Home >News > 2008 - Former Attorney General John Ashcroft to Address U.S.-Israeli High Tech Business, Government Leaders
Thursday, September 4th, 2008
Matt Braud or Eugene Cottilli

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft to Address U.S.-Israeli High Tech Business, Government Leaders

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Commerce Department announced today that the Honorable John D. Ashcroft, former U.S. Attorney General, will provide the keynote address at the U.S.-Israel High Technology Forum’s (HTF) Industry Day on Tuesday, September 9th.  Mr. Ashcroft’s remarks will be open to the press and he will discuss international cooperative security and shared technology.

The U.S.-Israel HTF is the most senior bilateral high technology dialogue between the United States and Israel.  It is co-chaired by the Honorable Mario Mancuso, Under Secretary of Commerce; the Honorable Pinchas Buchris, Director General, Israel Ministry of Defense; and Dr. Eli Opper, Chief Scientist, Israeli Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labor.

Industry Day is the first of a 3-day bilateral dialogue designed to facilitate secure high technology trade and investment across a wide-range of promising technology areas.  It will provide opportunities for companies from both nations to engage senior government officials and address related security issues within the context of our larger strategic relationship.  The HTF Industry Day is being co-sponsored by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).

WHEN:September 9, 2008 (Industry Day)
8:45 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.
(Open Press)
WHERE:Sheraton National
900 South Orme Street
Arlington, VA 22204

For the full agenda and additional information about the event, please visit www.bis.doc.gov or www.ndia.org.

The U.S.-Israel High Technology Forum is part of a larger effort by the U.S. Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security to accelerate U.S. engagement with the most dynamic technology markets in the world. The U.S.-Israel High Technology Forum was jointly agreed to in 2007 by the U.S. Commerce Department and the Israeli Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Industry Trade and Labor.


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