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San Francisco Bay Area; Monterey, California
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National Weather Service - San Francisco/Monterey Bay Area - Weather Calculator

Temperature Conversion

Enter a number then click on the the conversion button.
(o F)

(o C)

Wind Speed Calculations

Enter a speed into any blank to convert to all other wind speeds.
 mph   knots     m/sec     km/hr

Wind Chill Calculation

Enter the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mph, then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill index.
(o F)



Relative Humidity Calculation

Enter the air temperature and the dew point in degrees Fahrenheit, then click on the Calculate RH to compute the relative humidity.
(o F)


Heat Index Calculations

Enter the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity (RH) in percent (without the % sign), or the Dew Point (Tdp).  Then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index (HI).
Temp (o F)





Temp (o F)



Station Pressure Calculation

What is the current altimeter (inches)?
What is the station elevation? (feet)
e.g. San Jose= 67
The Station Pressure in inches is:
The Station Pressure in millibars is:
The Pressure Altitude in feet is:

Weather Phrase Finder
by Tim Brice and Todd Hall

Have you ever wanted to sound like a weather forecaster...well now you can.  Just pick a three digit number, click on convert and out will pop a fictitious weather term that will sound great and will impress your friends. Have fun!

For example say one of your friends comments on how nice the weather is. You run off to your computer type in a three digit number like "533" and out pops your weather phrase.  Then you are able to turn around to your friend and say "Yes, but you heard the 'stratospheric molecular balance' was rapidly changing so you wouldn't be surprised if it rained later that night"
Select three numbers from the drop-down boxes:
Your Weather Phrase is:

US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
San Francisco/Monterey Bay Area Weather Forecast Office
21 Grace Hopper Ave, Stop 5
Monterey, CA 93943-5505

Tel: (831)-656-1725

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National Weather Service Mission: "The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by other governmental agencies, the private sector, the public, and the global community."