Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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Press Releases

January 23, 2004  
Congressional Hearings Needed To Restore Public Confidence
WASHINGTON - Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., Friday issued the following statement in response to a Wall Street Journal report that two Halliburton employees took $6 million in kickbacks for awarding a Kuwaiti-based company with lucrative work supplying U.S. troops in Iraq:

"For months I and others have called for greater scrutiny into the Iraq reconstruction contracts awarded to Halliburton and other contractors. Yet, Halliburton and the Pentagon have responded with a wall of denials and evasions.

"Now, some of our worst fears about corporate profiteering run amok in Iraq have been confirmed. American taxpayers were bilked for $6 million worth of bribes. Their tax dollars went directly into the pockets of corrupt Halliburton officials. At the very least, this money must be reimbursed.

"But this disclosure raises a number of additional questions as well, such as: How many other contracts involve kickbacks? Is corruption rampant throughout the Iraq reconstruction process and what has the Defense Department been doing to investigate corruption in Iraq?

"Halliburton and the Defense Department can no longer rebuff inquiries into the way they do business together. Therefore, I renew my request for congressional hearings into Halliburton's Iraqi contracts in order to restore public confidence in the procurement process."
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January 2004 Press Releases
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January 27 - Lieberman Supports Commission Extension

January 26 - Lawmakers Seek GAO Investigation Of Plame Leak

January 23 current Press Release

January 23 - Homeland Security 2004 Top Ten To-Do List

January 22 - Lawmakers Query High Court On Ethics of Scalia Vacation With Cheney

January 16 - Lawmakers Concerned About Possible Criminal Nature of Halliburton Overcharges

January 14 - Lieberman Asks for Stricter Rules Against Mutual Funds Conflicts of Interest

January 14 - Lieberman Agrees with Pentagon Auditors

January 6 - Taxpayer Interests Rank Below Halliburton's Bottom Line; Lieberman Calls Army Corps Ruling “Indefensible

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510