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Evaluation & Research Committee


The King County Mental Health, Chemical Abuse & Dependency Services Division (MHCADSD)  has established an Evaluation and Research Committee to review all evaluation and research proposals utilizing data and/or staff resources of the King County Mental Health Plan (KCMHP) in order to assure that activities are consistent with the KCMHP policies. The policy can be found online as a downloadable PDF file.

Since the Evaluation and Research Committee is not a legally mandated Institutional Review Board (IRB) as outlined in Federal Law CFR 46, proposed research must usually also be approved by an IRB (Human Subjects Committee) as well as by the MHCADSD Evaluation and Research Committee.


The purpose of additional review by the King County MHCADSD Evaluation and Research Committee is to promote client confidentiality, informal consent, HIPAA compliance and good research practices. One major consideration of the Evaluation and Research Committee is that no client identifying information -- such as name, address or phone number -- shall be released without the prior signed authorization of the client. An additional concern is that research shall not negatively impact MHCADSD information systems, clinical care or draw on resources designated for clinical care.


The Evaluation and Research Committee has prepared a checklist in order to organize proposal submission and alert the project investigator to the documents required for review and approval. This approval process is not designed to delay or impede research. We will try to work within the investigator’s schedule as much as possible to expedite the review process.

The Evaluation and Research Committee will give conditional research approval pending approval by the Institutional Review Board chosen, and will write a letter that may be included in the IRB package. (We must be notified if changes are made to the research protocol whether this change is made in response to the IRB or for other reasons.) However, final IRB approval is required before research may actually begin. We require a copy of the final IRB approval letter and stamped cover sheet for our records.

This policy does not pertain to quality assurance or improvement activities done by individual subcontractors. One way to differentiate quality activities from research is to consider whether generalization to a larger population and/or publication is an objective. If there is a question about whether a particular activity is covered by this policy, please contact Lyscha Marcynyszyn, MHCADSD Privacy Officer .

For more information contact : Lyscha Marcynyszyn, MHCADSD Privacy Officer .

Evaluation and Research Committee Policies & Procedures and Checklist (.pdf) - 65KB

 Download individual forms from the Evaluation and Research Committee Policies & Procedures and Checklist in Microsoft Word format using the links below:

Appendix A (Word) - 60KB

Appendix B (Word) - 44KB

Appendix D (Word) - 27KB

Note: To view/open .pdf files you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  For more information about .pdf files and how to obtain a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click here

To view Microsoft Word files, you will need to have Microsoft Word installed on your computer.  Once open, save the files to your computer in order to work on them.

Updated:  Feb. 1, 2008

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