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Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
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We Can!™ Calendar of Events

The We Can! calendar of events includes information about community events sponsored by We Can! community sites, as well as conferences and meetings that feature We Can! These events help communities and families learn more about We Can! and how to prevent childhood overweight.


We Can! at the Tennessee Department of Education Coordinated School Health Summit
DATE: September 11
LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee
DETAILS: Karen Donato, Coordinator of Overweight and Obesity Research Applications in the NHLBI’s Division for the Application of Research Discoveries, will present the We Can! program to Coordinated School Health Coordinators from over 130 school districts to support their incorporation of the We Can! curricula throughout Tennessee. The Tennessee Department of Education works in collaboration with the Tennessee Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to deliver this coordinated approach improves children’s health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities, and schools working together.

Fairfax County Partners in Prevention Fund Hosts We Can! Training
DATE: September 12
LOCATION: Falls Church, Virginia
DETAILS: The Fairfax County Partners in Prevention Fund is hosting a We Can! training for prevention coordinators from the multiple county agencies, community-based organizations, schools and others. This one-day training will feature instruction on various We Can! curricula, including Media-Smart Youth, S.M.A.R.T, and the We Can! Parent Program by trainers from the National Institutes of Health. Additional sessions include We Can! in Fairfax and the We Can! Experience by a Founding Intensive Site at the Montgomery County Recreation Department.

We Can! Parent Program Train the Trainer Session
DATE: September 15, 8:00-11:30 AM
DETAILS: The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) is a We Can! Founding Intensive Site that will be hosting an upcoming train the trainer session on the We Can! Parent Program for dieticians, nutritionists, and health educators. The training will be held at 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 2nd Floor in Boston, MA. The workshop is free and includes training on the We Can! Parent Program, strategies to make culturally relevant changes to meet client needs, and all supporting materials. Participants may receive 3 ADA approved credit hours. Those who complete the training and select to teach classes will be compensated $200 per 4-week class that they teach, with all educational materials provided. Please contact Naida at (617) 534-5690 to register for the class.



Child Health Day - October 6, 2008: Eat Healthy and Be Active for a Healthy Future

Child Health Day
DATE: October 6
DETAILS: The Acting U.S. Surgeon General, Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H; the Health Resources and Services Administration; and We Can! will commemorate the 80th anniversary of Child Health Day on October 6. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Eat Healthy and Be Active for a Healthy Future." Read more about Child Health Day online at .

We Can! is getting involved by asking parents and caregivers in our communities to sign the Surgeon General's pledge. The pledge asks individuals to commit to helping children achieve and maintain a healthy weight.  In addition to the pledge for parents and caregivers, the Office of the Surgeon General created pledges and checklists for schools and teachers, as well as other community organizations. The pledges are available on the Child Health Day Web site.


We Can!™ is a trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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