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RAD Event Table Structure

RAD_ps_L - Linear Event Table Structure
RAD_ps_P - Point Event Table Structure
RAD_ps_A - Waterbody Event Table Structure
RAD_ps_type_METADATA - Metadata Table Structure

Note: ps is a placeholder and should be substituted with the appropriate EPA program system abbreviation. For example the linear event table for 303(d) becomese RAD_303d_L.

Linear Event Table Structure

Column Name Data Type Width Description Source
EVENT_ID VARCHAR2 19 PRIMARY KEY - Unique event identifier. PROGSYS
F_MEAS NUMBER 7.3 From measure. PROGSYS
EOFFSET NUMBER 12.7 Event display offset. PROGSYS
RCH_CODE VARCHAR2 14 NHD linear reach code: a numeric code that uniquely identifies a reach. This 14 digit code has two parts: the first eight digits are the HUC for the CU in which the reach is located; the last six digits are a sequentially-ordered randomly assigned number. PROGSYS
RCH_DATE DATE   Date that the RCH_CODE was assigned (formatted: YYYYMMDD). PROGSYS
ATTR_PRG VARCHAR2 30 Attribute type/program being indexed. PROGSYS
ATTR_VAL VARCHAR2 20 Attribute value being indexed. PROGSYS
ENTITY_ID VARCHAR2 60 Foreign key to external database. PROGSYS
STATE VARCHAR2 2 State abbreviation. PROGSYS
METERS NUMBER 12 Length of event in meters PROGSYS
META_ID VARCHAR2 18 Unique metadata identifier. Used as link to external metadata. PROGSYS
FID NUMBER 38 Manages the relationship between the business table and the feature table. Maintained by SDE and unique for the spatial column. SDE

Point Event Table Structure

Column Name Data Type Width Description Source
EVENT_ID VARCHAR2 19 PRIMARY KEY - Unique event identifier. PROGSYS
P_MEAS NUMBER 7.3 Point measure. PROGSYS
EOFFSET NUMBER 12.7 Event display offset PROGSYS
RCH_CODE VARCHAR2 14 NHD linear reach code: a numeric code that uniquely identifies a reach. This 14 digit code has two parts: the first eight digits are the HUC for the CU in which the reach is located; the last six digits are a sequentially-ordered randomly assigned number. PROGSYS
RCH_DATE DATE   Date that the RCH_CODE was assigned (formatted: YYYYMMDD). PROGSYS
ATTR_PRG VARCHAR2 30 Attribute type/program being indexed. PROGSYS
ATTR_VAL VARCHAR2 20 Attribute value being indexed. PROGSYS
ENTITY_ID VARCHAR2 60 Foreign key to external database. PROGSYS
STATE VARCHAR2 2 State abbreviation. PROGSYS
META_ID VARCHAR2 18 Unique metadata identifier. Used as link to external metadata. PROGSYS
FID NUMBER 38 Manages the relationship between the business table and the feature table. Maintained by SDE and unique for the spatial column. SDE

Waterbody Event Table Structure

Column Name Data Type Width Description Source
EVENT_ID VARCHAR2 19 PRIMARY KEY - Unique event identifier. PROGSYS
RCH_CODE VARCHAR2 14 NHD area reach code: a numeric code that uniquely identifies a reach. This 14 digit code has two parts: the first eight digits are the HUC for the CU in which the reach is located; the last six digits are a sequentially-ordered randomly assigned number. PROGSYS
RCH_DATE DATE   Date that the RCH_CODE was assigned (formatted: YYYYMMDD). PROGSYS
ATTR_PRG VARCHAR2 30 Attribute type/program being indexed. PROGSYS
ATTR_VAL VARCHAR2 20 Attribute value being indexed. PROGSYS
ENTITY_ID VARCHAR2 60 Foreign key to external database. PROGSYS
STATE VARCHAR2 2 State abbreviation. PROGSYS
SQ_KM NUMBER 18.3 Area of event in square kilometers. PROGSYS
META_ID VARCHAR2 18 Unique metadata identifier. Used as link to external metadata. PROGSYS
FID NUMBER 38 Manages the relationship between the business table and the feature table. Maintained by SDE and unique for the spatial column. SDE

Metadata Table Structure for each event table type (linear, point, waterbody).

Column Name Data Type Width Description Source
META_ID VARCHAR2 18 PRIMARY KEY - ID of the metadata entry. PROGSYS
ORIGIN VARCHAR2 50 Person who created the data. PROGSYS
PUBDATE DATE   When the data source was released to the public. PROGSYS
TITLE VARCHAR2 30 Title of the metadata entry. PROGSYS
ABSTRACT VARCHAR2 254 Brief description of the content in the data. PROGSYS
PURPOSE VARCHAR2 30 Intended purpose of the data. PROGSYS
SUPPLINFO VARCHAR2 254 Additional information describing the data content. PROGSYS
NATIVE VARCHAR2 30 Contains the version of the RIT used to create the events. PROGSYS
BEGDATE DATE   When the content was initially created. PROGSYS
ENDDATE DATE   When the content was last updated. PROGSYS
D_CURRENT VARCHAR2 35 The basis on which the time period of content information is determined. PROGSYS
PROGRESS VARCHAR2 30 Specifies if the content is currently worked on. PROGSYS
D_UPDATE VARCHAR2 30 Describes how often the data content is updated. PROGSYS
ACCCONST VARCHAR2 7 Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set. PROGSYS
USECONST VARCHAR2 7 Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted. PROGSYS
WESTBC NUMBER 20.8 The most westerly coordinate. PROGSYS
SOUTHBC NUMBER 20.8 The most south coordinate. PROGSYS
NORTHBC NUMBER 20.8 The most north coordinate. PROGSYS
EASTBC NUMBER 20.8 The most easterly coordinate. PROGSYS
THEMEKT VARCHAR2 4 Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keyword. PROGSYS
THEMEKEY1 VARCHAR2 40 Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set (1st). PROGSYS
THEMEKEY2 VARCHAR2 40 Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set (2nd). PROGSYS
THEMEKEY3 VARCHAR2 40 Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set (3rd). PROGSYS
THEMEKEY4 VARCHAR2 40 Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set (4th). PROGSYS
THEMEKEY5 VARCHAR2 40 Common-use word or phrase used to describe the subject of the data set (5th). PROGSYS
PLACEKT VARCHAR2 4 Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of place keyword. PROGSYS
PLACEKEY1 VARCHAR2 40 The geographic name of a location covered by a data set (1st). PROGSYS
PLACEKEY2 VARCHAR2 40 The geographic name of a location covered by a data set (2nd). PROGSYS
PLACEKEY3 VARCHAR2 40 The geographic name of a location covered by a data set (3rd). PROGSYS
CNTPER VARCHAR2 50 Name of contact person, if there are questions concerning the data. PROGSYS
CNTORG VARCHAR2 50 Organization for which the person works. PROGSYS
ADDRTYPE VARCHAR2 15 Type of address given (mail/physical). PROGSYS
ADDRESS VARCHAR2 100 Address of contact person. PROGSYS
CITY VARCHAR2 25 City of contact person. PROGSYS
STATE VARCHAR2 30 State of contact person. PROGSYS
CNTVOICE VARCHAR2 10 Voice phone number. PROGSYS
CNTFAC VARCHAR2 10 Fax phone number. PROGSYS
CNTEMAIL VARCHAR2 75 E-mail of contact person. PROGSYS
ATTRACCR VARCHAR2 254 Accuracy of the data. PROGSYS
HORIZPAR VARCHAR2 254 Explanation of the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements and a description of the tests used. PROGSYS
LOGIC VARCHAR2 7 Explanation of the fidelity of relationships in the data set and tests used. PROGSYS
COMPLETE VARCHAR2 7 Information about omissions, selection criteria, generalization, definitions used, and other rules used to derive the data set. PROGSYS
PROCDESC VARCHAR2 254 Process used to create the data. PROGSYS
PROCDATE DATE   Date the data was processed. PROGSYS
SRCUSED VARCHAR2 20 Sources used to create the data. PROGSYS
ENTTYPD VARCHAR2 254 Description of the entity type. PROGSYS
ENTTYPDS VARCHAR2 55 Description of the entity type. PROGSYS
MAPPROJN VARCHAR2 50 Projection of the data. PROGSYS
FEAST NUMBER 20.1 False easting information of coordinate system. PROGSYS
FNORTH NUMBER 20.1 False northing information of coordinate system. PROGSYS
STDPARLL1 NUMBER 12.8 1st standard parallel of coordinate system. PROGSYS
STDPARLL2 NUMBER 12.8 2nd standard parallel of coordinate system. PROGSYS
LONGCM NUMBER 12.8 Central meridian of coordinate system. PROGSYS
LATPROJ NUMBER 12.8 Central parallel of coordinate system. PROGSYS
SFEQUAT NUMBER 12.8 Scale factor of projection. PROGSYS
HORIZDN VARCHAR2 40 Datum of projection. PROGSYS
UNIT VARCHAR2 10 Units of projection/coordinate system. PROGSYS
DIRECT VARCHAR2 6 System of objects used to represent space in the dataset. PROGSYS
S_NUMBER NUMBER 1 Number of sources used. PROGSYS
ORIGINX1 VARCHAR2 30 Originator of Xth source. PROGSYS
TITLEX1 VARCHAR2 150 Title/description of Xth source. PROGSYS
SRCSCALEX1 VARCHAR2 12 Scale of Xth source. PROGSYS
TYPESRCX1 VARCHAR2 20 Media of Xth source. PROGSYS
BEGDATEX1 DATE   Creation date of Xth source. PROGSYS
ENDDATEX1 DATE   Finish date of Xth source. PROGSYS
SRCCURRX1 VARCHAR2 35 Currentness of Xth source. PROGSYS
SRCCITEAX1 VARCHAR2 20 Abbreviation of Xth source. PROGSYS
SRCCONTRX1 NUMBER 3 A value in % describing the contribution of the source to the data. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL1 VARCHAR2 8 Label for the 1st field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF1 VARCHAR2 170 Definition of the 1st field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS1 VARCHAR2 21 Source of the values for the 1st field. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL2 VARCHAR2 6 Label for the 2nd field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF2 VARCHAR2 65 Definition of the 2nd field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS2 VARCHAR2 3 Source of the values for the 2nd field. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL3 VARCHAR2 8 Label for the 3rd field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF3 VARCHAR2 254 Definition of the 3rd field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS3 VARCHAR2 3 Source of the values for the 3rd field. PROGSYS
CODESETN3 VARCHAR2 15 Title of the codeset. PROGSYS
CODESETS3 VARCHAR2 8 Authority for the codeset. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL4 VARCHAR2 8 Label for the 4th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF4 VARCHAR2 65 Definition of the 4th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS4 VARCHAR2 3 Source of the values for the 4th field. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL5 VARCHAR2 5 Label for the 5th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF5 VARCHAR2 50 Definition of the 5th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS5 VARCHAR2 10 Source of the values for the 5th field. PROGSYS
CODESETN5 VARCHAR2 40 Title of the codeset. PROGSYS
CODESETS5 VARCHAR2 40 Authority for the codeset. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL6 VARCHAR2 9 Label for the 6th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF6 VARCHAR2 130 Definition of the 6th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS6 VARCHAR2 7 Source of the values for the 6th field. PROGSYS
CODESETN6 VARCHAR2 12 Title of the codeset. PROGSYS
CODESETS6 VARCHAR2 5 Authority for the codeset. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL7 VARCHAR2 8 Label for the 7th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF7 VARCHAR2 55 Definition of the 7th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS7 VARCHAR2 7 Source of the values for the 7th field. PROGSYS
CODESETN7 VARCHAR2 12 Title of the codeset. PROGSYS
CODESETS7 VARCHAR2 5 Authority for the codeset. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL8 VARCHAR2 8 Label for the 8th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF8 VARCHAR2 65 Definition of the 8th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS8 VARCHAR2 7 Source of the values for the 8th field. PROGSYS
CODESETN8 VARCHAR2 12 Title of the codeset. PROGSYS
CODESETS8 VARCHAR2 5 Authority for the codeset. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL9 VARCHAR2 6 (L & P type only) Label for the 9th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF9 VARCHAR2 55 (L & P type only) Definition of the 9th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS9 VARCHAR2 20 (L & P type only) Source of the values for the 9th field. PROGSYS
RDOMMIN9 VARCHAR2 1 (L & P type only) Minimum value. PROGSYS
RDOMMAX9 VARCHAR2 3 (L & P type only) Maximum value. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL10 VARCHAR2 6 (L type only) Label for the 10th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF10 VARCHAR2 55 (L type only) Definition of the 10th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS10 VARCHAR2 20 (L type only) Source of the values for the 10th field. PROGSYS
RDOMMIN10 VARCHAR2 1 (L type only) Minimum value. PROGSYS
RDOMMAX10 VARCHAR2 3 (L type only) Maximum value. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL11 VARCHAR2 10 (L & P type only) Label for the 11th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF11 VARCHAR2 200 (L & P type only) Definition of the 11th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS11 VARCHAR2 20 (L & P type only) Source of the values for the 11th field. PROGSYS
CODESETN11 VARCHAR2 20 (L & P type only) Minimum value. PROGSYS
CODESETS11 VARCHAR2 20 (L & P type only) Maximum value. PROGSYS
ATTRLABL12 VARCHAR2 10 (L & A type only) Label for the 12th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEF12 VARCHAR2 52 (L & A type only) Definition of the 12th field in the table. PROGSYS
ATTRDEFS12 VARCHAR2 20 (L & A type only) Source of the values for the 12th field. PROGSYS
CODESETN12 VARCHAR2 20 (L & A type only) Minimum value. PROGSYS
CODESETS12 VARCHAR2 20 (L & A type only) Maximum value. PROGSYS
METD DATE   Date when the metadata was created. PROGSYS
M_CNTPER VARCHAR2 50 Name of the contact person, if there are questions concerning the data. PROGSYS
M_CNTORG VARCHAR2 50 Organization for which the person works. PROGSYS
M_ADDRTYPE VARCHAR2 15 Type of address given below. PROGSYS
M_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 100 Address of contact person. PROGSYS
M_CITY VARCHAR2 25 City of contact person. PROGSYS
M_STATE VARCHAR2 30 State of contact person. PROGSYS
M_CNTVOICE VARCHAR2 10 Voice phone number. PROGSYS
M_CNTFAC VARCHAR2 10 Fax phone number. PROGSYS
M_CNTEMAIL VARCHAR2 75 E-mail of contact person. PROGSYS
METSTDN VARCHAR2 55 The name of the metadata standard used to document the data set. PROGSYS
METSTDV VARCHAR2 45 Identification of the version of the metadata standard used to document the data set. PROGSYS

Source Descriptions
The "Source" field in the table descriptions refers to the source of the column and the data populating it.

Source Name Description
FOD These columns and their data come from the FOD and only change when the data in the FOD is updated.
SDE These columns are required constructs of the SDE data model.
NHDinARC An ArcInfo construct which is a required part of the ArcInfo data structure. The values in these columns are not constant for a feature.
PROGSYS These columns and their data come from EPA program system databases.

If you have questions regarding these tables please email Cary McElhinney.


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