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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
For Immediate Release
March 4th, 2008
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) issued the following statement day after introducing a bill that would help ensure that seafood products commercially distributed in the United States are fit for consumption.


“Mr. President. I rise today to introduce the Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act. I am joined by Senator Stevens, the Vice Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. I thank him for his work on this important issue.


“The average American eats approximately 16 pounds of fish and shellfish each year. Given this fact, it is essential that Americans have confidence in the safety and quality of the seafood they consume. Yet just last year, Americans faced news reports of tainted seafood imports reaching their kitchen tables. The Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act will help prevent such contaminated seafood from ever reaching the mouths of consumers.


“ The Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act would work to ensure that commercially distributed seafood in the United States is fit for human consumption by strengthening the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) fee-for-service seafood inspection program (SIP). Specifically, the bill would increase the number and capacity of NOAA laboratories that are involved with the SIP under the National Marine Fisheries Service. 


“The bill would further direct the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Health and Human Services to work together to create an infrastructure that provides a better system for importing safe seafood.  This new system would provide a means to inspect foreign facilities, and examine and test imported seafood.  It would also provide technical assistance and training to foreign facilities and governments. Additionally, it would also expedite seafood imports from countries that consistently maintain high standards.


“The Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act is a strong step in protecting the safety and quality of the seafood products Americans consume.” 

