USDA Forest Service

Fire Effects Information


Jane Kapler Smith
406 329-4805,

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


Invasive Plants

FEIS provides updated scientific and technical information about interactions between fire and plant species that have been identified as invasive in at least some locations. Most of the species in this list are nonnative in the United States. These species reviews include as much information as is available on:

  • The role of fire in enabling plant invasions
  • Altered fire regimes following plant invasion
  • The use of fire to control plant invasions
  • Background information on taxonomy, species distribution, basic biology and ecology, and management

Invasive species summaries:

Because our emphasis is primarily fire, and because FEIS does not include all invasive species of interest, FEIS users are encouraged to explore other websites for further details about nonnative invasive species.

Some other sites with information on biology and control of invasive species:

Center for Invasive Plant Management Provides ecologically based management information for western weeds
Cornell University This site provides photographs and descriptions of biological control agents of pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM).
Extoxnet The Extension Toxicology Network provides a variety of information about pesticides.
Invaders database A database with detailed distribution information for the northwestern United States, and noxious weed listings for the US and parts of Canada.
NAPIS The National Agricultural Pest Information system provides information on biological control and other aspects of pest management.
The Nature Conservancy TNC's "Global Invasive Species Initiative" features species management abstracts, management plans, weed control methods, photos and more.
USDA Plants database Includes names, identification information, species abstracts, distributional data, crop information, plant growth data, and other plant information.
US EPA Provides detailed pesticide product information. Information on herbicide-resistant weeds.
Weeds gone wild: Alien plant invaders of natural areas Geographically comprehensive. Suggests native species as alternatives to invasives.

FEIS Invasive Plants List



Thanks to the
Joint Fire Science Program
for supporting this web page and to

The Nature Conservancy
for their partnership on this project



USDA Forest Service - FEIS

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