Pearson, M.D., CDC                           127


      Question and Answer Period                               163


      Open Public Hearing:

                Steven C. Felton, Ph.D.                        204

                J. Khalid Ijaz, DVM, Ph.D.                     211

          The Quset for Clinicaql Benefit

                Steven Osborne, M.D.                           214

      OTC-TFM Monograph Statistical Issues of Study

         Design and Analysis, Thamban Valappil, Ph.D.          224


      Industry Presentation:

         The Value of Surrogate Endpoint Testing for

            Topical Antimicrobial Products,

            George Fischler                                    250


      Statistical Issues in Study Design,

         James P. Bowman                                       276


      Committee Discussion                                     299




                         P R O C E E D I N G S


                    Call to Order and Introductions


                DR. WOOD:  Let's get started.  Welcome to


      the Over-the-Counter Advisory Committee.  Let's


      begin by going around the table and everybody


      introducing themselves, and we will start on this


      side, Charlie.


                DR. GANLEY:  Charley Ganley, Director of




                DR. POWERS:  John Powers, Lead Medical


      Officer for Antimicrobial Drug Development and


      Resistance Initiatives in the Office of Drug


      Evaluation IV.


                DR. ROSEBRAUGH:  Curt Rosebraugh, Deputy


      Director, OTC.


                DR. JOHNSON:  Sue Johnson, Associate


      Director, OTC.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Debbie Lumpkins.  I am a


      Team Leader in OTC.


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  I am Frank Davidoff.  I am


      an internist and editor emeritus of Annals of


      Internal Medicine and a member of the OTC






                DR. FLEMING:  Thomas Fleming, Chair,


      Department of Biostatistics, University of




                DR. FINCHAM:  Jack Fincham, professor at


      the University of Georgia, College of Pharmacy, and


      I am a member of the committee.


                DR. CLYBURN:  I am Ben Clyburn.  I am an


      internist at Medical University of South Carolina


      and a member of the committee.


                DR. BRADLEY:  I am John Bradley, a


      pediatric infectious disease doctor from Children's


      Hospital, San Diego, and I am a member of the


      Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee.


                DR. PATTERSON:  Jan Patterson, Infectious


      Diseases and Infection Control, University of Texas


      Health Science Center, San Antonio and South Texas


      Veterans Healthcare System.


                MS. JAIN:  Shalini Jain, Acting Executive


      Secretary for today's meeting.


                DR. PATTEN:  Sonia Patten.  I am the


      consumer representative on the panel, and I am an




      anthropologist on faculty at Macalester College in


      St. Paul, Minnesota.


                DR. SNODGRASS:  Wayne Snodgrass,


      pediatrician and clinical pharmacologist at the


      University of Texas Medical Branch.


                DR. LARSON:  Elaine Larson, from the


      School of Nursing and School of Public Health at


      Columbia University, in New York.


                DR. TAYLOR:  Robert Taylor, Chairman,


      Department of Pharmacology, Howard University, in


      Washington, internist and clinical pharmacologist.


                DR. BLASCHKE:  Terry Blaschke, internist,


      clinical pharmacologist, Stanford, member of the




                DR. TINETTI:  Mary Tinetti, internist,


      Yale University and member of the committee.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Ralph, D'Agostino,


      biostatistician from Boston University, consultant


      to the committee.


                DR. LEGGETT:  Jim Leggett, infectious


      diseases at Portland Medical Center and Oregon


      Health Sciences University, and I am a member of




      the Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee.


                DR. ALFANO:  I am Mike Alfano, New York


      University College of Dentistry, industry liaison


      to NDAC.


                DR. WOOD:  And I am Alastair Wood and I am


      the Chairman of the NDAC and Associate Dean at




                So, let's get started.  Shalini, do you


      want to read the conflict of interest statement?


      While she is digging that up, the weather has


      caught us and the first speaker from CDC is stuck


      in Atlanta--the story of people's life in the


      Southeast.  So, what she is going to do, she is on


      her way back to her office and she is going to


      e-mail us slides and then we will try and project


      the slides later in the morning, with her talking


      to us over the telephone.  So, that will be a


      nightmare I suspect.




                That means we will time shift everything


      up and then probably, depending on how she gets on,


      we may have the question and answer period  for the




      first ones a little bit earlier and take an earlier


      break and then come back to hear her, depending on


      how the technology is behaving.  Shalini, go ahead.


                     Conflict of Interest Statement


                MS. JAIN:  The Food and Drug


      Administration has prepared general matters waivers


      for the following special government employees who


      are attending today's meeting of the


      Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee on the


      microbiologic surrogate endpoints used to


      demonstrate the effectiveness of antiseptic


      products used in healthcare settings.  The


      committee will also discuss related public health


      issues, trial design and statistical issues.


                This meeting is held by the Center for


      Drugs Evaluation and Research.  The following


      meeting participants have waivers:  Dr. Jan


      Patterson, Dr. Sonia Patten, Dr. Thomas Fleming,


      Dr. John Boyce, Dr. Ralph D'Agostino and Dr. John




                Unlike issues before a committee in which


      a particular product is discussed, issues of




      broader applicability such as the topic of today's


      meeting will involve many industrial sponsors and


      academic institutions.  The committee members have


      been screened for their financial interests as they


      may apply to the general topic at hand.  Because


      general topics impact so many institutions, it is


      not practical to recite all potential conflicts of


      interest as they apply to each member.  FDA


      acknowledges that there may be potential conflicts


      of interest but, because of the general nature of


      the discussions before the committee, these


      potential conflicts are mitigated.


                With respect to FDA's invited industry


      representative, we would like to disclose that Dr.


      Michael Alfano is participating in this meeting as


      a non-voting industry representative, acting on


      behalf of regulated industry.  Dr. Alfano's role on


      this committee is to represent industry's interests


      in general and not any one particular company.  Dr.


      Alfano is Dean, College of Dentistry, New York




                In the event that discussions involve any




      other products or firms not already on the agenda


      for which FDA participants have a financial


      interest, the participants' involvement and their


      exclusion will be noted for the record.


                With respect to all other participants, we


      ask in the interest of fairness that they address


      any current or previous financial involvement with


      any firm whose product they may wish to comment


      upon.  Thank you.


                DR. WOOD:  Thanks a lot.  Let's go


      straight on to the first presentation from Susan


      Johnson.  Susan?


                             Issue Overview


                DR. JOHNSON:  Good morning.




                My name is Susan Johnson and I am the


      Associate Director of the Division of OTC Drug


      Products.  On behalf of the division, I would like


      to welcome the members of the Nonprescription


      Advisory Committee and the Anti-Infective Advisory


      Committee and our other guests.  As I am sure the


      committee members would agree, the bulk of the




      background package as a metric of the challenge


      that we face today is certainly significant, and we


      certainly appreciate everyone making as much


      headway as they could with that background package.


                We very much appreciate all of your


      assistance today.  There is a wide variety of


      issues to discuss and so you will see the


      representation of the committee being broadened


      from NDAC to include the Anti-Infective committee


      members, and we appreciate everyone's attendance,


      as well as our consultants.


                I will just be providing a brief


      introduction to the regulatory issues associated


      with the efficacy of OTC healthcare antiseptics.




                The OTC healthcare antiseptics include


      three categories of drug products, the healthcare


      personnel handwashes; surgical hand scrubs; and


      patient preoperative skin preparations that are


      used to scrub the skin prior to surgery.




                FDA's current approach to the evaluation




      of healthcare antiseptic efficacy assumes that


      healthcare antiseptics play a critical role in


      infection control, and Dr. Michelle Pearson and Dr.


      John Boyce will discuss this role in additional


      detail.  However, the efficacy of individual


      products must be demonstrated to meet regulatory


      requirements.  FDA's current regulatory standards


      are based on actual product performance and have


      been supported in previous public discussions such


      as this one.  Ms. Tia Frazier will explain more


      about the regulatory history of these products.


                FDA currently determines the efficacy of


      healthcare antiseptics using a surrogate endpoint,


      and that is used as the reduction in a log                              


                                                                     10 count


      of bacteria from the site of the test product


      application.  Dr. Michelle Jackson, from the


      Division of OTC, will discuss how the standard is


      used in the test methodology.




                This meeting has been convened because we


      have received citizen petition requests to change


      the threshold criteria for bacterial reduction.  We




      wish to present our review for your consideration


      of the efficacy data in the literature for these


      products.  We are asking that the advisory


      committee provide input about the standards that


      FDA needs to have in place to make regulatory






                What are some of the factors that can


      influence efficacy of the healthcare antiseptics?


      This is by no means an exhaustive list but is


      intended to give you an idea of why product testing


      is required to demonstrate efficacy.


                The first group of factors I am going to


      discuss are associated with the actual product.


      The active ingredient obviously affects efficacy.


      The spectrum of activity for each individual active


      ingredient is tested in associated testing criteria


      in vitro.  The potency or dose response of the


      active ingredient shall also be taken into


      consideration, although in some cases it is not


      well known.


                The formulation of the product can impact




      its efficacy and influence that to increase or


      decrease efficacy so the concentration and dose


      delivered to the site and vehicle and other


      inactives in the products can affect efficacy.  One


      thing that influences efficacy quite a bit is how


      the product is actually used, and that is led in


      large part by the way the product is labeled.




                Other factors that influence efficacy of


      healthcare antiseptics include actual use


      parameters, adherence to the labeling and other


      practice standards and actual implementation of


      both labeling and practice standards.


                There are many patient parameters that can


      affect the efficacy of these products, including


      things like health status which influences the risk


      for infection, as well as the type of procedure


      that is being conducted.


                Resident and transient bacteria, resident


      bacteria being normal flora and transient bacteria


      being those sorts that are introduced during


      healthcare processes, can affect efficacy as well. 




      The amount of bacteria that is delivered and that


      resides on the skin, either prior to or that is


      left residually after product use, is an important


      determinant of overall efficacy.  Virulence of the


      bacteria that exists on the skin affects efficacy


      as well.  A small amount of bacteria can be present


      and provide a great risk of infection.




                FDA in general assesses efficacy using


      randomized, controlled trials for the most part.


      These provide analytical strength and can be


      designed to control for multiple confounders.


      Critical to the design of controlled trials is the


      selection of active and vehicle control, and we


      will be discussing that later today.




                The endpoints that are normally used in


      randomized, controlled trials are clinical or


      surrogate endpoints.  Randomized, controlled trials


      typically use clinical endpoints because the


      relevance is more evident.  In some situations the


      difficulty and expense of conducting clinical




      trials is very important to industry.  An


      alternative to clinical endpoints is surrogate


      endpoints, and Dr. John Powers will later discuss


      the scientific and regulatory precedent for using


      surrogates.  Just as a reminder, and I am sure you


      have gleaned this from your reading already, but


      the current standards for OTC healthcare antiseptic


      efficacy are surrogate endpoints.




                The factors that should be considered when


      using a surrogate to assess healthcare antiseptic


      efficacy include validity.  We acknowledge from the


      outset of this discussion that there is limited


      information about the links between clinical


      outcomes and efficacy and use of the surrogates to


      determine efficacy.  Dr. Steve Osborne will discuss


      the literature surrounding this question a little


      bit later.


                The existing trials in the literature are


      not designed to validate our practice standards.


      Instead, our practice standards and use of


      surrogate are based on the use of antiseptics in




      practice and our experience with marketed drug




                Test methodology is also an important


      factor to consider when using surrogates.  Test


      methodology should evaluate the conditions of use,


      largely directed by the labeling or the intended


      labeling.  The test methodology to evaluate


      healthcare antiseptics with surrogates needs to


      characterize the tolerability of drug products.


      While we are talking primarily about efficacy


      today, the tolerability of these drug products is a


      major safety concern and does come up as part of


      the testing methodology.  Test methods do need to


      be standardized with regard to all inherent






                Other factors that should be considered


      when using surrogate endpoints are the decision


      thresholds and, as I have said, the current


      criteria are based on the NDA performance of


      existing approved products.  We suggest that any


      changes to these criteria on decision thresholds




      should be data driven.


                Analysis of test data is critical, and


      later today Dr. Thamban Valappil will be discussing


      the analysis of these data.  His talk is predicated


      on the previous discussions that we will be having


      about validity methods and thresholds, and he will


      talk about the need to evaluate the response of


      test products in the context of variability in both


      test methods and in patient response.




                Epidemiologic studies do provide


      information for healthcare antiseptics.  They


      provide actual use information on large populations


      and can often be used to suggest practice


      standards.  They are often used to generate


      hypotheses to be later studied in randomized,


      controlled trials.  But they are relatively


      insensitive to treatment differences and changes in


      things like threshold criteria.  So, using them to


      extrapolate for regulatory decision-making is of


      limited value.




                What specifically are we asking the


      advisory committee to address?  First, can we


      continue to rely on surrogate markers to assess




      healthcare antiseptic efficacy?  I would like to


      remind the committee, as we will several times


      today I am certain, that we have the need for


      ongoing assessment and decision-making of these


      products so we do need to have standards in place


      now and in the near future, as well as into the


      distant future.


                If surrogates can be applied, at least in


      the short term, is there compelling evidence to


      change our surrogate efficacy criteria now?  What


      is the best way to analyze the efficacy data?  And,


      what labeling information would be helpful for


      clinicians to understand product efficacy and


      potentially to compare among different products?


                With that, I will turn it over to Tia


      Frazier, who is a regulatory project manager in the


      Division of OTC Drug Products, and she will be


      discussing regulatory history.


                DR. WOOD:  Just before you take that slide




      off, there is sort of an underlying assumption


      there, which I think is right but I just wanted to


      articulate that there is a sort of regulatory


      inertia which is that in the absence of evidence we


      shouldn't change criteria.  Is that fair?  I am not


      disagreeing with that, I am just trying to put


      number two in that context.


                DR. JOHNSON:  Yes, I think that is very


      essential to this discussion.  What we have tried


      to make clear, and will make clear in other


      presentations, is that the surrogates are based on


      as much information as we have had prior to the


      mid-'70's, when this regulatory mechanism was


      invoked, until now.  There still is not a body of


      evidence, while we are asking you to assess that


      body of evidence and whether you think that compels


      us to change.  So, there are standards in place and


      we think that those standards are based on the


      information that has been available to this point.


      At this point we are reconsidering the standards


      and we do think, and we are suggesting to the


      committee that any change in the standards should




      be data driven.


                DR. WOOD:  Just to summarize, so what you


      are saying is that you don't want the committee


      particularly to consider the quality of the data


      supporting the standards; you want the committee to


      consider the quality of the data supporting a


      change in the standards.


                DR. JOHNSON:  Well, I think it is both but


      our concentration is really on the latter part of




                DR. WOOD:  All right, thanks.  The next


      speaker will be Tia Frazier.


                    Regulation History of Healthcare


                        Antiseptic Drug Products


                MS. FRAZIER:  Good morning.




                I am Tia Frazier, and I am a project


      manager in the OTC Division, and I will briefly


      review the regulatory history of the monograph for


      OTC healthcare antiseptic drug products.




                The monograph includes both consumer and




      professional use products.  Today we are addressing


      issues related to the professional use products


      included in the monograph, which we call the


      healthcare antiseptics.  I will start first by


      defining the healthcare antiseptics.  There are


      three recognized uses, that Susan has already told


      you about, included in the tentative final


      monograph.  These are patient preoperative skin


      preparations used to cleanse patient skin prior to


      surgery; surgical scrubs which are used by


      operating room personnel prior to performing


      surgery; and healthcare personnel handwashes which


      are the soaps and leave-on products that are used


      by all personnel in healthcare settings prior to


      contact with patients.




                We have two different mechanisms for


      regulating OTC healthcare antiseptics.  Companies


      can submit new drug applications, which we call


      NDAs, for specific drug products to the FDA.  Data


      provided in NDAs remains confidential.  The second


      mechanism that we have for regulating these




      products is the OTC drug monograph review process.


      Products submitted to the monograph review are


      judged on the safety and efficacy of their


      individual active ingredients.  The data review for


      monograph drug products is public.




                Just to add to this brief description, I


      will also tell you that the OTC drug monograph


      review began in 1972.  At that time, and for some


      years later, the agency made determinations about


      the safety and efficacy of over 200,000 OTC


      products that were on the market at that time.  We


      have reviewed 700 active ingredients in 26


      therapeutic categories with the help of expert






                The advisory review panel reviewed and


      made recommendations on ingredients and products to


      further the development of a drug monograph.  FDA


      then categorizes ingredients considered in the


      monograph review according to their safety and


      effectiveness for a particular use described in the




      review.  I won't say much more about how we


      categorize and evaluate ingredients since the focus


      of today's meeting is on the effectiveness criteria


      that we use to evaluate this particular group of


      professional use products.  The OTC review panel's


      recommendations are then published in an advance


      notice of proposed rule-making, or ANPR.




                After the ANPR is published we consider


      public comments as we develop a tentative final


      monograph, or TFM.  A TFM is FDA's proposed






                FDA usually receives more data and public


      comments on any TFM that we publish.  Typically, we


      publish a final monograph after a tentative final


      monograph.  In this case, we published a second


      tentative final monograph in 1994 after the first,


      which was published in 1978.




                We, at FDA, have the current view that


      antiseptics do play a pivotal role in the practice




      of infection control today.  We operate from the


      presumption that antiseptics can decrease the


      number of organisms on the surface of the skin and


      this probably reduces the spread and development of


      nosocomial infections.


                Based on this presumption, we adopted


      surrogate endpoints, measurements of log reductions


      on the skin surface that are intended to indirectly


      measure the effectiveness of antiseptics that we


      regulate.  This is the reason that FDA and the


      European regulatory bodies selected this particular


      surrogate endpoint, the reduction of the organisms


      on the skin surface, to evaluate the effectiveness


      of these products.




                The advisory review panel recommended in


      1974 that we use surrogate endpoints to measure


      antiseptic effectiveness.  To date, unfortunately,


      we still have not figured out how to design a


      clinical study that can measure the contribution of


      an antiseptic in reducing the likelihood of


      contracting or spreading nosocomial infection. 




      With any luck, today Dr. Pearson will explain later


      why designing studies like this is so difficult.




                So, now I am going to go into the history


      of the monograph as it relates to the surrogate


      endpoints.  The first defined surrogate endpoint


      for patient preoperative skin preparations appears


      in our 1974 ANPR.  It was also incorporated in the


      first tentative final monograph which, I said, was


      published in 1978.  Then the panel recommended a


      3-log reduction in organisms on the surface of the


      skin as the requirement for patient preoperative


      skin preparation.  At that time, NDA products were


      often approved for patient preoperative skin


      preparation indications based on their ability to


      meet a 3-log reduction and the monograph simply


      adopted this commonly used NDA standard.


                It is important to realize that the


      effectiveness criteria used today to evaluate


      products marketed under the monograph are really


      based on the effectiveness criteria often applied


      to NDA products.  NDAs, of course, can be approved




      with alternate clinical endpoints and are not


      necessarily bound by the monograph standards.




                Moving on to the surgical hand scrub


      criteria, the history on this is that Hibiclens is


      an NDA product that was approved in 1975 based on a


      new surrogate model developed to evaluate surgical


      scrubs.  FDA incorporated the effectiveness


      criteria applied to Hibiclens surgical scrub into


      the developing antiseptic monograph.  These


      criteria were published in our second tentative


      final monograph, on June 17, 1994.


                Hibiclens is often included as a positive


      or active control in testing designs for antiseptic


      products.  Because these are laboratory tests,


      companies are required to include a positive


      control arm using an approved product like


      Hibiclens to ensure that the tests are conducted






                The current 3-log reduction criteria


      proposed for healthcare personnel handwashes in the




      second tentative final monograph was based on FDA's


      evolving understanding of what the NDA products


      under review at that time could achieve.




                As I have said before, this monograph is


      unusual because there are two tentative final


      monographs associated with it.  In 1994 we elected


      to publish a second tentative final monograph


      rather than a final monograph to allow for public


      comment on the new testing requirements.  The


      current proposed testing requires in vitro studies


      of the product spectrum and kinetics of


      antimicrobial activity and of the potential for the


      development of resistance.  We also require in vivo


      studies of effectiveness under conditions that we


      think simulate how the product is actually used in


      that healthcare setting.


                Another unusual aspect of this monograph


      is that it requires in vitro and in vivo testing


      not only for the approval of new products but also


      for the approval of new formulations.  We require


      this testing to be done because changes in the




      inactive ingredients or dosage forms can affect the


      product's effectiveness.




                Products are required to meet key


      attributes important to their performance in


      healthcare settings.  We state that a healthcare


      personnel handwash should be persistent if


      possible.  We would like it to be non-irritating,


      fast acting and be able to kill a broad spectrum of


      organisms as well.


                Persistence, or the ability to have a


      residual effect for some time after the product is


      used, is also an attribute that we would want a


      surgical scrub or a patient preoperative skin


      preparation to have as well.




                We have had two prior public discussions


      about these effectiveness criteria.  We discussed


      performance testing at an advisory committee


      meeting in 1998.  This was a general discussion


      only and we did not present questions for the


      committee to vote on.  Then in 1999 we held a




      public feedback meeting to hear the industry


      coalition present an alternative model or framework


      for evaluating antiseptics.  Dr. Jackson will cover


      the effectiveness criteria proposed by this


      industry coalition in her presentation that follows






                I think everyone here today would agree


      that it is critical that FDA ensures it uses the


      right criteria to evaluate antiseptic products.


      There are many dangers we can imagine might occur


      if we allow ineffective products to be sold and


      used in hospitals.  We need these products to work.


      The OTC and anti-infective divisions admit that the


      effectiveness criteria we currently use are not


      based on data from clinical studies.  We recognize


      this as a limitation of our current standards.


                The divisions recently reviewed available


      scientific data on topical antiseptic products used


      in healthcare settings.  We searched for data that


      could be used to support effectiveness standards


      for this class of products.  Our review of more




      than 1,000 studies submitted by industry and picked


      up through our own literature search is included in


      the committee background packages.  Dr. Steven


      Osborne will present the results of his review and


      evaluation of a section of those references that


      address clinical benefit later on this morning.




                The monograph for OTC healthcare


      antiseptic drug products is in the tentative final


      monograph or proposed rule stage.  We are in the


      process of writing a final rule, and we need your


      recommendations on what the effectiveness criteria


      should be in order to finalize this monograph.


                Now I would like to introduce my


      colleague, Dr. Michelle Jackson, who is a


      microbiology reviewer in the Division of


      Over-the-Counter Drug Products.  She will review


      the testing methodologies used to evaluate these




             Testing of Healthcare Antiseptic Drug Products




                DR. JACKSON:  My talk will focus on the




      testing criteria for healthcare antimicrobial drug


      products, and currently the development and


      standardization of protocols regarding the testing


      criteria for healthcare antiseptic drug products


      are based on earlier NDA review process.




                My presentation will discuss where we are


      with the proposed monograph requirements in regards


      to clinical simulation testing procedures for


      healthcare personnel handwash, surgical hand scrub


      and patient preoperative skin preparation, and the


      use of surrogate endpoints, also referred to as log


      reductions, with the three healthcare professional


      products.  Then I will go over the industry


      coalition's position of wanting to use alternative


      criteria.                [Slide]


                During the early stages of the antiseptic


      NDA review process standardized protocols did not


      exist.  However, the agency requires standardized


      and reproducible methods, therefore, as the NDA


      review process evolved clinical protocols used


      throughout the NDA review process also evolved into




      protocols now recommended in the tentative final




                So, what makes a good clinical simulation


      test method?  It should simulate as close as


      possible the actual use conditions.  Ideally,


      clinical simulations should include design


      characteristics such as test product, also referred


      to as final formulation; the test product contains


      the active antimicrobial agent; a vehicle control


      arm is the test product without the active


      antimicrobial agent and vehicle, and negative


      control that shows how much contribution of


      reduction is due to just the mechanical action of


      washing the hands.


                A current trial design in TFM does not


      recommend inclusion of a vehicle for healthcare


      personnel handwash and patient preoperative


      testing.  The active control arm is also referred


      to as the positive or internal control.  The active


      control is used to assess the reproducibility of


      the clinical simulation studies and also used to


      validate the study.  This standard is usually a




      chlorhexidine gluconate containing product.


      Clinical simulations should also measure the


      desired product performance.  This simulation


      testing generates the surrogate endpoints and it


      should also be reproducible.


                I will briefly go over the three testing


      criteria for healthcare personnel handwash,


      surgical hand scrub and patient preoperative skin






                For healthcare personnel handwash, the


      label indicated use is handwash to help reduce


      bacteria that potentially can cause disease.  The


      products are used by healthcare professionals on a


      daily basis up for to 50 handwashes per day.  The


      testing process predicts the reduction of organisms


      that may be achieved by washing the hands after


      handling contaminated objects or caring for


      patients.  Here we are focused on the removal of


      transient organisms.  The testing process is


      designed for frequent use and it measures the


      reduction of transient organisms after a single use




      or multiple uses to initial baseline level.


                The studies are designed to demonstrate a


      cumulative effect of an antiseptic, meaning that


      the product gets better and better in reducing the


      bacterial load on the hands.  Thus, the products


      are considered broad spectrum, fast acting and, if


      possible, persistent.  The TFM surrogate endpoints


      propose a 2-log reduction for the first wash and a


      3-log reduction for the 10th wash.




                For the inclusion criteria subjects


      participating in the studies must be between the


      ages of 18-69, generally in good health, and have


      no clinical evidence of dermatosis, open wounds,


      hangnails or other skin disorders.


                The subjects are excluded if they have


      been diagnosed with having medical conditions such


      as diabetes, hepatitis, or having an immune


      compromised system, subjects having any sensitivity


      to antimicrobial products, pregnant or nursing


      women also would be excluded from participating in


      a study.


                For the healthcare personnel handwash


      there is a one-week washout period where subjects


      are instructed to use a non-antimicrobial product,




      such as soaps, deodorant and shampoos, and avoid


      bathing in chlorinated pools and hot tubs.




                The outline of the test procedure includes


      a test practice wash using bland soap.  This


      basically removes any oils and dirt from the hands,


      and the bacteria counts are compared to the


      baseline counts.  The hands are contaminated with


      Serratia marcescens and immediately sampled, and


      the baseline is determining the number of organisms


      on the surface of the skin prior to using an


      aseptic product.


                The handwashing schedule involves ten


      washes performed on one day.  At the first wash the


      hands are contaminated and washed with the test


      product.  The hands are then sampled for microbial


      counts.  Eight additional washes are performed, and


      at the tenth wash the hands are sampled for


      microbial counts and the product must achieve a




      specific log reduction after the first and tenth


      washes.  The repetitive hand washing aspect of the


      study design is intended to mimic the repeated use


      of a product in hospitals.  The repetitive washing


      is also used to measure the cumulative effect, and


      cumulative effect is a progressive decrease in the


      number of microorganisms recovered following the


      repeated application of the test product.




                Once the hand washing procedure is


      completed, the subject's hands are decontaminated


      by sanitizing the hands with 70 percent alcohol.


      The purpose of this is to destroy any residual


      Serratia marcescens left on the skin.  Typical


      handwashing procedures involve contaminating the


      hands with a microorganism, Serratia marcescens.


      The hands are rubbed together for 45 seconds, and


      the hands are held away from the body and allowed


      to dry for a few minutes.




                Once the hands are dry, a specific amount


      of test product is dispensed into the cupped hands




      and the next step is to lather and wash all over


      the surface of the hands and above the wrists.


      After the completion of the wash, the hands and


      forearms are rinsed under regulated tap water with


      a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds.




                The hands are then placed in plastic bags


      and sampling fluid is added to the bag containing


      neutralizers.  Neutralizers are reagents that stop


      the antimicrobial reaction.  Sampling should occur


      within five minutes after each wash.  The bags are


      tightly secured above the wrist with a strap.  The


      hands are massaged for one minute, paying


      particular attention to the fingers and underneath


      the nails.




                An aliquot of the sampling fluid is


      aseptically withdrawn from the bag and transferred


      immediately to dilution tubes.  The microbial count


      determination is performed by surface plating and


      this is done within 30 minutes of sampling.  The


      plates are incubated for two days at 30 degrees








                This diagram depicts the colony forming


      units, CFUs, from two dilution plates.  CFUs are


      then converted into log counts.  Serratia


      marcescens produces a red pigment color for easy


      identification, and it distinguishes itself from


      the normal flora of the hands that appear white or


      yellowish on agar plates.  Here, I want to


      emphasize that we are just counting bacteria.




                Here the industry coalition suggest a 1.5


      log reduction for the first wash, and suggest


      eliminating the tenth wash.  We require the test


      product to show a cumulative effect, that is an


      evaluable attribute, that shows a progressive


      decrease in the number of organisms recovered


      following repeated application of a test product.




                For surgical hand scrub the indication use


      is to significantly reduce the number of organisms


      on the skin prior to surgery.  These products are




      used to reduce the resident and eliminate the


      transient flora of the hands of surgeons and


      surgical personnel, thus reducing the incidence of


      post-surgical site infection.


                The testing process is designed to measure


      the immediate and persistent reduction of resident


      organisms after a single or repetitive treatment.


      Here there is no artificial contamination of the


      hands, and the testing of the surgical hand scrub


      involves multiple test product use and repeated


      measurements of the bacterial reduction.  These


      antiseptics are considered broad spectrum, fast


      acting and persistent.  The TFM surrogate endpoints


      propose a 1-log  on day 1 for the first wash; 2-log


      on day 2 at the second wash; and 3-log on day 5 at


      the 11th wash.




                The subjects are selected through the


      inclusion/exclusion criteria for surgical hand


      scrub testing.  A 14-day or 2-week washout period


      is required.  Soon after the washout period the


      baseline counts are determined, and they are




      sampled two times, first on day one and the second


      estimate includes one of the three options.  On day


      3 and 5, 5 and 7, or 3 and 7.


                Subjects with a baseline greater than or


      equal to 5 logs after the first and second baseline


      estimates will qualify for the study testing


      period.  So, no sooner than 12 hours and no longer


      than 4 days after completion of the baseline


      determination subjects perform the initial scrub


      with the test product.  The surgical hand scrub


      testing requires a total of 11 scrub washes over a


      5-day period.  The sampling occurs on day 1, day 2


      and day 5.


                The reason we test 5 days is that the


      procedure mimics typical usage and permits the


      determination of both immediate and long-term


      bacterial reduction.  Each day the antimicrobial


      soap is used it produces a greater effect due to


      the persistence of minute residues left from the


      previous scrub.  This effect is called cumulative


      effect, and that is the reason why we test for 5






                An amount of the test product is dispensed


      according to the manufacturer's labeling




      instructions.  The soap is distributed all over the


      hands and two-thirds of the forearms.




                The hands are then scrubbed according to


      the manufacturer's directions, and if no directions


      are provided the TFM requires two five-minute scrub


      procedures.  A scrub brush is used to scrub the


      hands including the nails, the fingers, and


      interdigital spaces of the hands.




                A lab technician will don sampling gloves


      on the subjects.  One-third of the hands in a


      treatment group is sampled immediately.  The gloves


      remain on the test subjects' hands for either three


      hours or six hours prior to sampling.  Enumeration


      of bacterial flora three hours after the scrub is


      conducted in order to demonstrate continued


      effectiveness of the product during the time


      required for a surgical setting.  The enumeration




      of bacterial flora six hours after the scrub is


      conducted to demonstrate the suppression of


      bacterial counts over a period of time chosen as


      representing the maximum duration of most surgical


      procedures, that is, on average most surgeries will


      not last greater than six hours and, if so,


      surgeons usually rescrub.




                A specified amount of sampling fluid then


      is added to the glove pan, and the gloves are


      fastened securely above the wrist and strapped, and


      the hands are then massaged for one minute, paying


      particular attention underneath the nails.




                An aliquot of the sampling fluid is


      aseptically withdrawn from the glove and


      transferred immediately to dilution tubes


      containing neutralizers.  A microbial count


      determination is performed by surface plating, and


      this is done within 30 minutes of sampling. The


      plates are incubated for two days at 30 degrees






                Here the industry coalition agrees with


      the 1-log reduction for the first wash.  They




      suggest eliminating the second and 11th wash.  They


      suggest that persistence of antimicrobial activity


      should not be a requirement for surgical hand


      scrub.  We require an assessment of persistent


      activity in case there is a tear in the surgeon's


      glove, and it is assumed that the persistent effect


      will prevent the multiplication of resident flora


      on the gloved hand, thus preventing contamination


      of the surgical field.




                For the patient preoperative skin


      preparation or surgical prep labeled for the


      indicated use helps reduce bacteria that


      potentially can cause skin infection.  These


      antiseptic products must be fast acting, broad


      spectrum and persistent and, statistically reduce


      the number of organisms on intact skin.  They are


      designed for use by healthcare professionals to


      prep the patient's skin prior to invasive surgery




      or prior to injection.  These indications, however,


      do not cover more specific indications such as


      catheter insertions and open wounds.


                The testing process measures the immediate


      and persistent reduction of resident bacteria after


      a single treatment.  The TFM surrogate endpoint


      proposed a 1-log reduction for pre-injection; 2-log


      for the abdomen or dry site; and 3-log for the


      groin or moist site area.




                The subjects are selected through the


      inclusion/exclusion criteria for patient preop


      testing.  A 14-day washout period is required, and


      no bathing 24 hours prior to the baseline


      screening.  We want to try to obtain a high


      bacterial count for the baseline.  The TFM


      recommends the baseline screening counts for


      pre-injection to be greater than or equal to 3


      logs.  The TFM recommends that baseline screening


      counts for the common surgical sites for both dry


      and moist site areas, and the sites are to present


      bacterial populations large enough to allow the




      demonstration of bacterial reduction for up to 2


      logs centimeters squared for the abdomen sites and


      up to 3 logs centimeters squared on the groin






                For the abdominal site testing a 5 X 5


      treatment site area is marked on the skin using a


      permanent marker.  The template is divided into


      four quadrants for baseline, 10 minutes, 30 minutes


      and 6 hours sampling.




                The baseline sampling is performed using


      the cylinder sampling technique.  A sterile


      scrubbing cup is held firmly against the skin over


      the site to be sampled.  The scrub solution


      containing neutralizers is placed into the cup and


      scrubbed with moderate pressure for one minute


      using a sterile rubber-tipped spatula.  This


      procedure is also used for sampling for the


      treatment site.




                The application of the prep formulation is




      applied to the testing area.  For 30-minute and


      6-hour sampling sites a sterile gauze is placed


      over the prep area to help prevent microbial


      contamination.  The gauze pad is held in place by


      the sterile teeth dressing.




                The treatment samples are taken from the


      site areas using the cylinder sampling technique.


      A similar procedure is also used for testing the


      groin site area.




                Here the industry coalition agrees with


      the 1-log reduction at the pre-injection site, and


      they suggested that only a 1-log reduction should


      be required for the abdomen site and a 6-hour


      persistent is not needed.  For the groin site a


      2-log reduction should be required and a 6-hour


      persistent is not needed.




                FDA has received objections to the TFM


      proposed effectiveness criteria through comments in


      a citizen's petition.  Industry contended that the




      current performance criteria for healthcare


      antiseptics are overly stringent.  They claim that


      two category ingredients, alcohol and iodine, and


      one NDA approved ingredient, CHD, cannot pass the


      current testing requirements.  They claim that all


      antiseptic products only need to be effective after


      a single use, and they also do not want to meet the


      persistence requirement.




                This table summarizes the bacterial log


      reduction in industry's proposal for the healthcare


      antiseptic compared to FDA current standards for


      final formulation for healthcare personal handwash,


      surgical hand scrub and patient preoperative skin


      preparation I just reviewed.  Over the years the


      industry coalition has made several proposals for


      the revised effectiveness criteria.


                For the healthcare personal handwash, it


      should be effective following a single use.  A


      cumulative effect should not be a requirement.  For


      surgical hand scrub, it should be effective


      following a single use and also a cumulative effect




      should not be a requirement.  And for patient


      preop, the pre-injection and abdomen dry site a


      1-log reduction is suggested, and for a worst-case


      scenario such as the groin site area, it should


      need a 2-log reduction.




                We are aware the surrogate endpoints lack


      the clinical validation of a test method and


      performance criteria.  They do not measure the


      level of residual bacteria on the skin and


      virulence of the residual bacterial is not factored


      into the log reduction determination.  We realize


      that we are just measuring the mean log reduction.


                The criteria is based largely on earlier


      NDA performance and we have approved over 20 NDAs


      based on using surrogate endpoints.  These criteria


      are consistently applied to monograph products and


      many NDAs.  Industry has deviated from following


      the TFM in regards to variability in testing


      procedures such as scrub techniques and lab


      analysis, and it is not compared to vehicle or


      active control.  We will later hear from Dr.




      Valappil regarding improving statistical analysis


      that could be applied to the existing criteria.




                Overall, it is impossible to compare the


      data across studies due to the vast differences and


      methodologies that were used, and other limitations


      such as the following:  The majority of the studies


      were designed as product comparisons; studies were


      not designed to assess the product's ability to


      meet the TFM effectiveness criteria.  There were


      significant variations in how the studies were


      conducted; different testing procedures were used;


      and neutralizer validation data were not generally


      provided.  More than half the data submitted did


      not include neutralizers in the testing procedures,


      which can result in artificially high log


      reductions.  Generally, sample sizes were small in


      the studies and there was a limited number of


      subjects included in the testing procedure.  And,


      alcohol alone did not meet the 10th wash 3-log


      reduction.  However, most were able to meet the


      3-log reduction of the first wash.  We are




      currently evaluating the alcohol leave-ons and


      alcohol gel products.




                This slide was included to show that other


      countries also use surrogate endpoints.  The


      European performance criteria for handwash require


      that the test product mean log reduction factor


      should be greater than soap that has an average


      reduction log of 2.8.  The performance criteria for


      hand rub require that the test product mean log


      reduction factor should be equal to or greater than


      60 percent isopropyl alcohol that has an average


      reduction log of 4.6.




                In summary, we measure bacterial log


      reduction and testing methodology for healthcare


      personnel handwash, surgical hand scrub and patient


      preop.  These log reductions are used as surrogate


      endpoints to evaluate effectiveness.  How should we


      analyze this data?


                Later this morning we will hear from Dr.


      Valappil a presentation on statistical analysis for




      healthcare and aseptic drug products.  You will


      also hear from Dr. Steve Osborne who will discuss


      the relationship of these outcomes and


      corresponding reduction in the incidence of


      nosocomial infections in healthcare settings where


      the product use remains undefined.




                We are aware of the limitations of these


      test methods, and we assume that the incidence of


      infections as related to current use of existing


      products and lowering these standards may increase


      the infection rates.  We need research to validate


      these surrogates, and we need to have products on


      the market now and in the use of actionable


      criteria in the meantime.  That concludes my




                DR. WOOD:  Mike, you approached me earlier


      about some confusion about the data.  Do you want


      to comment on that at this stage?


                DR. ALFANO:  Yes, I have been advised that


      industry is not recommending removal of the 6-hour


      persistence requirement but, rather, the cumulative




      effect requirements.  Apparently, that came about


      because of some confusion over a table that the


      industry submitted.


                DR. WOOD:  Can you put slide 12 back up?


      Is that the one that we are talking about here, on


      page 6?  Is that where the confusion is?


                DR. ALFANO:  Actually, it was brought to


      my attention versus the questions that we are to


      answer today, which is on the last page of the




                DR. WOOD:  I was just trying to clarify


      these slides.  So, there is no confusion about what


      industry's position is on the slides?  Is that




                DR. ALFANO:  That is correct.


                DR. WOOD:  Well, I think there is


      actually.  Somebody seems to want to comment.


                DR. FISCHLER:  George Fischler, manager of


      microbiology for the Dowell Corporation,


      representing the STA-CTFA coalition.  Yes, there is


      some confusion.  On this slide, yes, where it says


      surgical hand scrub, there is an asterisk and




      patient preoperative skin preparation, an asterisk.


      Industry has not recommended the removal of the


      6-hour persistence criteria.  The only criteria


      that we recommended approval for is the cumulative




                DR. WOOD:  Okay.  Well, let's come back to


      discussing that later.  I am even more confused now


      but let's go on to the next speaker.


                DR. JACKSON:  The next speaker is John


      Powers.  He is the lead medical officer in the


      Antimicrobial Drug Development and Resistance


      Division, and he will discuss the biological


      surrogate endpoints in the clinical trials of


      infectious disease.


            Microbiological Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical


                     Trials of Infectious Diseases


                DR. POWERS:  Thanks, Michelle.




                Today I am going to discuss issues related


      to microbiological surrogate endpoints in clinical


      trials of infectious diseases.  Some of the members


      of the Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee




      won't be surprised by any of this since this is an


      issue that has come up in infectious disease trials


      over and over again.  So, I am going to try to


      discuss just some of the general points that have


      to do with selecting surrogate endpoints in these


      types of trials.




                The first thing I am going to talk about


      is differentiating what we do in clinical practice


      and how one develops clinical practice guidelines


      with what one actually does in a clinical trial,


      and how those are very different situations.  Then


      what I would like to do is define our terms and


      talk about what is an endpoint; define what a


      clinical endpoint and surrogate endpoints are and


      differentiate those from biomarkers.  One of the


      things you will hear often, and probably we will


      make the mistake today, is using the term surrogate


      markers rather than surrogate endpoints, which is


      rather non-specific and causes some confusion.


                Then we will talk about the utility of


      surrogates in clinical trials and differentiating




      surrogate endpoints from surrogates as risk


      factors, which is an entirely different


      consideration.  I will talk about some of the


      strengths and limitations of surrogate endpoints


      and then, finally, relate all of that information


      to the use of surrogates in the setting of topical






                What we do in clinical practice is we are


      using drug products that are already proven to be


      safe and effective and, hopefully, we are not


      experimenting on our patients; we are using the


      products in a way where they are already shown to




                In clinical practice we impose several


      interventions on patients and hope they get better.


      We are not really concerned with why they get


      better when we do all that stuff to them, only the


      fact that they get out of the bed and they leave


      the hospital cured.  We develop treatment


      guidelines to help us describe the use of the


      products based on whatever the best available




      evidence is, and a lot of current treatment


      guidelines actually put grades on the evidence


      where you will see A-1 all the way down to D that


      talk about whether it is from randomized,


      controlled trials versus observational evidence as


      well, but optimally these treatment guidelines are


      based on randomized, controlled trials.  When that


      data is not available we oftentimes have to put


      things into these guidelines based on the best


      available evidence that we have.


                The unfortunate thing is that sometimes


      these guidelines then become the reason for not


      getting the data from randomized, controlled trials


      because people will come to us and say the


      guidelines say this, therefore, you can't do a


      trial to evaluate it.  And, that is probably not


      what the people who alter these guidelines actually


      are intending.


                This differs from clinical trials which


      are experiments in human beings to determine if


      drug products are safe and effective.  Clinical


      trials differ from clinical practice in that we are




      using the scientific method.  We are trying to hold


      as much as possible constant, except for the


      interventions, so that we can apply the outcomes to


      causality related to the interventions themselves,


      which is very, very different from clinical


      practice.  So, how we do this is often to use


      concurrent controls which is something that we do


      not do in clinical practice.  In clinical practice


      we look at what the patient is at baseline and


      compare what happens at the end.  That is not what


      we do in clinical trials where we are comparing


      what happens at the end in patients who receive the


      test product versus a control.


                These clinical trials are, hopefully, to


      provide the evidence for formulation of practice


      guidelines and, as I said, hopefully, it is not


      vice versa where the guidelines determine that we


      can or cannot do a clinical trial.  But the big


      issue in clinical trials is that we need to


      determine some yardstick to determine if products


      are safe and effective.  How are we going to


      measure those products to make that kind of




      assessment?  That is really what we are asking




                And, the reason for this slide is to sort


      of outline the real question today.  We are not


      questioning whether handwashing is important or


      whether handwashing should be done in clinical


      practice.  What we are asking today is how do we


      develop a yardstick to determine which products are


      safe and effective to use in handwashing.




                So, let's define some of the terms that we


      are going to use today.  An endpoint is a measure


      of the effect of an intervention on an outcome,


      outcome being defined, for instance, as success or


      failure in a clinical trial in the treatment or


      prevention of a disease.  Again, it is important to


      realize that what we are talking about here is a


      disease.  We are not preventing someone getting an


      organism on their skin.  What we are really trying


      to look at is does that prevention of getting an


      organism on the skin, in turn, result in prevention


      of disease.


                But whenever we are picking an endpoint we


      have several questions that we have to address.


      The first one is what are we going to measure?




      Obviously, this should be clinically relevant to


      the disease in question.  We are not going to ask


      if your left earlobe hurts when we are trying to


      evaluate something that has to do with foot pain.


                The next question is how to measure it?


      And, we should be able to measure differences


      between therapies, should they exist, and that gets


      to this issue of the yardstick and that we need to


      be able to differentiate effective from ineffective




                The next issue is when do we actually


      measure it?  If we apply a product and come back in


      two years and then try to determine if there are


      differences between the patients we are probably


      not going to see a whole lot in a non-lethal




                The next question is how much to measure,


      what magnitude of difference actually makes a


      difference to patients?  A lot of this has to do




      with sample size.  We could take a product that is


      99 percent effective and show that it is


      statistically different than a product that is 90


      percent effective if we studied thousands and


      thousands of patients.  So, it gets to the issue of


      clinical significance versus statistical




                Then, one of the big issues I am going to


      ask you to talk about today is when we get some


      results, how do we analyze those results so that we


      can logically draw conclusions from them?




                This is a cartoon from the New Yorker,


      which sort of outlines the issue in choosing


      endpoints that are relevant to patients.  Here


      there is a doctor who has just done an endoscopy on


      a miserable patient, and the doctor says


      congratulations, the endoscopy was negative;


      everything is perfectly all right.  So, according


      to the surrogate endpoint of what the doctor saw on


      the endoscopy, the patient feels great but the


      patient is saying my symptoms bother me.  I am




      worried and concerned.  I can't exercise; I can't


      eat.  My whole life is affected.  So, that gets to


      the difference between measuring a surrogate and


      measuring what the patient actually feels.




                This seems sort of redundant but it is


      probably important to define what a disease


      actually is.  In these terms we are talking about a


      constellation of signs and symptoms experienced by


      the patient.  Although infectious diseases are


      caused by pathogenic organisms, those result in a


      host response and it is actually the host response


      that causes a lot of the symptoms that we see.


                When we are talking about surrogates we


      often hear about Koch's postulates.  Well, these


      fulfill Koch's postulates so the surrogate must


      work in the setting of an endpoint of a clinical


      trial.  But Koch's postulates relate to proving the


      cause of a disease, that a pathogen actually causes


      that particular illness, and Koch's postulates were


      never designed to measure the effect of an


      intervention.  It is very important in our




      discussion today to separate out cause from effect


      which are two different considerations.


                One of the issues we always talk about is


      that patients seek the care of clinicians because


      they have symptoms when they have a disease, not


      because of the presence of an organism.  So, a


      patient may come and say, doctor, I have this


      terrible cough I can't get rid of it.  They don't


      come in and say, doctor, I have mycoplasma in my


      respiratory tract.  Although that may be the cause


      of it, the reason patients come to see us is for


      relief of symptoms.


                In prevention trials, on the other hand,


      we are actually seeking to prevent those symptoms


      from ever occurring, but still here we are talking


      about the relevant endpoints being those actual


      symptoms that patients may encounter.




                So, what is the difference between


      clinical endpoints and surrogate endpoints?  We are


      so used to using surrogates that sometimes we call


      things clinical endpoints that are, in fact,




      surrogates.   The definition of a clinical endpoint


      is actually fairly simple.  It is measures of how


      the patient feels, functions or survives, and a


      simple way to think of it is anything that measures


      something other than that is a surrogate endpoint.


      For instance, clinical endpoints would be measures


      of mortality or resolution or prevention of


      symptoms of a disease.


                On the other hand, surrogate endpoints are


      laboratory measurements or physical signs used as a


      substitute for a clinical endpoint.  Fever is a


      surrogate endpoint.  Fever does not necessarily


      measure how the patient feels.  Although fever may


      make the person feel terrible, what we really want


      to measure is the person feeling terrible not what


      the level of the temperature is but we are so used


      to using this in infectious disease trials.  But


      other things like culture results, which we are


      going to talk a lot about today, chest x-rays,


      histology or even data like pharmacokinetic


      information are all surrogate endpoints and need to


      be correlated with what is actually clinically




      happening to the patient.


                The important part here, as discussed at


      NIH Biomarkers Definition Working Group, published


      in 2001, is that surrogate endpoints by themselves


      do not confer direct clinical benefit to the


      patient and we need to make that link.  This is


      also reiterated in the International Conference on


      Harmonization, ICH E9 document.  The International


      Conference on Harmonization is a group consisting


      of U.S., Japanese, European regulators and members


      of the pharmaceutical industry.




                So, how do we differentiate biomarkers


      from surrogate endpoints?  Biomarkers are any set


      of analytical tools that are used to assess


      biological parameters so it is a big, broad


      category.  Biomarkers are useful for many other


      purposes other than surrogate endpoints in trials.


      This is why the term surrogate marker isn't really


      very helpful to us because we can use these


      biomarkers for any number of things.  One may be as


      a diagnostic tool.  We can use the test as




      inclusion criteria to define the disease based on


      the presence of organisms.  Differentiating


      diagnosis from endpoint is a very, very important


      process.  As members of our Anti-Infective Drugs


      Advisory Committee that are here will tell you, we


      have had several advisory committees for instance


      addressing acute otitis media in children and acute


      bacterial sinusitis in children and adults where we


      have tried to make the distinction between needing


      microbiologic data to diagnose that the person


      actually has the disease, but how useful it is as


      an endpoint is an entirely different consideration.


                We can also use biomarkers to describe the


      mechanism of action of the drug and the effect on


      the organisms of an antibacterial or antiviral


      product is really the mechanism by which it


      achieves its effect, not necessarily the goal of


      therapy alone.  We have certainly been told by a


      number of sponsors--the direct quote, all


      antibiotics do is affect organisms.  Well, that is


      true but that is the mechanism by which they do


      what they do, not the goal of why we give them to




      patients in the first place.


                The third thing is that biomarkers can be


      a risk factor for acquiring the disease.  For


      instance, we know that colonization with a


      particular organism is a risk factor for getting an


      infection.  That doesn't mean that risk factors end


      up being the same thing as an endpoint.  Also, some


      of these things can be risk factors for outcome.


      They can indicate disease prognosis and how poorly


      or well the patient is going to do.  For instance,


      HIV viral load and CD4 counts in HIV--we can look


      at those to actually predict how a patient is going


      to do down the line. Then, finally, biomarkers can


      be used as surrogate endpoints, which are different


      from the previous four things we talked about.




                The word surrogate comes from the Latin


      root surrogatus, which means to choose in place of


      another, or to substitute or put in place of


      another.  So, what we are doing with a surrogate


      endpoint is actually substituting microbiologic


      outcomes in patients for clinical outcomes.  One of




      the problems in looking at this is that


      investigators have looked at people only who have


      failed and then tried to relate clinical and


      microbiological outcomes in only the failures.  But


      we need to look at these correlations both in


      people who succeed and people who fail, which is


      pivotal in these clinical trials to prove drug






                Surrogate endpoints are very useful.  They


      can be used in early drug development as proof of


      principle that the drug has some biological


      activity, and they can be used in selecting


      candidates to go on and study in future phase 3


      trials.  They are also useful in phase 3 trials


      when the surrogate endpoint can be measured sooner


      in time than the clinical endpoint.  The obvious


      example of this is HIV trials, which I will go into


      in a little more detail.


                When the clinical endpoint events are more


      rare it allows us to complete a trial with a


      smaller sample size.  In other words, if the effect




      on the surrogate endpoint is quite large and the


      effect on the clinical endpoint is small, we can do


      a trial with a smaller amount of patients in a


      shorter amount of time.  Of course, this is all


      predicated on knowing that the surrogate actually


      predicts clinical outcomes.


                Some examples of where the agency has


      allowed surrogates and they have been used


      successfully are things like lowering cholesterol


      which, in turn, has been shown to prevent


      cardiovascular disease; lowering blood pressure to


      prevent cardiovascular disease; and perhaps the


      best example is suppression of HIV viral load as a


      surrogate endpoint in the prevention of either


      AIDS-defining events or death in the treatment of


      HIV and AIDS.




                In this example what we see is a


      three-dimensional graph.  On the right-hand side


      there are CD4 counts which actually are predictors


      of the host's immune response.  On the other axis


      is the viral load, or HIV RNA concentration.  On




      the upward axis there is the three-year probability


      of patients progressing to AIDS.  You can see from


      this that as the person's CD4 count declines and as


      the HIV viral load goes up, the risk of developing


      AIDS-defining events and death also goes up.  So,


      both HIV viral load and CD4 counts are predictors


      of what is going to happen to the patient




                The interesting thing about this is that


      this is measuring the organism but CD4 count is


      also measuring the host's immune response.  HIV is


      very unique in that the virus itself blunts the


      host's immune response so one of the things that


      complicates the measurement of surrogates is that


      measuring the surrogate itself often doesn't


      measure what is happening to the person.  So, viral


      load is very unique in that the virus itself knocks


      out the immune response and takes that piece out of


      the equation.




                So, HIV viral load and CD4 counts are also


      a good example of the difference between risk




      factors and endpoints.  Both HIV viral load and CD4


      counts are risk factors for disease progression to


      HIV and AIDS, as I showed you on the previous


      slide, however, only HIV viral load functions well


      as a surrogate endpoint, much better than CD4 count


      does in clinical trials.


                Seven of eight trials with a positive


      effect on CD4 count also showed a positive effect


      on progression to AIDS or death.  But the effect in


      6/8 trials that had a positive effect on CD4 count


      also showed a negative effect on AIDS progression


      or death.  This again gets back to the issue that


      you cannot cherry-pick which studies you like.  You


      need to look at both success and failure of the


      surrogate to be able to get an overall assessment


      of what is going on here.  If we only looked at


      these studies we would think that CD4 count was


      great as a surrogate endpoint.


                This also gets to the issue that how you


      use the surrogate is very important.  It may be


      that CD4 count would function as a decent surrogate


      endpoint if we followed patients for longer periods




      of time than we follow the viral load because it


      just may be that the CD4 count may not change fast


      enough over the time that we measure it in a


      clinical trial to be very useful.  But if we


      measured it for longer, that may be a different






                What are some of the strengths and


      limitations then of evaluating surrogates?  Part of


      this is the logic string we go through as related


      here to topical antiseptic products.  We know


      colonization with organisms precedes infection and,


      therefore, the surrogate may be useful as a risk


      factor for disease.  We know that these organisms


      can cause infection and result in a host response.


      So, the logic is that since the organisms cause


      infection, eliminating or decreasing the organisms


      should result in positive clinical outcomes for


      patients.  This seems very logical.  It seems very


      objective and reproducible.  But the question is,


      is it correct?


                This article by DiGruttola, and Dr.




      Fleming is a co-author on this, talks about are we


      being misled in terms of looking at these


      surrogates?  What we just did up here was an


      example of the old Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock


      Holmes deductive reasoning.  We worked backwards


      from the end and said, well, it must be caused by


      this.  However, what we do in clinical trials is


      inductive reasoning.  We start off with a


      hypothesis and we test the hypothesis.  So, we need


      to test this logic to see if it is actually true.


      One of the seminal articles on surrogates was


      written by Prentice where he actually says that in


      a given clinical trial we need to test does the


      intervention have an effect on the clinical outcome


      and, in the same trial, does that intervention also


      have an effect on the surrogate so that we can link


      the two together?




                Well, why may it be that an intervention


      having an effect on a surrogate which, in turn, has


      an effect on the clinical does not predict what


      actually happens to the patient?  And there are




      five potential reasons why this may happen.


                The first is that there may be unmeasured


      harms caused by the intervention which actually are


      not picked up by just measuring the surrogate.


                The second is that there may be unmeasured


      benefits, that the intervention actually does


      something good that is not measured by the


      surrogate and actually has a better clinical


      outcome than predicted by the surrogate.


                The next issue is that there may be other


      pathways of disease that result in a clinical


      endpoint that have nothing to do with the


      intervention that you applied.


                Finally, there are issues with how we


      measure the surrogate and how we measure the


      clinical endpoint.  Let's go through each one of


      those one at a time.




                As I said, surrogates may not take into


      account unmeasured harm and benefits.  This gets to


      the issue of we cannot just look at whether a


      surrogate correlates with a clinical endpoint




      because, even if there are these unmeasured harms


      and unmeasured benefits, there will still be an


      association between the surrogate endpoint and the


      clinical endpoint.  It will be, however, that that


      association is not predicting the net clinical


      outcome in patients because it is not taking into


      account these other unmeasured benefits and harms.


                It is not too hard to understand why this


      occurs because the body actually has a finite


      number of processes to accomplish the things it


      wants to accomplish.  So, giving a drug product is


      still giving a foreign antigen to the body which


      may affect processes other than the ones that we


      actually intended to affect in the first place.  We


      know that, for instance, in antimicrobial products


      what we are really trying to affect is the organism


      which, in turn, has a positive effect on the host.


      The reason why we get adverse events is that all of


      these products have some effect on the host that is


      unintended in terms of adverse events.




                What are some examples of unmeasured




      benefits?  Well, there may be effects of the drug


      other than eradication of the organism.  Actually,


      this is a misnomer.  We constantly use this term


      "eradication" but what we really mean is that we


      have suppressed the organism to below a level of


      detection.  If we think that we are actually


      sterilizing somebody's body, we really are fooling


      ourselves.  There may be sub-inhibitory effects of


      antimicrobials on the organisms.  Even though those


      organisms are present, they can't do what they


      normally do in terms of invading.  It may be that


      we don't need to kill the organisms to actually


      have some effect on the ultimate outcome and,


      again, that may be because we are having other


      effects, other than killing, that do something to


      the organism.  Then, again, there may be direct


      effects of the antimicrobials on the host immune


      system.  These articles that I have shown up here


      are actually things that talk about the effect of


      antimicrobial products on white cell phagocytosis


      and other processes on the human immune system.


                There also may be unmeasured harms in




      terms of deleterious effects on the host that may


      promote infection.  For instance in topical


      products, if a product actually would cause


      micro-breaks in the skin that would not be visible


      to either the infection or the patient that may


      allow more invasion of organisms to cause wound


      infections.  We also may have replacement of one


      organism with another.  We get rid of the one


      organism we are worried about and, nature abhors a


      vacuum, and something else comes in its place that


      is actually worse than what we got rid of.  There


      may be other sources of infection, other than those


      affected by the drug.




                Are there some examples of where we have


      seen this happen in the past?  The answer is yes.


      This is why we have such pause when evaluating


      surrogates.  For instance, last year the FDA


      approved rifaximin as a treatment for travelers


      diarrhea.  If one evaluates the rate of negative


      cultures from the stool in rifaximin compared to


      placebo, there was no statistical difference




      between the number of organisms at the end of


      treatment in the stool in patients who received the


      drug versus those who did not.


                Regardless of that, there was still


      decreased time to resolution of diarrhea with


      rifaximin compared to placebo.  You could say,


      well, that means rifaximin isn't acting as an


      antibacterial agent; it is doing something else, it


      is decreasing GI motility.  Well, if that is the


      case, then why did rifaximin have an effect on some


      organisms like E. coli, but not on diarrhea caused


      by other organisms like Campylobacter?  If it was


      just acting as a motility agent it should have


      equal effects on everything.  So, perhaps this drug


      is doing something to the organisms other than


      killing them.


                Other examples of unmeasured harms--well,


      a classical example of this is the dose escalation


      trial of clarithromycin that was studied at 500,000


      and 2,000 mg for disease due to Mycobacterium


      avium-intracellulare in patients with AIDS.  When


      we looked at that dose response, the higher doses




      had higher rates of negative blood cultures for


      MAI.  However, those higher doses also had higher


      mortality in terms of the clinical outcomes.  So, a


      better microbiologic outcome actually resulted in a


      worse clinical outcome in this trial.




                Are there also other pathways of disease


      that may be unaffected by the intervention?  Do we


      have an example of that?




                Well, several trials showed decreased


      rates of colonization in the nose with Staph.


      aureus with intranasal mupirocin.  However, three


      trials now done in the last several years show that


      prevention of infections with mupirocin, the


      clinical outcome, was not lower in patients than


      placebo even though there was a dramatic effect in


      terms of negative cultures done from the nose with


      this particular product.  One hypothesis for why


      this may not be effective is that Staph. aureus is


      on numerous sites on the body other than just your


      nose and we may not be affecting that just by




      putting a product on one site in the body.




                The next issue is with accuracy of how the


      surrogate is measured.  One of the things that we


      constantly hear about surrogates is that they are


      reproducible.  Well, reproducibility talks about


      precision, but the example you can think about here


      is how to differentiate precision from accuracy.


      If I take a bow and arrow and I shoot it at a


      target I can hit the same spot on the target all


      the time, but it may be way far away from where the


      bulls eye actually is.  So, even though we are


      getting reproducibility, are we getting accuracy?


      Are we getting the correct inference?  This has to


      do with what, when, how and the magnitude of what


      is measured for that particular surrogate.




                The culture techniques that we use for


      bacteria are based on methodology actually from the


      late 1800's.  We know that there is inherent error.


      For instance, if we take the exact same colony of


      organisms and measure it two separate times we can




      get minimum inhibitory concentrations for a


      particular drug that are actually off by one or two


      tube dilutions jut by testing it a second time.


      So, we know that there is some inherent error here.


                There are a lot of issues with


      microbiological outcomes.  For instance, what is


      the patient population that we sample?  What is the


      sampling technique that was used?  What was the


      methodology used to get the culture?  Actually, I


      see Al Sheldon sitting in the back.  When he used


      to work for us he gave a great talk last year on


      diabetic foot infections where we talked about how


      superficial cultures from the foot may not tell us


      anything related to deeper cultures from the foot


      in diabetic infections, and that methodology is


      very important.


                When is the culture performed?  On therapy


      cultures may be very misleading because when we


      take a sample we are actually taking the antibiotic


      with it and putting it onto the culture plate as


      well, which may give false-negative cultures.


                How often do we sample, and what is a win?




      What is the criteria for classifying that this


      organism is there or not?  Do we have an all or


      nothing approach that says bug present/bug not


      present?  Or, do we so something like HIV viral


      load where we have a quantitative assessment of how


      much organism is present?




                The quantitative assessment may be very


      important, as I show on this graph.  On the bottom


      axis we have time where we can make a baseline


      measurement and on therapy measurement and what


      happens when a drug is gone after the study is


      over, compared to microbial load.  If one patient


      starts out at a higher level than the other


      patient, they both may decrease simultaneously at


      exactly the same rate, but if we make an on therapy


      assessment this patient may still have a positive


      culture and this one does not just because we have


      gone below some level of detection of how many


      organisms we can actually detect.  Does that mean


      that these two patients are really different?  We


      don't know.  It may just be a factor of how many




      organisms we were actually able to detect.  If we


      only looked at an on therapy assessment, that may


      not tell us what happens after the drug is removed


      from the body.  In one patient the bugs may come


      roaring back because all we did was suppress them.


      In the other patient it may continue to decline and


      we get rid of the organism altogether.




                One of the issues that I am sure we will


      talk about today is this issue of practicality, and


      practicality is in the eye of the beholder when it


      comes to clinical trials.  People have said because


      it is difficult to measure the clinical endpoint we


      should just rely on surrogates, which is very


      difficult logic in terms of perhaps needing to do a


      better job of actually measuring clinical


      endpoints.  An inaccurate measurement of clinical


      endpoints does not justify the use of unvalidated






                For example, there is a recent article,


      and there has been an ongoing debate in the




      Clinical Infectious Disease journal about the


      utility of catheter tip decolonization which, in


      this study, are claimed to be validated as a


      surrogate endpoint for clinical trials in


      prevention of catheter-related bloodstream


      infections based on the correlation of the two


      endpoints.  What they did, however, in these trials


      is they defined a bloodstream infection in some of


      these trials as a positive blood culture and a


      positive culture of a catheter tip.  So, this


      correlation is highly dependent upon the definition


      of the clinical endpoint.


                Dr. David Patterson, from the University


      of Pittsburgh, wrote in about one of these studies


      and said, residual antimicrobial activity in the


      removed catheter sufficient to prevent growth from


      the cultured catheter segments would substantially


      reduce the apparent rate of catheter-related


      bloodstream infections--and I put the emphasis on


      there--could it be that use of these coated


      catheters impregnated with antibiotics prevents


      growth from catheters in the microbiology




      laboratory but does not eliminate the clinical


      syndrome of catheter-related bloodstream infection?


                So, a more rational use of an endpoint


      here would be all people that have positive blood


      cultures and symptoms of a clinical infection, not


      just those who have to have a positive catheter tip


      because that is circular reasoning.


                One of the issues we always get into at


      the FDA is what gets published is all the


      successes, and people will look at those and say,


      look, there is this great correlation.  What is


      missing, and there has also been a lot in The New


      York Times recently, is about negative trials.


      What is missing is the data the FDA sits on showing


      where those surrogates did not work.  We have had


      several examples now, both in catheter tip


      decolonization and in products that are actually


      put on topically around the catheter site, where


      they had a dramatic effect on decolonizing the


      catheter and no effect at all relative to placebo


      in preventing bloodstream infections.  I cannot


      enlighten you anymore than that because this is




      proprietary information and we can't share it, but


      the interesting thing sitting at the FDA is you


      always wish that you could talk about the negative


      examples but, unfortunately, we can't share those.




                One of the other issues with correlating a


      surrogate is how well does it actually predict


      outcomes?  A perfect correlation would be a slope


      of 1 in terms of evaluating the surrogate related


      to clinical success so an 80 percent success rate


      with a surrogate would result in an 80 percent


      success rate in the clinical outcomes.  But we


      don't expect that to happen, especially in


      prevention trials where we know that a good number


      of people on these trials will achieve no benefit


      from the product.  So, what we want to look at is


      what is the actual correlation between the


      surrogate and the clinical outcome.




                The other thing that is very important is


      that the correlation may differ from drug class to


      drug class or from drug product to drug product,




      and this may actually be highly misleading in terms


      of what we actually measure.  For instance, let's


      take drug A and drug B that have two different


      correlations in terms of the clinical and the


      surrogate.  If we did then a measure of drug A and


      drug B in terms of the surrogate, it appears here


      that drug B is better than drug A in terms of the


      outcome with the surrogate.  But if these two


      slopes of the correlation are different what


      actually is misleading is that in reality drug A is


      actually better than drug B in terms of clinical


      success so the surrogate actually flip-flops these


      and misleads us in terms of telling us why would


      these slopes be different.


                That gets back to the five things we


      actually talked about.  Unmeasured harms,


      unmeasured benefits and those other things may be


      why these products have different correlations.  We


      actually did this with otitis media and showed that


      the spread of lines here actually goes from 0.4 all


      the way down to 0.1 for various different drug


      products.  So, saying that this won't occur--we




      have actually seen places where this correlation is


      actually all over the map for various drug






                Finally, there are regulatory issues with


      surrogate endpoints.  Traditional approval is based


      on surrogate endpoints only in cases where the


      endpoint is already validated to predict clinical


      benefit.  However, there is an accelerated approval


      clause in the Code of Federal Regulations based on


      surrogate endpoints for serious and


      life-threatening diseases, otherwise known as


      Subpart H.  This is where a surrogate endpoint is


      reasonably likely to predict clinical outcome.


      However, this part of the Code of Federal


      Regulations requires confirmatory post-approval


      trials based on the clinical endpoint to prove that


      what we saw with the surrogate is actually true.


                The important thing to note today is that


      this clause actually came out in the mid-1990's and


      what we are talking about today is a monograph that


      started out in the early 1970's.  So, if you ask




      the question, well, why doesn't the monograph jive


      with what we are saying up here, it is because we


      are talking about something that happened 20-30


      years before this regulation.




                Let's relate all of the stuff we just


      talked about with surrogates to the issues related


      to topical antiseptics.  Are there some potentials


      for unmeasured harms with topical antiseptics?


      Well, we may have unintended effects on microscopic


      breakage in the skin which may actually result in a


      greater clinical infection rate.  We know this can


      happen, for instance, in trials that examine


      peri-operative shaving.  This trial by Seropian,


      done in the American Journal of Surgery in 1971,


      actually showed a 5.6 percent rate of postop


      infection with shaving compared to a 0.6 percent


      rate without shaving.  So, we know that there can


      be unintended effects.


                If you go back and look at the hypothesis


      of that trial, it was exactly what we are trying to


      say today, clipping hair off may decrease the




      amount of bacteria near the wound and, therefore,


      should result in a decrease in infections.  It


      didn't; it did the exact opposite because of


      unintended harms that they didn't think about until


      after the trial was done.  It is always fascinating


      to see how someone's hypothesis changes after the


      actual results come out.


                Also, the effects on common pathogens may


      be less than that on the marker organisms on the


      skin.  Michelle Jackson showed you that what we are


      measuring here is resident microbial flora in two


      of the three indications and we are contaminating


      people with Serratia marcescens in another.


      Serratia marcescens is not a common cause of skin


      infection so the question is does predicting an


      effect on Serratia tell us anything about staph.,


      strep., E. coli, enterococci and the other common


      causes of infection?


                Also, there is this issue of are we


      selecting resistance to systemic antimicrobials by


      using these topical antibiotic products?  This


      really is something that deserves its own whole




      discussion, but there is some evidence at least in


      the test tube that there may be afflux pumps which


      confer resistance to both topical products and to


      the systemic antimicrobials simultaneously, at


      least in E. coli and Pseudomonas.  People have


      questioned what is the clinical relevance of that


      but that really is the question, isn't it?  Once


      again, it is how does that surrogate predict what


      is going to happen clinically?  I always think it


      is fascinating when you don't want to use a


      surrogate, all of a sudden it is not relevant.


      When you do want to use a surrogate, we will accept


      everything we want to believe about it.


                So, can there be unintended benefits?


      Well, it may be that some of these products have


      positive effects other than those on the organisms.


      It does something to the host immune system that


      actually results in a decreased infection rate,


      more than we would predict by what it does to the


      bug.  Also, could the effects on common pathogens,


      like staph. or strep. be greater than on something


      like Serratia?  So, it may be a better benefit than




      what we think.




                Are there other mechanisms not affected by


      the intervention?  Well, at least in terms of


      patient preop, for that indication we can look at a


      study that was done by Brown et al. in 1989 at the


      University of Virginia.  The data that we are


      obtaining from this surrogate is really from the


      most superficial layers of the stratum corneum of


      the epidermis.




                Here is an anatomical picture of the skin.


      What you see here is that the top 30 layers of the


      skin are this dead, keratinized layer called the


      stratum corneum of the epidermis.   What is down


      here is the stratum germinativum where these cells


      come from.  The cells die off.  They become highly


      keratinized at the stratum granulosum layer which


      forms a barrier between this and the stratum


      corneum.  What we are measuring in these trials is


      what is way up here.




                So, what is way up there is right here on


      this graph.  This is actually from the CDC


      guidelines on prevention of surgical infections.




      What we are worried about is infections here, here,


      here and here.  So, the real question is does doing


      something up here do something down here in terms


      of affecting the organisms?




                This group in Virginia actually did a very


      elegant experiment with a methodology that was


      developed by Pincus in 1952.  What they did was


      they took regular old cellophane tape and they


      showed that by putting cellophane tape and


      stripping it off the skin you can take one layer of


      that stratum corneum off at a time.  They evaluated


      this in 12 different sites on the body, and they


      showed that these 12 different sites in the body


      had highly variable colony counts of organisms


      depending upon whether you are looking at the arm,


      the back or other sites.


                They also showed that the number of


      colonies decreased over the top five layers of the




      stratum corneum but then stabilized in the


      remaining 20 layers of the stratum corneum.  So,


      there were more organisms up at the top than there


      were in the lower layers of the stratum corneum.


                But then they did something very


      interesting.  They took alcohol and decolonized the


      area that they had stripped, put a gauze pad over


      it and came back 18 hours later.  They then did


      plasmid profiles on the coagulase-negative


      staphylococci that were there at the beginning of


      the experiment and there 18 hours later and saw


      identical plasmid profiles for those staphylococci.


                So, they hypothesized that this indicates


      a reservoir for these organisms that may be below


      the stratum corneum, in the hair follicles and


      sebaceous glands of the dermis so where infection


      may come from is actually from the organisms that


      are lower down.  This is one of the reasons why we


      give systemic antimicrobials as perioperative


      prophylaxis, trying to affect those organisms that


      may be down deeper in the dermis.


                We also know that studies in perioperative




      systemic antimicrobials show that if the antibiotic


      isn't around at this layer at the time you get


      operated on they will not be effective.  For


      instance, you cannot give the antibiotic two


      seconds before you make the surgical cut because


      they will not affect the subsequent infection rate.




                Then there are all the issues with


      measurement of the surrogate, which we are going to


      talk about today.  Are we actually measuring the


      surrogate in a population that we are going to use


      it in?  No, we are not.  We are measuring healthy


      volunteers, not healthcare workers or patients.


                As we already discussed, the organisms


      measured are not necessarily those that cause


      infection.  Is the timing of these measurements


      relative to the disease process we are actually


      trying to prevent?  That gets at this issue of do


      we need to get persistent effect or not; how long


      do we have to look for that; and how long should we


      look for it?  For instance, we know that some


      patients may undergo prolonged surgery.  Surgeries




      may last hours and hours so an immediate effect is


      not the only thing we want to look at.


                Are the conditions of testing the same as


      those that would be encountered in real-life


      situations?  And, what happens with variations in


      the methodology?  One of the things that is


      interesting at the FDA is that you will see people


      submit things that say I am using the such-and-such


      method approved by the CDC or the NIH.  But it is a


      modified method.  I always joke I am a modified


      millionaire movie star; I am just not a movie star


      and I don't have a million dollars.  So, modifying


      the method--it is no longer the method.  So, we


      need to take into account that changing the method,


      even if we have a valid surrogate, may actually


      change the correlations between the surrogate and


      the clinical outcomes.


                The next question is what log reduction is


      clinically significant?  And, how do we analyze


      those numbers obtained on log reductions?  Dr.


      Thamban Valappil is going to go through a great


      talk that actually walks through some of these




      issues with how do we analyze the numbers.




                What is the data showing correlation of


      reduction of bacteria with a decrease in infection


      rates?  Steve Osborne is going to go through our,


      believe me, exhaustive, over 1,000-paper literature


      search.  You should have helped us out with this;


      that was a thrill!


                What does the dose-response curve look


      like for infection rates and numbers of bacteria?


      Is it a threshold effect, or is it a continuous


      variable, and is it the same for all types of






                What do I mean by dose response?  Down on


      the bottom it should read numbers of bacteria on


      the skin, not change in numbers of bacteria.  On


      the Y axis we have rates of infection.  What we


      want to know is does the dose-response curve look


      like this?  Sorry, this doesn't show up very well


      but it is a straight line.  Or, does the


      dose-response curve look like this?  The first




      straight line is a continuous variable.  The more


      organisms there are, the more infections patients


      get.  The curved line is really a threshold effect


      that we talk about.  At some certain level of


      bacteria people are more likely to get infected and


      below that level they are less likely to get




                Why is this important for us?  Well, if we


      look at a linear correlation between numbers of


      bacteria and rates of infection, what we will see


      is that the decrease of the numbers of bacteria by


      this much will actually result in a corresponding


      decrease in the number of infections by some






                On the other hand, if it is a sigmoidal


      threshold type effect, what we will see is that


      that same, exact change in the number of bacteria


      if it is on the flat part of the curve results in


      very little change in infection.  So, this gets to


      what does a 3-log reduction actually mean?  If this


      is 10                                       7 and this is 104 that is a

3-log reduction but




      we are on the flat part of the curve so there is


      very little effect on what happens to the patient.


      If we go from 10                                                        

4 to 101 that is a 3-log reduction


      too but if we are on the steep part of the curve


      that may be telling us something very, very


      different.  So, where you start may be as important


      as what the delta change is, and we don't have any


      information to tell us what this dose response


      actually looks like.




                What I would like to leave you with then


      is sort of the thought process we have had to go


      through for the last several months in terms of


      trying to look at this.  The first question you


      have to ask is what kind of endpoint are you going


      to pick to evaluate these products?  Are we going


      to pick a clinical endpoint or a surrogate


      endpoint?  Ideally, there would be the data right


      here that links the clinical and the surrogate


      endpoint together, and Steve Osborne is going to


      talk about our attempts to actually make that kind


      of a link.


                The second question is what are we


      actually going to measure?  Let me get back to this


      issue of practicality.  As I said earlier,




      practicality ends up being in the eye of the


      beholder.  One of the things you will hear about is


      that it takes more patients to do these clinical


      trials than it does to the surrogate endpoint




                Well, size is actually an issue but size


      really relates more to the time that it takes to do


      a trial which, let's be honest, relates to cost to


      do the trial.  One of the questions you have to ask


      when you are getting into this debate is how much


      does it cost to do it wrong?  How much does it cost


      the patients if we don't get this information and


      we don't actually know whether these products are


      effective?  That side of the equation needs to be


      factored in as well.


                The other issue that comes up is ethics.


      Ethics are only if you are denying somebody a


      proven effective treatment.  What we are trying to


      evaluate here is are these things proven effective




      or not, so we need to keep that in mind when we are


      discussing the ethics issue.  When we talk about


      clinical trials the endpoint is very simple, it is


      infection in patients.  On the other hand, with the


      surrogate we are looking at numbers of bacteria.


                Then we need to talk about how do we


      design these studies and how do we define success.


      Well, the definition of success, again, with the


      clinical endpoint is much simpler actually.  It is


      just the percent of patients that don't get an


      infection.  However, when we talk about selecting


      an endpoint for a surrogate we have several


      decisions to make that Thamban is going to go


      through.  Do we look at mean log reductions, median


      log reductions, the percent of subjects who meet


      some log reduction?  And, where do you get this


      information from?  Well, actually optimally it


      would be from a clinical trial that evaluated both


      of these things simultaneously.


                Finally, how do we analyze the results


      that we get?  Again, it is much simpler in a


      clinical trial.  We just compare it with a




      concurrent control.  This is one of the issues when


      people point to the studies, and Steve is going to


      go through this in some detail, they say we already


      know these things work.  There is no concurrent


      control.  What these things are is quasi


      experimental studies where they took what we were


      doing last year and they applied something new in


      the hospital and said, look, my infection rate went




                What that ignores is natural changes in


      baseline infection rates that may occur.  Even


      though the trials say, well, we didn't do any other


      interventions on these patients, you know in the


      real world and, hopefully our AIDAC members can


      enlighten us on this, when you have an outbreak of


      some particular organism you do not do one


      intervention.  You cohort patients together; you


      start using gowns and gloves on those people; you


      do a lot of other interventions that really call


      into question what was the cause of why the


      infection rate went down.  Was it just related to


      the product that you used?


                So, here we would make this comparison and


      either design these as superiority or


      non-inferiority trials, otherwise called




      equivalence trials, that show that the product is


      no worse than something that is already out there.


                On the other hand, there are a lot more


      complex decisions with a surrogate endpoint.  Do we


      say that these things meet some threshold that we


      set?  If so, where does that threshold come from?


      Where does the data come from to say?  And, do we


      still need some comparison with a control given the


      variability in the method?  Michelle Jackson showed


      you on one of her slides that at least that article


      in The Journal of Hospital Infection, based on the


      European methodology which is slightly different


      from that that is in the TFM, shows at least a 2 to


      2.5 log drop with soap and water all by itself.


      So, do we need to look at how these things compare


      to some vehicle or another product?  And, again, we


      have the choice of superiority or non-inferiority.




                To conclude then, surrogate endpoints must




      not only correlate with clinical outcomes but they


      must also take into account unmeasured harms and


      benefits; the methodology and uncertainties in


      measuring the surrogate; and the appropriate


      measurement of the clinical endpoint.


                The clinical endpoint for efficacy of


      topical antiseptic products would be prevention of


      infections but actually the clinical design of


      these trials would vary depending upon whether we


      are talking about patient preop surgical hand


      scrubs or healthcare personnel handwash.


                One of the things that I am sure we will


      hear about is what Semmelweis did in 1847 was he


      showed that medical students who went and examined


      corpses with their bare hands and then went and


      delivered babies--there was actually a higher rate


      of death in the mothers who had their babies


      delivered by these medical students than the


      midwives who were spared the odious task of doing


      the autopsies.


                That is not what we are doing today.  We


      are not digging our hands into gram-negatives of




      dead people and then going and operating on


      someone.  So, the conditions of Semmelweis were


      huge bacterial load, probably with gram-negative


      organisms.  So, what Semmelweis showed was that


      washing your hands is a good thing.  Semmelweis did


      not do a randomized trial of one product compared


      to handwashing alone or handwashing compared to


      nothing.  We are not debating that Semmelweis was


      correct and that you need handwashing.  What we are


      debating is handwashing with what, and how do we


      determine that that "what" is effective compared to


      just maybe plain soap and water?  So, we are going


      to discuss further today what is known about


      surrogates in the setting of topical antiseptics,


      and Steve Osborne is going to go over this clinical


      correlation and tell us some more about it.




                I would like to leave you with this quote


      by the statistician John Tukey which I think really


      relates to surrogates:  Far better an approximate


      answer to the right question, which is often vague,


      than an exact answer to the wrong question, which




      can always be made precise.  I will stop there.


      Thank you very much.


                DR. WOOD:  Thanks very much.  It appears


      that we still don't have the slides from Michelle


      Pearson.  Is John Boyce here?  Yes?  Good, so at


      least our next speaker is here.  I suggest that we


      take a quick break right now and be back at ten


      o'clock and we will start again.  We are hoping to


      get Michelle Pearson in before we do the questions.


      We will get back at ten o'clock.


                [Brief recess]


                DR. WOOD:  Let's go to Dr. Boyce and then


      we will come back to Dr. Pearson, whose talk we do


      now have somewhere in the building, as they say,


      but we have been unable to play it yet.  So, Dr.




               Antiseptic and Infection Control Practice


                DR. BOYCE:  Good morning.  I am having


      some Power Point problems today because of a switch


      in versions so I hope this is going to work.




                First I want to talk a little bit about




      the importance of hand hygiene in preventing


      transmission of healthcare-associated infections.


      Most of you know that transmission of


      healthcare-associated pathogens often occurs via


      transiently contaminated hands of healthcare


      workers.  For that reason, handwashing has been


      considered one of the most important infection


      control measures for preventing


      healthcare-associated infections.  Despite this,


      the availability of published handwashing


      guidelines has not helped, and compliance with


      healthcare workers with recommended handwashing


      practices has remained low for decades.




                This slide shows the percent compliance on


      the Y axis in 37 published observational studies of


      healthcare worker handwashing compliance.  The main


      point here is that compliance rates varied from


      about 5 percent to 80 percent.  The second point is


      that there is no trend towards improvement over


      this more than 20-year period.  So, getting people


      to wash their hands as frequently as possible has




      been a very difficult chore.




                In 2002 the CDC published the guideline


      for hand hygiene in healthcare settings.  I am


      going to briefly mention a few indications for hand


      hygiene that are listed.  One is that it is


      recommended that we wash our hands with a


      non-antimicrobial soap or an antimicrobial soap if


      our hands are visibly contaminated with blood, body


      fluids or other proteinaceous materials.  If the


      hands are not visibly soiled, then the guideline


      recommended the routine use of an alcohol-based


      hand rub for decontaminating hands in most other


      clinical situations.  Alternatively, hands can be


      washed with an antimicrobial soap and water in


      other clinical situations.


                The guideline recommends that healthcare


      workers decontaminate their hands before having


      direct contact with patients, donning sterile


      gloves to insert a central intravascular catheter,


      before inserting indwelling urinary catheters or


      peripheral IV catheters, and before eating.




                It is recommended that we decontaminate


      our hands after having direct contact with a




      patient's intact skin, like taking a blood


      pressure; contact with body fluids or wound


      dressings if our hands are not visibly soiled;


      after moving from a contaminated body site to a


      clean body site during an episode of patient care;


      after contact with inanimate objects in the


      immediate vicinity of the patient; and after


      removing gloves.  So, there are a lot of


      indications for cleaning your hands.




                In fact, the number of hand hygiene


      opportunities that healthcare workers have can vary


      considerably.  In a large study, done by Dr.


      Pittet, they found that the average number of hand


      hygiene opportunities per hour of care was 24 in


      pediatric units, and the average was 43 per hour in


      intensive care units.  In fact, the lack of


      sufficient time to actually perform this large


      number of handwashing episodes is a major factor




      influencing poor handwashing compliance.




                This slide shows the results of a number


      of observational studies where healthcare workers


      were observed to see how many times they actually


      cleaned their hands.  You can see on your right


      that the average number of times per 8-hour shift


      was anywhere from 13 times to 26 times in an 8-hour


      shift.  So, we are talking about frequent use of


      these products.


                That sounds pretty frequent but let me


      present it another way, in a recent prospective


      trial that we conducted that involved 57 volunteer


      nurses working in intensive care units, a


      hematology-oncology ward and general medical ward,


      each nurse carried a portable counting device and


      prospectively clicked the counter every time they


      cleaned their hands.  On the right you see a graph


      that, along the X axis, shows the number of hand


      hygiene episodes that these nurses recorded during


      a 3- to 3.5-week trial period.  You can see that


      most nurses cleaned their hands anywhere from 100




      to 450 times in a 3- to 3.5-week period.




                So, one thing that is very clear is that,


      because of the high frequency of use of these


      products, providing healthcare workers with


      products that are well tolerated is very important.


      Poorly tolerated products result in poor compliance


      often because of irritant contact dermatitis, as


      shown in the picture, where this physician has


      bleeding knuckles after using soap and water


      handwashing 57 times over a period of a couple of


      weeks.  Products that have a high degree of


      antimicrobial activity, that is, a high log


      reduction, but are poorly tolerated may actually be






                Now, another important issue for which we


      have very little information is what level of log


      reduction of bacterial counts on the hands is


      actually necessary to prevent transmission of


      pathogens.  As you know, the efficacy of these


      agents is often expressed as a number of log




      reductions of bacterial counts on the hands of


      volunteers, 1, 2 or 3 log reductions for example.


                Although the review of the literature that


      I did apparently is not as big as what FDA has


      actually done, I reviewed over about 700 articles


      and couldn't find any evidence regarding the number


      of log reductions that are necessary to prevent


      transmission of healthcare-associated pathogens.


      So, we just don't know how many log reductions we






                Another thing for which I think there is


      little, if any, data relates to whether or not we


      need products that have a cumulative effect.  As


      you know, the tentative final monograph requires


      that healthcare personnel handwash agents produce a


      2-log reduction after the first wash and a 3-log


      reduction after the 10th wash, therefore showing a


      cumulative effect.


                In the review of the literature that I did


      I failed to identify any data supporting the need


      for a cumulative effect.  As a clinician with 25




      years of experience working in hospitals, I am not


      aware of any evidence that patients who are cared


      for in the middle or at the end of a work shift are


      at higher risk of infection than those that are


      cared for at the beginning of a shift.  I am also


      not aware of any evidence that patient care


      activities that are performed in the middle or near


      the end of a work shift result in greater hand


      contamination than those that are performed at the


      beginning of a shift.  So, frankly, from the


      standpoint of a clinician or of infection control,


      I fail to see the logic in requiring a cumulative


      activity of this type of product given the way they


      are used and the types of patients that we take


      care of.




                Another thing that actually has changed


      since the TFM was originally developed is the


      frequency of glove use.  Since the late 1980's


      nurses, physicians and other healthcare workers use


      gloves far more frequently than they ever did in


      the past.  A recent observational survey done of




      nurses working on a general medical ward found that


      these nurses visited patients an average of about


      54 times during an 8-hour shift, and they found


      that the use of gloves varied depending on the type


      of patient care activity.  When the nurses were


      going to have contact with body fluids they wore


      gloves 86 percent of the time.  If they were going


      to have skin contact only, then it was more like a


      little over 30 percent of the time that they wore


      gloves; even less frequently for equipment contact.


      So, in fact, glove use does vary among healthcare


      workers but it is certainly far more common than in


      the past.




                A number of studies, shown here, have


      documented that gloves can and do reduce the level


      of hand contamination when they are worn.


      McFarland looked at hand contamination with C.


      difficile and found that 46 percent of healthcare


      workers who did not wear gloves contaminated their


      hands with C. dif..  No healthcare workers who wore


      gloves had C. dif. on their hands.  Olsen and




      colleagues found that gloves prevented hand


      contamination in 77 percent of instances.  Dr.


      Pittet found that when no gloves were used and they


      measured hand contamination rates, they found out


      that the hands were contaminated with 16


      CFUs/minute of patient care when no gloves were


      used, but only 3 CFUs/minute when gloves were used,


      showing the protective effect of gloves.  Finally,


      Tenorio et al. found that gloves reduced the risk


      of hand contamination by vancomycin-resistant


      enterococci by 71 percent.  So, in fact, to the


      extent that people do wear gloves during patient


      care nowadays, their hands are probably less


      heavily contaminated than they were back in the


      '60's, '70's and early '80's.




                One thing that I thought that I was


      supposed to try to address was whether or not there


      is any evidence that the products that are


      currently on the market have any kind of clinical


      benefit in a healthcare setting.  I wanted to


      mention this model by Ehrenkranz.  It was a field




      study that was supposed to reproduce clinical hand


      contamination.  Nurses touched the skin of patients


      who were heavily contaminated with gram-negative


      bacteria.  They then cleaned their hands.  They


      either used plain soap and water handwashing or


      they used the 63 percent isopropyl alcohol hand


      rinse.  After cleaning their hands, the nurses


      touched catheter material, like a Foley catheter


      type material, and then that catheter material was


      cultured on agar plats.


                What they found is that bacteria were


      transferred from the hands of the nurses onto this


      catheter material in 11/12 experiments when plain


      soap was used to clean their hands but only 2/12


      experiments when the alcohol hand rinse was used.




                Now, in terms of clinical trials, which I


      think is a major issue as was discussed in part by


      the last speaker, this slide shows one sequential


      trial of three hand hygiene regimens.  It was done


      in the surgical intensive care unit by a very


      experienced infection control physician.  They




      looked at non-medicated soap, 10 percent


      povidone-iodine or 4 percent chlorhexidine


      gluconate.  Each product was used exclusively in


      the ICU for 6 weeks.  Surveillance for nosocomial


      infections was performed.  What they found was that


      the incidence of healthcare-associated infections


      was 50 percent lower during times when the two


      antiseptic-containing handwash agents were used,


      suggesting that these hand hygiene products that


      were available at that time reduced infections


      better than plain soap and water handwashing in


      this short trial which was only done in one ICU.




                This slide discusses a prospective trial


      done to compare two hand hygiene regimens.  It was


      a prospective trial with a multiple crossover


      design.  It was done in three intensive care units


      in a university hospital that just happened to have


      one of the largest and most highly respected


      infection control programs in the country at that


      time.  So, they had lots of resources relatively


      speaking.  They followed over 1,800 adult patients




      for nearly 8,000 patient-days at risk.  The two


      regimens compared were 4 percent chlorhexidine


      gluconate versus a combination regimen of isopropyl


      alcohol and a non-medicated soap.  Healthcare


      workers were told that when the alcohol and


      non-medicated soap were available they were


      supposed to use the alcohol routinely for cleaning


      their hands.




                What they found was that the number of


      patients who developed a healthcare-associated


      infection was 96 in the chlorhexidine time period


      and 116 when the alcohol and plain soap were


      available.  So, the incidence density was lower


      with the 4 percent chlorhexidine.  The number of


      healthcare-associated infections was 152 during


      periods when the 4 percent chlorhexidine was used


      compared to 202 when the combination regimen was


      available--again, a lower rate with the 4 percent


      chlorhexidine.  Infection rates were significantly


      lower in 2/3 ICUs when the chlorhexidine was used.




                Despite this being planned by a very


      experienced and highly respected individual, with a


      large team working with him, this clinical trial




      ran into some problems.  First of all, the overall


      compliance of healthcare workers, as shown on the


      left, was not the same during the two trials.  It


      was about 42 percent compliance when the


      chlorhexidine was available versus 38 percent when


      the other regimen was available in the units.  The


      difference was actually statistically significant.


                Another important problem that emerged,


      despite this trial being well planned and designed,


      was that the volume of the products used varied


      significantly.  The amount of soap and isopropyl


      alcohol used when available was significantly lower


      than the volume of chlorhexidine used when that


      product was available.  Even though healthcare


      workers were told they should use the isopropyl


      alcohol routinely when available, for reasons that


      are not either understood or discussed by the


      authors, the healthcare workers hardly ever used


      the alcohol.  So, this trial was really more a




      comparison of 4 percent chlorhexidine against plain


      soap and water for the most part.


                So, one problem with this trial is that it


      is very difficult to control the activities of all


      these healthcare workers in all these ICUs over an


      8-month period, and to get them all to do exactly


      the same thing and to do it with exactly the same






                From the eyes of a beholder here who works


      in a hospital, that is one of the problems with


      clinical trials.  When you use a nosocomial


      infection rate as the outcome measure for efficacy


      of hand hygiene agents, there are many, many


      confounding variables including host factors; the


      rate of importation of organisms from nursing homes


      or other sites into the hospital and onto the


      wards; the level of compliance of healthcare


      workers with recommended hand hygiene, with


      recommended barrier precautions, how frequently


      they follow guidelines for central line placement


      and for ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention.




      If you are talking about surgical site infections


      you have to worry about the skill of the surgeon;


      whether or not prophylactic antibiotics were used


      and timed appropriately; and whether or not any


      active surveillance cultures are being done on the


      wards where the studies are being conducted.


                So, from my viewpoint, there are so many


      confounding variables that that, in and of itself,


      makes the clinical trials extremely difficult to do


      and extremely costly.  To me, it seems like the use


      of surrogate endpoints to assess efficacy of hand


      hygiene products still has merit.




                I want to mention a little bit more about


      clinical benefit.  None of the things I am going to


      mention are carefully controlled, prospective


      trials partly for all the reasons I have just


      mentioned.  This one publication involved a surgeon


      whose hands, but not other body parts, were


      colonized with a virulent strain of Staphylococcus


      epidermidis that caused an outbreak of surgical


      site infections related to cardiac surgery.  This




      surgeon was using a noon-antimicrobial soap for a


      preoperative scrub because of previous problems


      with hand dermatitis so he followed the


      recommendation of his dermatologist.


                An epidemiologic investigation that


      included case control studies and molecular typing


      clearly implicated the surgeon as the source of


      this outbreak, and we told him he had to stop doing


      cardiac surgery and to start using a 4 percent


      chlorhexidine gluconate surgical scrub.  After he


      did so the outbreak terminated and we did not see


      that strain any further in cardiac surgery


      infections, demonstrating that the antimicrobial


      soap that was available didn't appear to have






                An outbreak of vascular surgery-related


      surgical site infections occurred when an operating


      room was not provided standard povidone-iodine.


      The surgeons were used to using preoperative


      surgical hand scrubs.  The vascular surgeons in the


      hospital decided to use plain soap for hand




      scrubbing before surgery, while other surgeons used


      a 2 percent iodine with 70 percent alcohol for


      preoperative hand scrubbing.  Hand scrubbing with


      plain soap was significantly associated with the


      occurrence of this outbreak of surgical site


      infections and reinstitution of povidone-iodine


      hand scrubbing terminated the outbreak, again


      suggesting that this povidone-iodine product had


      value in reducing surgical site infections.




                Of course, the CDC guideline for hand


      hygiene was published in 2002 and the guideline


      recommends routine use of alcohol-based hand


      sanitizers for cleaning hands before and after


      patient contact as long as the hands are not


      visibly contaminated.




                Not long after the guideline was


      published, actually in January of 2003, the Joint


      Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare


      Organizations sent out a sentinel event alert to


      hospitals and recommended that hospitals comply




      with the CDC's new hand hygiene guideline.  So, I


      think both the Joint Commission and CDC are


      standing behind the guideline.




                This study was done where a 70 percent


      ethanol hand gel was introduced hospital-wide into


      the hospital.  A multidisciplinary program to


      improve hand hygiene was carried out.  During the


      following 12 months the alcohol hand product was


      used an estimated 440,000 times by healthcare


      workers and they found a consistent reduction in


      the proportion of all methicillin-resistant Staph.


      aureus that was hospital-acquired during the


      12-month period.




                This slide shows the impact of one of


      these alcohol hand sanitizers on the hand hygiene


      compliance in our hospital.  Compliance rate is


      shown on the Y axis.  Observational surveys


      conducted by the same infection control


      practitioners each time revealed that, by having


      this new alcohol hand gel available and promoting




      its use and educating people about it, the overall


      hygiene compliance improved from 38 percent to 63


      percent, and the proportion of all hand hygiene


      episodes which were performed using the alcohol


      hand gel, which is shown in the red part of the


      bars, increased significantly.


                Not shown on this slide is the fact that


      the proportion of all methicillin-resistant Staph.


      aureus--let me put that another way, the proportion


      of all Staph. aureus isolates that are due to


      methicillin resistance in our hospital levelled off


      about the time that survey 2 was done, and actually


      decreased by 5 percent over the following year and


      a half.  This decrease in MRSA in our hospital


      occurred during the same time frame when MRSA


      continued to increase in prevalence in the


      hospitals that participate in CDC's National


      Nosocomial Infection Surveillance program, or NNIS.


      Although it is rather crude data, we think that the


      hand hygiene program probably has helped reduced


      MRSA in our hospital as well.




                In conclusion, conducting clinical trials


      to assess the efficacy of healthcare personnel


      handwash products is, in fact, extremely difficult,




      expensive and, as far as I am concerned, largely


      not practical.  If they are to be done, they are


      going to be very expensive.


                Widespread experience with currently


      available products, combined with some of the


      epidemiologic studies that I mentioned, provide


      some evidence of their clinical benefit in


      healthcare settings.  Multiple studies have shown


      that promoting the routine use of alcohol-based


      hand santizers, when combined with educational and


      motivational material, can improve hand hygiene


      practices among healthcare workers.




                There are no published data that I am


      aware of demonstrating that cumulative activity of


      healthcare personnel handwash agents or surgical


      scrub products results in lower rates of


      healthcare-associated infections.  Removal from the


      market of hand hygiene products that are currently




      in widespread use in healthcare facilities would,


      in fact, disrupt national efforts to improve hand


      hygiene practices among healthcare workers.  So, I


      personally would hope that there is no regulatory


      action that ends up removing a lot of the current


      products from the market because I am convinced,


      again on a personal level, that they do have value.


      Thank you.


                DR. WOOD:  We have received Dr. Pearson's


      slides from the wilds of Atlanta and we think we


      can show them.  Is that right?


                MS. JAIN:  Yes.


                DR. WOOD:  Unfortunately, sort of like CNN


      breaking news, because the slides are just in we


      don't have a handout.  We are going to have her on


      the phone.  Dr. Pearson, can you hear us?


                DR. PEARSON:  I can.


                DR. WOOD:  As you go through the slides,


      Dr. Pearson, if you tell us when you want to change


      to the next slide, we will be able to do that.


      Let's go.


                 Prevention of Surgical Site Infections


                DR. PEARSON:  Good morning and thanks to


      the meeting organizers for tolerating my


      inconvenience and thank you for the opportunity to




      present on the topic.




                What I hope to do in the next few minutes


      is really to talk about some of the epidemiologic


      complexities of looking at the effectiveness of any


      preventive measure, whether it be cutaneous


      antiseptic or other preventive measures, using


      surgical site infections as the context for that


      discussion.  Next slide.


                What I am going to do is first provide an


      overview of what we know about the epidemiology of


      surgical site infections, including the incidence


      and risk factors for infection.  I will talk next


      about some of the preventive strategies that have


      been shown to decrease that risk; highlight some of


      the current surveillance systems for monitoring the


      incidence of surgical site infections; and conclude


      with talking about how we, here at the CDC, go


      about developing our policies and recommendations




      for prevention of healthcare-associated infections,


      such as SSIs.  Next slide.


                Just to give you a little bit of an idea


      of why this is an important topic and to frame it


      with some numbers, it is estimated that somewhere


      in the neighborhood of 20 million inpatient


      surgical procedures are done each year in the


      United States, and 2-5 percent of these procedures


      are complicated by a surgical site infection.


                Based on our surveillance system, surgical


      site infection is the second most common


      healthcare-associated infection, comprising about a


      quarter of all of the infections reported to CDC.


      These infections come not only at a cost to the


      patient but also a cost to the healthcare delivery


      system.  These infections result in anywhere from


      an additional week of hospital stay and they cost


      anywhere from $400 to $2,600 per infection, and


      these total well in excess, and approaching in some


      instances, close to a billion dollars a year in


      terms of healthcare dollars.  Next slide.


                In terms of the way we define or look at


      surgical site infections at CDC, we classify them


      either as incisional surgical site infections, and




      those include superficial infections which involve


      the skin and the underlying subcutaneous tissue, or


      deep incisional surgical site infections which


      involve the underlying soft tissue as well.


      Obviously, the most severe and costly infections


      are those that involve the underlying organ or


      organ space surgical site infections and those


      involve really any part of the anatomy other than


      the incision that might have been opened or


      manipulated during the procedure.  Next slide.


                This is a cross-sectional schematic to


      illustrate just a little bit more clearly an


      abdominal wall that shows the various


      classifications.  As you can see, a superficial


      incisional SSI would involve the skin and the


      subcutaneous tissue.  A deep incisional SSI would


      extend down into the fascia and the muscle.  The


      organ space surgical site infection, obviously,


      would include the organs in that surrounding




      tissue.  Next slide.


                Now, when we look at the organ or the


      potential sources for the pathogens that result in


      a surgical site infection, overwhelmingly these


      arise from the patient's own endogenous flora.


      There are also secondary sources for the pathogens


      that result in a surgical site infection.  Those


      can result from pathogens that are available in the


      operating room theater environment.  They may


      result from operating room personnel that are in


      and around the surgical field or, not uncommonly,


      at the head of the table of the anesthesiologist.


      Less commonly, these infections may result from


      seeding of the operative site from a distant site


      of infection.  Next slide.


                If we look at the microbiology of the


      surgical site infections--and this slide is


      somewhat dated but suffice it to say that the


      distribution of these pathogens is still


      predominantly--the primary organism are


      staphylococcal infections, not surprisingly because


      these arise primarily from the patient's own




      endogenous flora.  The predominance of these


      pathogens is Staph. aureus, and then with certain


      procedures like cardiac surgery, and more recently


      we have been looking at some data from prosthetic


      joint infections, and it appears that staphylococci


      now account for in the neighborhood of around 50


      percent of the infections causing surgical site


      infections.  We have also seen an increase in the


      proportion of those staph. infections that are due


      to resistant organisms, such as


      methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus.  Next slide.


                Less commonly, SSIs may be due to some


      unusual pathogens, such as the ones shown on this


      slide that are typically due to either contaminated


      products or solutions that are used in and around


      the surgical site, or to colonized healthcare


      workers, again, that might be part of the surgical


      team.  When you see clusters of infections that are


      due to these unusual pathogens you should think of


      a common source, such as the contaminated vehicle


      or potentially the colonized healthcare worker who


      is disseminating the organism.  Next slide.


                Regardless of where the organism arises,


      the pathogenesis of a surgical site infection can


      kind of be distilled into this numerical formula




      and relationship shown here.  That relationship


      really is a combination of the dose or the amount


      of bacterial contamination at the surgical site


      infection, the virulence of the colonizing or


      contaminating organism, and then the underlying


      sort of resistance of the host.  Those three


      factors are really give rise to the risk of


      surgical site infection.  Next slide.


                If we look at some of the epidemiologic


      factors that have been associated with influencing


      the risk of acquiring a surgical site infection,


      they can be broadly categorized into those that are


      host- or patient-related factors, such as age, body


      mass index, obesity, the presence of diabetes and,


      as we will see later it may not just be a patient


      who is labeled with diabetes but having


      hyperglycemia at the time of surgery, the


      nutritional status of the patient, whether the


      patient has a prolonged preoperative stay, again,




      whether there is infection at a remote site at the


      time of surgery, and whether the patient is on


      immunosuppressive medication such as steroids, or


      whether the patient is a smoker or uses nicotine.


                Some of the procedural factors that have


      been associated with influencing the risk of


      surgical site infection are things like hair


      removal or shaving, the duration of the procedure,


      surgical technique, the presence of foreign bodies


      such as drains, and things like the appropriateness


      or inappropriateness of antimicrobial prophylaxis.


      Next slide.


                What I am going to do now with the next


      series of slides is talk a little bit about some of


      these modifiable factors in terms of things that we


      recommend, or things that are recommended, to be


      done to minimize or moderate the risk of a patient


      acquiring a surgical site infection.  Next slide.


                There are a number of randomized,


      controlled trials showing the benefit of


      perioperative prophylaxis and I won't belabor you


      with those data.  The feeling is that this is




      probably one of the most important things that we


      can do in terms of modifying risk of infection.


      When we talk about antimicrobial prophylaxis we are


      really referring to a brief course, most commonly a


      single dose, of an antimicrobial agent that is


      given just before the operation begins.


      Antimicrobial prophylaxis is not intended as


      therapy.  It really is a preventive strategy ,and


      it really should be used as an adjunctive


      preventive measure and not really used to supplant


      basic things like aseptic technique and some of the


      other basic principles of preventing surgical




                Now, antimicrobial prophylaxis, as I said,


      has been studied in a number of procedures, a


      number of well done randomized, controlled trials


      and it is shown that its use, if done


      appropriately, can decrease the risk of surgical


      site infection at least 5-fold.  Next slide.


                But surgical prophylaxis--again, to show


      you how complex this whole issue is, is not a


      matter of just giving an agent and giving the right




      agent, but also giving it at an appropriate time.


      Now, this slide summarizes a study done by Classen,


      and I think it is one of the more classic studies


      looking at the importance of timing of


      antimicrobial prophylaxis in terms of its efficacy


      in preventing surgical site infection.


                What Classen did was actually study nearly


      3,000 elective clean and contaminated surgery.  He


      looked at the timing of the antibiotic and its


      influence or relationship to the risk of infection.


      If you look at what he called early antimicrobial


      prophylaxis, that is antibiotics given 2-24 hours


      before incision, the rate of infection in that


      cohort was 3.8 percent.  If he looked at


      antibiotics that were given postoperatively, that


      is 3-24 hours after incision, the rate of infection


      was 3.3 percent.  If he looked at antibiotics that


      were given within 3 hours after the incision, the


      rate of infection was 1.4 percent.  Lastly, the


      rate of infection was lower for antimicrobial


      prophylaxis that was given within 2 hours of the


      incision, 0.6 percent.  So, again, it is not just a




      matter of giving prophylaxis and giving the right


      agent, but this issue of timing is critically


      important.  Next slide.


                This next series of slides talks not only


      about this notion of giving antibiotics at a


      critical point before incision, but talks about the


      impact of prolonged surgical prophylaxis.  This is


      a study that was a prospective study that looked at


      a cohort of CABG patients.  They looked at those


      patients who received antibiotic prophylaxis within


      48 hours of the procedure and those for whom the


      prophylaxis was continued for greater than 48 hours


      after the procedure.  Next slide.


                They looked at two outcomes, not only the


      incidence of surgical site infection but also the


      likelihood of acquiring a resistant organism if a


      surgical site infection did occur.  Interestingly,


      what they found is that nearly half of the patients


      received antimicrobial prophylaxis greater than 48


      hours after the procedure.  Again, antimicrobial


      prophylaxis is intended to be given around the time


      of incision to get the maximal sterilization, if




      you will, of the surgical site.  But here we see


      that at least in half the cases patients are


      getting prophylaxis beyond two days after the




                What they found is that the incidence of


      infection in this cohort of patients really was no


      different if antibiotic prophylaxis was


      discontinued within 48 hours or if it was continued


      for greater than 48 hours.  But, interestingly, the


      rate of acquiring a resistant pathogen was 60


      percent higher in those patients who received


      prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis.  So, again,


      antimicrobial prophylaxis and its influence on SSI


      is not only getting the right agent but getting it


      within the right interval and discontinuing it as


      soon as possible following the surgical procedure.


      Next slide.


                Another area that I think is particularly


      intriguing as to the complexity of things that


      would have to be considered or controlled for in


      looking at SSI risk is this whole issue of glucose


      control and perioperative management of




      hyperglycemia.  This slide actually summarizes a


      prospective study that was done in a group of


      diabetic patients who were undergoing cardiac


      surgery, over nearly a decade at one hospital.


                They had two groups of patients.  Again,


      this is a prospective intervention trial with a


      pre- and post-design.  The control patients were


      those who had received sort of the traditional


      therapy with their glucose being measured and


      monitored intermittently, and being given


      subcutaneous insulin.  What they called the treated


      group were patients who were placed on a continuous


      IV insulin drip for the immediate operative period


      and for up to 48 hours postoperatively.  Next




                The outcomes were that they looked at the


      levels of blood glucose that were below 200 mg/dL,


      and that was sort of the target level, within the


      first two days postoperatively.  The other outcome


      obviously was the incidence of surgical site


      infection, and they focused on deep SSIs.  What


      they found is that in the group who got traditional




      management using subcutaneous insulin on a PRN


      basis the rate of surgical site infection was 2


      percent as compared with the 0.8 percent in those


      patients who were managed with a continuing IV


      drip.  This difference was highly statistically




                Now, there have been some subsequent


      studies that have looked at sort of the prevalence


      of patients who are hyperglycemic who don't carry


      the diagnosis or label of diabetes.  Again, this


      notion of perioperative glucose management probably


      has broader implications beyond just the diabetic


      patient population.  Next slide.


                Another sort of titillating article that


      is summarized here and I think alludes to some of


      the complexity of this issue is this notion of


      perioperative oxygenation, the theory being that


      better oxygenated tissues are less likely to be at


      risk or be prone to developing an infection.


                This was a study that was published in the


      New England Journal in 2000.  It was a randomized,


      controlled, double-blind trial that looked at a




      relatively small group, 500 patients who were


      undergoing colorectal surgery.  Again, I want to


      emphasize that this was colorectal surgery.  The


      intervention was that patients were randomized to


      receive either 30 percent or 80 percent inspired


      oxygen during and for up to 2 hours following the


      surgical procedure.


                Now, what they found is that the incidence


      of surgical site infection was 5.2 percent in those


      who received higher 32 percent versus 11 percent in


      those who received 30 percent oxygen.  That


      difference was statistical significant.


                There has been a more recent study that


      came out in JAMA, and I did not summarize that


      here, looking at a more heterogeneous population of


      patients undergoing intra-abdominal procedures,


      again, randomizing them to receive 70 percent


      oxygen versus 30 percent inspired oxygen.  That


      study concluded that there was not only no


      beneficial effect to a higher level of inspired


      oxygen but, in fact, there might be some


      detrimental consequences.  In fact, they found a




      higher rate of surgical site infections in those


      people who got more oxygen.


                I say this to say again that this


      difference might be in part attributable to the


      population that was studied in terms of procedures.


      So, a lot of these things have to be factored in,


      in terms of trying to extrapolate findings from one


      cohort to another--not only what the intervention


      was but the population and the procedure that was


      studied.  Next slide.


                What about the issue of antisepsis and


      antiseptics?  Probably, as you have heard from Dr.


      Boyce, a lot of the studies around the efficacy and


      the benefits of antiseptics really use bacterial


      count on scans and the amount of cutaneous flora


      remaining after their use as the primary outcome


      measure.  When we look at hard outcomes or harder


      outcomes in terms of patient outcomes, data becomes


      much thinner.


                These are just summarizing some data, and


      these are admittedly older studies and, you know,


      these studies to be done today are much more




      difficult for a variety of reasons, but these three


      studies summarize data looking at surgical site


      infection rate with patients receiving preoperative


      showers versus those not getting showers.  The


      earliest study was in the '70's where the rate


      among those who did not get showers was 2.3 percent


      versus 1.3 percent.  In the subsequent two studies,


      in the 1980's, the actually the difference was


      quite closer.


                Again, I think some of these studies,


      although they did not show a statistically


      significant difference, may be confounded by


      failure or inability to control for a lot of the


      factors that we mentioned up to this point.  But,


      also, I am not convinced that these studies were


      adequately powered to detect a difference.  Next




                Another factor that has been shown to


      influence the risk of surgical site infection is


      the whole issue of hair removal at the site of


      infection.  In short, not unlike the story that I


      portrayed with antimicrobial prophylaxis, it is not




      only a matter of do you remove hair or not remove


      hair but how you do it, and when you do it.  They


      are all part of the complexity of influencing the


      risk of surgical site infection.


                This is a study that, again, is admittedly


      old and I am not aware of this kind of study being


      done sort of in a more modern era, but if you look


      at those procedures where no hair removal was done,


      or hair removal was done using a depilatory, the


      rate of infection was less than 1 percent.  In


      those procedures where a razor was used the rate of


      infection was nearly 8-9-fold higher in those first


      two categories of procedures.  It is not


      surprising.  Razors allow for microabrasions and


      nicks in the skin and, obviously, it is not


      difficult to imagine how those would be sort of


      easy portals of entry for any organisms that are


      left on the skin.  Again, like I said, it is not


      only a matter of do you remove hair and how you do


      it but also the timing.


                This study also looked at whether shaving


      done immediately prior to surgery, within 24 hours




      of the procedure, or done later or much, much


      earlier, before 24 hours of the procedure--was that


      associated with a risk.  As you can see, there was


      a nice step-wise progression with shaving or hair


      removal being done close to the procedure being


      associated again with the lowest risk.  Again, one


      can imagine that that may be due to the immediate


      effect of skin cleansing.  You have the benefit of


      perioperative prophylaxis being given in and around


      the time of the procedure.  So, again, this is


      another issue that has multiple layers to it in


      terms of influencing the risk of surgical site


      infection.  Next slide.


                I will just say that the issue of clipping


      has been looked at in multiple studies, and it


      shows that, at least in terms of shaving, the


      clipping is associated with a lower risk or


      surgical site infection.  Next slide.


                I won't spend a lot of time on this but I


      just put this in to remind me to say that there are


      also data that suggest that the attire the surgical


      team wears, in terms of scrub suits or types of




      suits, also may influence the amount of bacterial


      count in the operating room at the time of the


      procedure.  I am not aware of any good data that


      link these type of things with hard outcomes like


      infection.  Next slide.


                I put this in to say that sort of the


      amorphous grab-bag term of surgical technique


      which, at least in epidemiologic studies, often


      manifests itself as a higher SSI risk being


      associated with a given surgeon is also something


      to consider, and actually it is fairly difficult to


      measure in an objective way.  You know, it includes


      things like how they handle tissue; whether they


      eradicate dead space; whether they remove


      devitalized tissue; whether there are inadvertent


      things like entering a viscus; and obviously using


      things like foreign devices and leaving those in


      like drains and suture material.  Again, these are


      all things that go under sort of a heading of


      surgical technique that are very, very difficult to


      measure in a systematic and objective way.  Next




                I just want to say that although we


      believe the skin is the primary source of the


      pathogens that result in surgical site infection,




      and most of our preventive measures are targeted at


      reducing that local contamination, there are things


      that are done in terms of the operating room


      environment to remove airborne bacteria that might


      also contaminate the surgical field.


                I just put this up to show that the


      American Institute of Architects has established


      criteria for maintaining, if you will, the


      sterility or the ventilatory and environment


      parameters of the operating room.  Those things


      include certain temperatures, relative humidity,


      air circulation and air exchanges.  Next slide.


                Just to follow on that, there are some


      data to suggest that air flow may have a role in


      SSI risk.  This slide just shows some data, and


      again there are some issues with the studies and


      whether things were adequately controlled, and most


      of this data has been done with clean procedures,




      particularly orthopedic procedures.  This is a


      study that looked at 8,000 total hip and knee


      replacement.  What they looked at was the role of


      ultra-clean air, laminar flow, antimicrobial


      prophylaxis alone or using those in combination.


                What they found is that using laminar flow


      was associated with about a 50 percent reduction in


      surgical site infection risk among those patients


      undergoing total knee and hip replacement.


      Antimicrobial prophylaxis had a much larger benefit


      in reducing surgical site infection risk, going


      from 3.4 percent to 0.8 percent.  When you coupled


      those, again, the additional benefit of laminar


      flow was not as marked compared with that of


      antimicrobial prophylaxis.  So, again, part of


      these things are looking at the attributable


      fraction of any of these preventing strategies in


      terms of getting your bang for the buck.  Next




                One thing that I have been asked by our


      colleagues at FDA is what does CDC monitor, and how


      does CDC track surgical site infections and many of




      the things that happen in and around the time of


      operation.  Next slide.


                CDC has essentially three surveillance


      systems for monitoring healthcare-associated


      adverse events as they pertain to infection.  The


      one that is really the component that is germane


      for this discussion is something called the


      National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance system,


      of the NNIS system.  The NNIS system has been


      around for 30 years.  It started in 1970.  It


      measures nosocomial infections in patients who are


      critically ill, primarily ICU patients.  It also


      measures infection in surgical patients.  Next




                If we look at the characteristics of the


      hospitals participating in the NNIS system, the


      NNIS system is comprised of about 300 hospitals.


      There are roughly 5,000 to 6,000 hospitals in the


      United States so the NNIS system is comprised of


      less than 10 percent of the hospitals in the United


      States.  These hospitals tend to be largely large


      academic teaching institutions.  Nearly 60 percent




      of them are teaching hospitals.  The remaining


      group of hospitals has some sort of teaching


      affiliation.  The hospitals in the NNIS system have


      a median bed size of around 360 beds, and there are


      no facilities in the NNIS system less than 100


      beds.  That is important because 50 percent of the


      hospitals in the United States are less than 100


      beds.  So, whether the data we see collected in the


      NNIS system are representative of all hospitals I


      think is one thing to consider.  Next slide.


                When we look at the specific data and


      variables that are collected in the NNIS system as


      they pertain to surgical patients, there is some


      basic demographic information like patient age and


      gender, their ASA score which is a measure that the


      anesthesiology colleagues use for sort of measuring


      the severity of illness of patients.  They collect


      data on wound class; whether the operative site or


      the surgical site is related to trauma or not; the


      type of anesthesia; whether the procedure is


      emergency or elective procedure; the duration of


      the procedure; the length of postoperative stay;




      the infection site; the infections pathogen.  Is


      there any SSI-related mortality, as well as


      hospital demographics.  Importantly, this system


      does not collect data on many of the processes that


      we have talked about in terms of influencing the


      risk of surgical site infection.  Next slide.


                One of the things that the system does is


      that it generates rates that can be used as


      national benchmarks for institutions to essentially


      measure their performance based on a given


      procedure, for example CABG or what-not.  I think


      you have in your handout the most recent NNIS


      report that shows the national benchmarks for


      various procedures.  An important part of coming up


      with those numbers is this notion of risk


      assessment.  Part of that adjusting procedure is


      looking at something that is called the NNIS risk


      index.  Again, that risk index is the composite


      score of the American Society for


      Anesthesiologists, or ASA, score, the wound class


      at the time of surgery and the duration of the


      procedure.  These are the three variables, at least




      that have been studied in the NNIS system, that


      have been shown to be most predictive of a


      patient's risk of developing a surgical site


      infection.  Next slide.


                These are some temporal trends in what we


      have observed in terms of surgical site infection


      rate over a period of the late 1980's to


      approximately 2000.  Essentially, this is


      stratified by those patients who have procedures


      that are low, medium low, medium high and high


      risk.   What you can see is that the lowest risk


      procedures in patients the rate of surgical site


      infections is actually quite low and has remained


      quite low.  There has been a slight downward


      decrease in the middle categories, and again some


      of those rates are relatively low.  But


      impressively, there has been a marked decline in


      the rate of surgical site infection among the


      highest risk procedures and patients.  Again, you


      know, one question you might have is can you


      superimpose on this, or do you know how some of


      these various preventive strategies relate to this




      graph, and we don't have procedure and patient


      specific data on who got prophylaxis at the right


      time, for example, and the risk of infection.  Next




                I think an important thing in terms of


      this notion of designing any study or measuring the


      effect of any intervention is this notion of having


      good surveillance data or good capture of patients


      who undergo these procedures.  In the NNIS system


      all of the patients who are enrolled in the system


      and recorded in the system are followed for at


      least 30 days postoperatively to monitor for risk


      of infection.  If the procedure involved an implant


      such as a prosthetic joint the period of


      surveillance is up to one year for the risk of


      infection.  These are very, very long periods of


      time of follow-up, and I think if you look at many


      studies the patients may not all have been followed


      for this length of time.  Next slide.


                Having said that, following patients for


      this period of time to meet this definition, it


      really has become more complicated if you look at




      some of the trends of what is happening with


      healthcare delivery in the United States.  I will


      focus your attention on length of stay, which has


      decreased at least by a third--and this was based


      on 1995 numbers; it is probably even lower now--and


      also look at the number of procedures that are


      actually being done in patients those have


      decreased, again based on 1995 data, by 25 percent.


      So, the ability to capture these patients requires


      a lot more effort and energy if they are going to


      be followed for 30 days postop or, in the case of


      an implant, up to one year postoperatively.  In


      fact, our data would suggest that somewhere around


      20 percent or less of the procedures that are


      complicated by an SSI is that surgical site


      infection detected during the admission where the


      procedure was done.  Obviously, if the patient is


      readmitted because of some organ space infection we


      would capture those, but for lesser and some of the


      higher volume procedures that are primarily


      superficial infections, those people would never


      come back to the hospital.  So, you have to rely on




      a strong system of post-discharge surveillance to


      capture any untoward event and minor untoward event


      such as a surgical site infection.  Next slide.


                We, at CDC, are actually undergoing a


      transition in terms of our surveillance activity.


      I alluded to on the other slide that we sort of


      have three components to our surveillance.  We have


      a dialysis surveillance network.  We have something


      called NaSH, which is the National surveillance


      system for healthcare workers, and then we have the


      additional NNIS where the focus is on patient


      outcome.  Those are all being rolled into one


      system called the National Healthcare Safety


      Network.  Next slide.


                NHSN, although it has a new name and it is


      a hybrid of all of our surveillance systems,


      maintains the same goals of the predecessor


      systems.  The reason for doing this is that NHSN is


      going to be a web-based application which we


      believe will minimize a lot of the data collection


      burden and mangled data entry that the current


      system has.  We are hoping that this system will




      also increase the capability to capture electronic


      data, whether it be from laboratory information


      systems, administrative data bases, operating room


      records which capture a lot of the process things


      around the surgical patients, as well as pharmacy


      data to look at things around prescribing.  Next




                Importantly, one of the priority areas for


      the National Healthcare Safety Network is really


      this notion of including process measures.  These


      process measures will allow you to link them to


      outcomes so, for example, we will be looking at


      surgical prophylaxis as the first cut and whether


      the patient got the appropriate antibiotic based on


      national guidelines for that procedure; whether


      they got the antibiotic within a certain time, in


      this instance within an hour before the incision;


      and whether antibiotics were discontinued within 24


      hours of the procedure.  That will be able to be


      linked to outcomes data on patients.  So, we will


      have some measure of how process relates to


      outcome.  Next slide.


                The last thing I will talk briefly


      about--and I was asked by FDA colleagues to give


      you a little bit of a glimpse of how we here, at




      CDC, go about developing policy around some of


      these preventive strategies.  Next slide.


                We here also have a federally charted


      advisory committee, the Healthcare Infection


      Control Practice Advisory Committee, whose mission


      is really to advise the Secretary of Health and CDC


      about issues related to the prevention and the


      surveillance of healthcare-associated infection and


      related adverse events such as antimicrobial


      resistance in healthcare settings.  Next slide.


                The charge of the committee's activities


      and recommendations are really targeted and aimed


      toward clinicians, infection control professionals,


      regulators, purchasers and public health officials.


      The target setting for these guidelines--they were


      traditionally geared toward procedures and


      practices that occur in acute care settings but now


      these guidelines are really aimed to address


      procedures and healthcare delivery across the




      continuum, including outpatient settings, home care


      and long-term care.  Next slide.


                These recommendations are aimed to be


      evidence-based, and all of the HICPAC guidelines


      are ranked.  The recommendations are ranked to show


      the strength of the evidence.  I won't read through


      the definitions of the categories; you can do that.


      But essentially there are three broad categories.


      The category I recommendations are in large part


      based on evidence or well-designed experimental


      studies or epidemiologic studies; the category II


      recommendations where there may be some suggestive


      evidence but this category may be based on expert


      opinions; and then the last category is for those


      practices for which there is either insufficient


      evidence or a lack of consensus regarding efficacy,


      in which case the committee would consider that


      practice or that recommendation an unresolved


      issue.  Next slide.


                What this does is actually sort of


      summarizes the categorization scheme and what it


      means regarding evidence and recommended practice. 




      In short, the difference between I-A and I-B is


      really the strength of the evidence but, in short,


      category I recommendations are those practices for


      which there is strong evidence supporting it and


      the implementation of that practice essentially is


      recommended for all hospitals.  Category I-C--we


      added this fairly recently--are those things for


      which there might be legislation or federal or


      state mandates, such as the blood-borne pathogens


      standards for example, that says that all hospitals


      have to do this.  There may or may not be good


      evidence supporting this but, because it is


      required by regulation, all hospitals must do it.


                The category II recommendations, again,


      are those practices for which there is good or some


      evidence that the practice may be beneficial and


      that practice is suggested for implementation in


      many, if not all, hospitals.  Lastly, the category


      of no recommendation are those practices for which


      there is insufficient or contradictory efficacy,


      that is to say, you might have four studies of


      equal quality, two showing a benefit and two




      showing no benefit, in which case the


      recommendation for implementing that practice is an


      unresolved issue.  Next slide.


                Now, we too, as I am sure you advisory


      committee and many other advisory committees, have


      many challenges in trying to take this


      evidence-based approach to developing our policies.


      Sometimes we identify subject matter experts who


      are not necessarily methodologic experts in terms


      of conducting systematic reviews.  Systematic


      reviews are labor intensive and costly so we often


      have resource limitations for doing that.


                In our field of infection prevention and


      infection control, we don't have a body of


      randomized, controlled trials that, say, might be


      in the cardiology literature or some of the other


      more clinically based specialties so sometimes we


      have to rely on observational studies, which in


      many instances, by some, are considered a lower


      quality of evidence.


                Lastly, our user needs, not uncommonly,


      outstrip what the available science there is to




      support or to provide evidence-based


      recommendations.  This is particularly true when we


      look at non-hospital based healthcare settings.


      Next slide.


                Just to say that our guidelines come in


      three parts.  The first part really is a


      comprehensive synthesis of the literature review


      and the research that establishes the scientific


      rationale for the recommendations that are


      contained in part two.  Part two are the summary of


      the practice recommendations with categorization.


      More recently, we have now added a third part which


      outlines or provides three to five what we call


      performance indicators or performance measures that


      institutions can use to monitor their success in


      implementing these guidelines.  These three to five


      indicators are category I-A recommendations, those


      recommendations or those practices that we believe


      the data suggest have the strongest impact on


      reducing that outcome.  Next slide.


                To conclude, what I hope I have done is


      show you that some of the complexities involved in




      surgical site infection prevention are some of the


      things that have to be considered in designing any


      study to look at the effectiveness of any one


      strategy.  This prevention really is a multifaceted


      approach targeting pre-, intra- and postoperative




                Our current surveillance systems really


      are limited in that they don't collect data on


      perioperative processes.  Another thing I think


      complicating it that would have to be factored into


      any study to look at surgical site infections and


      impact of any measure would have to consider the


      fact that we have experienced a fairly dramatic


      shift in where surgical procedures are occurring,


      and that patients are staying in the hospital for a


      much shorter period of time.  There would have to


      be some system in place to capture events that


      occur post-discharge or for procedures that are


      done outside the traditional acute care setting.


                I will also say that in general the


      incidence of surgical site infections, in large due


      to advances in preventive strategies, is low.  So,




      studies that would look at any intervention would


      likely have to have a fairly large sample size.


                Finally, some of the prevention practices,


      such as hand hygiene, might be very, very difficult


      to study using the traditional randomized,


      controlled, research design because you wouldn't


      randomized someone to do it or not to do it.


                I will just conclude by saying that


      prevention is, obviously, primary, one of our


      primary focuses here, in our division, and many of


      the things that I have talked about specifically as


      guidelines, HICPAC guidelines, are available on the


      web site and that URL is in your handout.  I think


      I will stop there and let you ask any questions.


      Thank you.


                       Question and Answer Period


                DR. WOOD:  Thank you.  I guess what we


      will do is keep you on the line.  I am told it will


      be technically difficult to do that once we start


      questions for other speakers so perhaps we could


      have the committee focus first just on Dr. Pearson,


      with questions for her.


                Did I understand correctly that none of


      your surveillance instruments use outpatient


      surgical centers?  Is that right?




                DR. PEARSON:  You are right.  The current


      NNIS system does not.  The NHSN, which should be


      going live in a few months--what it is going to now


      do is allow any facility that, for example, does


      surgery to report to the system.  If you are an


      ambulatory surgery center you can also report your


      data to the system.


                DR. WOOD:  But even the large hospitals


      that are in the system right now that have


      outpatient surgery facilities, where these patients


      are not admitted, would not be in the system.




                DR. PEARSON:  That is correct.


                DR. WOOD:  All right.  Any questions from


      the committee?  Yes, Mike?


                DR. ALFANO:  Thank you, Dr. Pearson.  That


      was a wonderful presentation.  I have a question


      about how to potentially explain the increase in


      nosocomial infections per 1,000 patient-days.  As I




      think about your database, it was occurring as


      managed care was coming in and, obviously, patient


      days were getting shorter per procedure.  So, I


      wonder how much the increase per 1,000 patient-days


      relates to the difference in numbers of


      patient-days per se, which are going down so that


      someone, you know, could have acquired an infection


      at a comparable rate but the numbers would make it


      appear to be somewhat higher.


                Also, a point that I think the Chair was


      getting at, there are more outpatient procedures


      and I think the tendency is that healthier patients


      are done in an outpatient setting which means they


      would be less likely to be candidates for


      infection.  Could you project how much of the


      increase could be related to those types of changes


      in the inherent system as opposed to actual


      problems in hospital-acquired infections?


                DR. PEARSON:  Yes, let me just challenge a


      little bit your initial assertion that they are


      increasing.  We are actually looking at some


      updated numbers.  I think most of you are aware of




      the number two million infections and the like, and


      what we have actually seen is that the actual


      overall number has gone down over the last decade


      or so.  I think it is 1.7 or something.


                But you are right, what we certainly have


      seen and believe is that the people who are in


      hospitals or getting inpatient procedures are


      sicker than they were a decade ago.  So, you have a


      population at higher risk for infection so that


      certainly plays into the rate that we see.


                You are right, consequently the lower risk


      patients are sort of skimmed off and are not


      getting reflected in these numbers that we are


      seeing, but also the people that are actually


      getting into the hospital and getting inpatient


      procedures are older, sicker, and have many more


      co-morbidities than one would have seen before; the


      20 year-old is not being hospitalized now.  Does


      that answer your question?


                DR. ALFANO:  Yes, thank you.


                DR. WOOD:  Yes, Jan?


                DR. PATTERSON:  Michelle, this is Jan




      Patterson.  Could you elaborate on what the CDC


      guidelines say regarding the surgical prep


      chlorhexidine versus alcohol versus betadine?  As I


      recall, there is some discussion about the


      superiority of chlorhexidine used as an antiseptic


      but there is no specific recommendation of one over


      the other.


                DR. PEARSON:  Yes, that is right.  The


      current guideline actually looks at a variety and


      does not recommend one specific product over the


      other in terms of surgical site prevention.  In a


      more recent guideline around prevention of IV


      catheter-related infection we did specifically


      recommend chlorhexidine as the preferred agent for


      cutaneous antisepsis.  Povidone-iodine can be used


      as an alternative but we did recommend


      chlorhexidine preferentially, in large part because


      there are now several randomized, controlled trials


      and even a meta-analysis which shows that


      chlorhexidine was superior to povidone-iodine in


      preventing catheter-related bloodstream infection.


      I think similar rigor, at least to my knowledge, in




      terms of those kinds of head-to-head comparisons


      for prevention of surgical site infection is not




                DR. WOOD:  In the absence of any other


      questions for you, can you stay on the line?  I


      guess the sound person can hear you so if you can


      hear us you can respond to that if you want.  Will


      that work?


                DR. PEARSON:  Yes.


                DR. WOOD:  All right.  Questions for the


      other speakers then?  Yes, Dr. Larson?


                DR. LARSON:  Thank you.  I would like to


      describe what I think is the current cyclical


      scenario that we are in right now that may explain


      why it is that there is very little evidence, and I


      totally agree with that, of a link between log


      reduction, how much we need in infection and also


      whether the TFM recommended procedures are the


      right ones that we should do.


                I have been doing funded research on skin


      antisepsis since the late 1970's, right after the


      first TFM came out.  I learned in my first couple




      of studies that the healthcare personnel handwash


      recommended protocol testing in the TFM did not


      work for what I wanted to do clinically for several


      reasons.  First of all, it is very difficult to


      reproduce.  I learned that in various hands you can


      change the results you get simply by changing the


      amount of time that you allow to dry--just little,


      tiny changes in the protocol can change hugely the


      results you get.  That was concerning although I


      know that the labs that do it, do it very well but


      there is a lot of room for variability in the test.


                Secondly, we learned early on that by


      putting Serratia marcescens on the hands we could


      not decontaminate the hands after they were


      contaminated, and we found Serratia on our


      subjects' hands as far away as six days after


      putting it on.  And, we felt it was unsafe.


                Thirdly, by using paid volunteers, it


      really had very little to do with what is going on


      in field studies, etc.  So, I stopped using the


      healthcare personnel handwash protocol in the lab


      setting because it simply wasn't clinically very






                So, what happens then is you have three


      groups that can possibly fund these studies.  There


      is industry or there is NIH, or whatever.  Industry


      can't really do studies with clinical endpoints


      because they need to link up then with somebody who


      is in a clinical setting.  The labs that are doing


      the testing, are doing it very well in humans but


      not with patients, etc.  They can't do studies on


      their own with clinical endpoints unless they link


      with somebody in the clinical setting.  So, that


      leaves the researchers in clinical settings, like


      me, like John, etc.  Then we need to get funding.


      We are in academic settings and, you know, we can


      get funding from industry but the price of the


      studies is prohibitive often and there is not a lot


      of incentive to look at clinical endpoints




                In the last three years I have been the PI


      on three NIH-funded grants to look at skin


      antisepsis.  Each of those grants costs over a


      million dollars.  One of them is already published,




      and that was a study in the home setting so it is


      not relevant here.  That was published in The


      Annals of Internal Medicine.  The second one, which


      was a study comparing alcohol and CHG in neonatal


      intensive care units will be coming out in a couple


      of months in The Archives of Pediatric and


      Adolescent Medicine.  The third one, which is


      funded again for over a million dollars, is a study


      to try to assess the impact of the new CDC hand


      hygiene guideline on infection rates in 40


      hospitals.  However, this is not assessing


      efficacy; this is assessing effectiveness.


                So, one of the things we need to be clear


      about is what is FDA's interest.  Are we interested


      in assessing efficacy or effectiveness?  There is


      never going to be a clinical study that is going to


      look at efficacy because of all of the confounding


      factors, and I will be the first to admit that


      every study I have done has a lot of problems


      because there are confounders, etc., etc.


                Judging from that, I think in some


      ways--because we have been dealing with this issue




      since 1978 and I have been at several of these over


      the last decades--in some ways the horse is out of


      the barn.  Now the Joint Commission has said to


      hospitals to get accredited you have to use the


      hand hygiene guideline.  Therefore, it is not


      possible to get permission in clinical settings to


      do studies where you are comparing plain soap and


      an antiseptic soap because the hospital will not


      get accredited.  So, it is too late in some ways.


                Now, I think what has happened is that


      short-term political will has ended up, as it


      sometimes does with decisions to not fund the ideal


      study--you know, 20 years ago or whatever, if it


      were possible to do--has resulted in spending more


      money and time than we should have.  So, I think


      that the published studies will never answer the


      efficacy questions in the clinical studies that


      need to be done.


                My feeling is that our position right now


      for this committee is two choices.  NIH doesn't


      want to keep funding these studies; they are too


      expensive.  So, either FDA defines an ideal




      protocol and helps fund the study--and I know you


      are not a funding agency--because nobody else will


      do it, or we just decide that we are going to look


      at safety and efficacy and if a product meets a


      certain standard, then we keep it on the market.


      But to look at clinical effectiveness, you know,


      unless the FDA is going to chip in with a little


      bit of money, NIH is not going to keep funding


      these studies.


                DR. WOOD:  Well, I am a lot more


      optimistic than that.  I am not saying that is what


      we should do but if, for example, we recommended


      that efficacy studies were required you would find


      that industry would get them done in a heart beat.


      That has been my experience in the past.


                DR. LARSON:  Industry is doing the


      efficacy studies--


                DR. WOOD:  No, I am talking about efficacy


      in terms of clinical endpoints.  There is


      certainly, you know, plenty of experience doing


      extraordinarily complex trials by industry funding


      that have resulted in clear demonstration of




      efficacy or not.  And, all of these trials cost


      huge amounts of money, certainly many times the


      numbers you are talking about.  Any other


      questions?  Yes, Frank?


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  I was curious how the


      initial or the existing recommended log reduction


      numbers were chosen because it seems pretty clear


      that they were, in a sense, pulled out of thin air.


      That is to say, there wasn't good, hard evidence on


      which to base them certainly in terms of clinical


      endpoints.  So, there must have been some logic as


      to choosing the 1-log, 2-log, 3-log reductions as


      the specific numbers or in a sense threshold


      numbers or qualifying numbers to use as the


      criteria for judging these products.  So, that is


      part (a) of the question.


                The second, related part is why reductions


      were chosen rather than some absolute threshold


      number, rather than a relative number like a


      change.  It seems, sort of from a biological


      standpoint or clinical standpoint, that it is not


      so much whether you have dropped from a million to




      100,000 bugs but the more important point might be


      to get yourself below 100 or some other absolute




                I was curious how those decisions were


      made because, if those are the ones we are going to


      stick with, it would be nice to know that there was


      at least some reasonably compelling logic behind


      those initial decisions.


                DR. WOOD:  Well, my reading of the


      briefing book was that there was not, but does


      somebody want to add to that?


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Yes, I will take a stab.


      Basically, the effectiveness criteria evolved based


      on our experience with the evaluation of NDA data.


      Basically, our effectiveness criteria are based on


      our experience with the performance of


      chlorhexidine gluconate in studies very similar to


      the ones that are in the TFM at this point.


                DR. WOOD:  But I think what Frank is


      asking is, as I understand the briefing document,


      you sort of saw what you saw for chlorhexidine and


      you used that as a kind of standard moving forward.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Right.


                DR. WOOD:  And what he is asking is was


      there any data to link that to a clinical outcome.




                DR. LUMPKINS:  No.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Then the second


      question he was asking was are there any data that


      relate absolute numbers of colony counts, or


      something, that would--


                DR. LUMPKINS:  The unfortunate situation


      is that the virulence of these organisms varies.


      So, you can pick one but we don't really have a


      good handle for most organisms so you would be


      forced into a situation where you would pick one


      organism arbitrarily which may or may not tell you


      something about the general population.


                DR. WOOD:  Okay.  Tom, did you have a




                DR. FLEMING:  I do, and I would like to


      pose it in the context of John Powers' slide number


      36.  So, if we could take a moment to get that?


                DR. WOOD:  We will work on getting that


      slide up.  In the meantime, Mary?


                DR. TINETTI:  Two quick questions.  One,


      are there other examples like this where FDA has a


      standard for a surrogate that has never been linked


      to an outcome?  Because the other examples that you


      had in your slides, John, were all surrogates that


      were linked to a clinical outcome.




                Number two, these are all log reductions.


      Do we have any data on individual people,


      percentage of people who respond and don't respond


      to these?


                DR. POWERS:  I think what we usually try


      to do and what I tried to put in those slides as


      far as timing is that today, in our current


      regulatory environment, we would try not to do that


      where there was no link.  What we like to do for


      serious and life-threatening diseases, like for


      HIV, is propose a plausible link and then study it.


      In HIV there were actually over 5,000 patients in


      which that viral load was validated.  Actually, we


      had an advisory committee on that back in the late


      1990's.  So, it is important to realize that what I


      put up there is that this was developed in the




      1970's before any of our current regulatory




                DR. TINETTI:  I understand that but are


      there any other examples?  Is this the only




                DR. POWERS:  Not that I can think off the


      top of my head, no.  Even if there was, it is not


      an example we want to replicate.


                DR. WOOD:  Yes, Dr. D'Agostino?


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Thank you.  With regard


      to asking some questions about the design, could


      you say once again why the multiple wash is done in


      some of the studies?  Because the industry is


      suggesting dropping it and there must be something


      more compelling about that than that it was just


      historically done.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Unfortunately, a lot about


      the design is lost to time and I am not well versed


      in it.  I can tell you what I believe to be the


      case.  These are multiple use products.  These


      studies were intended to simulate the actual use of


      the products.  I almost feel like they were trying




      to get more than one piece of information from


      these studies, one of them being the effectiveness


      over time and the other one being the potential for




                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  In the studies you were


      looking at the log reduction.  We don't have an


      irritation measure that comes out.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  No, we absolutely don't but


      sponsors do routinely gather that information from


      those kinds of studies.  If you look at the


      published literature--


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  No, I understand that.  I


      am just trying to figure out why we see it in the


      recommended designs.  Thanks.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Taylor?


                DR. TAYLOR:  I would like to thank the


      presenters for their thorough presentations.  They


      were quite useful to me because after I read most


      of the big book I was a bit more confused than I


      was before I started it.  I still am to some


      degree.  I think in the initial presentation that


      Dr. Susan Johnson made, in slide 10 she pointed out




      that the current decision thresholds are based on


      NDA performance.  There decisions regarding these


      agents are very complex, as Dr. Powers so


      eloquently pointed out.  In Dr. Johnson's


      presentation, she said any change should be data




                I think if you are going to use that as


      your threshold for changes, we are in deep trouble


      because I think clinical outcomes versus these


      outcomes in these trials are quite different and it


      is just a complex situation of a moving target.


      So, I just bring that up as a point of beginning


      the discussion.  I guess my optimism is not that


      high that we could actually help you with changes


      unless they were very specific things that you


      wanted to change.


                DR. WOOD:  If you could get the slide up


      for Dr. Fleming?  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  I would like to just expand


      slightly on Dr. Powers' eloquent presentation.  One


      of the very important observations is that when you


      are looking at biomarkers, for example here, it is




      very important to understand whether, for example,


      lower levels of bacteria are associated with lower


      levels of infection.  But it is critical, as should


      be clear from this presentation, that that just


      gets your foot in the door.  That doesn't begin to


      validate the biomarker and it is entirely possible,


      if not highly likely, that you could then induce


      reductions in bacteria and not, in fact, reduce


      inductions in the infection rate.  In fact, the


      correlation that exists there might not even lead


      you to be able to conclude that it is a causal


      pathway.  I think that is expanding a big on what


      Dr. Powers was pointing out.


                A simple example of this in infectious


      disease is mother to child transmission of HIV.  We


      know that a mother that has a higher level of viral


      load has a greater risk of transmitting HIV to her


      infant.  We know the higher the level of the viral


      load, the lower her CD4 count.  So, we have strong


      correlations between the mother's CD4 count and her


      risk of transmitting HIV, and you can intervene


      with that mother in the month before labor and




      delivery and you can give IL2 and that is going to


      spike her CD4 and it is going to do nothing to


      alter the risk of transmission of HIV because it is


      not the causal mechanism by which transmission is


      occurring even though CD4 is highly correlated.


                In essence, what we need in order to be


      able to validate surrogates is precisely on this


      slide.  You need both columns.  You need trials


      that establish both the effect of the intervention


      on the biomarker, in this case log reductions in


      bacteria, and the corresponding reduction in rates


      of infection.


                Dr. Powers gave a success example of


      cholesterol lowering but it is important to drill


      down on that success example.  Gordon did a


      meta-analysis of 50 trials looking at fibrates and


      vitamins and diets and showed that it was an


      inappropriate surrogate because we were looking at


      10 percent reductions in cholesterol that didn't


      predict an effect on MI or death.  Statins came


      along with 40 percent reductions and we did see


      benefit, although as Dr. Davidoff pointed out, some




      statins actually might have other mechanisms as




                So, the message here is we need an array


      of trials that look simultaneously at what the


      level of effect is on the biomarker and what the


      level of effect is on the clinical endpoint.  If


      cholesterol lowering is any hint of what might


      happen, lower levels of effects on the biomarkers,


      maybe a 1-log reduction won't translate into


      benefit where higher will.  That remains to be seen


      but there are precedents for that type of


      phenomenon and we are only going to understand it


      when we follow this slide and we have studies that


      look at both.


                DR. WOOD:  Right, and just to add to that


      and sort of supplement what Dr. Larson was saying,


      we are spending as a country billions of dollars on


      the implementation of these strategies without


      knowing whether they work.  So, justifying spending


      the money to find out whether they work seems to me


      a relatively trivial issue.  Jan?


                DR. PATTERSON:  You know, talking about




      the CD4 count and the viral load and, you know, the


      CD4 count not being predictive of the outcome


      there, I think it is also an over-simplification to


      say that antisepsis that is a clinical endpoint in


      decrease of infections in patients because the most


      common infections that we see and monitor are


      things like surgical site infections, bloodstream


      infections, ventilator-associated pneumonias that


      we know have multiple other factors that are


      probably more important, like the devices


      themselves and all those surgical factors that Dr.


      Pearson reviewed.  But we also know that because of


      the mode of transmission of some diseases that can


      be transmitted in the hospital--conjunctivitis, for


      instance, which we know can spread like wildfire


      and can be fatal for immunocompromised patients, we


      know that is because people who have it rub their


      eyes and then touch patients and touch each other;


      and influenza which we know, and we are seeing this


      year, can go between patients and healthcare


      workers in a hospital, and multi-drug resistant


      pathogens, C. dif., all those things--you know, I




      think that antisepsis question is more pathogen


      specific than all these device-related infections


      that we typically monitor.  So, I think that saying


      that the clinical endpoint of infections overall in


      patients is a bit of an over-simplification for


      looking at antisepsis itself.


                DR. WOOD:  But isn't that also true in


      every disease?  If we pick the example of


      cholesterol, heart attacks are not just due to


      cholesterol elevation; they are due to activation


      of endothelial factors, platelet activation, and so


      on and so on, all of which eventually summate to an


      MI but cholesterol is one risk factor.  So, it


      seems to me to be true here.  We are sort of


      discussing this as though this is fundamentally


      different from every other issue and I am not


      persuaded personally that it is.


                DR. PATTERSON:  Well, I think that the


      device aspect of it--I mean, we know that, for


      instance, from bloodstream infections and


      ventilator-associated pneumonias,


      ventilator-associated pneumonias in particular, the




      device itself is the major risk factor; the same


      thing for urinary catheter infections, but the


      infection may be more likely be due to a patient's


      own flora rather than, say, a multi-drug resistant


      organism that is going around if antisepsis is in


      place.  So, I think, you know, if we are looking at


      the big picture overall of infections it is a


      little bit difficult to apply that specifically to




                DR. WOOD:  Doesn't that speak to drilling


      down more to the infections?  For instance, if you


      are going to a strategy to prevent eye to patient


      transmission you would have a specific strategy for


      that.  Surgical site infections would be something


      different.  Ventilator infections would be


      something different, like, you know, HIV versus


      cholesterol reductions or whatever.


                DR. PATTERSON:  Well, I think that is one


      of the difficulties we have been discussing because


      in every outbreak investigation intervention we


      don't just do a single factor; we do multiple




                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Dr. Powers I think


      wants to respond.


                DR. POWERS:  I wanted to get to what Dr.




      Larson said and reiterate this question too.  One


      of the things when I showed some of the things that


      may impact from an intervention going to the


      clinical outcome, down at the bottom was other


      factors that affect that clinical outcome.  If it


      turns out that those other factors--and Dr. Pearson


      enumerated a number of them--are far more important


      than what we are doing with antisepsis, that


      answers the question of effectiveness which, in


      this setting, is the paramount one.  It doesn't


      matter if we get rid of the organisms if doing that


      has minimal impact on those other mechanisms of


      disease which actually result in the actual


      clinical outcome.  So, saying that we are doing


      something--it is circular reasoning, saying doing


      something must be effective because we changed the


      organisms but all those other confounders makes it


      look like it is not.  So, I think the effectiveness


      question here, as Dr. Larson said, is very






                The other thing I wanted to get to is the


      JCAHO question, having learned all this myself in a


      regulatory agency.  The Center for Medicare and


      Medicare Services contracts to organizations like


      JCAHO to accredit hospitals.  JCAHO does not stand


      by itself and does not make those regulations.  We


      have actually worked very closely in certain


      situations with CMS, and they are very interested


      in this issue of do these products work or not


      because, as Dr. Wood said, there is an awful lot of


      money getting spent in this situation.  So, we have


      worked with them in other situations, and we have


      not discussed this particular one with them in


      terms of how do we get this information that we


      need in order to be able to know whether what we


      are doing is actually effective.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Dr. Leggett?


                DR. BRADLEY:  Two comments, one to


      elaborate on what John and Tom have been saying


      with respect to trial design and the strength of


      the evidence, certainly over the past five to ten




      years how anti-infective drugs that are


      administered systemically are evaluated has become


      much more stringent based on animal models, based


      on mathematical modeling, in vitro characteristics


      of all these anti-infectives on organisms, the


      ability of drugs to get to the tissue sites--all


      sorts of things.  It seems as though the evolution


      of this particular field began in the '70's when we


      had far fewer tools by which to evaluate things.


                In looking through the 1994 Federal


      Register document, there were some references to


      the issues raised by Frank regarding what the


      inoculum needs to be to cause an infection, and I


      saw some reference to a 1950 article in which a


      study was done where volunteers received injections


      of staphylococci into the skin to see how much you


      need to put in.  I don't think you could get that


      past our human research committee these days but


      animal model studies are now what we use in that


      context.  I couldn't find the animal models within


      those several hundred pages.  There was something


      on shaved rabbits with iodinated iodine and shaved




      primate backs, but nothing that you would expect


      where there was a surgical animal model which I


      think would be very helpful.  Even though animals


      aren't humans, it would be a first would be a first


      step.  So, the question is are there any of those


      studies that were ever done in animal models that


      could help us begin the process?


                Secondly, there was some ambiguity on


      cumulative effect of these topical antiseptics.


      From the presentation that Michelle Jackson made


      earlier, on slides 12, 13 and 14 there is a one-day


      cumulative effect for healthcare personnel


      handwashes where, as I understood it, during one


      day there are ten handwashes and they are sampling


      at the end of that tenth handwash which shows a


      three-log reduction.  That is in contrast to the


      surgical hand scrub cumulative effect in which


      there is a five-day cumulative effect sample.  When


      people say cumulative effect, those are two huge


      differences to me and I am not sure which one we


      are talking about.


                DR. WOOD:  Well, these are the proposed




      reductions rather than clinical trial demonstrated


      effects.  Right?


                DR. BRADLEY:  Industry was saying that one


      of them was in error and one of them was correct.


                DR. WOOD:  The real Dr. Leggett?


                DR. LEGGETT:  Thank you.  First let me


      respond to John.  Yes, there are animal models for


      surgical site infections.  I know the Vanderbilt


      group has also looked at that in the context of


      Staphylococcus aureus producing beta-lactamases


      that tend to degrade ceftezole more than others,


      and there are mouse models of skin and soft tissue


      infections, and that was going to be one of my


      points too.


                The other thing is in terms of other


      animal models, dogs and prophylaxis, when we talk


      about timing and tissue levels preceding our use of


      ceftezole, you know, in a wide context for surgical


      site infections.  So, I think that with a little


      digging we can find those things.


                I wanted to go back to John's slide number


      36 again in the context of what Tom talked about,




      trying to correlate clinical endpoints and


      surrogate endpoints and use of neutralizers in the


      studies.  If we are neutralizing clinicians' hands,


      why are we neutralizing for the gloves?  If there


      is a difference between chlorhexidine and soap and


      water, the study that was just passed to us last


      week showed that, quote, reduction of CFU is the


      same for just soap and water as it was for all the


      other products, something doesn't jive there.  So,


      maybe one of the rationales for which these


      products work better in terms of cutting down skin


      and soft tissue infections is because there is a


      persistent effect or something, and whether the


      cumulative effect is just that persistence effect


      magnified, it doesn't make a lot of sense


      necessarily that you need both of those measures.


                I think the problem with these models also


      is the same problem we face with antibiotic trials.


      Most clinical trials, like cholesterol, are sort of


      just the person and the drug.  Here we have the


      wash, the person and the bugs.  So, there are three


      things to look at here.  If we are going to look at




      CFU reductions, the clearest thing to look at is


      the preoperative scrub because each person is their


      own control.  Looking at some of the studies were


      you would look at ten different people and give


      them five different drugs, the confidence intervals


      are huge.  By taking a mean or median it doesn't


      make any sense if somebody gains a log when they


      wash their hands and somebody else loses five logs.


      I don't think the mean or the median means




                So, I think whatever we do decide about


      these trials, we have to make them a lot tighter


      and make the analysis a lot more logical.  For


      instance, if soap and water is our control, so our


      placebo effect, and the others don't go beyond


      placebo how do we get a delta?  I mean, what do we


      do in that sort of situation?  Tom, you may want to


      talk about that.


                Finally, I think there is a difference


      between resident pathogens and transient bacteria.


      Those two questions have to be answered separately


      because looking at the resident bacteria from that




      slide that John showed, and also knowing the


      history of having to be greater than 10                                 


                                                             5 CFUs per


      gram of tissue to create burn infections, it may be


      different for certain pathogens, but I think there


      probably is more likely to be a sigmoid curve than


      a continuous curve.


                DR. WOOD:  Tom, do you want to respond to




                DR. FLEMING:  Well, Dr. Leggett raises a


      really key question here among many of his


      important comments.  One of the questions was


      whatever we use for our control, soap and water,


      whatever it is, can we use a non-inferiority


      margin?  I think one has been proposed here of


      saying you have to rule out 20 percent of the




                First of all, we have to be very clear


      about what the effect is in the active comparator.


      Secondly, we are doing two things at the same time.


      We are using a surrogate endpoint which is


      reductions in log, and we are using non-inferiority


      trials where we are saying how much can we give up




      before it is clinically meaningful?  I often call


      the combination of surrogate endpoints and


      non-inferiority trials my worst nightmare because


      in most cases I don't have confidence in either


      one.  I don't have confidence that we know the


      surrogate is reliable, i.e., you have to know how


      many log reductions do you have to achieve in order


      to provide the benefit.  Well, to do a


      non-inferiority margin I not only have to know


      that, I also have to know the function relationship


      so well that you can tell me how much I can lose on


      that before it translates into a meaningful


      increase in infection.  Well, as we know, we don't


      have data on establishing the surrogate in the


      first place, so how can you tell me how much you


      can give up on the surrogate effect before it


      translates into something clinically meaningful on


      the clinical effect of infection rate?


                Now that I have the mike, can I just


      follow-up on a different issue that relates to some


      of the comments?  The example that I gave of


      mother-child transmission of HIV and CD4 not even




      being in the causal pathway by which the mother


      transmits HIV I think is relevant to our setting


      when we look at some of the examples here.  When we


      look at the perioperative skin preparation, when we


      look at the skin-stripping research that Dr. Powers


      was talking about, bacterial levels on superficial


      skin layers may not be the causal pathway; it may


      be at lower levels.


                Dr. Patterson raises the question about


      the endpoints.  She was basically, in my words,


      saying there may be multi-dimensional components


      that influence this risk and we may be only dealing


      with one component.  This is reminiscent to me of


      severe sepsis discussions where we have multiple


      organ failures and we can go after one of those


      components and people are complaining about don't


      ask me to improve survival because I am only


      dealing with one component.  Well, if I am dealing


      with only one component and that is not


      sufficiently multi-faceted to translate into


      clinical benefit, then the truth is I haven't


      achieved clinical benefit.  So, I have to do those




      trials to find out whether or not this intended


      biologic effect translates into truly meaningful


      clinical benefit.


                DR. WOOD:  And we do know that antibiotics


      administered prophylactically had a profound effect


      here.  So, in spite of all the other variables that


      are in play--different surgeons, different


      everything--they seem to be pretty dramatic.


                DR. FLEMING:  Could I ask one question?


                DR. WOOD:  Yes.


                DR. FLEMING:  Dr. Boyce, in your second to


      the last slide you had made the comment that there


      are no published data demonstrating the cumulative


      activity of healthcare personnel handwash agents


      and lower rates of infection.  Are we saying here


      that absence of evidence is evidence of absence?  I


      am wondering is there actual data that would


      establish that we don't have--what I would really


      be interested in is not is there absence of


      evidence but is there evidence to indicate that


      cumulative activity doesn't result in lower


      infection rates.


                DR. BOYCE:  I am not aware that there is


      any evidence of that nature either.  I don't think


      anyone has looked at the issue of cumulative




      activity to determine whether it does or does not


      impact on infection rates.  When you look at what


      happens in the hospital, when I go to make rounds


      in the morning I want whatever I clean my hands


      with to be working at eight o'clock in the morning,


      the first wash, and I am not really too concerned


      whether efficacy is greater on the 10th wash, which


      is what the protocol calls for, or the 20th or 30th


      or 40th all in one day, which is what really


      happens in the real world.  The risk of the


      patients developing an infection isn't related to


      whether you take care of them after your first wash


      or after your 10th wash.  So, frankly, I just fail


      to not only see any evidence, I fail to see the


      logic in requiring a cumulative activity in


      something that is used 20, 30 or 40 times a day


      during the work shift.


                DR. WOOD:  But the evidence that any of


      the other measures are related to reduction in




      infection isn't there either.


                DR. FLEMING:  Let me just probe that.  I


      think I am going to say the same thing but just to


      probe the logic, if I follow what you are saying,


      John, the FDA is saying that with the first wash


      you want 2-log reduction and with the 10th we want


      3, following what you are saying, I would like to


      have 3 both times.  But what they are saying is 2


      and 3, and what I hear you saying is 2 is enough at


      the first wash; we don't need the evidence at the


      10th.  I would justify that conclusion if you


      showed me data that indicated that products that


      give 2 at the first and 3 at the 10th don't give


      added benefit in preventing infection compared to


      products that give 2 at the first and 2 at the




                The reality is we don't have data on any


      of this, but given that we don't have the data on


      any of this it is hard for me to understand how we


      can advocate weakening the standard as you seem to


      be advocating for the cumulative wash.


                DR. BOYCE:  I just don't think that the




      rationale is there for requiring a cumulative




                DR. WOOD:  Let's move on.  We are not


      going to get more data, I don't think.  Terry?  And


      this is the last question before lunchtime.


                DR. BLASCHKE:  I don't know if it is a


      question or not.  I think we have heard a lot of


      epidemiologic data, and we have read a lot that


      certainly supports the idea that both handwashing


      and perhaps antibacterial handwashing is


      efficacious.  What we don't know is if it is


      efficacious in every situation.  I guess I may be


      anticipating some of the discussion that we will


      have this afternoon, and I think it goes along with


      what you were alluding to, Alastair, and that is


      that we may need to look at some sort of studies,


      enrichment studies that really allow practical


      carrying out of such clinical studies to generate


      the kind of data that I think Dr. Fleming is


      talking about.  One of the things that I think


      should be happening internally within the FDA,


      perhaps with its advisors, is to try to figure




      out--you know, rather than looking at population as


      a whole where large samples might be required,


      really to look at the clinical situations where


      transmission via healthcare workers is, in fact, at


      a higher frequency than we might actually be


      able--I mean, FDA is faced with trying to regulate,


      regulate in an even-handed way and on a level


      playing field way.


                DR. WOOD:  Let's break for lunch and be


      back at one o'clock.  We have greatly overrun this


      morning because the talks overran a lot.  I have


      asked Shalini to get us a timer for this afternoon,


      which I will enforce, and I strongly suggest that


      the FDA and all the other speakers make sure that


      they get these talks into whatever the agreed time


      is.  In fact, if there are ways to get these talks


      reduced, as we have used up so much time this


      morning, I think we should try and do that over the


      lunch break.  So, let's make sure that you don't


      overrun and, if possible, underrun because the


      timer will be running.  Let's be back here ready to


      start at one o'clock.




                [Whereupon, at 12:10 p.m., the proceedings


      were recessed for lunch, to resume at 1:00 p.m.]




                A F T E R N O O N  P R O C E E D I N G S


                          Open Public Hearing


                DR. WOOD:  We will now begin the open


      public hearing but I must first read the following:


      Both the Food and Drug Administration and the


      public believe in a transparent process for


      information gathering and decision-making.  To


      ensure such transparency at the open public hearing


      session of the advisory committee meeting, the FDA


      believes that it is important to understand the


      context of an individual's presentation.  For this


      reason, FDA encourages you, the open public hearing


      speaker, at the beginning of your written or oral


      statement, to advise the committee of any financial


      relationship that you may have with any company or


      any group that is likely to be impacted by the


      topic of this meeting.  For example, the financial


      information may include a company's or group's


      payment of your travel, lodging, or other expenses


      in connection with your attendance at the meeting.


      Likewise, FDA encourages you at the beginning of


      your statement to advise the committee if you do




      not have any such financial relationships.  If you


      choose not to address this issue of financial


      relationships at the beginning of your statement,


      it will not preclude you from speaking.


                The first speaker is Dr. Felton.  You have


      fifteen minutes and the next speaker has five




                DR. FELTON:  Good afternoon.




                The title of my talk I guess is difficult


      but it is proposal for additional intended uses and


      performance criteria for the TFM: Topical


      antimicrobials for skin site preparation prior to


      the placement of percutaneous medical devices


      intended to remain indwelling.  It is a fancy way


      of saying essentially that if you put a device


      through the skin, what performance criteria should


      you have for the topical antimicrobial.




                I am Steve Felton.  I am staff scientist


      for BD, a major manufacturer of topical,


      pharmaceutical and medical device products.




                We have gone over this a lot this morning


      so I won't go through it, except for the "and"




      part.  Under patient preoperative skin preps there


      is a subheading, pre-injection, the 1-log reduction


      in surrogate endpoint.  I would like to propose


      that we have some kind of performance criterion set


      down in the monograph which would include the


      information essentially that there is no worse or


      non-inferiority performance standard for topical


      antimicrobials with regard to risk for infection


      for indwelling devices.




                I am trying to make this as quick as I


      can.  Here are some of the examples of the devices


      that may be included in this category.  You have


      short-term peripheral catheters, central venous


      catheters, peripherally inserted central catheters,


      surgical pins, intraosseous infusion devices,


      epidural catheters for chronic pain management and


      devices for continuous ambulatory peritoneal


      dialysis.  If you got an earlier version of my




      slides, it will have abdominal and that was wrong.




                These devices have certain things in


      common.  They all go through the skin and they keep


      the hole from healing after you put them in an


      leave them in.  These devices can remain in place


      for as little as a few hours for short-term


      peripheral catheters to literally a year or more.




                These devices have significant risk of


      infection and there is information to predict the


      risk as it relates to the time and/or placement of


      the device.  Topical antimicrobials applied to the


      site prior to inserting the device have been


      demonstrated to reduce the risk of developing an


      infection and the relative efficacy of the topical


      antimicrobials is inversely related to the risk of


      infection.  By the way, these citations on this


      slide at the bottom are the same ones that Michelle


      Pearson was referring to earlier in the question


      and answer session.




                I am going to use the special case of


      catheter-related bloodstream infection just to try


      to develop my argument for why this is important.




      This particular group of vascular catheters is used


      for administration of fluids, monitoring and


      collection of blood samples.  These devices have a


      significant risk of infection.  In the better


      hospitals in the U.S. it is usually stated around


      3-5 percent.  In other institutions in the United


      States you are talking about 10 percent.  Now I am


      dealing specifically with central venous catheters,


      of course.  You go to Europe and you are talking


      about 25-40 percent infection rates.  They use the


      products a little differently over there.


                These infections are not insignificant.


      There have been estimates of between 296 million


      and 2.3 billion dollars per year in additional


      medical costs to treat and otherwise deal with


      these infections.  Mortality is between 5,000 and


      20,000 cases per year.




                Topical antimicrobials are critical for




      placement of these devices.  The major cause of


      these infections is from skin microorganisms,


      although I will say that there are minor causes


      such as infusate contamination and also breaks in


      the line at the hub, etc.  However, the topical


      antimicrobials are not intended to deal with those.


                In these studies that are shown here, they


      have proposed, especially Maki and Widmer, a large


      chain of evidence that skin microorganisms not only


      initiate these infections by colonizing the skin at


      the insertion site, and these bugs are present


      there either due to insufficient antisepsis or the


      bugs are there because the site is recolonized from


      skin bacteria adjacent.




                These microorganisms colonize the


      subcutaneous and intravascular portions of the


      device which, if no intervention occurs, can result


      in a local infection.  This can then progress to


      clinical signs, although in central venous


      catheters the clinical signs of local infection are


      not so predominant.  Sometimes you can have an




      infection that goes straight to catheter-related


      bloodstream infection with full-blown symptoms at


      the systemic level, and this does have significant


      morbidity and mortality and the added healthcare


      expenses.  You are talking about $5,000 to $40,000


      in the ICU for each one of these incidents.




                The CRBSIs have been studied extensively.


      I am just going to mention that there are some


      methods out there that have been developed and


      independently verified that seem to ways to


      diagnose catheter-related bloodstream infections,


      and investigators have shown that the efficacy of


      the topical antimicrobial can be evaluated in a


      clinical setting, and the investigators have


      compared, for example, alcohol with povidone-iodine


      to chlorhexidine in a number of these studies.


      These, again, are the same references that Dr.


      Pearson referred to.




                So, in this presentation I have primarily


      discussed central venous catheters as these devices




      are the most extensively studied.  These devices


      have significant infection rates, 3-5 percent at


      the better institutions, and significant mortality,


      5-20 percent of the subjects with clinical CRBSI.


      These infections are estimated to increase the U.S.


      healthcare cost by 2.3 billion dollars a year, up


      to that amount.


                However, percutaneous medical devices are


      all similar in that they remain in the hole through


      the skin barrier.  Therefore, any intended use


      labeling or performance criteria developed for


      CRBSI should be applicable to other percutaneous


      medical devices.  Unlike the current performance


      criteria in the TFM, the efficacy of topical


      antimicrobials intended to reduce indwelling


      percutaneous medical device infections can be


      demonstrated in clinical trials in the intended use


      population.  Therefore, the TFM should identify the


      need for and establish performance criteria for the


      clinical evaluation of indwelling percutaneous


      medical devices.  Thank you.


                DR. WOOD:  Just help me understand, you




      are not suggesting--or are you suggesting that you


      should not do clinical trials?


                DR. FELTON:  I am suggesting that for this


      particular indication clinical trials are




                DR. WOOD:  Okay.  The next speaker is Dr.


      Ijaz, who is from Microbiotest.  He has five




                DR. IJAZ:  Good afternoon.  First of all,


      I would like to thank the organizers for providing


      me this opportunity to express my views on this


      topic, which is hand hygiene and viral surrogates


      to demonstrate efficacy of topical agents against




                What I want to raise here is that we have


      been discussing microbiological surrogates but we


      have not touched viruses and that is what I want to


      raise.  I have only five minutes so I will just


      make my point very briefly.  We know the


      significance of viruses, and viruses in general


      continue to emerge and re-emerge.  If one looks at


      the past 30 years, we have seen from the '70's a




      focus on enteric viruses, hemorrhagic fever


      viruses, and in the 1980's retroviruses and in the


      '90's, you know, sin nombre and more hepatitis


      viruses, and more recently we have seen influenza


      virus and SARS emerge.


                So, the importance of viruses, from a


      morbidity and mortality point of view, globally is


      well documented, and these viruses continue to


      emerge.  Specific to this meeting, in the U.S., 5


      percent of nosocomial cases are due to viruses and


      greater than 32 percent are in the pediatric wards,


      of which RSV is the most common.


                Hands play an important role in spread of


      many virus infections and proper handwashing by


      care givers and food handlers for interruption of


      spread of viruses and other type of pathogens is


      universally recognized.  This has been demonstrated


      in intervention experimental studies, as well as


      studies conducted in the clinical setting,


      particularly dealing with the rotavirus infections


      and rhinovirus infections.  Infectious viruses have


      been recovered from naturally contaminated hands. 




      As a case in point, I can document here these


      studies dealing with hepatitis C virus, RSV, rhino


      and rotaviruses.


                Now, although the FDA's Center for Food


      Safety and Nutrition recognizes the significance of


      viruses being disseminated by food handlers and


      healthcare workers, the role played by hands in


      this regard in the TFM has not been addressed, and


      that is the issue that I want to raise.


                Proper antiseptic procedures for use for


      decontamination of hands can interrupt such


      disseminations.  The question is do viruses survive


      on hands?  We looked, in a very simple, small


      experiment, at the survival of rhinoviruses and


      BVDV which is used as a surrogate for hepatitis C


      on finger pads contaminated with these viruses.  Of


      course, all of these studies that I am reporting


      here, they have gone through IRB approval.  You can


      see that both of these viruses may survive well on


      the finger pads of human subjects for 20 minutes.


      Studies done at the University of Ottawa indicate


      that some naked and some animal viruses survive




      more than an hour on hands.


                Here is a commercial from CDC, which we


      saw in the morning session as well.  When we are


      thinking about testing topicals and their activity


      against viruses, there are a number of methods


      which are out there, and I am picking the one which


      I believe is better than the other ones to


      demonstrate efficacy of these products.  The


      methods that I am referring to have been peer


      reviewed.  The data generated by these methods have


      been published in peer reviewed journals and these


      methods are also the ones that have been approved


      by ASTM.


                I am not going to go into details of this


      method which deals with the use of finger pads to


      study the efficacy of the products.


                DR. WOOD:  I am afraid your time is up.


      Let's move on to the next speaker, who is Dr.


      Osborne, from the FDA.


                     The Quest for Clinical Benefit


                DR. OSBORNE:  Good afternoon.




                I am Steve Osborne, a medical officer in


      the Division of Over-the-Counter Drug Products.  I


      have shortened my presentation per request of the




      Chair.  You will find all the slides in the


      handout.  I have also shortened how much I am going


      to speak about each slide.  If there are any


      questions, I will be available later.  The title of


      my presentation is the quest for clinical benefit.




                We have heard Tia Frazier and some other


      members mention that obtaining clinical data from


      clinical trials of healthcare antiseptics can be a


      daunting task.  Two of the issues that we face at


      FDA in evaluating healthcare antiseptics for the


      monograph are do clinical trials assessing


      infection rates provide definitive evidence of


      clinical benefit?




                And, does the clinical evidence link


      surrogate endpoints with clinical benefit?




                First I would like to run through the




      major categories of healthcare antiseptics and give


      a quick example of each.  The alcohol symbolizes


      ETOH or IPA for isopropyl alcohol found in a Purell


      handrub or Purell instant sanitizing handwipe.


      Chlorhexidine gluconate, or CHG, is found as 2


      percent or 4 percent.  The trade name is Hibiclens


      or Hibiprep--iodine or iodophor--we all know PI or


      betadine.  Triclosan is found in the Gojo


      antimicrobial lotion soap.




                The quaternary ammonium compounds, as an


      example there is benzalkonium chloride, known as


      Zephiran.  Chlroxylenol is found in the wash and


      dry towelette; and triclocarban is found in the


      common Safeguard soap.




                I won't dwell on this slide but it shows


      the antimicrobial spectrum of the common antiseptic


      categories.  It is from the CDC 2002.  What the


      slide shows is that the antimicrobial spectrum is


      broad for most of these products, except for


      gram-negative activity with the phenols and




      gram-positive activity with the quaternary


      ammonium.  The time frame fast, intermediate or


      slow is not exactly defined but for fast you can


      think of as seconds; intermediate as seconds to


      minutes; and slow as minutes to hours.




                The citizen's petition and comments were


      submitted to FDA in 2001 and 2003 by the industry


      coalition made up of the Soap and Detergent


      Association, or SDA, and the Cosmetic, Toiletry,


      and Fragrance Association, or CTFA.  A citizen's


      petition is the process whereby the public or


      someone can ask that FDA change the monograph.  The


      coalition submitted references and requested that


      FDA lower the efficacy standards.




                Two broad categories were encompassed by


      155 abstracts and articles.  They were invasive


      procedures such as surgery, or non-invasive


      procedures such as using a handwash to reduce


      nosocomial infections.




                Of the 155 articles and abstracts, 58


      percent covered handwashes; 26 percent were patient


      preop preps; and 16 percent were surgical scrubs.




      Overall, the weight of the evidence of clinical


      benefit was not persuasive for changing the current


      efficacy criteria.  As a common thread, there was


      no link between surrogate endpoints and infection






                This is a summary of some of the


      limitations in these studies when you look at them


      in the context of our monograph process.  Not each


      study had each limitation; some had more than one.


      The common thread, as mentioned, was that surrogate


      endpoints were not correlated with the clinical


      outcome.  Some of the studies were not randomized.


      They might have gone back 30 or 40 years in some


      instances.  A placebo was not used in some of them


      or a control.  On occasion they were retrospective,


      without a comparator or whatever happened before


      that period of time.


                Multiple confounders might have been




      present.  You can think of that as when you


      introduce a new healthcare antiseptic, for example


      a handwash, but at the same time introduce a


      training program involving posters, reminders,


      brochures, etc., such that when you later try to


      look at infection rates you are not sure if what


      you have done is simply helped the infection rate


      with the antiseptic or whether you have changed the


      behavior of the subjects in the test.


                Inadequately powered, and we will see that


      in one of the studies by Luby.  No statistics.


      That is not so common in the last few years but it


      does make it difficult to test your hypothesis if


      that is the case.  Lack of standardization of


      product use--this is complicated.  When you


      introduce, for example a handwash, you don't always


      have the capacity to regulate how much of the


      handwash people use, nor how long they use it in


      terms of the washing cycle.  Irregular patterns of


      data collection--one study looked at 26 hospitals


      using a healthcare antiseptic and only 13 returned


      data for later analysis.


                Failure to address the TFM indication.


      This is a complicated thing but if the study is


      looking at something that is not specifically the




      way the TFM has the indication for the handwash


      patient preop prep or surgical scrub, then we


      cannot use that study in making a regulatory


      decision.  Examples would be if a healthcare


      antiseptic is used in acne applications or, as we


      heard earlier, in a patient preoperative shower,


      which is not a TFM indication.


                I am going to show some examples of


      studies from the industry coalition and from three


      literature reviews performed at FDA.  I would like


      to emphasize that these studies are notable


      examples trying to analyze the answers to important


      clinical questions.  They are not being criticized.


      However, for one set of the study or other they


      have a limitation where, by the design of the


      study, we at FDA are not able to use the results


      from it to make a regulatory decision for the






                Maki et al., in 1991, looked at catheter


      infections and Luby et al., in 2002, looked at


      impetigo.  First the Maki study.




                It was randomized, unblinded study in 668


      subjects with IV catheters, all of which were




      central venous or atrial.  Two percent


      chlorhexidine gluconate was compared with 10


      percent povidone-iodine and 70 percent isopropyl


      alcohol.  The agents were applied before insertion


      of the catheter and then every 48 hours thereafter


      until the catheter was removed.




                When the catheter was removed, endpoints


      looked at were the local infection rate and


      bacteremia.  For the local infection rate, it was


      designed as greater than 15 colony-forming units at


      the catheter tip upon removal, and that is


      synonymous with catheter colonization.  The


      infection rate locally was 2.3 percent for CHG


      versus 7.1 percent for alcohol and 9.1 percent for


      PI, and that was statistically significant in favor




      of chlorhexidine gluconate.


                The harder endpoint of bacteremia had a


      total of 10 cases out of the 668 catheters.  This


      is a rare occurrence, in other words.  One was


      found with CHG, 3 with alcohol, 6 with


      povidone-iodine, and the difference was not


      significant.  As you can see, when you have a low


      incidence of an endpoint it is difficult sometimes


      to show a difference between products.




                However, there was no correlation between


      reduction of bacteria at the site of the catheter


      insertion with the resulting infection rate in the


      individuals receiving the catheter, and therein


      lies the limitation if you try to apply it to what


      we need at FDA.


                The application of the antimicrobial


      post-catheter insertion limits the ability to


      relate to a monograph application, which is to


      apply the product, insert the catheter and then


      perhaps later simply to look at infection rates.


      Applying it every 48 hours confounds the result.




                Luby, I am going to pass over because of








                Dr. Michelle Jackson, who we heard from


      earlier, performed a literature review on surgical


      hand scrubs.  Over 300 articles were screened for


      clinical benefit.  None conclusively linked


      reduction in bacteria with reduction in infection






                Examples are Bryce et al., 2001, that


      looked at a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol leave-on


      product in 70 scrubs by surgeons, the people who


      know how to do the scrubbing.  This was an in-use


      hospital evaluation and 14 mL of the product was


      used over 3 minutes and compared to 4 percent CHG


      and 7.5 percent PI in reducing bacteria.  The


      endpoint was postop bacterial counts on the hands


      of the surgeons.  No infection rates were studied


      in the patients.




                Parienti et al., 2002, performed a


      hand-rubbing with alcohol leave-on solution and


      looked at the 30-day surgical site infection rate


      later.  This was a randomized, crossover


      equivalence trial comparing the 75 percent alcohol


      leave-on product with the standard 4 percent PI and




      4 percent CHG as surgical scrubs.  Six surgical


      services and 4,287 patients were looked at.




                The surgical site infection rate was 2.44


      percent with alcohol versus 2.48 percent with the


      combination of PI pus CHG.  That was not


      significantly different.  The scrub time compliance


      was better with the alcohol rub.  So, that goes


      along with what some other people have said, that


      the alcohol might be better tolerated.  Surgical


      site infection microscopic was not provided, and


      the surgeon who reported the surgical site


      infection in the patient was not blinded.




                Another member of our division, Dr. Collen


      Kane Rogers, performed a literature review of




      healthcare personnel handwashes from 1994 to 2004,


      and 222 studies were reviewed for clinical benefit


      or efficacy.  None showed a definitive link between


      bacterial reduction and reduction in infection






                An example of an interesting study is


      Swoboda et al., 2004.  This was a 3-phase, 15-month


      evaluation incorporating an electronic monitor,


      that is, to see if the patients were actually


      washing their hands and then to voice prompt and


      remind them to do so.  So, approximately a 6-month


      monitoring period, followed by voice prompt, and


      then a monitoring period was conducted.  Compliance


      with handwashing improved by 35 percent in the


      second phase versus the first, and by 41 percent in


      the third phase versus the first.  Patients were


      colonized--not necessarily sick but colonized by


      either methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus or


      vancomycin-resistant enterococcus in 19 percent of


      the initial phase, 9 percent of the second, 11


      percent of the third phase, indicating that perhaps




      there was a trend towards lower colonization.


      Again, you don't know though whether this is a


      change in behavior but that is what the study was


      looking at.




                Another member, Dr. Peter Kim, from the


      Division of Anti-Infective Drug Products, looked at


      400 articles in the patient preoperative


      literature, and in this review searched for


      bacterial log reduction data post scrub compared


      with pre-scrub, and then in the same article,


      searched for surgical site infection rates.




                The majority of these studies were


      performed in animals and that answers the question


      brought up by a panel member earlier.  None of


      these studies found a link between colony-forming


      units of bacteria in surgical site infections.




                A secondary topic looked at in this review


      addressed the question is there a minimum number of


      bacteria in a wound that predisposes to infection? 




      This is a 100,000 bacteria or 10                                        


                                          5 rule that we have


      all heard about through the years.  Of course, this


      may vary with the type of bacteria, 10                                  


                                                          5 Staph. epi.


      is not the same, of course, as even 100 shigella.




                On this threshold for infection, Kass, in


      '57, looked at 2,000 patients for pyelonephritis


      and found all of them had over 100,000 bacteria,


      and a similar thing with UTI patients.


                Krizek, in 1967, showed a 94 percent graft


      success rate when the pre-graft bacterial count was


      less than 100,000/gram of tissue.  That was brought


      up earlier by a panel member.  And, the rate would


      go as low as a 20 percent graft success if there


      were more than 100,000 bacteria/ gram.




                From this review, Cronquist et al. has an


      interesting study in 2001 of 609 neurosurgery


      patients undergoing craniotomy or


      ventriculo-peritoneal VP shunt.  This study looked


      at pre-scrub and post-scrub bacterial counts from


      the head and the back.




                From the head, pre-scrub was 4.13 log and


      from the back 2.39 log of bacteria.  Post-scrub was




      0.63 and 0.54.  The agents used in this study were


      PI scrub followed by isopropyl alcohol wipe off and


      then a PI paint.




                Twenty surgical site infections were


      noted, 19 from the craniotomies, and these involved


      mostly staph. species and Propionibaceterim acnes.


      No correlation was found between the pre-scrub or


      the post-scrub counts in surgical site infection


      rates.  Remember from that slide that all of these


      counts were less than 105.




                So, I return to two key issues FDA faces,


      do clinical trials assessing infection rates


      provide definitive evidence of clinical benefit?




                And, does the clinical evidence link


      surrogate endpoints with clinical benefit?  These


      are issues for the panel to discuss.


                I would like to next introduce Dr. Thamban


      Valappil, from the Office of Biostatistics in the


      Division of Biometrics III, who will discuss some


      of the statistical issues.


                DR. WOOD:  Thanks very much for getting


      that done so quickly.




                  OTC-TFM Monograph Statistical Issues


                      of Study Design and Analysis


                DR. VALAPPIL:  Thank you, Dr. Osborne.


      Good afternoon.




                I am Thamban Valappil, statistician in the


      Division of Biometrics III.




                Now I will go over some of the statistical


      issues and limitations of the study design and


      analysis in the OTC TFM monograph.  The outline of


      my presentation is as follows: introduction;


      summary of statistical issues; current TFM trial


      design and analyses with surrogate endpoints;


      statistical issues of study design and analyses;


      options for trial design and efficacy criteria




      using surrogate endpoints.




                Introduction--previous presentations on


      issues involved in validating surrogate endpoints,


      in the absence of clinical trials data, FDA still


      needs to address current products under review.


      This talk discusses issues related to analysis of


      data obtained on surrogate endpoints.  It does not


      address clinical relevance of statistical findings


      or differences in analysis of data based on


      surrogate endpoints.




                Now I am going to discuss briefly the


      summary of statistical issues.  The primary


      endpoint is the log reduction in bacterial counts


      from baseline.  It is a surrogate endpoint and its


      clinical relevance has not been validated, as I


      said earlier.


                Data analysis and variability


      issues--there are a couple of different ways we can


      look at the data.  One way is using the binary


      endpoint, which is the percent of subjects who meet




      the threshold log reduction and the other one is


      using log reduction in bacterial counts.  However,


      in each of them there are advantages and




                Log reductions are continuous, numerical


      data with relatively large variability.  The


      current TFM recommends mean as the measure to


      analyze the spread in the data.  However, median


      would be another possible option although it is not


      mentioned in the current TFM.


                Study design and controls--currently, a


      non-comparative study design has been used in which


      the test product is not directly compared to the


      active control.  Vehicle and active controls are


      mentioned in the current TFM, however, the role of


      these controls is not well defined.




                This table shows a brief layout of what is


      available in the current TFM.  Use of various


      controls is mentioned under the surgical hand scrub


      section of the monograph.  But for preoperative


      skin preparations and healthcare personnel handwash




      only active control is recommended.


                For comparing the mean log reductions


      t-tests are recommended.  Under preoperative skin


      preparations, a confidence interval approach based


      on the difference in success rates between the test


      product and the active control has also been




                However, it is important to note that in


      the current TFM the efficacy criteria do not use


      any of these statistical tests, except using the


      mean log reductions to meet a threshold value.  The


      last column displays the sample size required for


      each of these documents.




                A brief layout of the current TFM


      recommendations are as follows.  TFM currently


      recommends randomized and blinded trials, also


      recommending use of active, vehicle and/or placebo


      controls.  However, in the current TFM a


      non-comparative study design is used in which the


      test product is not directly compared to the active


      or vehicle control.  Mean log reduction meeting the




      threshold log reduction has been used to


      demonstrate efficacy.




                Although vehicle and placebo controls are


      mentioned in the current TFM, the majority of the


      NDAs only have test product and active control


      arms.  Active controls have only been used for


      internal evaluation of the study methods.  Efficacy


      assessment does not include a direct comparison of


      test product performance to active control, vehicle


      or placebo controls.




                Statistical issues of study design and


      analysis--currently, the TFM recommends using log


      reduction from baseline as the primary endpoint and


      it can be influenced by few extreme observations.


      As a suggestion, we could discuss median log


      reduction as another possible option.  Median is


      less sensitive to extreme log reductions or


      outliers.  It is shown here in parentheses as the


      current TFM does not specify it.




                The efficacy criteria in the current TFM


      are based on point estimates and do not include


      confidence intervals to evaluate variability.




      Consequently, a few extreme observations can


      potentially drive the efficacy results.




                Now let us look at this figure which shows


      the log reduction in bacterial counts using the


      threshold approach.  This is just an example to


      illustrate the potential problems if the


      variability of the data has not been considered.


      Here the threshold is set to logs, as marked by the


      blue dotted line.  There are 18 subjects and 14/18,


      78 percent, of the subjects, marked in red, have


      failed to meet the threshold.  As you can see, only


      4 subjects, marked in blue, are basically driving


      the results to meet the required log reduction.


      Instead of mean, if we use the median, which is 1.7


      log, this study would have failed to meet the


      threshold log reduction.




                Now let us look at a few examples to




      illustrate the importance of controlling


      variability and the roles of active and vehicle


      controls.  In this figure, for illustrative


      purposes, if we look at the point estimates, as


      done based on the current TFM, the test product may


      seem better than the active control  however, when


      we consider variability, the confidence interval


      for the test product and the active control


      overlaps, as you can see in the next figure.




                As you can see here, the confidence


      intervals for the active control and the test


      product overlap and both are better than vehicle.


      As Dr. Powers has pointed out, it is not how you


      define the threshold but how you analyze the that


      data is important.


                For simplicity, in this figure the


      confidence intervals of the individual products are


      displayed rather than the confidence intervals


      around the treatment differences.  It should be


      noted that demonstrating superiority in this


      situation is a mechanism to control variability but




      that does not address the issue of clinical


      relevance.  Let us take another example.




                Here the confidence interval for the test


      product and the active control overlaps and it


      meets the threshold based on the current TFM.


      However, if we introduce the vehicle control the


      test product appears no better than vehicle.


      Therefore, it is important to incorporate a vehicle


      or placebo control in the trial design.




                The current TFM has recommended using


      binary outcomes, however, the efficacy criteria are


      not based on binary outcomes.  Accordingly, a


      subject will be classified as a success or a


      failure based on meeting the threshold log




                These are advantages and disadvantages in


      using this approach.  The advantages are that the


      outcome will be centered on number of subjects and


      not on organisms, which provides greater confidence


      that it is meeting the threshold.  Also, the effect




      of variability will be reduced.  However, one


      disadvantage will be that this method does not


      differentiate the magnitude of log reductions among


      those who meet the criteria for success.




                Let us look at this example.  In this


      figure, based on binary outcome, 90 percent of the


      subjects, marked in blue, meet the threshold


      reduction and provide greater confidence that it is


      meeting the threshold compared to the small chart,


      as you can see in the upper left-hand corner, in


      which only a few subjects meet the threshold.




                Now let us consider one of the agency


      approved study data.  This table is based on an NDA


      approved for surgical hand scrubs.  All met the


      required log reduction except for active product


      number 2 on day 5.  Also, the success rates widely


      vary among the 3 products and mask the difference


      among the median and mean.  On day 2, if you


      notice, the success rate goes from 100 percent for


      the test product to 45 percent for the active




      control product number 2, as highlighted.  however,


      they all meet the required mean log reduction.  You


      will also notice that if the success rate is


      higher, mean and median does not make much of a


      difference.  But if the success rate is low, the


      median is much more conservative since it is not


      influenced by extreme outliers.




                Sample size issues--in the current TFM


      sample size is estimated based on allowing a test


      product to be as much as 20 percent worse than the


      active control in the mean log reduction.  However,


      the basis for the 20 percent margin is not clearly


      stated.  Majority of the current submissions do not


      follow the recommended sample size as specified in


      the TFM and only use a sample size of about 30


      subjects per treatment arm.




                There are several issues that need to be


      addressed before the design and efficacy criteria


      are discussed.  The various issues are, issue


      number one, how to analyze the data obtained on the




      surrogate endpoint of log reductions in bacteria.


                Issue number two, how to take into account


      the variability in the data collected when


      measuring effect of the product.


                Issue number three, how to take into


      account the variability in the test methodology.




                Now let us go through the issues in


      detail.  The first issue is how to analyze the data


      obtained on the surrogate endpoint of log


      reductions in bacteria.  There are three options,


      mean, median and percent of subjects who meet the


      threshold.  Please note that these are all for




                As we know, mean log reduction can be


      easily influenced by extreme observations.


      However, median log reduction is less sensitive to


      outliers or extreme observations.  For percent of


      subjects who meet the log reduction criteria the


      outcome is centered on number of subjects who meet


      the threshold and may provide incentive to study


      conditions of use that provide highest success




      rates.  Also, it provides greater confidence that


      it is meeting the threshold.




                The next issue is how to take into account


      the variability in the data collected.  There are


      two options.  Option one, we can examine the


      outcomes as defined on the previous slide with a


      threshold for lower bound of the confidence


      interval.  There is a pro and con in using this


      method.  The pro in using this will be an


      improvement over examination of point estimates


      alone.  The con is that it does not take into


      account the variability in the method.


                The second option is to examine confidence


      intervals around the treatment difference between


      the test product and some control.  Her the pro is


      that it allows for examination of variability in


      the methodology across treatment arms.  The con is


      that it may require a larger sample size for


      products with lower success rates.




                Issue number three, how to take into




      account variability in the test methodology.  There


      are two options.  Option one is equivalence or


      non-inferiority showing that the test product is no


      worse than the active control by some clinically


      meaningful margin.  The pro is that it allows for


      comparison with an active control treatment to rule


      out loss of effect relative to active control.  The


      con is that it lacks constancy of effect of active


      control in previous studies, possible overlap of


      effect of active and test product with the vehicle


      and, hence, no basis to select a clinically


      meaningful non-inferiority margin.


                The other option is to test for


      superiority of test product to the vehicle and


      superiority of active control to the vehicle.  The


      pro is that given lack of constancy of effect with


      both active control and vehicle control, it allows


      internal validity of comparisons.  The con is that


      it may require a larger sample size than current


      TFM standards.  How large a sample size will depend


      on the product efficacy over the vehicle.




                Controlling variability in test


      methodology--to address these issues, let us


      consider a 3-arm trial design which includes the




      vehicle, the active control and the test product.


      It is important to note that the test product and


      active control both demonstrate superiority to the


      vehicle.  Also, it is important to note that there


      are multiple sampling times and, accordingly, there


      is multiple hypothesis testing involved.  The


      superiority of the test product will be


      demonstrated only if all tests are statistically






                This figure shows the sample size


      requirement for the superiority test over the


      vehicle using a binary endpoint.  As success rates


      increase, as you can see in the figure, and the


      treatment difference over the vehicle is large, the


      required sample size is much less.


                For example, if the success rate for the


      test product is 90 percent and the treatment


      difference compared to vehicle is 10 percent, then




      a sample size of 199 subjects per treatment arm is


      required.  Similarly, for a 20 percent treatment


      difference, 62 subjects, and for a 30 percent


      treatment difference, 32 subjects are required per


      treatment arm.  Therefore, the message is that more


      effective products require smaller number of






                With this, I conclude my presentation and


      thank you for your attention.  Now I would like to


      thank Dr. Daphne Lin, Statistical Team Leader and


      Acting Deputy Director of the Division Biometrics


      III, for her valuable contributions.  Thank you.


                DR. WOOD:  Could you put slide 13 back up?


      I don't understand why you would ever want to do a


      non-inferiority trial for a surrogate like this.  I


      mean, surely you would always do it against




                DR. VALAPPIL:  I am not proposing a


      non-inferiority trial.  This is just an example to




                DR. WOOD:  Yes, I mean, the reason you




      normally would do a non-inferiority trial is where


      it would be unethical to do a study.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  This is not a


      non-inferiority.  The active is just for internal


      validation.  The active doesn't have to be compared


      against the test.


                DR. WOOD:  Oh, I see.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  It is confused I think


      the way he has it, but isn't it just--


                DR. WOOD:  Let me rephrase the question.


      It seems to me there is no justification for ever


      not doing a study in a surrogate where you don't


      have just the vehicle as the control.  All these


      numbers on your last slide look pretty trivial to


      me given the numbers we see in other studies, and


      this is a very easy study to do so I don't see what


      the issue is here.


                DR. FINCHAM:  Alastair, may I ask a




                DR. WOOD:  Yes.


                DR. FINCHAM:  On your slide 16 you go


      through study number 1.  Is this hypothesis data?


                DR. VALAPPIL:  No, this is real data.


      This is the data collected from one of the NDAs we


      have approved.




                DR. FINCHAM:  Is it confidential or is it


      not referenced because of that?


                DR. VALAPPIL:  I cannot address the study.


                DR. WOOD:  So, where is the vehicle


      control there?           DR. VALAPPIL:  Actually,


      number two is the vehicle control; but it is not


      actually vehicle.


                DR. WOOD:  That is a study you received


      that didn't have a vehicle control in it?  Is that




                DR. VALAPPIL:  The purpose of this slide


      is to show you the difference in the mean and


      median, and also to find out the difference in the


      success rates.


                DR. POWERS:  You are pointing out an


      important point, there are no vehicles in these and


      that is what Dr. Wood is actually asking.


                DR. WOOD:  I thought that was the question


      I was asking and I am getting a very confused




      answer.  Are you looking at studies here that do


      not contain vehicle control?  Yes or no?  Yes.  Is


      that right?


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  But can I ask a question?


      Are you suggesting that in the future studies


      should be done with the real vehicle, or are you


      saying that what you are calling a vehicle is


      somehow or other a low-level active?


                DR. VALAPPIL:  No, no, that is not what we


      are proposing, but I think it would be better to


      have the vehicle incorporated in the trial design


      so we know what is the product effect compared to


      the test product.


                DR. WOOD:  Put up slide 7 again.  As I


      read what you have there, it says the current


      TFM--maybe I am reading it wrong--recommends that


      you can do a study just with active control.  Am I


      reading that wrongly?


                DR. VALAPPIL:  No.  What I was trying to


      tell you is that--


                DR. WOOD:  No, wait, are we reading that


      wrongly?  Can you do a study right now with just




      active control?


                DR. JOHNSON:  Yes.


                DR. WOOD:  Yes is the answer.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  But you don't have to


      contrast the active with the test.  You ask the


      question does the active exceed the threshold and,


      if it does, you say you have internal validation.


      Then you ask does the test exceed the threshold,


      and you never make the comparison of active with


      the test.  Is that right?


                DR. JOHNSON:  That is correct also.


                DR. WOOD:  I guess that is the point I am


      making, it is crazy.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Can I just jump in here?


      If you do a test where you have the vehicle, the


      active and the test, you look at the active versus


      vehicle; you look at the test versus vehicle; and


      you hope both of those are significant.  At that


      point, you still also need the log reduction for


      the clinical, but we don't know what clinical


      significance means because we don't know how to tie


      it, but that would be one possibility.  Then you




      would have to do that for every single time period.


                DR. VALAPPIL:  Right.


                DR. WOOD:  We can take questions for all


      of these now.  Any other questions?


                DR. FINCHAM:  I don't think our speaker


      ever got the chance to answer the question that was


      asked.  Could he do that?


                DR. VALAPPIL:  Yes, what was the question,


      please?   DR. FINCHAM:  Well, I think


      everybody else answered the question that was meant


      for you but I don't think you answered the


      question.  I don't think he had a chance.


                DR. VALAPPIL:  If you can repeat the


      question I will be able to answer that.


                DR. WOOD:  Which question?  Sorry?


                DR. FINCHAM:  Well, I think that you both


      have dealt with it and you referred to the slide


      that is up there now, and I just didn't know


      whether you agreed with what was answered.


                DR. POWERS:  Can I help with this?  There


      are several options within the TFM as to what you


      can do.  Believe me, it is confusing to us too.  In




      the statistical section of the TFM it states that


      you can do essentially what is a non-inferiority


      trial based on a surrogate endpoint with a 20


      percent margin.  In other places in the TFM it


      states that you just need to meet a log reduction.


                So, what it really does is present you


      with several options.  There is also one part in


      the TFM that says you can also use vehicle but it


      doesn't tell you what to do with the information


      and the vehicle.  So, if it is confusing to you, it


      is because it is confusing and there are several


      options put out there and it does not specify which


      one you should use.


                DR. WOOD:  It is always reassuring to not


      be uniquely confused I guess.  All right, any other




                DR. SNODGRASS:  I just have a brief


      comment.  It sounds like we should go back to the


      "paperwork reduction act."  You know, you just go


      back to the drawing board and get rid of the past


      TFMs and you start over.


                DR. WOOD:  It is two o'clock; don't get




      too ambitious!




                All right, let's move on to the next


      speaker, and the next two speakers are going to


      present the industry's view, and the first speaker


      is George Fischler, and we are generously going to


      give each of you 23 minutes, which is one minute




                         Industry Presentation


          The Value of Surrogate Endpoint Testing for Topical


                         Antimicrobial Products


                DR. FISCHLER:  And just to start this off,


      how do you think we feel?




                Good afternoon.  I am George Fischler, the


      manager of microbiology for the Dial Corporation.




                Today I am speaking on behalf of the Soap


      and Detergent, and Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance


      Association Industry Coalition.  The SDA/CTFA


      coalition has previously submitted several detailed


      comments and has had extensive interchange with FDA




      in response tot he June 17, 1994 tentative final


      monograph, the TFM, for healthcare antiseptic drug


      products.  I will be speaking on the value of


      surrogate endpoint testing.  I will then be


      followed by Jim Bowman of Hill Top Research, who


      will talk on statistical issues.  We will then be


      happy to answer any questions.




                During this time, the science surrounding


      topical antimicrobial skin antiseptics has


      continued to advance.  Much of the original


      analysis done on the use of healthcare antiseptic


      drug products was developed in the 1970's.  Both


      infection control practice and test methodologies


      have undergone changes, and the testing and


      evaluation of these products must be done in the


      light of current practice.


                The coalition has been at the forefront of


      much of this evolution.  While the basic


      perspective of the coalition has not fundamentally


      changed since 1995, we believe that our current


      position and recommendations, updated to include




      new information, data and further validation of


      test methods outlined in the TFM, are well-grounded


      in the latest science.  Our recommendations do not


      represent a lowering of efficacy standards but,


      rather, matching surrogate endpoints with current


      practice, and this is a very important point.  We


      appreciate the opportunity to summarize our


      perspective and look forward to continuing dialog


      towards finalizing a monograph that establishes


      appropriate test methodology and performance


      criteria representative of a threshold of clinical


      effectiveness for this important category of


      healthcare drugs.  Our presentation will cover the


      following topics.




                A basic premise of the monograph system is


      that certain, well-defined categories of drug


      products that have been determined as safe and


      effective may be marketed without FDA pre-approval,


      as compared to the NDA system which requires that


      individual formulated drugs undergo separate review


      and approval prior to marketing.  A key challenge




      of the monograph that addresses healthcare


      antiseptics is the determination and demonstration


      of efficacy for a category of drug products that


      encompasses several distinct active ingredients


      across a range of indications.




                Our first key point is that definitive


      randomized and controlled clinical trials,


      typically used to assess therapeutic benefit are


      not practical in measuring the prophylactic


      benefits of topical antimicrobial products.




                Investigators in this area have stated


      that definitive, classical, prospective, randomized


      and controlled clinical trials typically used to


      assess therapeutic benefits are not practical in


      measuring prophylactic benefits of antimicrobial






                Human clinical trials have a number of


      issues that can blur any potential efficacy result


      and can cause the size of the study to become so




      large that it is impractical, impossible or


      unethical to conduct.  For example, the incidence


      of infection should be directly related to a


      specific dose of organisms that causes a particular


      infection.  We have heard a lot about that today.


      Nmerous mitigating factors influence whether an


      infection can become established, including the


      immunological status of the host, the route of


      infection, direct or indirect transfer of the


      infectious agent, etc., and we heard a lot more of


      these confounding factors here today.


                In addition--and this, again, is a key


      differentiator particularly of handwashing--the


      primary target of antiseptic handwashing is not the


      individual using the product.  Rather, it is to


      prevent the transmission of pathogens within a


      relatively large specific population, healthcare


      providers, thus improving public health.  Within


      that context, many factors not directly related to


      the efficacy of the product must be considered,


      primary amongst them being compliance.  It is


      paramount in the development of antiseptic




      handwashes or rubs that acceptance, whether through


      convenience or mildness, is always an important


      consideration when formulating such products.


      Manufacturers have made significant improvements in


      dispensing systems, product forms such as foams,


      and the mildness profile of products meant to be


      used repeatedly.  In addition, many manufacturers


      have sponsored studies aimed at looking at ways to


      improve hand hygiene compliance.


                All of these factors make it


      difficult--and I think that is an


      understatement--to calculate the level of bacterial


      reduction needed to demonstrate the benefit from


      the use of primarily prophylactic agents.  For


      these and other reasons, alternatives to classical,


      prospective, randomized and controlled clinical


      trials must be used for evaluating these topical




                Fortunately, there is a substantial body


      of scientific evidence that demonstrates the public


      health and clinical benefit of using topical


      antimicrobial products in healthcare settings. 




      Such a benefit has been demonstrated repeatedly


      through studies of bacterial transmission and


      infection rate reduction.  These data allow for


      determination of effectiveness by benchmarking


      current antimicrobial products.




                Our second key point is that standardized,


      defined and peer-reviewed test methodologies ensure


      reliability, reproducibility and comparability of


      test results.  For the purposes of a monograph, it


      is necessary to establish efficacy methodology and


      criteria that ensure effectiveness of topical


      antiseptics.  Surrogate testing provides such a


      methodology.  Such testing encompasses both in


      vitro and in vivo methodologies, and extensive


      comments have previously been submitted to the FDA


      on their validity.  We shall be presenting some of


      these data from the published literature, and some


      of these will be repeats of what you heard so I


      will jump through them rather fast but there are


      some key points to bring out from them.  It is


      apparent that over the years many different and




      incomparable test methods have been used to assess


      effectiveness.  The efficacy of topical


      antimicrobial products can be defined as the


      prevention or reduction of risk of bacterial






                The FDA, in 1978, found that the reduction


      of the normal flora, both transient and resident,


      has been sufficiently supported to be considered a


      benefit.  The only determination that remains,


      therefore, is how much of a reduction in microbial


      flora will be required to permit claims for the


      various product classes.


                Thus, the agency has previously embraced


      reduction of skin flora by a prespecified amount as


      a valid surrogate endpoint for the efficacy of


      topical antimicrobial products in a clinical


      setting.  Healthcare personnel handwashes or


      waterless hand rub preparations are largely


      designed for the removal of transient


      microorganisms from the skin.  These products are


      used in a clinical setting in an uncontrolled




      manner, with little regard for the dosage, the


      amount applied during handwashing, exposure time,


      repeat interval, or the amount of water used if the


      product is intended to be used with water.


                Due to the nature of product use,


      demonstration of efficacy in these products in an


      actual use setting would be, by definition,


      uncontrolled and, therefore, poorly suited for


      study by classical methods.  Therefore, these


      products are tested in a controlled manner by


      procedures such as the ASTM Healthcare Antiseptic


      Handwash test, the E1174, or in Europe by the


      EN-1499 and EN-1500 handwash and hand rub methods


      that similarly employ surrogate endpoints.




                Although the basic ASTM E1174 framework


      has been in use for many years and has served as


      the basis for approval of many currently marketed


      NDA products, researchers have modified it, and we


      have heard a lot about that, and the method itself


      has undergone rigorous review within ASTM and


      several improvements to minimize test variability




      have been instituted.  The importance of complete


      and immediate neutralization of active ingredient


      is foremost among these changes.  Incomplete or


      delayed neutralization can have the effect of


      overestimating ingredient efficacy.  This is shown


      by a study that looked at a direct comparison of


      test versions.




                The test versions were the current ASTM


      method, as it is published in ASTM, the ASTM method


      as it was published prior to 1994, which is a


      method that was used for many of these NDAs, and


      the method as published in the 1994 TFM.  I will


      compare three primary parameters, inoculum


      application, neutralization and timing of the


      baseline enumeration.


                I am going to take a little time to go


      through this slide because I think this is very


      important to understand.  In the first column we


      have the inoculum addition.  The current ASTM


      method calls for applying the inoculum to the hand


      in 3 1.5 mL aliquots.  This is the culture of




      Serratia marcescens.  That is done in order to


      minimize variability in the baseline because it is


      very difficult to keep 4.5 mL or 5 mL of liquid in


      the hand without spilling some into the sink.  So,


      applying it in smaller amounts helps give you a


      baseline that is much less variable.


                The timing of the baseline


      measurement--this is particularly important when it


      comes to the 1994 TFM method as written.  As you


      heard Michelle Jackson talk this morning, the way


      the test is done is that a cleansing wash is


      performed to familiarize the subjects with the wash


      procedure.  Following that, the hands are


      inoculated with the Serratia.  In the 1994 TFM, as


      it is written, it is then followed by another


      cleansing wash and after that the baseline is then




                The way the ASTM method reads is that the


      baseline is taken following the familiarity wash


      and then the inoculum.  You can see the result that


      that has in reducing the baseline by almost 3 logs.


      So, you are starting at a very different point with




      the TFM method than you are with either of the ASTM




                Again, neutralization--a very important


      point because, again, the goal of this test, of any


      test, is as good as it can be to mimic what goes on


      in real life.  I think we would all agree that


      ultimately the answer is that no test can mimic


      what goes on in real life but you have to try and


      minimize the variability so that at least the data


      that you are getting is valuable.


                Given that people wash their hands for a


      very short period of time, 15 seconds, 30 seconds


      at the most I think if you are lucky in a


      healthcare personnel handwash setting, that is the


      time point that you have to assess because


      immediately following that wash the provider could


      go on to do whatever activity they are assigned to.


      So, neutralization must occur in the test


      immediately following the wash procedure.  This is


      done in the current method by including a chemical


      neutralizer in the recovery fluid.  This


      essentially stops the activity of the active




      ingredient within a time frame similar to what one


      sees in washing and rinsing their hands.


                In the previous ASTM method and in the TFM


      method neutralizer was not added until sometime


      later until the dilution series was created and the


      samples were taken to the lab.  This can occur


      anywhere from 10, 20, 20 minutes to half an hour


      after the actual wash procedure.


                I don't have the data up here but another


      study was done.  It was presented as a poster at


      ASTM in, I believe, 2002 that demonstrated with


      chlorhexidine gluconate that delaying


      neutralization by approximately 15 minutes


      increased its apparent efficacy after an initial


      wash by over 1 log.


                So, if we look at the results from the


      handwashing, the first wash and the final wash, we


      can see that in the current ASTM method compared to


      the former ASTM method there is a slight


      over-expression following the final wash.  We would


      like to see a greater over-expression after the


      first wash but I think the lab we had do this was




      too good and they immediately got to the samples.


      You can see that following the TFM method you can't


      even compare the results.  So, this makes it




                The last column is an important point.  It


      is an analytical assessment of how much


      chlorhexidine gluconate was extracted into the


      recovery fluid following the wash procedure was


      measured.  While the numbers vary somewhat, the


      important point here is that all three of those


      numbers are above the MIC value of chlorhexidine


      gluconate against Serratia marcescens.  Therefore,


      one has to assume that some activity is going on


      unless neutralization occurs immediately.




                None of these results, however, changes


      actually in-use effectiveness of the product, and


      only serves to highlight the importance of


      determining the appropriate test parameters, as


      well as maintaining test consistent.


      Sickbert-Bennet, in a 2004 paper, looked


      specifically at the ASTM E1174 and the effect that




      some test variables, such as product volume and


      drying time, can have on the effectiveness of




                The key take-away from this slide is that


      as alcohol is currently used, and admittedly the N


      is very small but these results have been repeated


      in various laboratories around the country.  The


      white bar represents 3 grams of alcohol.  To give


      you a sense of what that is, for those familiar


      with either the wall dispensers or pumps, that


      pretty much represents 2 full pumps out of either a


      wall dispense or a hand dispenser.  That is 3




                DR. WOOD:  These are two people?  Is that


      what that is?


                DR. FISCHLER:  Yes.  The 7 gram amount


      would then represent something around 5 pumps from


      a wall dispenser or a hand pump.  You can see that


      you can achieve a 3-log reduction with the use of


      alcohol, but the question is are people pumping the


      alcohol 5 times out of a dispenser, or is the 3


      gram amount more realistic of actual practice?


                Also to give you a comparison, it takes


      approximately 30 seconds to a minute on average,


      and some people are faster and some people are




      slower, for 3 grams of alcohol to evaporate from


      the hands.  It can take potentially up to 10


      minutes for 7 grams of alcohol to evaporate.  So,


      you can see no one is going to stand around for 10


      minutes waiting for the alcohol to evaporate.




                So, when the key parameters that can


      affect data are understood, an evaluation based on


      the reduction of marker organism contaminating the


      hand, such as Serratia marcescens or E. coli, is an


      appropriate way to measure effectiveness.  Instead


      of relying on subject normal flora, these methods


      control the number of microorganisms on the hand by


      intentionally inoculating them with a known number


      of bacteria.  In addition, these studies control


      the dosage, the exposure time to the antimicrobial,


      as well as other factors.




                Our next key points are that surrogate




      endpoint testing provides meaningful and


      appropriate tools to determine the threshold


      efficacy criteria for topical antimicrobial


      products, and the published literature represents a


      body of scientific evidence supporting that the


      proposed microbial reductions reflect clinical


      benefit and, importantly, represent current


      infection control practice.


                The SDA/CTFA coalition agrees with the


      agency that the use of surrogate endpoints to


      assess clinical effectiveness is a valid mechanism


      for ensuring that products are efficacious.


      Surrogate endpoint testing has been used in


      situations where there is a known benefit, and


      where standard validated methods have been


      developed that simulate product use conditions, or


      where testing and proving a clinical claim would


      prove to be impractical or unethical.


                With surrogate endpoints it is possible to


      demonstrate a significant incremental benefit from


      the use of topical antimicrobial products.  The


      SDA/CTFA industry coalition has previously




      submitted data on surrogate endpoints that


      represent clinical effectiveness based on the


      scientific literature.  We agree that while many of


      the cited studies lack some or the elements found


      in traditional clinical trials, such as personnel


      education and training data, incomplete product


      blinding or specific formulation information, taken


      as whole, they represent a body of scientific


      evidence supporting specific microbial reductions


      and, importantly, represent current infection


      control practice.  The surrogate endpoints that


      have been proposed were determined from controlled


      test methods and correlate to a threshold of






                Now I am going to focus on each of the


      healthcare categories, starting with the healthcare


      personnel handwash.  The results from healthcare


      personnel handwash studies show that a reduction of


      approximately 1.2 to 2.5 log                                            


                               5 is achievable


      following a single application, and correlate with


      the literature on benefits of preparations




      containing ingredients such as ethanol or




                I am going to go through these very fast


      since we have heard about them and we are all aware


      of the shortcomings that all of the published


      literature has.  But it is important to get some


      key points from some of these.




                This was a study in 1995 that looked at


      determination of an outbreak of MRSA in a ward


      through the use of a 0.3 percent triclosan


      handwash.  While not a direct comparison of the


      product literature, the product used in the study


      demonstrates a 1.7-log reduction following an


      initial application and 1.9 following subsequent






                A study by Webster in 1994 similarly


      looked at the introduction of a handwash to


      eliminate colonization of MRSA cases.  A gradual


      elimination of MRSA was noted and, as a side


      benefit, fewer antibiotics were found to have been




      prescribed--again, not direct cause and effect but


      another link in the chain.




                Hilburn and these next two alcohol studies


      looked at the use of alcohol as an infection


      control tool and, again, while not correlating


      directly, there is strong incidental evidence that


      the use of the alcohol led to a 36 percent


      reduction in infection rates over a 10-month period


      compared to the previous period.




                Fendler, in 2002, did a similar study


      looking at the use of ethanol in a facility


      compared to regular protocols, and noted a 30


      percent reduction in infection rate where hand


      sanitizer was used.




                Dr. Boyce talked at length about


      Doebbeling so I won't go into that a lot but,


      actually, what is important to note here is the


      comparison of alcohol, a product that does not


      provide either persistence or a cumulative effect




      compared to chlorhexidine gluconate that does.


      Although there were a lot of issues with the study,


      not the least of which was the use of the product


      and how much product was used, in a matched pair


      analysis the authors did find that the difference


      was directional but statistically significant.




                The data supports our previous


      recommendation that a 1.5 log reduction--and this


      is based primarily on our review of the alcohol


      data in amounts as it is used in infection control


      practice--is sufficient to demonstrate benefit.


      The necessity for demonstration of persistence or a


      cumulative effect following several applications of


      product that is designed for multiple routine


      applications throughout the day has not been


      demonstrated.  Maybe I should take a moment here to


      talk a little bit about persistence versus


      cumulative effect since I think there seems to be a


      little confusion on the issue.


                Persistence is really a demonstration that


      after a single use typically you have reduced the




      resident flora to a certain level and that they do


      not rebound to a level above what they were when


      you started.  A cumulative effect is very


      different.  It is an application-based phenomenon


      and looks at what happens after multiple uses of a


      product rather than what happens over a specific


      period of time.  The definition that Michelle


      Jackson gave is correct for cumulative effect.  It


      is an apparent reduction in the recovery of


      organisms.  Now, whether that is due to persistence


      or some other factor hasn't really been well


      explored.  But there is a difference between the


      two of them.  Persistence is time based and


      cumulative effect is application based.




                Surgical scrub products are used by


      healthcare personnel immediately prior to donning


      sterile gloves for the performance of invasive


      procedures to reduce or eliminate transmission of


      microorganisms from their hands to the patient.


                As with healthcare personnel handwashes,


      surrogate endpoints utilizing a test such as the




      ASTM for surgical hand scrub methods have been


      established for the surgical hand scrubbing in


      deference to the impracticality of clinical trials


      to demonstrate reduction of patient infections.  In


      this case, the rate of infection is thought to be


      very low so any clinical trial would be extremely


      large and difficult to control.  A placebo control


      would be unethical in this situation so an active


      control would have to be employed, thus, further


      decreasing the theoretical differences in infection


      rates between groups for the study and increasing


      the sample size.  The literature does contain some


      comparisons between active ingredients, and the


      coalition has previously presented information that


      supports initial microbial reductions of 1 log of


      the resident hand flora, with the flora remaining


      at or below the initial level, and this is


      persistence after six hours from baseline.  So, in


      our recommendation we are recommending the


      demonstration of persistence, not of cumulative






                There are two studies--we heard about one


      of them but I am going to use them for a different


      purpose, and that is that they both compare alcohol




      and, again, we have heard alcohol is a product that


      does not provide either persistence or a cumulative


      effect, compared with products that do, either


      povidone-iodine or chlorhexidine gluconate.  In


      this case, the comparisons are made and I believe


      are valid in both Parienti and Bryce in that no


      difference was seen between current practice, which


      involves the product that did provide a cumulative


      effect, and a product, alcohol, which did not.




                The clinical use of preoperative skin


      preparations to reduce the incidence of surgical


      site infections is the most completely tested of


      the clinical indications contained in the TFM.  It


      has long been considered unethical to even attempt


      a surgical procedure through intact skin without


      first cleansing the site, preferably with an


      antimicrobial formulation.


                Given the clinical evidence and the




      current standards of care at the time that the 1978


      TFM was drafted, the agency acknowledged that the


      value of the effective skin antisepsis prior to


      surgery and established surrogate endpoints


      utilizing the ASTM E-1173 preoperative skin prep


      method.  The coalition suggests that the groin


      performance criterion of 3 log                                          


                                     10 does not correlate


      with clinical effectiveness and, in fact, may be


      unrealistic due to a low bacterial population at


      that skin site in the general population.  The


      coalition has previously presented information that


      supports microbial reduction of 2 log                                   


                                                        10 on the groin


      within 10 minutes of use, and again that


      persistence with no rebound of the resident flora


      over a 6-hour period, as indicative of clinical




                In one study, and in particular I am going


      to use this study to also illustrate a point which


      is that, while it was a comparison of a new skin


      preparation with a standard 4 percent chlorhexidine


      gluconate skin prep, two things emerged from the


      study.  One, it was extremely difficult to find a




      population that met the baseline criteria set in


      the TFM.  The other point is that the active


      control product, the 4 percent chlorhexidine


      gluconate, did not achieve the log reduction


      required from the TFM.  It achieved a 2.5 log


      reduction following 10 minutes of application.




                One of the performance criteria, addressed


      under patient preoperative skin preparation in the


      TFM, is the pre-injection skin preparation


      performance criterion of 1-log reduction of skin


      flora within 30 seconds of use.  The coalition


      agrees that this is a suitable surrogate endpoint


      for clinical efficacy for this indication.


                Clinical trials for this indication would


      be possible but impractical.  As with the previous


      indications, injection site infections are a rare


      occurrence and would require a multiple-day


      follow-up period to assess the infection rate.


      Therefore, the surrogate endpoint for these studies


      is a reasonable alternative.




                In conclusion, we would like to emphasize


      the following key point.  The efficacy criteria of


      healthcare antiseptic drug products should be




      appropriately set to reflect the performance of


      currently recognized effective products.  Thank


      you.  Now I would like to introduce Jim Bowman who


      will address some issues on statistics.


                   Statistical Issues in Study Design


                DR. BOWMAN:  Good afternoon.




                I am Jim Bowman, technical director,


      biostatistician at Hill Top Research.  I too


      represent the CTFA/SDA coalition.  I have been


      asked to summarize the statistical issue at hand.




                Log reduction criteria has historically


      been based on point estimates with no set


      requirements for sample size.  It is understood


      that variability needs to be considered, and there


      are several ways to take that into account.




                Here are two examples that come from other




      OTC monographs.  From the sunscreen monograph, a


      mean value is calculated and then the standard


      error is used to calculate the SPF value for


      product labeling.


                From the antiperspirant monograph, in


      order to label a product as an antiperspirant the


      tested mean value must be statistically


      significantly greater than 20 percent sweat






                Our objective is to obtain a mean value


      greater than or equal to a certain log reduction.


      With point estimates manufacturers have


      historically conducted studies with sample sizes


      they deemed appropriate, and submitted data to the


      FDA.  With statistical criteria being utilized,


      i.e., statistically greater than a specific number,


      appropriate sample sizes are a function of the


      variability of the data.




                We have conducted data reviews and


      statistical simulations using data from hands and




      looking into the variability.  This review


      consisted of data from 13 studies conducted with an


      active material, and simulations were conducted to


      better understand that variability.  Our conclusion


      was that if statistical criteria are to be


      utilized, then lower criteria will be necessary to


      achieve the same level of efficacy based on our


      data review.




                For an example we can look at the


      antiperspirant monograph.  The OTC antiperspirant


      monograph requires statistically significantly


      greater than 20 percent reduction.  However, this


      requires point estimates of sweat reduction to be


      greater than 25 percent to 30 percent reduction in


      order to achieve the level of benefit mandated.




                Historically, the FDA and industry have


      relied on point estimates.  All recommendations


      from the coalition have been based on point


      estimates.  However, if statistical significance is


      required, then lower log reduction criteria are




      necessary to achieve the same level of efficacy


      based on our data review.  We would like to work


      with the FDA on setting these criteria for specific


      indications at specific time points.  Thank you for


      your time.  George will now summarize.


                DR. WOOD:  Just before you step down, can


      you put up slide 23 from the last talk?  I have a


      statistical question on it.  This has been offered


      to remove one of the criteria.  So, what was the


      sample size in this study, and what was the size of


      the difference that you could exclude, and at what




                DR. FISCHLER:  I have to refer to the


      paper for that.


                DR. WOOD:  Well, this is being offered as


      one of the key pieces of evidence.


                DR. BOYCE:  I am not sure, but I think


      they are in that range of 1,500 to 1,800 patients


      in both arms of the study so there were over 3,000


      patients that underwent surgery during the trial.


                DR. WOOD:  And what was the size of the




                DR. BOYCE:  The difference between the two


      arms was about 0.04 percent, in other words, no


      significant difference and it was considered to be




      an equivalence trial.


                DR. WOOD:  So, it was set up with some


      sort of power calculation in advance?


                DR. BOYCE:  Yes, I believe so.


                DR. WOOD:  But we don't know what that




                DR. BOYCE:  I have the reference here.


                DR. FISCHLER:  And I have the paper.


                DR. WOOD:  The second part was it was


      possible then to do a clinical study.  So, you feel


      that this was an adequately powered study to show a


      non-inferiority outcome and it only needed 3,000




                DR. BOYCE:  I think that was the


      conclusion that the authors arrived at.


                DR. OSBORNE:  Dr. Wood, just to review the


      exact data from that study, there were 4,287


      patients, divided roughly equally into the three


      groups, the alcohol hand rub, the PI and the CHG. 




      The surgical site infection rate was 2.44 percent


      for the alcohol versus 2.48 percent for the


      combined group of PI and CHG.  What more can I give




                DR. WOOD:  That is fine.


                DR. OSBORNE:  That is where the 0.04 came


      from that Dr. Boyce mentioned.


                DR. WOOD:  And Tom can calculate that on


      the back of an envelope, and probably already has.




                DR. DAVIDOFF:  What was the confidence


      interval of the difference?


                DR. WOOD:  I don't know.


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  Isn't that the key




                DR. WOOD:  Do we know that?


                DR. BOYCE:  I don't know the confidence




                DR. BLASCHKE:  It had to be pretty small


      if the difference was 0.04 between the products and


      they were statistically significant.


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  That is how you can talk




      about meaningful exclusion of differences.  Without


      that, it is real tough to do that.


                DR. WOOD:  All right, let's let him




                DR. FISCHLER:  I will be very quick in


      rapping up.  In summary these are our points.




                Definitive prospective, and controlled


      clinical trials are not practical in measuring the


      prophylactic benefit of antimicrobial products.


      Again, I think we have to look at these as three


      different types of antimicrobial products, the


      healthcare personnel handwashes, the surgical


      scrubs and the preoperative preps.


                I am just going to make one point which is


      if you look at those three and you start with the


      preop prep--I forget who said this in their


      presentation, but in a preop prep the patient


      represents their own control.  So, you have


      basically the smallest denomination.  If you look


      at surgical scrubs you are not looking at the


      benefit being derived from the surgeon, but it is




      essentially a one-on-one calculation, the surgeon


      and the patient.  When you move to healthcare


      personnel handwashes, you are now trying to look at


      what is the benefit derived to a general population


      from another population that has used the product?


      So, in equivalence it is asking the question what


      benefit do the members of the committee seated at


      the table derive from the people in the audience


      washing their hands?


                Standardized, defined, and peer-reviewed


      test methodology, such as ASTM methods, encourages


      reliability, reproducibility and comparability of


      results.  Surrogate endpoint testing provides an


      appropriate tool to determine threshold efficacy


      criteria.  The published literature, with all its


      shortcomings, supports that the proposed surrogate


      endpoints represent clinical benefit.  Finally, the


      efficacy criteria should reflect the performance of


      recognized effective products.  And, I will be


      happy to answer any questions.


                DR. WOOD:  Questions from the committee


      for the last two presenters?  Ralph?


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  If I understood the FDA


      presentation, the literature was full of studies


      that were inconclusive, and we have heard some




      fairly definitive statements, I thought, with this


      presentation.  Could the FDA respond to that?


                DR. WOOD:  Well, I am not sure that I


      agree.  Some of them had two subjects in them.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  I would have presumed


      that the response to my question is going to be


      that it is a rosier picture than what is real.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.


                DR. OSBORNE:  If there is a request about


      a comment on a specific study, I could make a


      comment on that specific study.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Well, the one where the


      sample size was 4,000 and you gave the numbers, was


      that a well-designed study, well executed?


                DR. POWERS:  What I was trying to answer


      about that previously was that we struggled greatly


      with how to interpret non-inferiority trials in


      this setting.  To look at that study, regardless of


      how many patients it has in it, and determine that




      two things are not inferior to each other means one


      of two things:  Either both products are effective


      in doing something or neither product is doing


      anything.  The problem is that without the ability


      to determine what the magnitude of benefit over


      whatever you want to specify as the control is in


      that over nothing, it is very difficult for us to


      interpret what no difference actually means in this




                So, what we really want to look for is


      trials which showed some kind of a difference, and


      that was very difficult to find.  Then, when you


      did look at those trials, many of them actually had


      flaws in them in terms of there was no concurrent


      control group or other things that made it very




                So, we did not just look for a p value at


      the end.  We asked the question of how did you get


      to that p value, and that really had a lot--the


      buzz word "evidence" has gotten thrown around a lot


      here today, and just because you have lots of


      studies, does that really mean that that is




      evidence or not?  That is one of the things we


      struggled with in a 1,000-paper review.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  It does go back somewhat


      to the discussion we had half an hour ago about


      vehicle control and positive control and trying to


      interpret in that setting, I agree.


                DR. WOOD:  Other questions for the


      speakers?  Tom?          DR. FLEMING:  I come up just


      crudely with about half a percent, just to go back


      to this slide 23 where you had 2.44 and 2.48 and


      you could rule out a 0.5 percent difference but


      what does that mean?  If you are essentially the


      same and you can rule out not more than a 0.5


      percent difference, are you the same effective or


      are you the same ineffective?


                There are several things on your slide,


      this last slide.  The last point says, and it is


      reworded from an earlier conclusion slide where you


      had said efficacy criteria should be set to reflect


      the performance of concurrently recognized


      effective products.  What is the effect of


      currently recognized effective products?  If I know




      that a currently recognized, effective product


      provides a 50 percent reduction in infection risk


      and I have a lot of studies that allow me to


      understand that I need to achieve a 2.5 log


      reduction to achieve that, and the relationship is


      if I give up half a log reduction that I am giving


      up 10-20 percent protection on infection risk I am


      buying into your last statement.  Tell me how I


      can, in fact, address, based on currently available


      data, how much efficacy--or I would call it how


      much biologic activity I have to achieve in


      reducing log reduction in bacterial load to achieve


      clinically meaningful benefit on infection risk.


                DR. FISCHLER:  I guess not to give you a


      smart answer, but I think that is what we are here


      to try and determine.  I think we are struggling as


      an industry with the same issues that clinicians


      have been struggling with, which is that we are


      operating under a regulatory framework and when we


      look at infection control practice today,


      specifically highlighting the fact that alcohol


      hand rubs have become a key part of infection




      control, and looking at how alcohol hand rubs are


      used in infection control and what does that


      translate to in a surrogate endpoint test--and the


      determination of whether or not surrogate endpoint


      is appropriate or whether or not the test is


      appropriate we will set aside for a moment--but


      looking at that, if we admittedly go back to the


      Sickbert-Bennet with an N of 2 but companies do


      have internal data that did repeat that study.


      There is probably data on several hundred subjects


      doing that exact same study.  Most people put 2-3


      grams of alcohol on their hands at most and what


      got a log reduction in a standardized test to come


      up with for that 2-3 gtam amount of alcohol.


                The issue that we are all struggling with


      here is while that is all well and good, how does


      that translate to a clinical benefit?  I think we


      have heard from pretty much everyone here that no


      one can definitively say that any of these log


      reductions translates to a clinical benefit in


      terms of the way clinical trials are assessed.  So,


      in my own poor way I guess I am saying what we are




      trying to do is not lower the efficacy standard but


      match.  Over probably 20 years of infection control


      practice people have been washing their hands in


      hospitals and using antiseptic products for over 20


      years.  Dr. Larson stated it when she said the


      horse has left the barn.  We are trying to look


      back at over 30 years of data and saying what is


      going on and what is happening.


                So, what we are looking at is current


      practice, and if current practice is acceptable,


      and I can't answer that, only clinicians can


      answer--if compliance is not an issue, if infection


      control practice as it is currently performed today


      meets the standards of care, then for the products


      that are being used we should analyze what


      surrogate endpoint test results they achieve in


      whatever standardized test we come up with so that


      we don't set criteria that essentially will


      eliminate the products that are currently being


      used for infection control.  That is a really


      long-winded answer.  I don't know if I got to the


      heart of your question.


                DR. FLEMING:  It is a long-winded answer.


      I guess my short interpretation of the answer is we


      could, in fact, justify using surrogates if, in




      fact, we had evidence that allowed us to know what


      the actual efficacy is of currently used products


      or efficacy on prevention of infection, and where


      the data were also allowing us to understand how


      the influence on bacterial load was causally


      leading to what the association is with the


      reduction in infection.  We lack that evidence--


                DR. FISCHLER:  Correct.


                DR. FLEMING:  --therefore, we lack the


      ability to draw that conclusion.  You went on to


      say, well, then we will ask clinicians whether what


      we currently have in the real world is adequate.


      Dr. Pearson, in her presentation, said we have 2-5


      percent infection rates with surgical site


      infections.  Is that adequate?  I think we would


      all say it is better than 8 percent; it is not


      nearly as good as 0-1 percent.  Now the question is


      how do we achieve 0-1 percent?  What are the


      interventions that are out there that are more




      effective than others?  How do we determine how


      maximally to use them?


                Let me just close by saying you made the


      point earlier on that we have a complicated


      situation, and that  complicated situation is


      multidimensional involving immunological host


      factors; involving test subjects versus


      populations; involving compliance.  And, for this


      reason, clinical trials are not appropriate.  I can


      look at a lot of other areas.  An area where I am


      involved in my own research, which is looking at


      vaginal microbicides as a way to prevent


      heterosexual transmission of HIV where, clearly,


      all of these issues are relevant and many of us are


      embarking on major clinical trials to answer the


      question as to how these interventions affect


      transmission rates.  So, this isn't a unique




                DR. FISCHLER:  I guess I would go back to


      the regulatory framework within which we have been


      operating for the past several years, which is the


      world of surrogate endpoints from the FDA's




      perspective.  I think our key challenge, and I


      think it is reflected in the questions that the


      committee is being asked is, is that the world we


      should be in?  Is that appropriate?  Should we be


      moving somewhere else?  And, how do we deal with


      the situation moving forward because there has to


      be common ground somewhere?


                DR. WOOD:  I think what Tom was also


      asking you is this, you are here today proposing a


      reduction in the surrogate standard, rightly or


      wrongly and I am not arguing with that right now.


      What I think the committee would like to hear is


      what is your estimate of the clinical outcome of


      that reduction in the surrogate standard and point


      us to where we would look to see the evidence to


      support that.


                DR. FISCHLER:  I don't know that you would


      see a reduction because is practice going to


      change?  Practice as it exists now will not meet


      that standard that is set.  So, I guess it is a


      question of if you change what is printed on the


      page, does that change infection control outcome? 




      Or, as we are suggesting, do you match products?


      Do you find a test that everyone can agree on that


      adequately measures whatever outcome you are trying


      to measure and then determine what the number


      should be?


                We feel that the number as published in


      the monograph has a number of flaws, the cumulative


      effect for healthcare personnel handwashes among


      other things.  We feel that the number, the 1.5 log


      reduction reflective of alcohol under use


      conditions, is reflective of current practice.


                DR. WOOD:  That would be terrific if we


      had a zero percent infection rate, but we don't


      have a zero percent infection rate and, given that,


      what has led you to believe that we are currently


      in the ideal Nirvana?


                DR. FISCHLER:  I guess I would ask the


      question is zero a number in a biological system?


      But besides that, I guess I can't answer the


      question of is 2 percent to 5 percent acceptable.


      Certainly, the lowest number that is possibly


      achievable is the goal.  But setting a standard for




      current products--I guess that is what the


      committee has to decide, changing the standard so


      that products that are currently used are no longer


      available because they do not meet the


      standard--will that increase or decrease the public




                DR. WOOD:  Any other questions?


                DR. BRADLEY:  Just a clarification.  The


      TFM from 1994 sets some criteria and guidelines.


      Yet it seems in this discussion that the


      alcohol-based solutions don't meet the TFM


      guidelines, yet they are being used and


      recommended.  So is it true that the current TFM


      guidelines aren't being enforced with these


      products?  If that is true, then the industry is


      asking for a further reduction even though we have


      a standard that is not yet being enforced.  If we,


      as a committee at the end of the day, feel that the


      TFM standards should be enforced, then we should


      raise the bar from where we are right now.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Basically, because the OTC


      monograph process is a public rule-making and a




      multi-stage process, what the agency has decided as


      a matter of policy is that we don't enforce


      proposals.  So, right now, there is not a


      requirement for anybody to comply with the TFM.


                What the discussion today is about is what


      do we finalize and what, at the end of the day,


      will everybody need to comply with.  That is what


      you need to worry about.


                DR. WOOD:  Jan?


                DR. PATTERSON:  I just wanted to comment


      back on the Parienti study, the surgical site


      infections.  These are two antiseptics compared to


      each other so there is not a control, which I think


      was the issue.  But I don't think that an IRB


      committee would approve the study of surgical


      scrubs that didn't involve an antiseptic.  And I,


      personally, wouldn't want to be a subject in one in


      which my surgeon might not have used an antiseptic.


                I think there are some practical


      considerations like that.  Even as was mentioned


      this morning, you might be able to do a plain soap


      versus an antiseptic for routine patients on the




      ward but now we have a federal guideline from CDC


      that says we should be using antiseptics and also


      an accrediting agency advised by federal agencies


      tells us this can be monitored.  So I think it is


      very difficult to talk about comparing antiseptics


      to non-antiseptics.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Patten?


                DR. PATTEN:  I have a question for the


      FDA.  If the requirements that you are proposing in


      your TFM were to be finalized, what sort of a time


      frame would be built in to allow the industry to




                DR. LUMPKINS:  Once a final rule is


      published there is usually a one-year period for


      implementation.  However, I have to be honest with


      everyone involved.  In the monographs that we have


      developed that have required final formulation


      testing, in reality there have been a number of


      stays of the final rule to allow industry time to


      make adjustments.


                DR. WOOD:  And some have never got to


      final, right?  Let's be honest here.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Hopefully, we will fix




                DR. WOOD:  Right, but I mean there is a




      lot out there that has never got to final.  So, it


      is not a door that has to be closed.  Dr. Larson?


                DR. LARSON:  Despite all the difficulties


      of answering all the questions we have to answer,


      and I don't know the answers either, I just want to


      point out that this has been a tentative final


      monograph, first in '78 and now in '94 so for


      decades it has been tentative.  In some ways,


      patient safety is more at risk by not finalizing


      something because now products can be on the market


      and there is no regulatory agency that is


      overseeing them by force of law.  So, even if we


      don't all agree on what it should be, I would hope


      that it wouldn't stay tentative until after I die,


      for example, or until after my career is done


      because I have been waiting for 30 years for a


      final ruling of some sort and, in the meantime, the


      good industries want to do it right and they want


      to follow the rules, and they ultimately, I am




      sure, have the same goal we all do which is to


      reduce infections.  But right now it is possible


      for industry to be out there, selling something


      that is inferior, because there are no rules.


                DR. WOOD:  Mary?


                DR. TINETTI:  I think we do need to


      discuss separately surgical scrubs from the


      handwashes.  I agree with that.  I would think it


      would be very difficult to do anything in the


      surgical scrub at this point.  But for the


      handwash, I mean what we are hearing today is that


      there is no evidence linking the standards that are


      in the TFM with the clinical outcome that we are


      interested in.  We are hearing that guidelines


      exist in JCAHO but guidelines were developed in the


      absence of evidence and to now use those guidelines


      that were forced because there was lack of evidence


      as a reason for not procuring evidence seems to me


      a road I certainly would not like to see healthcare


      go down.


                Certainly, this may be the final


      opportunity for us to preclude that from happening




      and I think there are alternatives to study it.


      Yes, it is difficult but a lot of us do research


      that is difficult.  Difficult is not a reason to


      preclude it from happening.  Yes, it is going to be


      expensive but these are marketed because they say


      they do improve the clinical outcomes and the fact


      that, yes, we treat the healthcare providers to


      help the patients, that is what these are marketed


      to do so it seems to me that these studies in that


      area are feasible.  I think it will be setting


      healthcare back to finalize it when there is really


      complete lack of evidence.


                DR. WOOD:  Any other comments?  If not,


      let's take a quick break and come back at 3:10 and


      we will start the final discussion and deal with


      the questions.  So, 3:10.


                [Brief recess]


                          Committee Discussion


                DR. WOOD:  To summarize what I think we


      have heard so far as we begin the discussion, I


      think what we heard--I tried to jot down some notes


      here--we heard that there are no adequately




      designed or powered studies to demonstrate the


      clinical effectiveness of these topical


      antiseptics.  Given that, therefore, it is not


      surprising that there are no adequately designed


      and powered studies that demonstrate the robustness


      of any particular surrogate in predicting the


      clinical effectiveness of these agents.


                As I think Susan or somebody said, the


      standards are arbitrary but steeped in history, and


      industry clearly believes the current products are


      clinically effective but industry wants to lower


      the bar for the surrogates because they have


      products that can't meet these standards.  Industry


      has no evidence that lowering the standards for the


      surrogates won't impair effectiveness and result in


      patients being at increased risk for infections,


      again not surprising given the current lack of


      clinical correlates for the surrogates in the first




                So, I guess I don't see how, in the


      absence of data, we can possibly endorse lowering a


      standard for which we have no evidence that it is




      clinically relevant and when we can't determine


      what would be a safe reduction in that surrogate in


      the first place.


                Finally, I don't see how industry, or


      anyone else for that matter, can argue that if they


      believe the current products work, whatever that


      means, that products that work less well, again


      whatever that means, can possibly be approved


      without someone going out and doing a study to


      determine the clinical consequences of that


      reduction in effectiveness.


                So, it occurred to me that a way out of


      this dilemma, Susan, was to ask you this question.


      We are working around this sort of mish-mash of the


      historical precedents, but supposing somebody were


      to go out and do a study where they demonstrated


      that their product reduced bacteremia--all the


      things that we have heard are impossible to do, but


      supposing somebody did it, would you approve a


      study and give them that as an indication?


                DR. JOHNSON:  There are a couple of issues


      here.  Let me put the clinical one aside for just a




      second and talk about the regulatory.  Within the




                DR. WOOD:  No, no, I am not talking about


      the monograph.  I am saying forget the monograph


      for a minute.  Somebody goes out and does a study


      in which they demonstrate that X, Y, Z handwash, or


      whichever indication it is, reduces bacteremia in


      patients, or some other hard endpoint and you can


      pick whichever one you like, would they get an


      indication for that and would they be allowed to


      promote on that basis?


                DR. JOHNSON:  We have been asked various


      permutations of that question many times from NDA


      sponsors, and we have always supported that under


      an NDA were they to come up with a clinical design


      and conduct a trial that showed that sort of


      effect, we would label them accordingly.


                DR. WOOD:  So, one of the things this


      committee could do in addition to answering the


      questions is to come up with that as a proposal,


      which would get us out of Dr. Larson's very


      reasonable point that she wants to live long enough




      to see this finalized.  Essentially, it seems to me


      there are two tracks we can take.  One is to


      promote the rational adoption of a regular process,


      which would be to find a clinical endpoint and do


      that, or not if you can't do it, and the other is


      to proceed down the current track.


                The attraction of the former, which is the


      clinical endpoint, is that clearly any sponsor who


      does that and comes out with such an endpoint


      trumps everybody who is unable now, they say, to do


      that, which would obviously be a very compelling


      argument both in the marketplace and hospitals who


      purchase these things and, I guess, the JCAHO.  So,


      that would be a reasonable approach from the


      agency's point of view.  Is that right?  All right.


      In that case, let's move on to discussion and who


      would like to comment first?  Yes?


                DR. LEGGETT:  I have a question for the


      FDA.  Suppose we come up with a final monograph,


      what happens to the products that are on the market




                As a corollary to that, I would like to




      mention this Sickbert-Bennet paper that we got just


      this past week, in AJAIC this month I believe.  In


      table 3 they looked at the log reductions of


      Serratia marcescens in the hand hygiene agents,


      albeit this is with that 10-second wash because


      they document elsewhere in the paper that the


      median time of washing hands is 11.6 seconds, or


      something like that.  In agent A, which is the 60


      percent alcohol, the first wash only had a


      reduction of 1.15 logs.  So, even by the industry's


      standards this would not fly.  At episode 10 the


      alcohol actually had a negative trend; it was less


      efficacious after 10 washes, and they had some


      theories in the paper.  So, with those two


      questions, what does the FDA do if you get a final




                DR. JOHNSON:  One of the things that I


      would like to do is ask Colleen Rogers to address


      the information that she found in doing the


      literature search on the handwashes.  But as a


      general response to your question, the products can


      be formulated, as far as we have seen in the




      literature, to be able to accomplish what we have


      proposed in the tentative final monograph.  This


      alert that is being sounded that in general the


      products are failing to meet this standard is not


      what we have observed in general in NDA


      submissions.  We don't see data submitted routinely


      under the monograph because that is not the way the


      process works; it is dissimilar to the NDA in that


      regard and it is driven by the literature.  So, we


      are not seeing the same level of current studies


      coming in under the monograph prospectus.  But in


      reviewing the NDA data, which obviously we can't


      present to you, we are seeing that this is not an


      across the board uniform problem.


                If I could ask Colleen, there is a


      difference between the immediate acting alcohol


      products and the leave-on products, and the


      difference is in formulation and she might want to


      comment a little bit more on the data that we




                DR. ROGERS:  In reference to what Dr.


      Johnson was just saying, in looking through the




      literature most of the alcohol-based products are


      leave-on products and they are not rinsed off the


      skin.  Compared to what was presented in the most


      recent Sickbert-Bennet paper, those products, for


      one, were used for a very short time, 10 seconds,


      and most of the other studies that I looked at used


      a longer time period for contact with the skin.


                Also, if I remember correctly, in the


      recent paper, the Sickbert-Bennet paper, they also


      rinsed after using an alcohol product, which is not


      normally done with an alcohol leave-on product, and


      that may have affected the results in that most


      recent paper.


                DR. JOHNSON:  I would just add also that


      one of the things that we are very interested in


      resolving for the final monograph is to be sure


      that the test methods reflect the intended


      labeling.  Some of the variability in the responses


      from the current test methods are because we are


      not clearly using the intended labeling activities


      to do the wash.  So, that is where you see these




                Getting back to the point that you have


      been trying to make, the fact that people only wash


      their hands for 10 seconds is not a good reason to




      label products or test them that way.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  So, in response to Dr.


      Leggett's question, I guess you are saying that in


      looking at the totality of the products that have


      been approved, there is not going to be no products


      there tomorrow, which I think is what you are


      asking.  Is that right?


                DR. LEGGETT:  Yes.


                DR. WOOD:  All right--


                DR. LEGGETT:  Because the purpose is to


      wash hands and if we find that more people are


      washing their hands--I don't care if it is for 10


      seconds but if it is every minute, every door they


      go in and out of, that is what our goal is




                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Although,


      interestingly, we have no data to support it, it


      sounds like.


                DR. LEGGETT:  Right.


                DR. WOOD:  Any other questions?  Yes?


                DR. BRADLEY:  I would like to go back to


      the question of cumulative effect, not just over a


      day but over two to five days.  In the surgical


      hand scrub requirements, it appears that there is a


      day-2 wash and a day-5 wash, and the day-2 wash is




      wash 2, and the day-5 wash is wash 11.  Certainly I


      can clinically understand why you would need


      several hours of cumulative effect, but to have


      criteria where you still need effect at day 5 I


      don't understand fully.  Do you know the rationale


      behind that?


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Like I said, a lot of this


      has been lost to time.  There may be people in the


      audience who developed these methods who might be


      able to speak clearly to your question.  It is


      intended to mimic actual use where handwashes get


      used numerous times during the day.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Bradley, did that satisfy


      you?  Mike?


                DR. ALFANO:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


      This will be probably a longer comment than I will




      make in the rest of the day so maybe you will


      indulge me for a second or two.  You know, when


      this process started, Alastair, you and I had hair.


                DR. WOOD:  Long hair probably!


                DR. ALFANO:  I actually see that as not


      necessarily an argument to speed up but as an


      argument to be cautious in the absence of data, as


      we have seen here today.  So, my comment revolves


      around that and the way we are looking at data


      these days.  So, I am troubled.  I applaud the


      agency for getting us here and trying to get at the


      clinical data sets that are desperately needed.  I


      am troubled by the fact that in over 1,000 studies


      not a single one was deemed worthy of presentation


      as a model as to how these things might be done in


      the future.  So, take money off the table for a


      minute and I will come back and comment about




                I would worry that the industry would be


      able to design trials that would meet these new


      higher standards, and you don't only see it with


      regulatory agencies; you see it in academia as




      well.  While I applaud the concept of


      evidence-based reviews, there tends to be an


      intellectual elitism around them, that, you know,


      no one can do these trials, not even me, and the


      people who do these reviews tend to sit on the


      mountain top and cast aspersions at the people who


      are trying to get some clinical data done.


                I am going to give you a practical example


      of something I lived through because today this has


      been deja vu for me.  I had the opportunity to


      chair, about two and a half years ago, the NIH


      Consensus Conference on Dental Caries.  It was the


      first time NIH started feeding evidence-based


      reviews into the panels that do these reviews,


      clearly the first such review.


                The problem was that the evidence-based


      reviews selected a standard for measuring dental


      caries that is virtually unattainable.  What they


      said was that looking at radiographs of tooth decay


      and watching the dentist use the pick, as people


      like to call it, are really only surrogate markers


      and the only way we know a tooth has been affected




      is if we extract that tooth and section it.  So,


      they dismissed all of the other studies that didn't


      extract teeth.  So, you know, I have this vision of


      a parent signing the consent form and at the end,


      "we will extract all your child's teeth."




                I am not making this up.  There are people


      who can validate this for me.  Curiously, there are


      some studies that were done on extracted teeth and


      they were deciduous teeth that exfoliated naturally


      and were collected at the end of the study.  So, my


      great fear as chair of this conference was, you


      know, a front-page story in The Times, "panel


      declares fluoride ineffective" because we


      essentially threw out everything.  Thankfully, that


      panel recognized that there was a preponderance of


      data and that, while there wasn't a definitive link


      to the value of these surrogate endpoints,


      radiographs in this case, it was good enough not to


      come out all the way on the downside.


                A second fundamental point is the size of


      the industry.  I have heard some panelists intimate




      that, you know, certainly we have seen the


      pharmaceutical industry doing studies that are $30


      million, $40 million, large heart trials for


      example.  Clearly, this must be a market that we


      are talking about today that is in the billions of


      dollars.  As the industry liaison, I asked for that


      data and the latest four quarters, so full year


      data, is that it is a $237 million market, and it


      is described almost as a commodity.  To translate


      it for the people who haven't spent time in


      business, that means very low profit.  As opposed


      to a Lipitor which is 8 or 9 billion and a very


      high profit product.


                So, the idea that the industry is sort of


      stingily applying funds to this problem is probably


      inappropriate.  You know, maybe the profit margin


      here is 10 percent, 8 percent, in this category.


      So, you are talking about across all companies


      $15-18 million of additional revenue, $20 million


      maybe, that could be spent.  And, I think we need


      to frame our discussion along those lines because


      the concern then becomes, well, we can't do that;




      we can't do that study; we are just exiting the


      market.  We have seen it happen.  We have seen the


      problems this country faces today because vaccine


      manufacturers have exited the market, not because


      of pressure from the FDA but because of pressure


      from the trial lawyers because any child that is


      born today with a defect--someone has to pay--it


      must be the physician; it must be the vitamins the


      mother was on; it must be something.  It is not me;


      it is not my genes.  Someone has to pay.  So,


      companies just said we are exiting; we can't make


      any money in this arena.


                So do we stop?  No, we don't stop.  I am


      not proposing westop.  I have a good possibility


      personally of going under the knife based on the


      odds presented here today and I would certainly


      like to know that whatever is being used is going


      to work.  I am pleased to see that, you know,


      Columbia has been funded in the nursing program


      through the Road Map because I think the NIH


      Clinical Road Map is clearly an area that could


      provide funds to do these larger scale trials to




      try to benchmark a surrogate endpoint, not so much


      to look for a specific product going forward.


                I am concerned that one of the pieces of


      data I saw would eliminate NDA products.


      Chlorhexidine didn't pass, at least in the study


      that was shown by Dr. Fischler--it didn't pass; it


      didn't come close to passing the newest tentative


      final monograph.  So, what does that mean in terms


      of availability of products?


                I guess I will conclude by sort of drawing


      on something Dr. Powers said only using it a


      different way, and that is unintended harm.  We


      could potentially, if we are not careful, do


      unintended harm by removing products that may have


      a benefit although, admittedly, we haven't


      demonstrated that benefit, and I wouldn't really


      want to be a part of that approach.  Somehow or


      other, it is calling almost for a starting over


      type of philosophy in which people of sound mind


      and good intentions get together and determine in


      advance what would be acceptable to validate these


      surrogates and move on from there.


                DR. WOOD:  There are lots of approved


      drugs which have also failed.  You know, actual


      pharmaceuticals that have also failed in clinical




      trials and we think they are effective.  That


      doesn't mean that showing a single trial means that


      antidepressants don't work, for instance.  It is a


      good example where frequently trials fail to


      demonstrate efficacy.  So, I don't think that


      should make you too pessimistic just because


      somebody can find a trial that shows something


      doesn't pass the test.


                DR. ALFANO:  I think that is a fair point.


      One other comment, by the way, about evidence-based


      reviews.  I think there is something missing on the


      high ground in evidence-based reviews so when you


      do the A category trials it doesn't allow for an


      FDA reviewed and audited trial to get a higher


      level.  So, when evidence-based approaches became


      the rage I said to myself, well, wait a minute, how


      can FDA be approving new drugs with two trials, and


      sometimes only one trial?  I realized there is a


      difference, and that is that for those trials every




      piece of paper, every data point is sent into the


      agency and frequently the sites are audited.  So,


      there is another flaw in the way we rank


      evidence-based assessments that I really think


      somebody should look at.


                DR. WOOD:  That was actually discussed in


      a New York Times article recently.  Frank?


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  Yes, I would like to pick


      up on the comments that you just made because I


      think in hearing how much the agency,


      understandably, is pushing for a certain kind of


      evidence--randomized, controlled, and so on, I


      think what that tends to lose sight of is that


      then, in a sense, all of us have become what I


      would describe as prisoners of frequentist


      statistical methods.


                I would like to suggest seriously that the


      agency consider undertaking a formal Bayesian


      process.  I am not a Bayesian statistician; I am


      not a statistician but I think I understand enough


      about the difference between frequentist and


      Bayesian statistics to understand that the




      intrinsic logic of frequentist statistics is


      actually weak and that Bayesian statistics has its


      own limitations but it gets around that fundamental


      weakness of frequentist statistical methods.  I


      hope the statisticians here will not take me out


      afterwards and beat me up.


                I think one of the big problems with


      frequentist statistics is that essentially that


      approach forces you to make conclusions on the


      basis of each individual study or, in effect, all


      prior information is ignored in coming to a


      conclusion about the results of each individual


      study.  It seems to me that is an enormous waste of


      information.  I mean, we have sat here all day and


      spent hours before coming here to be saturated with


      very large amounts of important information that is


      characterized as kind of background, and that is


      the background on which you will sort of then


      interpret the results of one or another individual


      paper but the background isn't taken into account


      in any formal way in interpreting any particular




                Whereas, Bayesian approaches to making


      decisions basically consider all the prior evidence


      from all different sources and they are all




      integrated into an initial degree of confidence in


      the validity of some phenomenon in the real world.


      The problem with that, of course, is that that


      initial sort of conglomerate degree of confidence


      is a subjective judgment and I guess that is the


      big drawback for a Bayesian type of approach.


                So, while a frequentist approach avoids


      the subjective element, it does have its own


      drawbacks.  But I think there are ways to sort of


      get at the problem of subjective limitation of


      Bayesian priors.  One approach is to combine the


      initial or prior subjective judgments of degree of


      confidence across a group of experts, for example


      the people in this room.  In a way, that is the


      process that is part of what I think we have been


      hearing going on today.


                Once that is done, then the additional


      information from each individual piece of evidence


      that is considered at least partly credible can




      then be used to modify that initial degree of


      confidence using essentially a likelihood ratio as


      the modifier, the so-called Bayes factor as Steve


      Goodman calls it.


                I would suggest that that approach might


      be a somewhat more formalized way of getting off


      the dime than just sort of saying, well, we don't


      have enough evidence and the reason we are saying


      that is because the evidence, if it isn't perfect,


      essentially is being rejected.  I think that is a


      problem, albeit there are problems the other way,


      of course, that is, you don't want to go taking a


      thousand papers that are weak and adding them up


      and saying, well, that adds up to strength, which


      is not I think what good Bayesian reasoning does




                I would like to make one other suggestion


      looking ahead, and that is that there are other


      ways to gather data in a rigorous way that don't


      involve the usual p value testing of aggregated


      data, and that is essentially using time series


      data in the process known as statistical process




      control.  There are rigorous statistical criteria


      that can be used that actually are very powerful in


      examining data spread out over time which give you


      the time history rather than a collapsed or


      snapshot view.  I would suggest that if data of


      that kind had been collected and used in some of


      the studies that we are being presented with, I


      think there might actually have been much more


      compelling evidence on efficacy or lack of it than


      has been made available just through these kind of


      snapshot, cross-sectional statistical analyses.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. D'Agostino?  No?  Anyone


      else?  Yes?


                DR. BRADLEY:  Just another quick


      regulatory question, I am sorry.  How flexible is


      the final monograph going to be for allowing people


      to use different ways to use topical antiseptics?


      So, if someone wanted to spray the wound with an


      antibiotic-containing solution after opening every


      15 or 30 minutes, if it is not in the monograph is


      it not considered?  Or, is that another agency?


      Or, do you have flexibility in the final product?


                DR. WOOD:  Well, the monograph wouldn't


      consider the use of the product.  That would be the


      practice of medicine.  Right?




                DR. JOHNSON:  Well, the purpose of the


      monograph was to corral all the products, the


      active ingredients that were on the market pre-'72.


      The way the formulations have been modified over


      time--we make decisions on a case-by-case basis


      really about how the translation of those active


      ingredients into new formulations does or does not


      fit in the monograph.  We can talk about some


      precedents but we would actually have to make an


      active decision about something that was very


      different, that would end up having a very


      different indication.


                We are actually considering discussing the


      alcohol leave-ons in almost a separate category for


      how we would actually formulate labeling for those.


      So, it is a little difficult to project.  What a


      creative idea though.  I think you could probably


      sell that here today.  But I couldn't say how we


      would actually address that in the monograph.


                DR. WOOD:  Is there a way for us to think


      about the monograph sort of proposition here, that


      this is the equivalent of bioavailability


      comparisons for essentially topical products, or


      something like that?  Because these products might


      contain something that removed the efficacy of the




      antiseptic--we obviously don't want to just measure


      concentration so we are measuring the equivalent of


      a bioavailability comparison for a generic, or


      something like that.  Is that reasonable?


                DR. POWERS:  That is actually a good


      analogy in terms of suppose you wanted to test a


      new formulation of a particular drug that had


      already been proven effective in the treatment of


      community-acquired pneumonia--


                DR. WOOD:  Right.


                DR. POWERS:  --and all you wanted to do is


      say, okay, we are going to change it from a tablet


      to a suspension but you are looking at the same


      active ingredient.  But, John, your question is we


      don't want to study it for pneumonia anymore, we


      want to study it for meningitis; we want to look




      for a different indication.  So, as John knows very


      well, everything at the FDA starts with the claim


      you want to make, and the monograph has very


      specific claims associated with it.  As Michelle


      Jackson presented, there are three of them in that


      monograph.  If you want to deviate from that and


      look at some new use such as putting something in


      here to prevent catheter-related bloodstream


      infections, that gets shifted over to the NDA


      process because that is not covered within the




                DR. WOOD:  So, for the monographs we are


      talking about we are really talking about trying to


      create a comparison between similar products and


      demonstrate they still have the same in vitro


      effect.  Is that a way to sort of formulate the


      issues?  Dr. Larson?


                DR. LARSON:  I think the fluoride analogy


      was a good one and I would just like to clarify


      again the difference between the clinical evidence


      that is out there and the kind of evidence that FDA


      needs and this panel needs.  The clinical research




      asks the question, given the products that are


      available, what is the evidence of effectiveness in


      the clinical setting, relative effectiveness or


      whatever.  The FDA's rule is written to say what is


      the level of safety and efficacy that we need


      before we allow a product to be on the market.  It


      is very different.


                But I did just want to clarify one thing.


      The clinical practice guidelines are based on


      evidence.  It is just a different kind of evidence.


      And the CDC, the two or three years that they spent


      developing this guideline--it is a different kind


      of evidence than one would use for making rules.


      So, it is not that there isn't evidence out there;


      it is just that it is asking very different


      questions and I don't think that the clinical


      evidence that is out there relates to what the


      panel needs to decide about the log differences,




                Your point earlier this morning, Frank,


      about is a log reduction even relevant, and do we


      need other kinds of statistical modeling or do we




      need to set a baseline--a 1- or 2-log reduction


      from 7 logs is quite different than a 1-or 2-log


      reduction from 4 logs.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Snodgrass?


                DR. SNODGRASS:  Well, I think we need


      clinical trials on some level.  I guess the


      question is, within the limits of how the FDA can


      operate, can you put some wording that clinical


      trials are strongly encouraged?  I don't know if


      what the issues are in incorporating some kind of


      language like that.


                The other issue, and I would just add to


      what has already been brought up, is if you have a


      specific, for example, bacteremia, that is a step.


      That is a really good step.


                DR. JOHNSON:  I guess there are two points


      in there.  One is the variability available to us


      in the monograph process.  The variability in how


      to address specific questions is designed in the


      monograph to be very limited so we could encourage


      clinical trials under an NDA and if folks wanted to


      default to using surrogates, if that was still an




      acceptable method, that would be something that we


      could discuss with them in their development


      programs.  But under the monograph we don't really


      have the flexibility to say either/or, not in such


      a wide variation.  I am sorry, I lost the other




                DR. WOOD:  Clinical trials I think.


                DR. SNODGRASS:  Yes, clinical trials in


      the specific of choosing some endpoint that can be


      measured, that is achievable, like bacteremia as an




                DR. JOHNSON:  Right.  Anything that would


      significantly differ from the monograph


      indications--and Dr. Rosebraugh has pointed out to


      me there is a process that is called an NDA


      deviation which is similar to a 505(b)(2) and


      relies on the monograph to some extent, largely for


      the safety component, and is a limited development


      program that might be applicable.  Again, it would


      go back to Dr. Bradley's question about how


      different is the formulation.  At some point they


      become diverse enough so that the regulatory




      processes can't lean on one another.


                DR. WOOD:  But we shouldn't lose sight of


      the huge advantage a product would have in the


      marketplace if they came in with some sort of


      endpoint that was clinically relevant.  While I


      take Mike's point about the size of the market for


      an individual company, a company that came in with


      a product that had that kind of block-buster effect


      would make huge amounts of money.  I mean, it would


      be hard for any hospital to use any other product


      in the face of that setting.  I don't know what the


      market is but it must be astronomic.  I mean, every


      room at Vanderbilt has some sort of thing inside it


      now so we must consume, you know, tanker trucks


      every day of this stuff.  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  There is actually quite a


      lot I would like to comment on so what I would like


      to do is just be very brief right now on Frank's


      comments about the Bayesian methods.


                It seems to me that this is an interesting


      discussion but I am not sure it gets at the essence


      of what our current challenge is.  We are faced




      with a mountain of data and, yet, the vast majority


      of these studies are reported to us in ways that


      there are significant flaws in the design and


      conduct--lack of randomization and lack of having


      vehicles and active controls, and ability to


      address the many confounding variables, and lack of


      standardization of product use, and lack of proper


      handwashing, and surrogates that based on the


      evidence that we have here don't seem to be


      correlated with clinical outcomes.  I wish the


      solution to that was statistical, that there would


      be a magical statistical method that we could use.


                A frequentist approach basically says in


      the context of the data that we have from a given


      trial, what is the strength of that evidence to


      establish benefit.  We have confidence intervals


      and values that lie outside that confidence


      interval or values that are inconsistent with the


      data.  As Frank says, gee, that could be useful in


      interpreting the study in terms of its strength of


      evidence but how do we aggregate data?


                A Bayesian will come up with their




      judgment of other evidence and form a prior and use


      the data in the trial to form a posterior.  That is


      a very useful approach to look at aggregating


      evidence.  A frequentist also has useful approaches


      for aggregating evidence using meta-analyses, but


      does want to keep the purity of the strength of


      evidence of each individual registrational trial


      and then allow each of us to use our own


      subjectivity in how we aggregate the data.


                My concern is that my prior could be very


      different from yours and, hence, my posterior is


      very different from yours and why should you be


      committed to my posterior if you don't believe in


      my prior?


                So, in essence, it is an interesting


      statistical debate and, yet, the essence of our


      challenge here isn't going to be solved by that


      debate.  The essence of our challenge is do we have


      integrity in the evidence that is put before us,


      and how do we aggregate that evidence?  And


      Bayesian methods or frequentist methods can be


      helpful here but neither is going to get us out of




      the morass that we have at this particular point in


      time due to the lack of having high quality studies


      that give us the kinds of insights that we would


      need to answer the questions.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Ralph?


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Maybe I am hoping to say


      what you were going to say, I am hoping to leave by


      about 5:00--


                DR. WOOD:  That is exactly what I was


      going to say!  Let's move directly to the


      questions.  I will read the first question to you.


      Please discuss the use of surrogate markers for the


      assessment of the effectiveness of healthcare




                I guess we should add to that, or maybe


      implicit in that is the use or not of clinical


      endpoints within these things, it would seem to me.


      Is that your feeling?


                DR. SNODGRASS:  Yes.  I have a comment


      about that, which is how far away is the surrogate


      marker from the endpoint you are really concerned


      about?  So, yes, you need some sort of clinical




      endpoint.  I think one of the analogies brought up


      earlier--I can't remember the specifics but they


      were saying that surrogate markers have been used


      but my take on that was that that we are so far


      removed here--this log count is quite far removed


      from infection transmission.  When you are


      transmitting from a hand, or whatever, to a patient


      there is such a gap there for that surrogate marker


      that that is part of what we have been struggling


      with for so long.


                I guess my comment about this question to


      assess the effectiveness, well, if the surrogate


      marker is so far away from the actual clinical goal


      here, then it can't be nearly as effective and I


      think that is what we have been struggling with,


      and that is why it gets back to you need a clinical


      trial or some type with an endpoint that is of some


      obvious clinical relevance.


                DR. WOOD:  Any other comments on question


      one?  Ralph--remembering what you just said!


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Exactly, and I will be


      sharp and crisp.  Just following up on that, we




      don't have any evidence that the surrogate leads to


      clinical endpoints.  We just don't have it.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Leggett?


                DR. LEGGETT:  My take on how we came up


      with the 1, 2 or 3 logs is because that is what we


      did with antibiotics when we first noted that they


      could kill bugs in the test tube.  We started off


      with 10                                           3 bugs; we killed them

all, and that is how


      we get to 10                                                   3 as

bactericidal.  I wasn't around


      then but I can see that that is how we made the


      leap to saying if we kill 3 logs in the test tubes


      and we kill 3 logs on the hand we are doing better.


      So, I think there is some logic.  It is not totally


      false so at least there is a little bit of




                In the development of these sorts of


      things, I think it would behoove industry if they


      could show proof of concept in an animal model.  It


      would sort of lend a lot more credence to the fact


      that that might work in people since infections in


      animals presumably come the same way as people.


      And, you could kill a lot of mice without




      disturbing an IRB.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  Actually, I apologize in


      advance, I have a somewhat lengthy answer to this


      but it sets up the entirety of what I want to say


      so if I could jump in--


                DR. WOOD:  Right.


                DR. FLEMING:  The answer is structured as


      what is it that makes the surrogate here


      complicated; what would do we know based on the


      current data about the reliability of the


      surrogate; what do we do know from a regulatory


      perspective; where do we want to be in the future;


      and what do we need to do to be where we want to be


      in the future?  So, essentially, I think all these


      are parts to question one.


                Quickly, as I think about the factors that


      could influence how the microbiological effects,


      the biomarker effects, might impact infection risk,


      and these are things that I find are critical to


      think about if you want to look at a biomarker as


      being predictive of an effect on a clinical




      endpoint there, is the degree of effect and that is


      what we are banking on.  Everybody is saying can we


      use the level, the log reduction as the essence of


      what is capturing how an intervention is going to


      be affecting the clinical endpoint?  It is


      plausible that that is one component, but is 10                         






      dropping 10                                                 5 the same as

105 dropping 103?


                Secondly, the durability of effect is


      important.  We want fast acting; we want


      persistence.  Those are different elements.  The


      breadth of effect matters.  Is it broad spectrum?


      How are we affecting gram-positives?  How are we


      affecting gram-negatives?  And position, on the


      fingernails; in the crevices or deep below


      superficial skin levels--all of these are


      complications to this.


                There is also the artificial testing


      conditions that we have in the way we go about


      trying to assess log reductions.  The vigor of


      scrubbing impacts what log reduction you are going


      to get.  The use of the neutralizers and are we


      doing that in a consistent way influences?


                We are using Serratia instead of what


      actually might be the bugs that are causing the


      problems, which are staph. and strep., which can




      therefore lead to potentially underestimating and


      overestimating.  Maybe we are underestimating


      because the effect on Serratia is less than staph.


      and strep.  Conversely, we may be overestimating.


                There could be numerous other factors.


      You might be creating opportunistic influences as


      you are altering one organism and creating an


      opportunity for excess growth of another organism


      that could have a different virology.  There is


      just a wide array of these different types of


      factors that actually, when you think about this in


      the totality, doesn't make it too surprising that


      when the FDA has done their 1,000-article overview


      what they are finding is not very good evidence


      that reductions in microbial counts are predictive


      of effects on infection.


                So, the evidence that we would have would


      suggest that the multidimensional aspect of all of


      this indicates that what we really care about,




      which is a treatment effect on preventing


      infection, may readily not be reliably addressed by


      the simplicity of the log reduction since the


      actual antimicrobial effect that you could have


      could be much more complex than just summarized in


      that simplicity.


                So, where does that leave us?  My own


      sense is, to answer this question directly, taking


      a measured strategy, I would think maintaining the


      current standard for those products that are


      currently under review is a measured step.  But I


      would hope that we would put into place studies


      that allow us to have much better insight in the


      future, insight that is going to allow us to avoid


      unnecessary healthcare cost if soap and water,


      together with sophisticated ancillary care, is


      enough or, if it isn't enough, to recognize what it


      is that really will provide additional benefit.


                Michelle Pearson pointed out that it is


      possible to do trials that will allow us to look at


      how interventions affect outcome.  She referred to


      numerous studies, studies on perioperative oxygen,




      glucose control, optimal time shaving, systemic


      antibiotics.  We were able, as she was indicating,


      to do properly controlled trials to be able to


      understand how these factors influence infection


      risk.  It certainly ought to be possible,


      therefore, to do such studies to be able to find


      out whether or not these antibacterial agents


      affect risk.


                So, I would throw on the table some


      proposed strategies that I think could be feasible,


      and obviously would need to be fleshed out between


      statisticians at the agency and industry.  But I


      would argue that designs to look at efficacy or


      effectiveness could be very useful.  An efficacy


      comparison would be, for example, handwash, a


      randomization where everyone has handwash and there


      is a blinded assessment of the vehicle against the


      antibacterial intervention.  This would be a


      superiority trial that would be blinded.


                On the other hand, an effectiveness study


      that would be an open-label study looking at the


      antibacterial against an active control, such as




      handwashing, would also be a very important trial


      and it could be done as a superiority trial.


                As Dr. Fischler pointed out, in the


      healthcare personnel handwash setting the unit of


      randomization would be the hospital unit, and one


      could be randomizing surgical intensive care units,


      and you would need about 50-100 of these where you


      would be looking within each unit about 50 patients


      or so.  So, we are looking at trial sizes that are


      much like the Parienti trial that we were looking




                In this context, it sounds daunting but


      these are large, simple trials.  These are trials


      where you don't take each of these participants and


      go through the intensive antimicrobial assessments.


      You are looking at outcomes that are basically is


      there an infection or is there not where you would


      take a random sub-sample of these participants, but


      only a small fraction, and do the antibacterial


      assessments so that you can carry out the kinds of


      analyses that Dr. Powers was talking about, that


      is, within these trials, what is the effect of the




      intervention both on infection rate as well as on


      the biomarker?


                In the patient preop skin preparation, a


      very similar approach could be taken where now the


      patient is the unit of randomization, so that


      becomes simpler, and it could be an open-label


      trial because you could now have a blinded


      evaluator who is separate from the caregiver, the


      person who is administrating the intervention.


                It has been indicated that the surgical


      hand scrub situation is the most controversial of


      these as to whether we could do it, but I would put


      on the table the possibility of randomizing to soap


      and water with vehicle versus the antibacterial in


      a blinded trial as a study that, from what I have


      heard, I believe could, in fact, still be an


      ethical trial.


                The question then is who is going to pay


      for these studies?  Who is going to do these


      trials?  Well, in fact, who has done the studies


      that have been adequately powered to look at


      infection endpoints?  Certainly, the hope would be




      that there would be a combination of industry


      support for these trials together with government


      and NIH support.


                Within the last couple of weeks I was


      asked to testify before the Senate as to what might


      be done to allow the FDA to be more effective, and


      one of the things that I suggested was to provide


      FDA funding for a program that would enable the FDA


      to ensure that there are observational and clinical


      trial studies done where these funds in particular


      could be useful to conduct important studies that


      would be controlled trials for widely used


      products, the setting that we are in right now,


      where there isn't, in fact, the assurance that they


      are going to be done in a timely way by industry


      and NIH.  So, I would argue this is one such




                The bottom line is what I would hope we


      would do is identify what is correct and what ought


      to be done, and advocate for what ought to be done


      and hope that that advocacy for what ought to be


      done will motivate those people that do have the




      potential to do the right thing to, in fact, pursue




                DR. WOOD:  Good.  I guess all of these


      trials that were done in surgical settings were


      done with all the complexities that exist for every


      other one and, in fact, it was possible to


      demonstrate the things that altered the effect,


      including time of administration, which is normally


      a difficult demonstration to make in a trial.  So,


      it is possible to do these trials.  I agree.  Mike?


                DR. ALFANO:  Just with a clarification


      because CDC promulgated the guidelines that this


      group is suggesting has an unacceptable database.


      So, I don't think we should have the presumption


      that the study she was talking about, about


      controlling diabetes for example  or sugar levels


      and the like, would necessarily pass mustard for


      this type of review.  So, we just need to be


      careful because all the studies we talked about


      were published, for the most part, in peer-reviewed


      journals.  The studies she talked about were


      published in peer-reviewed journals.  We just don't




      know that her studies would pass mustard under this


      type of review.


                DR. WOOD:  Other comments?  Yes, John?


                DR. POWERS:  I can assure you that the


      systemic antibiotics that are approved for


      perioperative prophylaxis did pass our mustard and


      are approved for exactly that.  So, shaving and


      things like that--I don't think FDA approves, you


      know, razors but at least for the systemic


      antimicrobial drugs, those were exactly the same


      data that we used to approve those for those




                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Larson?


                DR. LARSON:  I just want to point out one


      other design issue that is slightly different.


      Actually, I think the studies that you are


      suggesting in OR are much easier than studies on


      clinical units.  The difference is the


      intervention.  You give an antibiotic; you know you


      gave it; you know the dose; you watch and you can


      watch every time it is done.  You shave; you know


      you shaved or didn't shave, or whatever; you know




      it is done.


                When you are doing a hand hygiene


      intervention on a clinical unit and you have 70


      different people who touch every patient every day,


      you have to make sure that everybody who comes onto


      that unit follows the protocol to which they are


      assigned.  That is the problem.  That is the


      problem because you have, as you saw, per nurse 43


      indications, or per ICU, 43 indications for hand


      hygiene, whatever it was that Dr. Boyce showed, per


      hour and you have to make sure 24 hours a day that


      everybody who is assigned to one thing does it.


      That is the difference in intervention.  It is a


      little bit more complicated but I agree with you


      that it can be done and we have done one, as I


      said, which is going to be coming out in Archives


      very soon, and more can be done.


                But even the Parienti paper which, in my


      opinion, is the best one and the only clinical


      trial that has ever been done in surgery was just


      dissed here because, well, it was comparing alcohol


      and CHG and, you know, maybe if we can convince




      somebody to do a plain soap that would be, I guess,


      the answer.


                DR. WOOD:  But you wouldn't necessarily


      start on the ward unit; you would start in places


      where you could do your studies most easily and if


      you demonstrated an effect in that setting you


      would move down to other--


                DR. LARSON:  And where would that be where


      you have a clinical endpoint?


                DR. WOOD:  Well, surgical scrubs for a




                DR. LARSON:  Oh, well, he was just saying


      surgical would be the hardest.  I am saying it is


      not.  Surgical products and surgical studies are a


      little bit different than handwashing or hand


      hygiene studies clinically.  That is where things


      are used a lot.  My question is, we are talking now


      about OTC products--at least they are right now,


      where there is no opportunity for industry to


      patent anything.  So, why would they spend money


      for a clinical trial?


                DR. WOOD:  What do you mean?


                DR. LARSON:  Unless they are under an NDA.


                DR. WOOD:  Right, if they are under an


      NDA, which is what we are talking about--




                DR. LARSON:  Oh, this is OTC setting.


                DR. WOOD:  If they come in--wait a minute,


      guys, before you all laugh.  If you come in with an


      application that shows that you reduce bacteremia


      and bring that in under an NDA you can patent that.


                DR. LARSON:  Under an NDA, but we are


      talking about OTC products now, how you look at


      endpoints for OTC products, unless we want to


      change those to not be OTC.


                DR. WOOD:  Well, we are encouraging you to


      do both.  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  Yes, just to clarify, when


      you are looking at the patient perioperative skin


      preparation we are agreeing.  I am saying the


      simplicity of that is that the patient is the unit


      of randomization.  When you look at the surgical


      hand scrub setting, I am not claiming this is


      difficult in terms of unit of randomization.  There


      I would have the surgeon as my unit of




      randomization.  What I was claiming was difficult


      were comments that some have made as to whether


      they would accept soap and water as an appropriate


      control regimen.  If that is appropriate, and I am


      putting it on the table that I am not persuaded


      that we have enough evidence to say it can't be,


      then I think this would be a very viable study


      where you would look at soap and water vehicle


      versus soap and water with the antibacterial in a


      blinded trial.


                You are right.  In the healthcare


      personnel handwash what I was indicating was I


      would randomize by the hospitalization unit for the


      very reasons you are talking about, and we would,


      in fact, encourage that entire unit to use the


      strategy that we are comparing.  If that strategy


      is, in fact, looking at something based on an


      active control such as handwashing versus an


      antibacterial, my own view of that is I want to


      educate and work with that group to achieve a high


      level of real-world adherence but it doesn't have


      to be 100 adherence because I am looking at




      effectiveness.  I want to know the answer, what is


      the relative effectiveness of a strategy based on


      the antibacterial where I am educating and


      encouraging in that unit--


                DR. LARSON:  Ah, but now you have added


      the intervention of education and now you have a


      multifactorial intervention.  I mean, this is


      exactly what we are saying the problems with the


      studies are.


                DR. FLEMING:  But I don't view it as a


      problem at all.  I view this as the real-world


      aspect of what I want to know the answer to.  If I


      implement a strategy within a unit that is


      advocating the use of this antibacterial versus an


      active comparator control, this is the answer I


      want; it is the exact thing we do in many settings.


      In our HIV/AIDS prevention trials it is the same


      thing where you can say there is a behavioral


      component.  That is inherently part of the story.


      I want that factored into the design.


                DR. LARSON:  But that was a criticism of


      many of these studies.


                DR. FLEMING:  The criticism, for example


      of the Parienti trial, was that it was looking at


      two different interventions.




                DR. LARSON:  Not the Parienti trial but a


      lot of the others were criticized because of


      multiple interventions at the same time, like


      education and just those things you are talking




                DR. FLEMING:  Well, it depends on the


      manner in which that is incorporated and the manner


      in which they are controlled.  If it is a properly


      randomized, controlled trial looking at


      effectiveness, then it is not a criticism.


                DR. WOOD:  Which most of them weren't.


      Most of them were serial trials.


                DR. FLEMING:  That is right, and then it


      becomes a much different issue.


                DR. PATTERSON:  Some of them weren't but


      that was still the criticism.


                DR. WOOD:  Any other comments on question




                [No response]


                I guess we don't need to vote on that so


      let's move on to question two, has compelling


      evidence been provided to change the currently used


      threshold log reduction standard?  Please vote on


      each product category separately.


                Okay, has compelling evidence been




      provided to change the currently used threshold log


      reduction standard?  Anyone want to start on that?




                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  I don't see any


      evidence--again, back to the surrogate, we don't


      have any way of tying in the particular endpoints


      with effectiveness.  So, I don't see how we have


      any way of sort of pulling back from what is


      already in the monograph.


                One of the things that I do have


      difficulty with, and it is because I am caught up


      with not following the logic, is in the healthcare


      personnel handwash products, the wash 1, 2, 3 4, up


      to 10.  I just haven't heard anything that says


      that that is compelling one way or the other in


      terms of keeping it or dropping it.  I just would




      like to hear what other people have to say about


      that.  But, anyway to summarize, I don't see


      anything that the sponsors have said that would say


      that we have evidence that we should change and


      drop the level of requirement, and I do have this


      other comment about the multiple washing.  I just


      didn't hear enough in terms of what we are getting


      at by having it.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Leggett?


                DR. LEGGETT:  My thought about the 10


      washes is that people are going to wash their hands


      10 times.  If it is only 10 times a day, it is


      still 10 washes.  So, I want to make sure that we


      don't do damage to the efficacy/safety part of that


      so I would like to keep those 10 washes in there to


      make sure that on the 10th one the hands aren't so


      cracked that it is worse.  Conversely, I don't


      understand why it has to be 3 out of 10 instead of


      just 2 out of 10.


                DR. WOOD:  Mary?


                DR. TINETTI:  Actually, I was going to say


      something very similar to Dr. Leggett.  I think the




      advantage of the multiple wash--we are hearing that


      they should be washing 40 times a day so if they


      wash 10 it would be nice to know that there is


      actually an increase that, at least theoretically,


      could be extrapolated to the number of washes that


      they should do.  Again, whether it needs to be


      higher than the first wash, but I think seeing the


      multiple washes does extrapolate to some of the


      clinical issues.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Larson?


                DR. LARSON:  We have cultured--I don't


      know, 8,000 nurses' hands over periods of years,


      etc.  The average count now on nurses'


      hands--granted, there tend to be more women and


      smaller hands so the counts are a little smaller


      because of the square surface area, but the average


      counts are 4-5 logs when they come to work.  If you


      are expecting a 3-log reduction you are not going


      to get it.  You are starting at such a low number


      now that I am not sure you are going to be able to


      see it, and I don't see any rationale for having a


      need for increased reduction after 10.  You want




      the hands to be as clean as they can be every time


      you touch a patient from the beginning wash and


      there is no reason, that I can see, why it should


      be better after 10 washes.


                DR. PATTERSON:  Regarding the specific


      question about has there been compelling evidence


      provided to change the currently used log reduction


      standard, I think the answer to that is no.


                But I do think there is a compelling


      argument or case to evaluate it for change based on


      the fact that in the TFM the standards are set


      arbitrarily and are not evidence-based.  I would


      favor looking at persistence.  I don't think that


      cumulative needs to be looked at for efficacy but


      should be looked at for tolerability and safety.


      Getting back to the issue again of the clinical


      trials, I think that would be ideal.  As far as the


      handwash and preoperative skin preparation, if our


      federal agencies can advise the accrediting


      agencies that accredit us that we don't need to


      monitor handwashing or antisepsis, then perhaps


      that will be feasible.


                As far as the surgical hands scrub, based


      on 20 years of infection control and the infection


      control literature that has numerous reports of




      outbreaks, particularly in the OR, that have been


      linked to flora found on the hands and shown to be


      the same organism, I think that there is good


      enough data to say that it would not be ethical in


      a developed country where antisepsis is available


      to have a trial that used a vehicle instead of an




                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Bradley?


                DR. BRADLEY:  It seems as though voting on


      this monograph is going back to what the FDA


      said--the monograph was designed to deal with drugs


      which were on the market before the '70's.  If we


      vote to keep this current monograph, which is


      probably not relevant to new studies coming


      forward, how much of these criteria in the current


      monograph will be applied for new drug


      applications?  So, in a sense, if we vote for this


      and industry doesn't want to do something along


      these lines, would they go through an NDA process




      which would be more strict than this or more


      flexible, and it would be like redesigning the


      monograph from scratch but not through this




                DR. JOHNSON:  This gets to be the chicken


      and the egg problem.  We have been told by our


      general counsel that, in looking forward, if we


      finalize the monograph we could in similar


      scenarios have to apply the same criteria to NDAs,


      that is, until we got to the questions you posed


      before about significant changes in the products,


      significant changes of the indication, and then we


      would bring forward different criteria.


                Let me just clarify, when I am referring


      to pre-'72 it is active ingredients on the market


      pre-'72.  Products using those active ingredients


      can come forward under the monograph as new


      products.  They are not NDAs but they are new to


      the marketplace; they just use the same active


      ingredients.  A product that had a completely new


      active ingredient would have to come in under an


      NDA and could most likely use these criteria. 




      Again, it goes back to your earlier questions about


      how different it is and what indication they are


      seeking, and that sort of thing, but if they are


      trying to toe the same basic line, same criteria.


                DR. WOOD:  Mike?


                DR. ALFANO:  Yes, I am just troubled by


      slide number 11 that Dr. Fischler showed which was


      that chlorhexidine did not, at least in his trial,


      pass the current TFM.  So, if that were


      finalized--admittedly that wouldn't be involved


      because it is an NDA product, but presumably


      everything else that wasn't NDA would go away.  Is


      that true?  If that is true, how comfortable are we


      if that monograph is to be finalized?


                DR. WOOD:  Why doesn't the FDA respond


      directly to that question?


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Because the monograph is


      finalized doesn't mean that all the products go


      away.  Obviously, you have NDA products out there


      that can continue to market.  Also, products can be


      reformulated to comply with the monograph


      standards.  So, it is a question of reformulation,




      maybe even relabeling.


                DR. ALFANO:  A follow-up to that, I think


      the problem is that the newest version of the


      monograph includes a cleansing wash.  To Dr.


      Larson's point, that wash reduces the burden to the


      extent that there was no log reduction in the first


      wash with 4 percent chlorhexidine product.  So,


      that troubles me if, in fact, that is the way it is


      to be applied.  Now, it could be changed as it goes


      to final monograph.  If you take the wash out maybe


      that is a different scenario.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Exactly.  The monograph


      methodology is not engraved in stone.  There are a


      lot of issues that we heard today about this


      methodology and we are certainly going to try and


      rectify a lot of that if we continue to go down


      this road.  So, we are aware of the problem with


      that extra handwash in the handwash methodology and


      it is totally unvalidated.


                DR. WOOD:  And there were lots of other


      problems that were raised--


                DR. LUMPKINS:  Yes.


                DR. WOOD:  There were lots of other


      problems raised with the actual methodology that


      would need to be addressed.  That is not a question




      that is here and I don't think its absence should


      imply that the committee is endorsing the




                DR. JOHNSON:  Just with regard to the


      personnel handwashes, just to clarify, the original


      wash is to take away some of the factors associated


      with the actual physical properties of the skin


      such as oiliness and that sort of thing.  Also, the


      personnel handwash methodology involves the


      inoculation.  So, the mentality is that you are


      kind of getting everyone to a cleanliness state,


      whatever that might be, and then inoculating them


      to a similar higher level.  At least, that is the


      theoretical basis for it.


                DR. WOOD:  Any other comments?  Frank?


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  I have a general comment.


      I think it applies more to the personnel handwash


      than to the two surgically related ones.  This


      strikes me as very much like a lot of clinical




      decisions where there are harms and benefits to


      either side of the decision.  I mean, if the


      standard is relaxed, it seems to me that wouldn't


      preclude someone from coming up tomorrow with a new


      agent that actually was more effective and, in


      fact, would meet whatever standard we thought was


      good.  But a relaxed standard still would allow the


      development of better agents, if that is one of the


      general goals.  Someone could also figure out how


      to get 100 percent compliance with the existing


      agents which would probably do quite a bit to


      reduce clinical infection.


                On the other hand, if the relaxed standard


      were adopted it would remove, I think, some of the


      incentives to develop better products because you


      don't have to beat such a tough standard.  Not


      relaxing the standard, keeping it as rigorous as


      this, seems to me would keep only the most


      "effective" agents on the market and it might force


      the search for better agents.


                On the other hand, it might, as has been


      discussed, remove a lot of agents that really




      probably are doing something useful, which would be


      really a fairly major concern.  Another part of the


      downside is that if the standard were maintained as


      very strict, the people in the industry might very


      well see that that is a standard that is going to


      be hard to meet and they might just simply leave


      the industry altogether because the likelihood of,


      you know, putting in money to develop the product


      that met the standard might simply be seen as not




                So, I am struggling not so much on the


      basis of the science but on the basis of the


      implications, the potential benefits and harms,


      particularly in the absence of the clinical


      infection data.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Leggett?


                DR. LEGGETT:  I thought we were only still


      talking about personnel handwash but I will just


      jump in for the other two.


                DR. WOOD:  Let's do them all at once.


                DR. LEGGETT:  Okay.  My comments about not


      doing wash 2 and wash 11 are the same that I had




      for wash 10 in the personnel handwash.  I don't


      understand--my same point--why it has to be 3 logs


      at wash 11 5 days later.  What is the logic?  Does


      that mean that eventually somebody is going to have


      sterile hands at a month and a half?  I mean, that


      is not going to happen.


                The other thing I had is about sticking a


      needle through somebody's chest.  How is that


      different pathogenetically than putting a scalpel


      to their stomach?  So, I don't understand why we


      need 2 logs in the stomach but only 1 log if we are


      going to put a big hemodialysis catheter in their




                Then, I am not sure why we need 3 in the


      groin, except that there are more bugs there so it


      is easier.  However, if we want to look at any


      clinical surrogate endpoints, we know that there


      are no more line infections from groin lines than


      there are from subclavian lines.  So, how can that




                Given all that, if the CFU decline doesn't


      mean anything, and there is not a lot of good data,




      I don't see any reason to change it, in other words


      to decrease it.


                DR. WOOD:  Mary?


                DR. TINETTI:  We have been hearing all day


      that there is no relationship between these log


      reductions and the outcomes that we are interested




                DR. WOOD:  I think you needed to be on


      another planet not to get that information from


      this.  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  Well, reading the question


      literally, for me it is an easy answer, is there


      compelling evidence to change the currently used


      log threshold, no, no and no.  Now, the issue, is


      going beyond that, what do we think about this--


                DR. WOOD:  Well, let's deal with just the


      question first because we have to vote on it, that


      is why.  Well, go ahead.


                DR. FLEMING:  Well, briefly and it is an


      issue that has been stated before, it has been


      correctly noted by a number of colleagues around


      the table, all right, but we don't really have




      compelling evidence to say why it has to be a


      larger level of protection when you have additional


      washes.  Of course, I also don't know whether 1 or


      2 is enough.  And, my general sense in working with


      surrogates is that I have a great deal of concern


      about their use unless there is the level of


      reliability of validation that we have talked


      about, but my intuition says when in doubt, the


      larger the level of effect you are asking for, it


      does influence plausibility that you are actually


      going to get protection.


                So, in the serious absence of evidence


      here, if we are still going to be using these


      measures, it strikes me as illogical to be


      weakening what it is when we are saying that what


      has been put forward itself hasn't been justified.


      My sense as well is if, in fact, what we are


      putting forward is a standard that is rigorous,


      might that rigorous standard provide indirect


      motivation for people to do the kinds of trials we


      really want?  We have made it very easy for three


      decades based on a relatively weak standard for




      people to not enter into the kinds of trials that


      will really reliably tell us what types of


      interventions and what types of biological effects


      truly will provide patient protection.  So, it


      seems to me this wouldn't be the time to weaken a


      standard when we have acknowledged that this


      standard itself hasn't been rigorously justified.


                DR. WOOD:  So, picking up on Mary's


      comment and on yours, would it be the committee's


      pleasure to have a question of has compelling


      evidence been provided to justify the current


      standard?  Is that what you want?  And then take


      that second question?  Or do you just want to go to


      that question?  Is that what you are saying?


                DR. LARSON:  Could I just ask--of course,


      I am not voting, but I just want to ask the


      committee why you think there haven't been studies


      done.  It seems to me that one compelling reason to


      ask is this, if this has been the standard since


      1978 why have the studies not bee done?


                DR. WOOD:  Let me answer that.  I can reel


      them off and I can keep us here all night, but




      studies were not done comparing diuretics to


      standards in antihypertensive therapy.  There were


      no studies done comparing a placebo to


      postmenopausal estrogens.  There are lots of


      studies that were not done and there were all kinds


      of reasons for why they were not done.  It does not


      necessarily mean they are impossible to be done.


                DR. LARSON:  No, of course not, but it


      might mean that the surrogates are not very


      meaningful to the people who are getting the money


      to do the studies.


                DR. WOOD:  Right, I agree, and that is


      what I think Tom and I are saying, that we here to


      motivate them to get it done.


                Hearing no compelling evidence that we


      want two votes, let's take one.  Has compelling


      evidence been provided to change the currently used


      threshold log reduction standard?  The answer to


      that would be that if you wanted to keep the


      standard you would say no, and if you wanted to


      change the standard you would say yes.  Agreed?


                DR. FLEMING:  Not quite.  I mean the




      question doesn't say that.  The question just says


      has compelling evidence been provided.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.


                DR. FLEMING:  That is all it is saying.


                DR. WOOD:  All right.  So, has compelling


      evidence been provided to change the currently used


      threshold log reduction standard?  We will go down


      A, B and C.  To make it efficient, let's do them in


      one round so we don't have to go around three


      times.  Let's start with Dr. Leggett.


                DR. LEGGETT:  By A you mean handwash?


                DR. WOOD:  Yes, sorry.  Handwash would be


      A; the surgical scrub would be B, and the patient


      preoperative skin preparation would be C.


                DR. LEGGETT:  So no one forgets that we


      are trying to herd cats, I will say A, no; B, no;


      C, no.  But I would like FDA to consider some


      tweaks, as I mentioned.


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  No on all three.


                DR. TINETTI:  No on all.


                DR. BLASCHKE:  No on all.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Larson is not voting?


                DR. LARSON:  I am a consultant.


                DR. LUMPKINS:  You can vote.  You have


      voting privileges.




                DR. LARSON:  No, except maybe for the


      cumulative issue.  That is a subset of two of them.


                DR. WOOD:  All right.  Wayne?


                DR. SNODGRASS:  No on all three.


                DR. PATTEN:  No on all three.


                DR. WOOD:  No on all three.


                DR. PATTERSON:  No on all three, except


      for the cumulative data.


                DR. BRADLEY:  No on all three except the


      day 5 surgical scrub.


                DR. CLYBURN:  No on all three, except the




                DR. FINCHAM:  As the questions are listed,


      no on all three.


                DR. FLEMING:  No on all three.


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  No on all three.


                DR. WOOD:  Let's go on to question number


      three, given the current standards using surrogate


      markers to demonstrate efficacy, how should the




      analysis be conducted?


                How should we define meeting the


      threshold, for example mean log reduction, median


      log reduction, percentage of subjects meeting




                How should we evaluate the variability in


      the data?  And, how do we evaluate the variability


      in the test method?


                These are long questions.  Anyone want to


      start off with that?  Yes, Ralph?


                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  I realize the present TFM


      is ambiguous and we probably aren't going to


      straighten things out completely, but in terms of


      the type of endpoints and designs within the log


      reduction that I think makes sense, if we make a


      suggestion they do a mean log reduction, I think


      that is fine.


                I think that also percent subjects meeting


      threshold has a lot of merit to it and certainly a


      lot of clinical trials run two primaries or one


      primary and an important secondary.  So, I think


      both of those as endpoints make a lot of sense.


                As far as variability of the data, I think


      that we should suggest and what I think should be


      done is that we start looking at confidence




      intervals of these values, not just that you attain


      a mean.  When you talk about variability of the


      test method, there are a lot of different ways of


      handling it but one design that was mentioned by


      the presentation of the FDA was to have a vehicle


      and an active control plus the test so you have a


      three-arm study.  I am not sure I follow completely


      what it means to have a vehicle here, if that is


      possible or what-have-you, but I think that that


      type of design, a three-arm study with a


      vehicle--some type of low-level activity; what does


      the vehicle actually do; what does soap and water


      actually do as one arm.  Another with the active


      control, and then the test.


                And then the study in terms of the


      analysis to handle the variability of the test


      method you would look at the active versus the


      vehicle; you would look at the test versus the


      vehicle and that would be a way of getting the




      internal validation of the study.  You want the


      active to work in this study.  In addition to that,


      we would want both the active and the test to


      exceed the bacterial reduction criteria or percent


      criteria, whichever we felt was appropriate, the


      most important endpoint.  So, it is looking at a


      three-arm study, getting internal validation and


      then also getting some real comfort and solid


      support that you have also maintained the bacterial




                DR. WOOD:  Let's take each question


      separately.  Let's do meeting the threshold


      question first.  Any further discussion on that


      that people have?  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  Well, just sticking to that


      answer, it is certainly very appropriate I would


      say to advocate for any one of these three


      approaches.  The two that seem most appealing to me


      are the ones that we probably use the most, which


      is the mean log reduction, but then also looking at


      the percent meeting the threshold has a real appeal


      to it.  I think Dr. Valappil did a very nice job of




      laying out these pros and cons.


                The concern with the mean log reduction is


      that it is possible that you could have some


      outliers that create a favorable mean.  Let's say


      you wanted a 3-log reduction, you might be


      achieving that but heavily influenced by a few


      outliers.  So, the alternative of looking at the


      percent of subjects that meet the threshold is very


      appealing if, in fact, we have a pretty good sense


      that what you really need for protection is--I will


      throw out a number--a 3-log reduction.  Anything


      less than that isn't protective; anything greater


      is.  Then, clearly, in that scenario I would want


      to look at the percent of subjects that meet the




                In the absence of really having a good


      sense about this, the disadvantage of that is you


      are throwing away some information that the mean is


      keeping.  So, my own sense is I could advocate for


      either of those two approaches because they have


      relative merits.


                DR. WOOD:  Dr. Leggett?


                DR. LEGGETT:  If you kept the mean but


      then you included confidence intervals, that would


      solve the problem that was presented by the FDA,




      wouldn't it?


                DR. FLEMING:  I am going to jump ahead and


      strongly agree with Ralph that the confidence


      interval is critical here.  So, it is a very


      important feature but it doesn't necessarily get


      around the influence of outliers that you would


      still have when you are looking at means.


                DR. FINCHAM:  Alastair, aren't we making


      assumptions about measures of central tendency of


      percentages of individuals meeting a threshold


      without any consideration of sample size?  If you


      have a sample size of two, none of these are going


      to be effective, in my mind.  So, I don't know if


      that clouds the issue more but appropriate


      statistical techniques and research design, in my


      mind, mandate that you have appropriate sample




                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Presumably, you would


      have to have some power calculation to determine




      the difference that you were going to be able to


      exclude.  So, I think inherent in this is the


      assumption that we are going to have some


      predefined power calculation that says what sort of


      difference we are going to be powered to exclude.


      I would think that but I will defer to Ralph and




                DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Yes, the reason I was


      answering all three is because I do agree that you


      have to respond to all three in order to think what


      the study is going to be like.  When you get down


      to the third one, if you are talking about a


      vehicle you are saying the active versus the


      vehicle must be statistically significant and so


      you must have big enough sample sizes for the test.


      I agree a hundred percent with what you are saying.


                DR. WOOD:  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  Again I agree with Ralph


      that for me, as a statistician, the answer to parts


      one, two and three is an integrated answer.  Just


      to reiterate, the answer to part (i) is very


      difficult in the absence of believing in this as a




      marker that we really adequately understand as to


      how it is predicting benefit.


                The answer to (ii), as Ralph has already


      said--it seems to me that point estimate, as


      important as it is, is our best sense of what the


      data tell us about the effect.  The precision of


      that estimate is critical.  You have to understand


      not just the point estimate but the precision and,


      hence, the confidence interval becomes really key.


                The third aspect of this is how do we


      evaluate the variability in the test method?  My


      own sense about this is I think there is more than


      one way that you adequately do this so I want to


      kind of quickly walk through three steps.  One way


      to do this is to compare the test against a


      vehicle.  This would typically be in a setting


      where it is a blinded trial and you are wanting to


      look at efficacy.  Clearly, in that setting I want


      superiority, and I would want superiority at the


      level that the guidelines have indicated. But as


      industry has mentioned, therefore, what is the


      lower limit of the confidence interval that you




      would accept?  At this point I would consider, in


      the spirit of what has been stated, that the lower


      limit of the confidence interval has to rule out


      this 20 percent lesser effect than the target


      effect, which more or less is going to mean your


      point estimate is going to have to be close to the


      target effect or better to rule that out.


                A second design would be looking at the


      test against an active comparator.  That could be


      either an open-label effectiveness trial or a


      blinded efficacy trial.  The ideal here would be


      superiority again.  The ideal would be if there is


      superiority and I can show superiority, then I am


      comfortable having just those two arms.  The


      concern that existed with the Parienti trial is


      that when there isn't superiority against an active


      control you don't know whether you are equally


      effective or equally ineffective.  But if you have


      superiority those data are interpretable.


                The third third approach is when you are


      going head-to-head with the test against the active


      comparator can it be good enough just to show




      non-inferiority?  Technically, yes.  Technically,


      it can if i know the active comparator is providing


      substantial effect and that effect is precisely


      understood.  Then, in fact, I can come up with a


      margin.  But here is the essence, I have to know


      that there is assay sensitivity here.  I have to


      know, in the context of the trial in which the


      active comparison is being done, that this active


      comparator is providing substantial benefit in


      order to be able to justify a non-inferiority




                So, a variation of that design when I


      can't be that confident would be the three-arm


      study that people have been talking about.  You do


      the test and the vehicle and the active and the


      vehicle and essentially that strategy allows, when


      it is ethical, when it is ethical to have a


      vehicle--it allows you to be able to look directly


      at test against vehicle and have the active in


      there to basically validate assay sensitivity.


      But, in essence, I need that third arm in a setting


      where I can't be confident that I know what the




      efficacy is of the active comparator.


                I would accept as well in this setting


      that if I know the active comparator is highly


      effective, then I can use a non-inferiority margin


      and still be confident that I am establishing


      effect at the level that is targeted.


                DR. WOOD:  But in the absence of knowing


      that you almost would have to have--


                DR. FLEMING:  In this third strategy, in


      the absence of being confident that I know that the


      active comparator is going to be highly effective


      at a defined level, then I don't have the assurance


      of having assay sensitivity.  That is when I have


      to insert then the active comparator arm in with


      the test and vehicle into three arms.  DR. WOOD:




                DR. ALFANO:  Just something that may help


      people formulate their perspectives, you know,


      chlorhexidine is cationic so it is formulated with


      cationic surfactants which are not as good at


      cleansing as are the anionics and, therefore, when


      you look at the vehicle control chlorhexidine has a




      bit of a built in advantage versus its own control.


                DR. WOOD:  So, what you are saying is you


      need the appropriate control, whatever that is.  I


      don't think Tom was implying that it was


      necessarily the vehicle.


                DR. ALFANO:  A straight vehicle control


      would make it look better.  I am not knocking


      chlorhexidine, mind you, but it is a technology




                DR. WOOD:  Got it.


                DR. ALFANO:  The other comment, thinking


      back to my days in microbiology, for problems of


      this type you want to keep a large number of


      products available, presumably products that work,


      of course.  If you look at the data we have


      reviewed you have seen scenarios presented where


      people were having trouble on the ward when they


      were using chlorhexidine.  When they switched to


      alcohol it improved.  When they were using alcohol


      and switched to chlorhexidine it improved.  So, we


      just need to be careful that we don't lose those


      abilities to switch as problems arise given an




      endemic infection in a given hospital setting.


                DR. WOOD:  Don't you think when these


      switches were made, you know, multiple


      interventions occurred simultaneously?


                DR. ALFANO:  Well, that is the criticism--


                DR. WOOD:  When there is an outbreak like


      that everybody suddenly wakes up and says, wow, we


      had better do what we are supposed to be doing.


                DR. ALFANO:  It could be.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Frank?


                DR. DAVIDOFF:  Yes, first I just should


      mention that Tom is clearly a Bayesian because he


      keeps saying how confident he is.


                But, no, I had a specific question for the


      agency to follow-up on Tom's point that there is


      valuable information both in the mean and in the


      percent of subjects meeting the threshold.  My


      question is whether it is considered appropriate


      and useful, or even possible, to use a dual


      criterion in some fashion, that is, both measures


      or some combination of those measures rather than


      just one or the other.  I can see how it might




      create difficulties to create a rule that you have


      to either meet both or, if you don't meet both, one


      of them has to be above--I mean, it could get more


      complicated.  On the other hand, not using both


      might lose important information.


                DR. POWERS:  It is possible.  The issue is


      if you are going to have two endpoints and apply


      equal weight to those, that usually entails some


      adjustment of what your test of significance is to


      be able to do that.


                But the question that we struggle with is,


      is the information that we are losing significant


      information in terms of what Tom said.  We don't


      know that we need to really differentiate the


      person who has a 6-log reduction from a 5-log


      reduction.  I guess that is what we struggle with.


      The percent of subjects achieving a threshold


      really kind of addresses the mean piece because you


      will be picking up that information.  As Thamban


      said, it won't allow us to differentiate the people


      who have huge reductions from less huge reductions.


      The question is, is the information that is lost




      there worth knowing and, unfortunately, we don't


      have the answer to that.  So, I guess what we


      struggle with from a clinical perspective is we are


      worried that we may have the example Thamban showed


      where you have 4/18 people who actually achieved


      the mean log reduction driving the entire results.


      In that case you lose even more important


      information, in that the vast majority of the


      people there did not achieve what you wanted in


      terms of that surrogate.


                DR. WOOD:  Any other comments on this


      question?  I think we have worked that to the end;


      we don't need to vote on that.  So, question four,


      the last question, current labeling for healthcare


      antiseptics consists of class labeling that does


      not include product performance information.  What


      labeling information would be helpful for


      clinicians to fully understand product efficacy?


                Well, from my perspective one that would


      clearly be important for clinicians would be to


      demonstrate that it actually produces some clinical


      effect.  So, that would be the highest hierarchial




      point for me and I would see that as being of such


      a different standard that it would get an NDA


      approval and would potentially have huge commercial


      and public health advantages.  I can't see any


      reason not to tell people how well it does in the


      surrogate either.  I think it was Tom who made the


      point earlier that that drives people to perform


      better.  What do other people think?


                DR. CLYBURN:  Having read this, I


      calculated that as I was seeing patients yesterday,


      I washed my hands 40-some odd times and I was using


      an alcohol wash and I didn't feel terribly


      confident, having read all of this, that there was


      a lot of data to support what I was doing.  I think


      I would like to know that.  I might choose


      something else.


                DR. WOOD:  Right.  Yes, John?


                DR. POWERS:  One of the things we wanted


      to address here that we weren't able to capture in


      the question was exactly what you mentioned, should


      we differentiate between products that say they


      have met a specific threshold in terms of a




      surrogate, but this has not been demonstrated to be


      proven to decrease infections in a clinical trial


      from products who actually go out and do that?


                DR. WOOD:  I think they are different


      products.  The others would become--no pun


      intended--some soap that you could buy


      over-the-counter.  It would be hard to imagine a


      hospital buying that product if there were ones out


      that had a demonstrated hard endpoint.  Yes, Dr.




                DR. LEGGETT:  A question for the FDA


      again, so this would not be the sort of thing where


      a product, say, triclosan named A did better than


      triclosan named B.  In other words in the current


      monograph it would be based on this log reduction.


      So, say, triclosan company A goes out and they get


      2.8 logs and company B gets 2.3--


                DR. POWERS:  That is not what we were


      suggesting.  Since we don't know the clinical


      impact of that, if you met the crieria--


                DR. WOOD:  Just like everybody else did.


                DR. LEGGETT:  Because you would be




      inundated by all sorts of people--


                DR. POWERS:  Right, as opposed to saying


      you met the criteria and you actually demonstrated


      a clinical benefit.


                DR. WOOD:  I think if you have


      demonstrated clinical benefit the issue of meeting


      the criteria is irrelevant, frankly.  I don't think


      these are linked.  I didn't mean them to sound


      linked.  Tom?


                DR. FLEMING:  John, I don't know if I am


      going further than what you are saying.  What I had


      written down here was I would like to reward those


      sponsors that have taken the high road and have


      done the rigorous studies to provide more


      conclusive assessments about efficacy as well as


      activity.  So, shouldn't the label say something to


      the effect that this intervention has achieved the


      targeted 3-log reduction in X percent of patients


      and healthy volunteers relative to control, but


      clinical studies have not established whether there


      is a decrease in infection rate?  So, specifically


      indicate what has been established and what hasn't




      been established.  Then, when another sponsor comes


      along and has established, it is very clear and


      part of the reward for the effort to go through the


      process of identifying not just the effect on


      biomarkers but on clinical efficacy endpoints is


      that their label clearly reflects that distinction.


                DR. WOOD:  Absolutely.  Other comments?


      If not, then at 4:48 we are adjourned.


                [Whereupon, at 4:48 p.m., the proceedings


      were adjourned.]


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