[Deschler's Precedents] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access] [DOCID:52093pl_txt-9] [Page xii-xiii] PREFACE Plan of the Work; Arrangement of Materials The chapters in this work have been arranged in the approximate sequential order in which the subjects covered occur or arise in the House; thus, the first chapter deals with the organization of the House at the beginning of a Congress, and the last chapter deals with adjournment. Generally, each section or division in a chapter begins with a relatively short summation of the precedents covered under the topic. These summaries provide the reader with a frame of reference in which to read the precedents that follow, and also reflect constitutional and statutory provisions as well as case law. Each chapter begins with an identification of the section in Hinds' or Cannon's in which comparable coverage is provided. In addition, information based on material in Hinds' or Cannon's is given when necessary to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the topic, or to provide a missing link between one precedent and another. The term ``Parliamentarian's Note'' is used where a point is to be made for which there is no Congressional Record source or other appropriate citation, or where some editorial comment is needed. As can be seen from glancing through these volumes, the rulings of the Speaker or Chairman are set forth in the form of blackletter syllabi, and excerpts from the Congressional Record are provided where necessary to support, explain, or illustrate each syllabus. Excerpts are not used where they will in no way add to the reader's understanding of the headnote. When an excerpt from the Record is used, it is edited in such a way as to eliminate material not relevant to the point made in the syllabus. The citations in these volumes contain many references to the pages of the Congressional Record, House Journals, and court reports. It is unreasonable to assume that no errors will [[Page xiii]] have crept in; however, the system of double-referencing to both Record pages and dates provides the reader with more than one method of finding something referred to in the text. Moreover, the reader should be alert to the issuance of future supplements to this work for new material as well as any necessary corrections. Reference is made in these volumes to the precedents of the U.S. Senate where they are of special interest to Members of the House or where they tend to throw light on House procedures, but no attempt is made herein to provide a comprehensive review of Senate precedents. References to frequently-cited works are to the volume and section of Hinds' (volumes 1-5) and Cannon's (volumes 6-8) Precedents of the House of Representatives (e.g., 6 Cannon's Precedents Sec. 252); to the Congressional Record, by volume, page, Congress, session, and date (e.g., 113 Cong. Rec. 29277, 90th Cong. 1st Sess., Oct. 18, 1967); to the United States Reports by volume and page (e.g., 256 U.S. 345); to the United States Code, by title and section (e.g., 42 USC Sec. 1649) ; and to Deschler's Procedure, by chapter and section (e.g., Deschler's Procedure [93d Cong.], Ch. 8 Sec. 3). Lewis Deschler. June 1976. [[Page xv]]